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Everything posted by SultryWolf

  1. SultryWolf

    Archetypes and Animal Totems

    I have quite a bit of experience with divination, and have found it to be particularly accurate for me. I use cards, stones, or huacas (sacred objects). Archetypes determined by the method described in Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts; assigned to houses through divination; animals determined through divination. House 1: Ego & Personality Archetype: Shapeshifter Animal: Swan House 2: Life Values Archetype: Messiah Animal: Wolf House 3: Self-expression Archetype: Monk Animal: Dog House 4: Home Archetype: Victim Animal: Hummingbird House 5: Creativity & Good Fortune Archetype: Hermit Animal: Salmon House 6: Occupation & Health Archetype: Prostitute Animal : Owl House 7: Marriage & Relationships Archetype: Saboteur Animal: Turkey House 8: Other People’s Resources Archetype: Student Animal: Raven House 9: Spirituality Archetype: Nature Child Animal: Turtle House 10: Highest Potential Archetype: Knight Animal: Elk House 11: Relationship to the World Archetype: Judge Animal: Prairie Dog House 12: The Unconscious Archetype: Scientist Animal: Jaguar Animal Totems (David Carson method) Determined through divination, borne out in meditation and life experience. East: guide to one’s greates spiritualchallenge and guardian to one’s path to illumiatnation. Otter (Woman Medicine) South: protector of the child within; reminder of when to be humble and when to trust; balancer of innocence in one’s personality. Turtle (Mother Earth) West: leader to one’s personal truth and inner answers and guide to one’s path to one’s goals. Butterfly (Transformation) North: giver of wise counsel; reminder of when to speak and when to listen; reminder to be grateful for everyday blessings. Raven (Magic) Above: teacher in how to honor the Great Star Nation; reminder that one came from the stars and to the stars will return; guardian of the dreamtime. Horse (Power) Below: teacher about the Inner Earth and how to stay grounded and on the Path. Skunk (Reputation) Within: teacher of finding one’s heart’s joy and being faithful to one’s personal truths; protetor of one’s sacred space. Wolf (Teacher) Right Side: protector of one’s male side; center of one’s courage and warrior spirit. Crow (Law) Left Side: protector of one’s female side Dog (Loyalty) There are, of course, other Power Animals and Omen Animals in my life! Spider, Hawk, and Phoebe come to mind.
  2. SultryWolf

    Cosmetics Wishlist

    Link to Sephora Wishlist I've got a Favorites list at MAC, but it can't be made public or, apparently, emailed. *shrug* Victoria's Secret Heidi Collection for Very Sexy Makeup Perfect Lipstick (it's sort of a sparkly clear, if there's more than one color - that name is so long and I still can't tell if it's specific or not!!)
  3. SultryWolf

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    Fun thread! It was a bottle of Svadhinaopatika (which I can also spell without looking up) and I was scraping the dregs in about two months. Admittedly, some of that went into travel decants, which are not empty. But if our only criteria is emptying a bottle, I've done it!
  4. SultryWolf

    Loving the frankincense!

    Resurrection of the Flesh (Salon) and Meskhenet the Vulture Maiden (Carnival Diabolique)! Thanks, everyone, for the other reccs. I too loooove frankincense.
  5. SultryWolf

    Jolly Roger

    In the imp: Salty sea air, crisp and aquatic, over a bit of wood. On: The leather deveops and the woods warm up, salt air wafting across them.
  6. SultryWolf

    The Deep Ones

    In the imp: Sweet, fruity, and a bit bitter. *reads description and goes * On: At first, a candy-like fruity. As it dries, though, a warmth develops - almost resiny. *reads description again and goes * This is one of those scents which, while I wouldn't reach for it as a perfume, fascinates me with its texture and complexity.
  7. SultryWolf


    The devil's herb, which he cultivates with skill and pleasure. According to lore, the spirit of this plant may take the form of a breathtaking, achingly beautiful woman, deadly to behold. This scent is a tribute to such a dark and magnificent plant: a rich green and floral blend, earthy and haunting. In the imp: sharply herbal; a lovely, green-tinged oil On: a crisp, medicinal herbal with a warm woody undercurrent; reminiscent of the leaf litter under the eucalyptus tree at my childhood home.
  8. For me, Carfax Abbey is all three, and that's why I love it so. Sorry for suggesting an LE that is no longer available on the site - but it hasn't been terribly long so I think you have a good chance of being able to lay your hands on some.
  9. SultryWolf


    O was one of the scents I sniffed at my first Will-Call, lo, just less than a year ago. Didn't apply any, just sniffed, having heard so much about it. (Now, I know that the scents can change radically on the skin!) It did smell very sexual to me, and, while I didn't hate it, it didn't particularly appeal. Now that I've grown to BPAL honeys - Svadinaopatika being now my absolute favorite - and having just received an imp of O in a very generous swap circle, it seemed the time was ripe to try it again. And yes, I love it! in the imp: Honey and amber; genuinely reminiscent of the aromas of a sexual encouter. In a good way. on: Ahh - the amber warms up quite a bit, cutting some of the edge off the cloying sweetness of the honey. The vanilla is subtle, really just combining with the honey. If I didn't know it was there, I probably wouldn't recognize it at all. Strong throw and staying power. Don't wear this one if you don't want to be noticed!
  10. SultryWolf

    Night's Pavilion

    This review is for the 2007 version. in the decant: A light, aquatic herbal. on: Much the same - a bright herbal, crisp along the lines of House of Mirrors and Nuclear Winter.
  11. SultryWolf


    I just discovered 2006 Smut in early 2007, so I was thrilled that it made a comeback! This review is for the 2007 version, though I find them fairly similar. in the bottle: Sweet, smoky red musk. on: Very much the same: sweet dark musk. An exceptionally seductive scent. Throw and staying power are strong, and this one can be overwhelming if overdone. Awesome for layering.
  12. SultryWolf

    Red Lantern

    This review is for the 2007 version. in the decant: Caramel and coconut. on: Much the same.
  13. SultryWolf

    The Perfumed Garden

    eta: This is for the 2007 version, though I do have a decant of the 2006, and they are roughly the same. in the decant: Complex floral, with a hint of that "nuttiness" I get from Khajuraho. on: No one note dominates - a 'garden' indeed! This really does remind me of a lighter Khajuraho.
  14. SultryWolf

    The Oblation

    in the decant: Pungent - the sharpness of lavender battling the sweetness of honey and pulpy blackberry. on: Blackberry dominates, reducing the lavender to an undercurrent.
  15. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Patchouli and juniper. I would never have imagined that these two could smell well together! Yet they do. on: Extremely complex: warm and earthy.
  16. SultryWolf


    I am a big, big fan of the original Khajura(j)ho, so I was excited to see it come back. This review is for the more recent release (though they do smell approximately the same to me.) Jan-Mar07 Version in the decant: A nutty floral. A bit woodier than the original, though whether that's an artefact of age, or a true difference, I can't say. on: Wonderful, complex, smoky, woody, nutty floral. Very brown.
  17. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Heady sweet, but with a bitterness, almost a tad medicinal. on: Heady and rich; reminds me a bit of a more mysterious Smut.
  18. SultryWolf

    Dolce Stil Nuovo

    in the decant: A little spicy, a little sweet, a little cold. on: Much the same: a complex dance.
  19. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Sharply herbal. on: Warms quite a bit; no one note dominates.
  20. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Stark, yet sweet with early spring flowers. on: Lilac predominates, with just a hint of bergamot, over the warmth of cedar and frankincense.
  21. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Stark and herbal-woody. on: Warms up quite a bit, becoming almost floral over the woody-earthy. Quite subtle.
  22. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Fruity sweet. on: The tonka and vanilla develop underneath; this never becomes strongly Vanilla. The orchid is more gentle than heady. As so often happens, this one reminds me of something else that I can't ... quite ... grasp. I like this and got a particularly special compliment while wearing it, so I've ordered a bottle.
  23. SultryWolf


    Proud, contented, and aglow with joy, she has conquered her lover with her charms, and she knows with all her soul that he is completely and utterly devoted to her. In bliss, she basks in the blessings of the God of Love: golden amber, oude, red sandalwood, massoia bark, honey, and currant. I fell hard for this one! I'm already halfway through my first bottle. in the bottle: The first sense is of an earthy greenness. on: The honey and amber appear, rich, sweet and seductive, coiling around that greenness, whatever it is. The sandalwood is subtle, but does add a woody warmth to the drydown. Throw and staying power are good.
  24. SultryWolf


    There is the most delightful green tinge to this oil! in the decant: Verbena sweetened by fennel and anise. Reminds me a bit of The Star. on: Much the same.
  25. SultryWolf


    in the decant: Sweet, like a buttercream but without being foody (!?). on: The musk, and just a hint of the rose otto, rise to darken the sweetness. As it settles in, a spiciness - almost cinnamony - appears.