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Posts posted by SultryWolf

  1. I'm not a big verbena fan. I don't despise it, but I don't get any pleasure from it, either. When I saw so many reviews touting the verbenicity of this scent, I despaired of liking it.

    So, let's see how it went!


    In the decant: Musky verbena.

    On: Verbena + lavender is almost piney (perhaps the vetiver contributes a bit here, too); as it dries, the fruits assert themselves, while the coconut and fig sidle up to darken it - "swarthy sweet", as I've been calling it. This is complex, unique, and not at all too strongly verbena.

  2. In the decant: Cardamom and a bit of fruity sweetness.

    On: At first, it doesn't grab me. Smells nice, yes, but nothing special. But before long I am getting wafts of "OMG! What smells so good?" It's sort of a gentle sweet incense, though that doesn't really describe it at all. Actually reminds me of another BPAL scent, but so vaguely that I'll never be able to place it.


    Lasts for several hours with a faint throw.

    This is my favorite scent name from Acts I and II, so I'm glad to find that I love it. I'll be getting a bottle (or two!) before the Carnaval leaves town.


    ADDED Feb. 22:


    Loved this one in the decant I received, so I bought a bottle. Sadly, the cardamom was much stronger in the bottle (while the decant realized more of the cherry note), and I am not fond of cardamom.

    In the bottle: Cardamomy and sweet.

    On: The sugar-incense of Midnight on the Midway is here, and a sweetness from the cherry, all with the warm spice of cardamom.

  3. In the Bottle: A spicy herbal, and black pepper.

    On: A masculine patchouli with a light feel - not sure what note is adding that! - and a gentle waft of pepper. Yeah, there's no pepper listed in the notes, but something sure is reminiscent of it! This is masculine in the sense that a fella wearing it would smell quite manly; however, on a woman - such as myself :P - it is sultry, not "masculine". After several hours, it's settled into a sweet patchouli-myrrh. Fairly strong throw, and lasts well.


    Layering with Black Moon adds a whole new level of scentual assault. Actually, rather than true layering, I have one on one side and one on the other, so that the layering effect takes place in the throw, and changes subtly in the air. That was, of course, a by-product of testing both at once but I adore the effect and will do this again intentionally. Many times.

  4. In the Bottle: Florals and black pepper, a waft of fruits.

    On: The 'decadent gardenia' aroma of orchid; the fruits continue to gently waft in and out. As it dries, the pepper rises. Yeah, there's no black pepper listed in the notes, but something sure is reminiscent of it! Wonderful balance, fairly strong throw, and lasts a nice long time.


    Layering with Schwartzer Mond adds a whole new level of scentual assault. Actually, rather than true layering, I have one on one side and one on the other, so that the layering effect takes place in the throw, and changes subtly in the air. That was, of course, a by-product of testing both at once but I adore the effect and will do this again intentionally. Many times.

  5. bottle: What I like to call "Beth's Dark Jasmine" - it's not the sweet jasmine of our girlhood, but a sultry womanly jasmine. Reminds me a bit of Sacred Whore. On a second sniff, the violet just peeks through.

    on: Much the same; on the drydown, the violet begins to dominate, while the sweeter flowers weave in and out. There's a soft, gentle throw - and I can't tell you right now how long it lasts, because I'm currently obsessed with reapplying :P

  6. This scent is tricky to describe. You might like it, or you might not, but you will never konw for sure unless you smell it in person!


    In the bottle: When I read the description "sugared incense" I thought, "Huh?" - but that is exactly what it smells like, with a touch of ozone.


    On: A crisp, clear olfactory sensation, like that from mint, though it's not at all minty. Flowers waft in and out as on a night breeze.

    Has a reasonable throw, and lasts quite a while.


    I may need a second bottle of this!

  7. Bottle: Sweet and a bit astringent.


    On: floral, with just a hint of smoky frankincense, which intensifies as it dries. After a few hours, mostly frankincense with a bit of sweet florals.


    Some may get a pencil-shavings phase, which doesn't bother me, but I know (even if I don't understand :P ) that some people don't like that.

  8. Really wanted to love this one; a scent called Port Royal? How cool!

    Read on to see how it fared.


    imp: Spicy, with an undercurrent of ... something piney? Or a fougere?

    on: Pure cardamom! After several hours, settles into a fougere.


    So: nice, but it's not for me. Might try it on Hubby if he doesn't mind smelling like cardamom for an hour or so ... or perhaps it will smell completely different on him!

  9. imp: syrupy almond, almost sarsaparillaey.

    on: quickly settles to a woody (even with all those spicy elements!) incense.

    Wears close to the skin, and after a couple of hours has sweetened up a bit. Some might get 'soap' from this, but that never bothers me so I don't really interpret scents that way.

    Wonderful! Could be a big bottle for me.

  10. I had this one on my list as a Don't Want, because I cannot stand the smell of coffee, but just got a frimp from a generous forumite.

    And I love it.

    Can't smell the coffee, and the rose and jasmine combine to pretty well simulate Gardenia, which I adore.


    It's actually rather frustrating to find that I like even the scents that I shouldn't!

    How am I supposed to save any money at all? :P

  11. What this smells like to me is an initial cinnamon, drying down into almost pure myrrh ... but there's no myrrh in here! Interesting. Must be a combo thing.

    In any case, it's lovely, and I'll sure be trying this again.

  12. imp: Smells rather like a conventional rose perfume.

    on: The other notes arrive. I can see why this is often compared to soap, but for me, the clean, floral-myrrhy scent is appealing. This has a great, rosey throw for several hours, then settles into myrrh and lilies, closer to the skin.




    p.s. I think "Myrrhy" is the best name for a cat.

  13. I am just in :D love with this one, and have been hoarding it while it's still fairly abundant.

    If you like the sound of it, I recommend you to pick some up before I snag it all! :P


    bottle: Wonderfully complex, smoky and spicy.

    on: Spices, woods, and nuttiness (as opposed to zaniness). So complex, and so nicely balanced. The exact aroma at any one moment varies from incense, to heady florals, to nutty spices.


    I've been making an emulsion and spraying it on my hair, to great effect.

  14. Well, I wasn't going to review this, to avoid it coming up on the New Posts and tormenting those who may never have the chance to even sniff this amazing, wonderful scent.


    But since it has come up the last two days anyway ... :D

    And since I am so head-over-heels in love ... :P

    Here is my review. More of a glowing paean, actually. :D


    I managed to purchase a decant on the forum (thankyouthankyouthankyou).

    imp: I always chuckle when people describe a scent as cherry coke, but that's really what this is in the imp! Only more appealing.

    on: Wonderful dark, smoky, spicy. Amber, cinnamon (?and cardamom?), there’s a musk or sandalwood, and that sweet edge I just cannot quite figure out, yet. The overall is masculine and darkly feminine at the same time; and really does conjure the Old West! Persists nicely all day, with the ambers and woods prevalent in a gentle breezy throw. Up close, there’s just a touch of leather.


    This scent is possibly my perfect scent. If I had enough, I’d wear it all the time. As it is, I’m going to try a couple of layerings to see how close I can come, and I’ll let you all know (on the GCs That Smell Like LEs thread).

  15. Wolf is one of my main totems (actually my within totem – “teacher of finding one’s heart’s joy and being faithful to one’s personal truths; protector of one’s sacred space), and so I have eagerly tried all the Wolf scents. This one is exceptionally comforting to me. I’ve just ordered a 10mL and will be using it in my little wolfhead scent locket.

    I’ve put off reviewing it for a long time as I didn’t feel any description could do it justice!

    imp and on: Sweet, spicy, and earthy, all at once. Light dragon’s blood, maybe a little violet or lavender, or is it myrrh, or perhaps a soft patchouli?

  16. Arrived as a frimp with a forum purchase (thanks!)

    imp and on: Strongly violet. Reminds me of something … what is it … Ah! It’s The Raven. These two are very similar; contrary to expectation, The Raven is a bit ‘lighter’ and Le Serpent a bit ‘heavier’. I don’t consciously note the vanilla, but I expect that’s what I’m getting as ‘heavier’.

    Violet’s not for everyone, but I like it, and especially for layering.

  17. Got this one from a forumite (thanks!)

    imp and on:

    The predominant note smells to me like neroli, but there is no neroli listed, so it must be a combination of other elements. There’s a nice underlying sweet spiciness from the woods and resins; the florals barely peek through. It’s complex, and very yoga!

    It really grew on me. I especially like to wear some in a line down from my belly button.

  18. imp: syrupy, cinnamony, darkened by resins and woods.

    on: cinnamon and cherry; Dragon's blood, myrrh, and clove come through as a thick, grounding layer. Not an on-skin scent for me (though oddly compelling!) but a great aromatherapy scent.

  19. imp: Dragon's Blood, maybe a little aquatic. (I know: :P )

    on: That sharp, almost-aquatic note comes out, and the Dragon's Blood recedes. Gradually, the leather appears, taking on a sweet or creamy character,

    and it's that note which sticks around the longest. Not a strong scent.
