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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval

    Leo 2007

    I'm a Leo, so there's no way I could pass this one up... then I read the notes, and I fell in love with the idea all over again! Finally got my bottles today, and my-oh-my, this one is heavenly! This most definitely smells like a spicer, more sophisticated version of Pumpkin Queen. After a while I even get a hint of a coffee smell - must be the walnut bark. The PQ similarities all but disappear in about 15 min for me. As it dried down I get more of the saffron and it becomes the sweet buttercream-esque frosting that others have been describing!! Amazing - thank you Beth
  2. midnight_aeval

    Bliss Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    I finally broke out my Bliss soap after having purchased it when they first came out. I was a bit disappointed Don't get me wrong, the "soap" part of it was very nice - later was a plenty, very rich, luxurious. This wasn't drying for me. BUT I get no Bliss scent from the soap! It's a pretty generic natural soap scent.. doesn't smell much like chocolate even. I'm chalking this up to I waited too long to use it. I still plan on using the whole bar because the "soap" is unbelievable. I was just hoping for a stronger, more Bliss-full (haha) fragrance.
  3. midnight_aeval

    Shanghai Tunnel

    Breathtaking. I did not expect to like this one, but it is the perfect blend of dampness, moss, old stone, and pine. It's so amazing how Beth can perfectly capture what "underground" smells like. Shanghai Tunnel has much of the same characteristics as AntiSally's "Crypt" fragrance. That same moist, old, underground feel. This is definitely a move away from my love of foodie fragrances, but there's just something to adore about this fragrance! It's mesmerizing, and one of those that when I put just a dab on, can't help but smell it every 10 seconds. Off to beg for a bottle
  4. midnight_aeval

    The Unheavenly City

    Thanks to the person who gifted me with a testable sniffy on this one Straight out of the vial, no, no, no, not one I even wanted to test on my skin! When I did gather the courage to test it out on my skin, I still got that not so pleasant smell as I did in the vial - too much red musk - the kind in Smut that loathes me. But, in about 20 minutes it dries down it turns into the most beautiful, sweet, creamy scent.. I know that if my husband tried it he'd be begging for a bottle because he loves anything with Dragon's Blood. I'm really hoping I'll be able to find a bottle of this!
  5. midnight_aeval

    The Crumpet Rebellion

    I was lucky to have swapped for an imp of this perfect oil! Crumpet Rebellion smells like a wonderful cake or sweet muffin with orange/marmalade jelly. I don't get any berry from it, but the sweet orange is delightful. This scent does not really morph on me - it stays as true as it is in the vial which I love. I really hope I can snag some more of this as I can see it quickly becoming a favorite!
  6. midnight_aeval

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    This was the one MB that didn't work for me. I was hoping for a foody version of Depraved, but all this ended up being was pickles.. same thing that happened with the puppet CD scent. After a while it did get more woody, less pickley (I'm all about making up words today), but still not something I would wear on any given day. Sorry Ventriloquist's Dummy!
  7. midnight_aeval

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Yes, yes, yes!!!! It's been a while since I have found a scent that I need to hoard, but this is one! It's my dream scent of creamy cherry vanilla Italian soda. No medicinal cherry smell here!! I wore this today while I was packing/moving things and it seemed to keep my energy at peak levels. This will be a multiple bottle purchase before it goes away; I love it that much
  8. midnight_aeval

    Queen Alice

    This is what I envisioned Pink Moon 07 smelling like.. a sugared carnation. I looked up "treacle" and found this interesting bit - As early as the end of the 17th century, treacle also meant 'the uncrystallized syrup produced in the process of refining sugar' or 'molasses'. As you know, "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," and treacle came to refer to the syrup that disguised the bad taste of medicine rather than to the medicine itself. ahhh that would explain the sweetness. I don't get much of the original Alice, which is much more of a spicy scent, in Queen Alice; it's in a league all of it's own. The cider and wine add an interesting twist to the sugary carnation scent that first gripped me. I'm really loving this unique blend and will be getting a bottle!
  9. midnight_aeval

    The Knave of Hearts

    AWESOMELY balanced blend of Rose and Black Currant with a hint of pastries.. I hate roses (well, that aren't sugared a la Hope), and this is fabulous. Fans of Eat Me, try this one.. it's more of a mature, sultry version. If my grandma were alive, I think she would be delighted to smell this one.
  10. midnight_aeval

    How to make a paypal order.

    Wow, it's a couple days for some of you? I paid with an instant transfer last night for my Skelli Girl tee from BPTP and it was already taken out of my account this morning!
  11. midnight_aeval


    Strange, I am usually not a fan of heavily herbal scents and in the vial that's exactly what Vipralabda is. I was almost so turned off by the scent in the vial that I didn't test it out on my skin. Boy am I glad I did! It's not a scent that would have my nose glued to my wrist- this is a scent that produces a wonderful aura of scent around you that wafts beautifully. It's slightly masculine, but has a mysterious sexiness to it. Needless to say this scent REALLY works on me.
  12. midnight_aeval


    The first time I tried this I detected a "burning" smell... I wondered what note would be causing it. It settled down into a creamy, sweet scent, but that burnt note was still in there. In the vial the scent is very sharp; I get mostly saffron, black musk, and rose. The second time I tried it there was no burning. The notes that were most prevalent on me were the saffron (yay!), black musk, and neroli (although subdued). I didn't detect a bit of rose or rosemary. The end result is a scent I just can't stop sniffing... mmm - definite bottle purchase!
  13. midnight_aeval


    Oh the monster kitty does not disappoint. This is a lovely, light, warm, spiced orange scent. It is much more faint than I expected. I tested a bit on my hand and was unsure that I got any oil on my skin! So, I applied a bit more. The tea isn't promient on my skin. It reminds me of a spiced up Lionesse. I quite like it
  14. midnight_aeval

    The Agony of Loss

    This one stings my nose I am having sinus problems right now and when I put it on I literally felt like I couldn't breathe- the scent was just that intense. It's been on my skin for about 30 minutes now and it smells like a smokey lavender.. it's really nice now, but that first half hour is deadly! Maybe I'll try it again when I don't have a head cold.
  15. midnight_aeval

    The Agony of Longing

    Being a very non-floral girl, I was expecting that this one would go up for swap if I received it. But, it's actually not the heavy floral that I was anticipating! It's a sweet scent; I agree with the "syrupy" description. Must be that the pear is overtaking the florals in this. The rose and violet are there, but are not the stars of this blend.
  16. midnight_aeval

    The Agony of Heartache

    This scent does not remind me of any other BPAL scents; it's very unique. I know fresh spearmint sprigs isn't listed as one of the notes, but that is exactly what I smell! Could the blackberry possibly be "blackberry leaf"? I'm reminded of trotting through my grandmother's garden when I was little, stepping amongst her numerous spearmint plants. She kept them around to put in tea, and this is exactly that smell (to me at least). As it dries down, the herbal is toned down and a touch of sweetness appears.. I get no patchouli, just a fruity/herbal scent. The citrus in it is not heavy at all like citrus usually is in perfume blends. Nice scent, great memories.
  17. midnight_aeval

    The Ecstasy of Infatuation

    Well! Since the Powers That Be dealt out 2 of these in a group order of 6 I better review it! In the bottle it is heavy on the grapefruit- very HEAVY, but it's the sweet variety of [pink] grapefruit, not tart like Hungry Ghost Moon. When I tested it on my skin, the first 10 seconds it was still deeply grapefruit. Then the most amazing thing happens; it becomes Snow Angel on my skin Much like Treat #1 turns to Snow Angel with an extra candy shot. My skin apparently breaks down certain notes and only leaves those that I love the most! Not too bad
  18. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    OooOooo Inquisitions are here!! http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/midn...aeval/group.jpg http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/midn...val/ecstasy.jpg http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/midn...aeval/agony.jpg
  19. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Oh my.. now that is love..
  20. midnight_aeval

    Wolf Moon 2007

    I'm getting juicy, sweet juniper and pine from this blend. It smells like the kind of woods I wouldn't mind being lost in This is a great winter blend with all the right amount of sweetness. I'm thinking this would smell great on my husband!
  21. midnight_aeval


    It's been awhile since I have reviewed anything This is Haunted meets Schwarzer Mond. It has that lemony sort of scent that Haunted has (ok, to me, it smells lemony), so that must be the black musk. I'm a fan of both Haunted & Schwarzer, so to say I like this would be an understatement!
  22. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    ....Well, I find it more helpful when the rereleases get new labels because it makes it easier to tell the difference between the versions. There are a lot of people who prefer one years version to another and having the same label makes it hard to tell them apart.
  23. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I know Macha is capable of beautiful artwork and I'm sure if she had more time she could have produced amazing Yule label artwork, BUT the lab is so speedy now-a-days! Having fewer "pretty" labels doesn't bother me because it really makes you appreciate the special ones.
  24. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Ok label experts.. I have a question.. Before the Ars Draconis line had the Dragon labels, did they have the regular GC ones? Reason I ask is my husband got a bottle of Dragon's Blood and a bottle of Dragon's Tears at the last Will Call.. well, the Dragon's Blood has the pretty dragon label while Dragon's Tears has the regular catalogue one.. And yes, he noticed it before I did and whined that they didn't match... (I swear he's more a girl than I am sometimes)
  25. midnight_aeval

    Scent for Halloween?

    CUUUUUUTE!!! Is that a Halloween tree???