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Posts posted by SultryWolf

  1. Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon’s Eye as ? (maybe).

    Imp: reminds me of … uh-oh, antibacterial soap, the orange kind, the kind one sees everywhere these days, the kind to which I'm allergic.

    On: (because I'm an optimist!) Yep, my eyes begin to burn; yet, the optimism wins, and I'm determined to give it a chance. And now I’ve let it go too long. Even after washing it off, my eyes are burning and I begin to itch all over. Sigh.


    (Don't worry, a Benadryl took care of everything!)

  2. Thanks to my new friend VisualWorlds for this! :P

    Bottle: Actually, it's different every time, which creates a compulsion to keep reopening the bottle and sniffing! Mostly, sweetness (like Lotus, but must be cherry blossom riding on Dragon's Blood, the latter whose distinctive aroma is not overt here) with something sharp, probably the tea.

    On: Well-blended. Concentrating and referring to the description, I can pick out the notes (well, still no Dragon's Blood to speak of), but the overall impression is a light, asian scent: a bit woody, a bit sweet floral.


    My girl-dog, Gracie, who revels in being a dog and absolutely loves to experience smelling stuff, couldn't get enough of this in the bottle.

  3. Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon’s Reverie as W(anted).

    Imp: a light, sweet floral; the color is golden, suggesting very little Dragon's Blood - in her reverie, this dragon sees herself as something lighter and gentler!

    On: Sweet florals over just a hint of Dragon’s Blood; the resins deepen over time until it’s mostly amber with a hint of florals.

  4. Heart

    I am a Dragon’s Blood fan.

    Actually, I’m a Dragon fan, too, but I’m trying to keep this scent related. :P

    I am not, however, generally a fan of sweet scents, fruity scents, or juniper scents. Still, I thought I should try all the Ars Draconis!

    Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon’s Heart as W(anted).

    Imp: Dragon’s Blood, sweet and spicy.

    On: Nicely blended, not strongly fruity, a bit syrupy but not unpleasant. Nice throw, and very uplifting.

  5. Imp: Mmm, golden spices.

    On: A wonderful assault of spices, in glorious warm amber. But there's one note in there I don't like - something that reminds me of bug spray, and the reason I can't tolerate the aroma of Good Earth decaf tea (it's not present in the caff version, oddly). It's fairly subtle, appearing more in the throw, actually; but I just can't love the drydown on this one.

  6. imp: Green, like fresh-cut flowers

    on: Much the same; crisp and light, with an ethereal throw.


    First time I tried this, I found it too perfumey. I must have been smelling something else, because it is quite light and crisp!

  7. I am a Dragon’s Blood fan.

    Actually, I’m a Dragon fan, too, but I’m trying to keep this scent related. :P

    I am not, however, generally a fan of sweet scents, fruity scents, or juniper scents. Still, I thought I should try all the Ars Draconis!

    Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon’s Tears as ?? (probably won’t like, but willing to try).

    Imp: Subtle Dragon’s blood with an overlay of something almost menthol.

    On: The saltiness comes through; it’s a bit medicinal, but like a Chinese medicine practioner’s preparation, rather than one from a Western pharmacy. Fades to a crisp, clean aquatic.


    And I like it!

  8. I am a Dragon’s Blood fan.

    Actually, I’m a Dragon fan, too, but I’m trying to keep this scent related. :P

    I am not, however, generally a fan of sweet scents, fruity scents, or juniper scents. Still, I thought I should try all the Ars Draconis!


    Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon’s Bone as W(anted).


    Imp: Dragon’s blood and soil.

    On: The woods come out, giving the Dragon’s blood a rosy quality.

  9. imp: The myrrh is a bit cloying against the jasmine; there's almost a maple syrupy aroma.


    on: The rose appears. The myrrh is still strong, almost dizzying.


    I love myrrh, but I'm going to have to give this one another try to decide if I like this blend or not.


    ETA: Yeah, I like it. I do still get that cloying note - like overripe fruit, or the water from a vase of cut flowers past their prime - but, somehow, it's all right.

  10. Raven is another of my totem animals, so I had to get the scent.


    imp: Floral, lighter than I expected. Even so, I can see a Raven spreading her wings to the sky.

    on: Still floral, but with something a bit sharp. Settles quickly to a violet and gentle musk. A few hours later, it's sandalwood with an overlay of sweet floral.

  11. Wolf is one of my totem animals, so I am naturally drawn to all of the wolf scents.

    (As a comic book geek, I know that Fenris Wolf isn't, exactly, the totemic variety :P but still, Wolf!)

    I fell in love with this immediately, and as I’ve been wearing it today, it may have already become my Favorite.


    Imp: Visually, a beautful dark, thick liquid. Aroma is spicy and earthy.


    On: Wow, the scent lightens up quite a bit. Reminds me a lot of The Lion, but muskier. Exactly the difference between lying in the sun on the Savannah and snuggling up with one’s family in a den. Lasts nicely, sandalwood moving to the fore, and with the most wonderful wafty throw.

  12. I am a Dragon’s Blood fan.

    Actually, I’m a Dragon fan, too, but I’m trying to keep this scent related. :P

    I am not, however, generally a fan of sweet scents, fruity scents, or juniper scents. Still, I thought I should try all the Ars Draconis!

    Reading descriptions and reviews, I had ranked Dragon's Milk as ?? (unsure, but willing to try).


    I love vanilla scents, but not as a perfume. I just don’t associate those aromas with Me. Well, actually, the aroma of tea latte is very Me, because I am often found holding one! But I think you understand what I mean. So I was pleasantly surprised to love this on me. It will never be a signature scent, but I sure don’t object to it on my skin.


    Imp: warm spiced milk

    On: tea latte, just the way I like it! I can’t detect the Dragon’s Blood; there is more the memory of something resinous at the very back of the scent. It’s all vanilla, quality spices, and that remarkable underlying creaminess that really does smell like milk. Settles quickly to remain close to the skin, lasting just about all day.


    It strikes me as something that would be nice to smell while lying in the sun, so I've got to try it while tanning sometime.

  13. Lucked into a bottle of this.

    I’m so glad I held off for a second wearing to review! Apparently, the first time I tried it, I must have had something else left on my arm (though I had alcoholed it), probably Dragon’s Blood, because I got a wonderful Chinese antique shop aroma.

    But this time, there’s none of that camphor-like undercurrent. I’ll have to try layering to see if I can recapture it!


    Bottle: syrupy sweet with a wisp of spice


    On: starts off sweet, settling rapidly into spicy with sweet florals floating after. Heady, but without a lot of throw.

  14. in imp: Gardenia and herbs; the John Foxx song A Blurred Girl popped into my head.

    On,wet: Pure gardenia!

    On, dry: a rose-like scent appears; is it the sandalwood plus violet? A gentle, feminine scent. Fades quickly.

  15. in imp: Subtle amber and sun.

    On: Warm, marvellous layers of woods and spice, with a gentle undercurrent of sweetness and a whiff of amber. Not at all strong. Summery, as it brings to mind something having lain in the sun.


    Amber is my joy-scent, and the spiciness adds a little kick to it. Love.

  16. I had high hopes for this one, not least because I am fascinated with Devil legends (best ever: the Murder By Death album Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them?). Alas, it was not meant to be.


    Here's the saga.

    The night that my order arrived, I dabbed a teeny bit from the end of the impwand onto my wrist before bed. In the imp it smelled of musk and fire over something sweet. On , it settled into the comforting aroma of an old leather book.

    The next day, I put on a full impwand on my wrist - and was overwhelmed. Too strong! Too cologney (I guess that's the fougere)! I was willing to let it settle, but I just couldn't. I had to wash it off :P

    A couple of days later, I again tried a smaller amount. This worked, and the old leather book was back, but it just doesn't work as a scent on me.


    Still, I'll keep it around; someday, perhaps, the right application will come along!

  17. In imp: fruit and moist earth; reminds me of cool afternoons under the giant grapefruit tree when I was a child.

    On: Marvelous florals with amber undercurrents, rich and gentle at the same time. The balance of notes is nearly perfect.


    Slightly risque comment follows; highlight to read:


    I put this on just before a romantic encounter with my husband, and asked him if it was all right, or if he'd prefer me to wash it off. He replied, "Mmm. It's giving me an erection."

    I'll be getting a bottle of this one :P

  18. In imp: a bit perfumey, but in a good way.

    On: strong florals, drying to musk and amber. Gradully, the musk fades leaving a warm amber that persists pretty much all day.


    I'm an amber junkie, so - love this one, even if it's a bit strong for me at first.
