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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. I am not normally a fan of dirt/green scents, but I decided to buy this candle so that I could burn it during the time leading up to Halloween.


    The dirt note is the most prominent note at first, but the moss ends up coming out more the more the candle burns. On the first burn, this had very little throw, but on subsequent burns, it had moderate throw.


    This isn't really my kind of scent, but it really fits the description! If you like green scents, you will probably enjoy this!

  2. I should have reviewed this when I bought it earlier this year...


    I am a fan of lavender, so this candle really appealed to me. It is predominantly lavender and cedar... I don't really get the fig from it. The lavender is definitely the strongest note.


    It's a very relaxing scent, but it doesn't have a lot of throw. I could only smell it whenever I happened to be close to it. I am glad that I bought one, but I won't be hoarding it due to the fact that it didn't have much throw.

  3. The pumpkin note in this candle is a spiced pumpkin note, and the clove is rather prominent. It smells wonderful, but alas, it does not have very much throw. I can only smell it when I am close to it, or if I have the window open while there is a breeze. That said, it seems to have lasted a long time, and I am glad that I bought it! I just wish it had more throw.

  4. In the decant: This is the scent of biting through a skin of a crisp apple while standing on moist soil. The apple is the dominant note. The boy thinks that this is a sour, green apple, but I think that it is a crisp, red and yellow one.

    Wet: Apple and dirt. I love apple scents, but I am not too fond of dirt notes, so I am glad that the apple is dominant at the moment. That said, the dirt is definitely present, but I am not actually bothered by it at this point in time. It is lingering in the background and complementing the apple rather well. The apple is more sweet than crisp now, and it is definitely not a green apple.

    Dry: A sweet apple (perhaps a Jonagold or a Golden Delicious) that someone has taken a bite out of and tossed on the moist soil of an apple orchard.

    Verdict: I love this, and I am going to need several bottles! :wub2:


    *edit, several years later* I just wanted to say that this is the scent that made me love dirt notes, and although I do get some fallen leaves on initial application, they are not problematic for me at all.

  5. In the decant: Neroli is the most prominent note, and I am also detecting the plum and the currant. The mint is there, but it is not nearly as prominent as I thought it would be. I don't think I am going to like this.


    Wet: The neroli is the dominant note, and as a result, I am reminded of the white part of orange peels and a neroli-dominant Lush product that I didn't like. The mint is starting to come out more over time, though, and I welcome its presence.


    Sadly, the mint isn't able to overtake the neroli. Damn.


    Dry: Minty neroli. I can't help but to think of something one might take or drink to help combat a cold.


    Verdict: This blend just reinforced the fact that I really do not like neroli. :sick: I am going to have to go wash this off. I will not be keeping the decant.

  6. In the decant: Frankincense and rose. I am somewhat reminded of Hope and Fear Set Free (minus the rose, obviously) and The Future Ball.


    Wet: Frankincense, amber, and rose. I am hoping that I don't amp the rose in this. The resins are currently fighting with the rose note, and I think the rose is going to win. :(


    While the resins and the rose fight for dominance, the vanilla is starting to peek out a little bit, but just barely.


    Dry: Alas, the rose managed to take the center stage. The frankincense is sulking in the background and doesn't want to acknowledge its fate. This smells like rose-y incense.


    Verdict: I have enough rose scents as it is, and I vastly prefer Hope and Fear Set Free to this scent, so I won't be getting a bottle.

  7. In the decant: A thick, dark reddish resin. The amber in this makes me think of The Lion (without some of the spice, though), and this is a good thing.


    Wet: The amber seems to take the center stage. (I am not very familiar with labdanum, though.) This is a rich, resinous blend.


    Dry: The golden amber remains as the dominant note, and the scent itself is a lot smoother now. The amber and the oudh are a nice combination.


    Verdict: I am not sure if I would wear this often enough to warrant buying a bottle, but I will definitely keep my decant! I can see this going really well with the Post's Implacable Beautiful Tyrant hair gloss.

  8. I wasn't originally intending to get a decant of this, but since I decided to get decants of Shiny Furball and Sudsy She Wolf, I thought that I might as well try Sylvia, too!


    In the decant: The spicy carnation and pine seem to be the dominant notes. I think I may be detecting a little of the leather balsam, musk, and clove as well.


    Wet: I am only getting the spicy carnation note from this. I am not surprised, as I seem to amp carnation. I wouldn't normally consider this a good thing, but I am liking this carnation note more than some of the others I've encountered.


    Wait a minute, I am pretty sure it isn't a pure carnation note. Is there cinnamon in this? :eek: I must have pressed my nose a little too close to my wrist, because the tip of my nose is burning now, and this usually happens with cinnamon or ginger notes.


    Dry: Spicy carnation and perhaps a hint of clove.


    Verdict: Well, this definitely proves that I amp carnation. I don't dislike this, but I don't really see myself reaching for it very often, so I won't be purchasing a bottle. I will have to ponder whether or not I want to keep the decant as this is really just a spicy carnation on me.

  9. I decided to get a decant of this one because I wasn't sure if I wanted to smell like coffee. I discovered that I actually don't mind the coffee note if it is a flavored coffee that is well-blended with other notes.


    I put this on after showering this morning and quickly wrote down a few notes that stood out before going to class. I was sitting in class, and I got a whiff of something that smelled good, but I didn't realize it was me at first!


    In the decant: Chocolate and hazelnut coffee.


    On my skin: Hazelnut coffee, chocolate, and a bit of pine. The sweet fig milk starts to come out more as it dries.


    Dry: This is such a comforting scent! I think the sweet fig milk is the dominant note now, with hazelnut and chocolate lingering in the background.


    Verdict: What a pleasant surprise! :D I am definitely going to keep my decant, and I am considering ordering a bottle!

  10. I'm glad that I ended up getting a decant instead of purchasing a full bottle.


    In the decant: Cedar, lavender, honeyed coconut, and clove. The cedar and clove were more prominent when it first arrived, but the next morning, they weren't nearly as sharp, and I could detect the other notes as well.


    In my damp hair: Cedar, clove, juniperberry, and lavender.


    When my hair is dry: I am mainly getting the cedar and the clove from this... every once in a while, I can detect a bit of the coconut in this, but only briefly. The prominence of the cedar and clove make this a little too masculine on me.


    Verdict: I don't have any scents like this, so I will probably keep the decant, but I don't see myself ordering a bottle of this one.

  11. In the bottle: A very strong, true red leaf note with a bit of rose rather faintly in the background.


    Wet: The rose is the dominant note on my skin. I am glad about this, because I wasn't sure if I wanted to smell like the leaf note I was getting in the bottle. The rose really complements the red leaf note I was getting in the bottle, which is fortunately not a musty leaf.


    Dry: The rose remains at the front of the blend for a while, but the red leaf note is starting to peek out more over time. It fades into a somewhat powdery rose surrounded by red leaves.


    Verdict: These notes go really well together, but I don't see myself reaching for the bottle I bought very often. Since I bought a bottle and ordered a decant, I will keep the decant and send the bottle off to swaps.

  12. In the decant: Very resiny and incense-y. The black copal is the dominant note.


    Wet: I am mainly getting the black copal on my skin at the moment. As time passes, the black coconut seems to lighten it up a bit, but the black copal is still the dominant note. I am glad that the Sumatran red patchouli isn't problematic at the moment (as patchouli and I are not friends). This reminds me of an old bookshelf or chest.


    Dry: The black coconut has started to peek out more, and it really complements the copal and the amber. This is a nice surprise!


    Verdict: I don't think that I need a bottle of this, but I will definitely keep my decant (especially since I think this would be great on the boy).

  13. This review is for the 2013 version.


    In the decant: Sweet florals.


    Wet: I'm not sure what the florals in this blend are, but I know that I have smelled something in this in another blend. The floral notes dominate this blend. This is very strong. I put a small dab on my arm, and it has a lot of throw. It seems to be getting sweeter over time.


    Dry: The notes in this seem to be so well blended that it's difficult to pick individual notes. It is still a very sweet floral blend... not sugary, just sweet. I don't really get any incense from this.


    Verdict: I don't dislike this, but I am not wowed by it either. I don't think that I will keep the decant because it is so strong that I think it has the potential to be headache inducing. :( I'm glad that I was able to try it, though!

  14. In the decant: Cake and currants!


    Wet: The cake note is the dominant note at first, but the currant note quickly claims its throne. I hope that the currant note doesn't dominate the blend the entire time that it's on my skin. I would like to smell the incense or the return of the cake note.


    The incense starts to emerge over time, but the currant is still quite comfortable on its throne and refuses to end its reign.


    Dry: Currant and incense.


    Verdict: I was hoping this would be like a darker version of Eat Me, but alas, that is not the case. It's not bad, but I don't really foresee myself wearing this one again, so I think I will refrain from keeping the decant.

  15. In the decant: Resins and dark pomegranate.


    Wet: The pomegranate is fighting for dominance with the other notes, and I think it is going to succeed.


    Actually, the pomegranate seems to be blending with the chypre rather beautifully.


    Dry: The pomegranate is still present, but the chypre seems to be dominant now. It is very perfume-y, for lack of a better term. The chypre has a very masculine quality to it.


    Verdict: This ended up turning out to be too masculine for me to wear, and it was somewhat powdery as well. I'm glad that I was able to try it, though.

  16. In the decant: Amber with a tinge of citrus? I bought this hoping that the dry grass note would be similar to the one in Coraline Jones, but I am not getting that out of this scent.


    Wet: It's very lemony! I would have been surprised about this development if it hadn't read previous reviews. The lemon seems to be overpowering everything else right now. I'm not really getting anything else out of this blend!


    Dry: It's still very lemony. I am getting slightly sweet lemon household cleaner and nothing else. :huh?:


    Verdict: Well, this is nothing like I thought it would be. I don't think I will even keep my decant!

  17. In the decant: A flurry of leaves that are turning yellow and a hint of sweetness in the background. This is an early autumn scent as opposed to a late autumn one. The leaves are the predominant note, but I get more of the maple with every sniff.


    Wet: The leaves are definitely there, but they are not nearly as strong as they were in the bottle. There is a hint of maple that seems to be emerging more the longer this is on my skin. I was afraid that I wouldn't like the leaf note on my skin or that the blend might go cologne-y, but that hasn't been the case so far.


    It is starting to veer into soapy territory now, but it isn't quite there yet. Hopefully it won't turn into suds of doom!


    Dry: Woo! It managed to refrain from turning into soap. It smells like early autumn when the leaves are starting to turn and have started to declare independence from their trees.


    Verdict: I am pleasantly surprised. I didn't think this would work on me, but it is very true to its description, and very evocative of autumn. I won't be getting a bottle of this as I don't think I would wear this very often, but I will definitely be keeping my decant.

  18. This has the same cider note as the Harvest Festival atmosphere spray (which means that it has a bit of a Hawaiian Punch vibe to it at first). The cider note is not spiced, and while the 'spiked' aspect of the scent is present, it definitely isn't prominent.


    Alas, this one does not have a lot of throw. I can only smell it when I get close to it. It is a nice scent, though!

  19. In the decant: I can detect the apple, cherry, melon, citrus, and what I am guessing is the quince (I am not familiar with that note).


    Wet: The apple, cherry, and citrus seem to be dominant on my skin. The medley of fruits reminds me of some kind of chewy, fruity candy (it isn't as sweet as candy, though). The citrus seems to get stronger over time, and what I think must be the quince is quite prominent as well.


    Dry: The scent is a lot softer now. The unfamiliar note (which I think is the quince) seems to stand out the most now, with the other fruity notes mingling in the background.


    Verdict: I was hoping the apple note would be the most prominent on my skin, but this scent is nice! I won't be getting a bottle because I don't see myself wearing something like this often enough to warrant a bottle, but I am glad that I was able to try it.

  20. I have not used this in the bath... just as an after-shower moisturizer.


    Okay, I did two applications of this.


    First application:


    I mainly get crisp red apple and apple blossoms from this. The caramel and the oak notes are practically nonexistent on my skin, although I could detect the caramel in the bottle (although the apple and apple blossom were the dominant notes to my nose in the bottle as well). Oddly enough, I do get a bit of the caramel note on my legs, but I can't smell it on my arms. :eek: I was hoping that the oak wouldn't be a dominant note, and it's not, so it must be really well blended! It's really just a lovely apple scent.


    Second application (I added some more oil to my arms):


    I do get the caramel note on my arms now, but the crisp apple and apple blossom notes seem to be striving to overtake it. Still, it is more prominent than it was before!


    Verdict: I love apple scents! I am so glad that the oak played nicely and that I bought a bottle. :D

  21. In the decant: Somewhat cologne-y, slightly soapy, and a bit herbal-y.


    Wet: Sharp, very cologne-y (for lack of a better description). I can't detect any specific notes, but it seems to be a very masculine scent. It is very soapy on my skin.


    Several minutes later, the scent is starting to soften up a bit, but it still is rather soapy and holds that cologne-y vibe.


    Dry: This is very soft now. It is still rather soapy and possesses a cologne-y masculine quality to it. I wish I could pinpoint what this reminds me of, but it's just not coming to me.


    Verdict: Definitely not for me... I don't foresee myself testing this one again, so I don't intend to keep the decant!

  22. This really does remind me of pumpkin s'mores. I get the graham cracker, brown sugar, chocolate, pumpkin, and marshmallow out of this, and it smells sooo goood. :yum: The graham cracker and the brown sugar seem to be the dominant notes. It is also a very potent atmosphere spray that lasts for a really long time! I could detect traces of it in the kitchen the next day.


    If you aren't extremely fond of pumpkin, this is more s'more-y than pumpkin-y. It's more like pumpkin spice smores without actual pumpkin. It's a wonderful foodie room spray!


    *edit* After this has settled for a few weeks, the pumpkin spice and graham cracker seem to be the dominant notes.

  23. Lightly spiced pumpkin ice cream!

    The description fits perfectly: it really smells like lightly spiced pumpkin ice cream! It smells delicious. :yum:

    It isn't like any pumpkin ice cream that I have ever tried because it is lightly spiced. The various kinds of pumpkin ice cream I have devoured are more heavily spiced than this... this is a creamy, vanilla pumpkin scent. The pumpkin and vanilla notes smell wonderful together!

    I normally use bath oils as after-shower moisturizers, but it was cold today, so I decided to try this one out in the bath as well. I used this with half of a Christmas Kisses bubble bar from Lush and a Jacko bath bomb from Lush. This bath oil was stronger than both of those scents, and it scented the whole bathroom. I didn't even use very much of it! It also made my skin feel more moisturized than it normally would after a bubble bath.

    As an after shower moisturizer, I get a bit more of the spices on my skin, but it still smells like soft, slightly melted creamy pumpkin ice cream.

    'Tis amazing! :wub2:

  24. In the decant: Black patchouli, cinnamon, and something that reminds me of red musk even though I know there isn't any of it in this blend.


    Wet: Pumpkin and cinnamon. I hope that the cinnamon doesn't end up burning my skin. The cinnamon note is becoming more prominent the longer it is on my skin. It's the same awesome pumpkin note found in the rest of the GC in the pumpkin patch blends. I have never tried Sin before (because patchouli and I are not friends), but I thought I would try this anyway just to say that I did. This is more cinnamon-y than the other pumpkin patch scents that I've tried this year (the only one I haven't tried is Samhain in the Pumpkin Patch, because I do not like Samhain itself). The combination of some of the notes in this blend remind me of another blend minus the pumpkin... and for some reason, I keep thinking it reminds me of something with red musk in it, although this blend doesn't contain that note! I think the black patchouli is giving this an odd undertone on my skin.


    Dry: The cinnamon is the dominant note, and I am surprised that it never ended up burning my skin.


    Verdict: I don't really see myself wearing this one, but I am glad that I got to try it.

  25. In the decant: This is a very rich, sweet, syrupy pumpkin with maple and honey. It reminds me of a pumpkin-y version of Dwarven Ale without the potent ginger that burned my skin. It isn't particularly booze-y. I have high hopes for this one!


    Wet: Okay, I do get a yeast note from this as soon as it hits my skin, so it is somewhat boozy on me, but not overly so. The pumpkin note is a spiced pumpkin, and it seems to be at the front of the blend, with the maple and honey lurking in the background. I am slightly reminded of pumpkin spice pancakes with maple syrup... but only a little bit. I seem to be amping the spices, but fortunately, they are not burning my skin. (This smelled better on the boy when he wore it yesterday, though. It was a lot sweeter.)


    Dry: This really is like Dwarven Ale with pumpkin instead of fermented mushrooms and without the prominent ginger.


    Verdict: I like this (but it smells better on the boy). I don't see this as something I would wear very often, but since my boyfriend would wear it as well, and I vastly prefer it to Dwarven Ale, I think I will get a bottle of this.


    *edit* This seems to be a lot more yeast-y and maple-y on me now. :( I may just keep the decant and only buy a bottle if the boy wants one.
