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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. In the decant: Very fruity snow! The currant and the plum are the most prominent notes. I can smell a hint of the cardamom, but it's mostly just fruity snow!


    Wet: The fruity snow takes the center stage, but the cardamom is more noticeable on my skin than it was in the decant. The snow note is a slushy snow, so this reminds me of a snowcone. The plum emerges more over time, so it is now plum and snow with a hint of currant. After that, it morphs into a slushy, ozone-y somewhat pine-y snow scent with the fruits in the background.


    Dry: Slushy, fruity snow.


    Verdict: I wanted a decant of this one because of the name... I just couldn't resist trying something called Purple Snowballs, even though I figured it would probably be too fruity for me, and it is, so no bottle for me. This blend certainly matches its description, though!


    (Now, if Purple Snowballs had been the snow note from Snow White mixed with lavender like the lavender from TKO, I would have needed several bottles.)

  2. In the decant: Minty marzipain! The marzipain adds a nice creaminess to the mint. I am looking forward to this!


    Wet: Marzipain and mint. There is a blast of marzipain at first, but the mint quickly steals the show. The marzipain is still present, but it has taken a background role. The mint is rather strong for a while, but does not seem to last as long as the mint in Lick It Now.


    Dry: A very soft, creamy mint.


    Verdict: I really like this, but I wish it had more staying power. However, I think I prefer Lick It Now over this one. I will definitely keep my decant, but I will only end up getting a bottle if my remaining Yule decants aren't made of win.

  3. In the decant: This actually reminds me of vapor rub. I am not really looking forward to it.


    Wet: Vapor rub and a bit of apple. It is becoming less vapor rub-like over time, and more like the metallic snow in the description. It's still too medicinal for my liking, but at least the apple is starting to emerge more over time. Now it smells like medicinal apples.


    Dry: This mostly smells like medicinal apples now. The apple is the dominant note. The medicinal quality is not as intense as it was during the wet phase. I can detect a bit of the dust and burlap as well.


    Verdict: I ordered a decant of this one because I love apple scents. Unfortunately, this blend is too medicinal for my liking, so I can only see myself wearing it when I am ill. I have several apple scents, and I prefer them over this, so I will be keeping my decant for the time being... but I won't be needing a bottle.

  4. In the decant: This really does remind me of a candy cane after it has been licked!


    Wet: The mint is rather potent, but it is a soft mint (perhaps the sugar helps round it out). My skin tends to love sugar, so the sugar is becoming more prominent the longer this sits on my skin. The mint is still the very prominent. The spot of skin that I dabbed it on is really chilly now. The mint is lasting a surprisingly long time!


    Dry: The mint actually lasts for quite a while, but the drydown is mostly a sugary vanilla scent with a hint of mint. Lovely!


    Verdict: I really like this one! I will definitely keep my decant, but whether or not I end up ordering a full bottle depends on how the other Yules fare!

  5. In the decant: This is a very strong floral blend! I am not really getting the snow from this in the decant... it's mostly just in-your-face flowers. I think I am mainly getting the poppies and the lilies from this. I am not sure if I am going to end up liking this one.


    Wet: This is still very floral dominant. I can detect the snow, but just barely. It is a very light dusting of snow. I can pick out the poppies, lilies, and rose, with the poppies being the strongest note.


    Dry: This is still very floral dominant, but the flowers have calmed down a bit now. It ends up being a somewhat sweet floral blend... I am not really getting any snow now.


    Verdict: This isn't bad, but I was hoping for more snow with the flowers. I won't be needing a bottle of this, but I am glad that I was able to try it.

  6. In the decant: I am mainly getting the rusty chains and smoke from this. On the second and third sniffs, I can detect the Bavarian mints and the apple schnapps. Curiouser and curiouser!


    Wet: Fortunately, the smoke, fur, and rusty chains aren't the dominant notes. The mint is rather prominent, and the apple schnapps is as well. The smoke is lingering in the background. Alas, the malted chocolate doesn't seem to want to make an appearance on my skin.


    Other reviewers have mentioned red musk. I am getting that as well. I am wondering if it really is red musk, or if it just happens to be the schnapps that is reminding me of it. I am thinking it is the former.


    Dry: A smoky red musk (if that is what it is... maybe it is the schnapps minus the apple, or the rusty chains) with a hint of mint. Well, that was unexpected.


    Verdict: I was hoping to get the apple schnapps, malted chocolate bonbons, and Bavarian mints from this. Alas, it ends up being a smoky red musk on me. Unless the boy ends up wanting to wear the scent (he seems to enjoy wearing blends that are heavy on the red musk), I probably won't keep even my decant. :(


    *edit* This one actually made me feel rather nauseated and I had to wash it off.

  7. In the decant: This is definitely a cookie covered with powdered sugar! The pomegranate cream and the mint are lingering in the background. The cookie and the powdered sugar are the strongest notes.


    Wet: A delicious, buttery cookie coated in powdered sugar with a hint of mint in the background. Then, the pomegranate cream starts to emerge. The cookie and the pomegranate cream are the dominant notes. After a few minutes, the pomegranate cream takes the center stage, with the mint sidling up to it. It's like I am mostly smelling the filling of the cookie now as opposed to the cookie itself. I hope the cookie note makes a triumphant return. Alas, the pomegranate cream steals the show. The mint is still there, but the cookie note insists on hiding in the background. This scent smells better when it is far away than it does up close.


    Dry: Pomegranate cream dominant cookies with a hint of mint that have lost some of their powdered sugar to the box or tin in which they were contained.


    Verdict: The reason I ended up going with a decant of this one was because I couldn't resist the artwork and the minty cookie, but I was afraid of the pomegranate. I'm not a huge fan of pomegranate (and non-apple fruity scents in general), and since the pomegranate is the most prominent note on me, I will refrain from buying a bottle.

  8. 2013 version.


    In the decant: A snowy white floral. This reminds me of something.


    Wet: This is oddly familiar. It's the snow note from Snow Bunny! This actually reminds me of Snow Bunny a lot. It's like Snow Bunny with a stronger floral. In other words, I am rather enjoying it, but the boy will hate it!


    Dry: The narcissus is more prominent than the snow. This is still a lot like Snow Bunny... perhaps sweeter.


    Verdict: I really like this one! I will definitely keep my decant, but I'm not quite sure if I need a bottle.

  9. In the decant: The Scottish tablet and leather.

    Wet: The Scottish tablet and the leather are still the most prominent notes, but the leather is becoming the dominant note. I was actually hoping that the leather would reside in the background. That said, the Scottish Tablet is still present. I wonder if it will morph into something else, as I'd really like to smell the paper and the flowers!

    Dry: Sweet, slightly-smoky leather and perhaps a hint of antique paper.

    Verdict: I really wanted this one to work on me because I love the concept. I was hoping that the leather wouldn't be the dominant note on my skin, but alas, that's what ended up happening. I'll keep my decant for the time being, but I won't be upgrading to a bottle.


    *edit* The decant ended up aging wonderfully. I used it up and was really lucky to be gifted a bottle! :wub2: This is a really nice leather book scent.

  10. In the decant: Other reviewers have mentioned not getting any almond in this, but I actually do get almond from this... like a hint of the extract (not the nut itself). Just like Annurca Apple Blossom has a prominent apple note at first, this blossom has a bit of almondy goodness to it. This is very promising.


    Wet: The almond that I was getting in the decant is still present, but it isn't nearly as prominent. Then, the floral aspect takes over, but this is still really promising! I am getting the snow from this as well. Although some have compared the snow note in this to the one in Snow White, I am not getting that at all.


    Something in the blend is threatening to turn soapy... I'm not sure if it is the almond blossom or the snow, but it hasn't quite turned to soap yet. I hope it refrains from doing so!


    Dry: It didn't turn soapy! This is a lovely snowy floral with a hint of almond!


    Verdict: I am definitely keeping the decant, but I think I will be needing a bottle of this one!

  11. In the bottle: Lilies and white sandalwood.


    Wet: Lilies and dry, white sandalwood! My skin tends to amp white sandalwood, so hopefully it will behave. The lilies and sandalwood seem to battle for dominance for a while. The calla lily note threatens to impose soapiness if it doesn't get its way, while the sandalwood asserts its dry woodiness. Eventually, the white florals win, and the sandalwood is content with its background role (while still being one of the dominant notes).


    Dry: Cool white florals (mostly lily), sandalwood, and a touch of something sweet. Perhaps it is the iced wine.


    Verdict: This ended up being a lot better on my skin than I thought it would be. The lily note refrained from turning into a note of soapy doom, and the white sandalwood wasn't victorious in its fight for dominance. I prefer sugary florals, so I don't really see myself wearing this one often, but I'm glad that I was able to try it. I will keep my partial bottle for now.

  12. This is lovely. :wub2:


    The scrub itself is just right. I have tried a few of Villainess' Smooches before, but they were limited edition items, so I can't compare the scrub-factor to one of their permanent products. That said, the scrub isn't rough on the skin, and my skin feels soft after using it.


    The scent is rather strong when the scrub is in use. I was enveloped in a cloud of chocolate-y goodness. It smelled like I was rubbing warm brownies all over my skin (Bliss, in perfume oil and Smooch form, reminds me of brownies as opposed to a bar of milk chocolate). :lol: The bathroom itself ended up smelling strongly of Bliss when I got out of the shower.


    The scent doesn't linger on the skin after use, but that isn't an issue for me. I am very happy with this Smooch, and I would definitely buy it again! I hope to see more BPTP scrubs (and hopefully lotions!) in the future. :D


    Here is a picture of the scrub itself.

  13. I received this as an extra with one of my Trading Post orders, and I used up the bar last month. It was used as a hand soap.


    While the perfume oil seems to be a gingerbread with a lemon zest kind of scent (well, at least, that's how it smells on the boy -- I haven't actually tried Shub on myself yet), the soap seems to be heavier on the resins and ginger itself (as opposed to gingerbread). As a result, the scent seems to be a lot more masculine in soap form, and I don't get any hint of lemon from it (like I do from the perfume).


    The soap lathered well and lasted for a fairly long time. (However, the color in the soap tends to get all over the soap dispenser and the sink when it is in use, so I wouldn't recommend this one as a hand soap.)


    Although I probably wouldn't purchase a soap in this particular scent, I look forward to trying more Trading Post/Villainess soaps in the future. :D

  14. TKO is one of my favorite BPAL scents. (I love sugary florals, and TKO is like a cloud of lavender marshmallow goodness.)


    Needless to say, I love this stuff. The massage oil isn't as potent as the perfume oil, but it is still amazing. I tend to slather this on myself before bed (on my arms and legs), and if any of it gets on the bottle, I wipe the bottle off on the bedding so that it can smell of lavender marshmallow awesomeness, too. The oil is thicker than a bath oil, but it doesn't take long to absorb into the skin. Even the boy loves this stuff and uses it on occasion.


    I just finished using up my first bottle, and I daresay that I will be needing more!



  15. This candle smelled predominantly of musty, dead leaves. The scent was pretty intense (even when it wasn't lit). In fact, it was so strong that I would get a headache it the candle just happened to be in the same room as me (even if it weren't lit)! :ack:


    As a result, I ended up giving it away to someone that could enjoy it.

  16. Ah, Snow White. One of my favorite scents ever. Chilly vanilla floral goodness.


    Alas, this candle has very little throw. You can only really smell it if you stick your face into it when it is not lit, or happen to be really close to it when it is lit. :( If you want to scent a room with Snow White, stick with the atmosphere spray. Otherwise, make sure the candle is burning right next to you (or open the window to allow a breeze in) if you want to smell the scent.

  17. I have never tried the perfume of the same name, but the plum note is the dominant note in the candle. I never really got flowers from this one... just plum.


    It has moderate throw (you generally have to be close to it to smell it, but every once in a while, it will surprise you with little whiffs of plum as you walk by).


    This is not one of my favorite BPTP candles (as I am generally not fond of non-apple fruit-dominant scents), but if you like plums, you will probably enjoy this!

  18. This is one of my favorite atmosphere sprays. :wub2:


    I tend to adore apple scents, and this one is no exception. It really does smell like sun-warmed apples. The apple note is definitely a sweet, red apple, and it is simply lovely.


    The lasting power on this one varies. When I lived in a humid climate, this had rather decent throw. A few sprays would do the trick, and somehow one of our cats even ended up smelling like it. In a dry climate, it takes several sprays of this to make the apartment smell like sun-warmed apples, and the scent dissipates rather quickly.


    I have already used up one bottle, and I don't even want to touch my back-up bottle because I never want this scent to be gone. It brings back childhood memories of picking apples in the autumn, bobbing for apples, and carving little faces into them.


    I hope that the Trading Post brings this atmosphere spray back one day.

  19. I figure I should probably review this now because my bottle is almost gone.


    The only Weenie room spray that really appealed to me this year was Pumpkin S'mores, so I decided to buy the last bottle of this from the Trading Post's Etsy page so that I could have two autumn room spray scents in the apartment.


    Initially, it starts off smelling like Hawaiian Punch. It doesn't smell like apple cider at all, just really strong Hawaiian Punch! It stays that way for a while, and then turns into spiced apple cider with a hint of smoke in the background. It has decent lasting power.


    I don't really get hay bales or corn stalks from this one at all, and that makes me happy. However, I probably wouldn't buy this one if it popped up again, as there are several other BPTP atmosphere sprays that I prefer over this one.

  20. I would never have chosen to try this due to the fennel and licorice root in it. However, I tried it when I received it as an extra with an order several months ago and was pleasantly surprised by it. I haven't gotten around to ordering a bottle yet, but every time I get a squirt of this as an extra with an order, it gets used up rather quickly!


    It actually reminds me of candy. For some reason, I keep thinking of chewy SweeTarts, although it has been years since I have had any. :eek:


    This is one of the few atmosphere sprays that the boy has had a real interest in (the others are House of Unquenchable Fire and Erebos). I will definitely order a bottle of this sometime in the future and probably keep it in the kitchen. It has great lasting power, so a little goes a long way!

  21. In the bottle: The amber and the oudh in the bottle remind me of Implacable Beautiful Tyrant hair gloss. I am happy about this, because I love that hair gloss, and I was hoping that this blend would complement it.


    Wet: This starts off smelling like it had in the bottle, with the golden amber and the oudh being the most prominent. It becomes slightly sweeter the longer it is on my skin. This is similar to Implacable Beautiful Tyrant (more so than La Lugubre Gondola), although it is slightly sweeter (and lacks the frankincense and ginger notes of the hair gloss). I'm not really getting much of the bourbon vanilla at this time, but I am sure it is softening up the blend. (This is a lot softer than La Lugubre Gondola.)

    Dry: The bourbon vanilla has finally emerged, and seems to emerge more over time. It goes really well with the golden amber and the sweet oudh. I don't really think there is a dominant note at this time. They all blend together nicely.

    Verdict: I am glad that I bought a bottle. I can't wait to wear this with my Implacable Beautiful Tyrant hair gloss! I am sure it will age wonderfully.


    *edit* This is even more beautiful after a few weeks of aging. The bourbon vanilla seems to have come out more on my skin, and it is amazing! I think I am going to have to order another bottle of this before it is taken down from the website.

  22. In the bottle: The gingerbread note in this is very true to the actual thing. Gingerbread mixed with fresh Snake Oil. The gingerbread is the prominent note, but the Snake Oil is definitely there. I tend to love Snake Oil when it is mixed with other notes, and this blend smells very promising.


    Wet: An instant blast of gingerbread! My stomach actually growled. After a little bit, the Snake Oil starts to emerge, but the gingerbread is the dominant note at the moment. As the Snake Oil mingles with the gingerbread, the blend becomes less foody. In other words, I don't want to take a bite out of my arm any more. This is a really sexy gingerbread scent.


    Although I have sensitive skin, the spices in this blend aren't burning my skin at all. Huzzah!


    Dry: Gingerbread and Snake Oil. The Snake Oil is stronger on the drydown than it was previously, and the gingerbread really complements the Snake Oil.


    Verdict: This is made of win! This was an instant bottle purchase, and it did not disappoint! I am sure it will age marvelously.

  23. This was an instant bottle purchase. I actually cried when I saw this in the update. An Alice in Wonderland inspired Yule that smells like sugary snow? I knew it would be made of win!


    In the bottle: It's difficult to describe, but it is similar to the snow note in Snow White. This is a good thing, as Snow White is one of my favorite scents of all time.


    Wet: Large, sugary fluffy snowflakes. I really think this is the snow note from Snow White, but this blend is a lot lighter and does not contain a floral component. (Sniffing my bottles of Go to Sleep, Darlings and Snow White 2013 seems to confirm this.) It's absolutely lovely and very comforting. I am getting a bit teary-eyed sniffing my wrist.


    Dry: Creamy, sugary, fluffy, just-fallen snow. The kind of snow you can't stop watching as you admire it through the window. There is a hint of what I believe to be ozone and mint, but just a hint. It is a blanket of creamy, fluffy snow accompanied by a gentle breeze.


    Verdict: This was the Yule that I was most excited for, and it did not disappoint. I really love this. If you love Snow White, you will adore this. If you wish you could try Snow White without the floral component, try this. I daresay one bottle is not enough. It is everything I had hoped it would be, and I'm going to need more.

  24. The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.

    No reviews for this one yet!? :eek: I suppose I should remedy that!

    I have tried several of the BPTP candles, and so far, this is the one with the best throw. It's one of those candles that you will get a whiff of as you are walking by, even when it is not lit. When it is lit, the scent has decent throw. I can smell it across the room.

    I have never tried the perfume oil, so I cannot compare the candle to the perfume. That said, the candle is a very sweet coffee blend. I don't really get much of the 'oakwood halls' from it. I really like the scent, and the boy loves it! He thinks I should buy four of these at a time. :eek: I bought one for my mum for her birthday, and she really likes it as well!

    This is one of the best BPTP candles I have tried thus far. I will definitely be ordering more in the future!


    *edited over a year later to add*


    Miskatonic University is my most repurchased candle, because it is the boy's favorite scent, and because of its throw. This candle will scent half of my apartment, so it wins the award for BPTP Candle With Most Throw.

    Since writing my initial review, I have purchased a bottle of the perfume oil for the boy. It also has huge throw, and though I don't really get much of the oakwood halls when he wears it, I notice the dusty tomes more in the perfume oil than the candle.

  25. This is one of the stronger BPTP candles as far as throw is concerned. It's one of those candles that you can get a whiff of as you walk by even if it isn't lit. It's true to the perfume in that it smells like freshly baked brownies. :yum: I will have to order another Bliss candle in the future!
