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Posts posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. hm. i admit i'm rather let down by this one so far. i get dry, chalky leather (not supple glove-leather, or car seat leather, or even a tough leather jacket... but like a dried out saddle) that was recently lit on fire. like... the ashes of old saddles. icon_neutral.gif

  2. Shorten those tedious nights with a surge of body heat: vanilla-infused red musk, champaca, petitgrain, ylang ylang, patchouli, nutmeg, honey, galbanum, and traces of caramel.

    so many notes in this that are so amazing... but like so many others, all i really get is a burned caramel kind of note. complete with plastic wrapper.


    so wanted to love this. kept hoping to love it. sad to see it go.

  3. i so wanted to love this... but it was just *almost*. but not quite.


    somewhere between grape hard candy and black cherry kool-aid (both of which i love!) - but it was like it was all high notes, all the time, and nothing to give it any oomph.


    sad to see it go, but happy it'll be going to a better home!

  4. this smells like ... hairspray.

    Salon Selectives hairspray, to be specific. which, admittedly, has ruined most apple scents for me.

    motz.gif ... since i was surrounded by girls who must have gone through a can of that stuff a week.


    eta: i adore Snow Glass Apples.

    and i've tried this a few more times since i posted this review and ... noap. still smells like teh hairspray from 1991.


  5. smells like the Industrial Revolution of the Doozers.

    Steampunk Doozers! (isn't *that* a mental image?)....


    i get the "Radish Dust" because there's something ever-so-faintly similar to Gorg's Garden... but they must have different soil, Doozers & Gorgs.


    and i imagine the "glittering crystals" might be broken cogs (i was gonna say broken Cogsley Cogs or Spaceley Sprockets... but, then, Sprockets was the dog, in "outer space", and... um.... i had a point....) 'cuz there's a definite tinge of Phoenix Steamworks. appropriate, perhaps, for the hard-workin' Doozers, but not a scent for me. mecry.gif

  6. This could easily have been one of the Chocolate Box scents. milk chocolate with an awful, bitter, high-pitched soured topnote icon_sad.gif

    (probably the pear? love to eat 'em, but everything i can think of that i've tried that's supposed to smell pear-y just smells bad)

  7. y'know the yellow pepperoncinis you get in the pizzaboxes from Papa Johns? i call those Wembleys - and i always have - because, well, they look like him.


    there's a smooshy spot in my heart for quirky guys who rock the Hawai'ian shirt.


    but as for the oil? it's every scent from a candy dish. including licorice and peppermint, and those jelly orange slices. all at once.

  8. i swear this is a dead ringer for a drugstore perfume from the very late 80's. i'm certain i still have a bottle, somewhere. the mental image is that of the Xia Xiang bottle, but i don't know if that's it. i get a musky-soapy-violet kind of scent.


    the drydown could easily have been released as one of the Philosophy almost-perfumes.

  9. it's his sock collection!


    no linden, no vanilla. wet - has that same icky, white musk-chemical/fake "clean" scent of Tide. dries down into a fabric softener sort of scent.

    all the smells of Laundry Day!

  10. reminds me a lot of a prototype someone once sent me a bit of. maybe it was XCDW5 ... or it might've been PO13. i'd have to dig them out to see for sure... but i'm pretty sure there's a prototype of this floating around, that i've been able to sniff. i hate grapefruit and i don't like lemon, but this is mostly a faintly citrus-y creamy vanilla. it ain't bad. but it's not for me, either.

  11. what? why? how! this is Misk U, with overcooked black coffee and some pancake syrup. so, like, the Waffle House across the street from Misk U. where the students hang out. .... fun to spend time there, but i don't wanna smell that way!

  12. i'm both glad and saddened by the fact that i'm not the only one who thinks this smells like Dorian.


    i prefer Dorian, though, by a landslide.


    If Dorian were part of the Phoenix Steamworks series, this is how i'd have expected it to smell. a slightly more masculine and... steampunk-y...version of Dorian.


    i just knew i'd like this, so i bought a bottle... wish i'd just gotten a decant :(

  13. this is the 2011 version.

    sniffed from the bottle and wet on skin.... it smells oddly of the clean, fresh, new scent of still-wet latex paint.

    yeah, i don't get it either.... but it does go through a whole hour or so of New House Smell. fresh woods, paint, drywall, new floors, etc. after that it settles into an almost-powdery, clean skin kind of scent.


    this is one i never had much interest in, even though i love the smell of beer.... i was always afraid that the whiskey & blood would make it too strong and sour. but this is surprisingly wearable!


  14. my skin amps gardenia like WHOA (and can turn many commercial perfumes into seemingly straight gardenia, whether or not that's an apparent ingredient).

    so i've got GARDENIA-mint ('cuz lavender is a cousin of peppermint, and they smell very similar to me) on a woody stalk, with the sweat-smell of pear creeping in.

    after an hour or so, i begin to get a bit of what i imagine is a thistle-labdanum, being somewhat soapy, but i still don't have any frankincense. :(

  15. oh my heavens. i LOVE this. it smells SO MUCH like the *dusting powder* in the Ginger scent, from Lush. not exactly, by any means. but near enough! and that's my favourite form of that fragrance.

    Ghosts in Love is, like, halfway between the Ginger dusting powder, and Mrs. Meyers' Rose Geranium fabric softener.

    both of which are things i absolutely adore.


  16. i LOVE patchouli. love it. it's my comfy-cozy-i'm-at-home-now scent. i have many patchouli oils from many places, some upwards of 30 years old, some cheap cologne sprays that are just fragrance oils and alcohol. i love 'em all.


    this? icon_neutral.gif this is like a teeensy drop of patchouli drowning in a vat of pencil shavings ground up with cedar oil. like, this is pretty much how i imagine an old cedar chest might smell if i stumbled across one in an attic...forgotten for a century and filled with precious and most-loved belongings that were carefully put away with traces of a perfume still clinging to them.

    and maybe the things in that cedar chest were divided into layers with the papers that are scented with patchouli oil, that were at onetime used to package goods shipped from the Orient. (if i've got my historical minutiae right!)


    i've had this on for nearly 12 hours now, hoping it would become delicious, and it just keeps making me sad. mecry.gif

  17. when i first opened the bottle, it smelled like the old glass bottles of the Pine-Sol concentrate. SUPER pine-y. like, hands-on-hips, curl of dark hair across the forehead, cape waving in the breeze, Super Pine.

    maybe with a little hint of something sweet, but mostly just Super Pine.


    in the time it took me to put a drop on the top of my hand, and do a few decants... then close up the bottle, stopper and label the decants .... it had become pure, unadulterated, Strawberry Shortcake doll-head.

    now, i love me some old-school Strawberry Shortcake. i hate her new face, but i'm pretty sure i have everything ever made from the original version. why, yes, all my stompy boots are on my old metal Strawberry Shortcake bookshelf, why do you ask?

    and sniffing my hand was like being instantly transported back to 1983. which is crazy. and neat. and i'll keep it, because of that. but, srsly, i don't want to smell like Strawberry Shortcake's head.

  18. to begin: i don't like lavender. it's a cousin of peppermint, which makes me feel physically ill. TKO is, perhaps, the only lavender-based scent i will ever be able to wear, and like.


    that said, this is more of a soapy lavender than a medicinal one. and, yes, something about it pretty much screams "Yardley" at me. it does develop into something richer, deeper, more interesting over the course of an hour or so... but it's still just too lavender-y for me. i was hoping the dark amber and dark musk would make it amazing, but the lavender kills it for me. poop!

  19. ever ripped open a packet of Kool-Aid and made the mistake of inhaling the superfine particles that go airborne?

    ever done that with the cherry, or even the black cherry?


    sadly, all i get from this is that super-concentrated airborne concentrate of a cherry Kool-Aid, mixed with a mouthful of bright red cinnamon Red Hots candies, and a sprinkling of some stale apple-cinnamon potpourri dust.

    and while it doesn't leave welts on my not-normally-the-least-bit-sensitive skin, it made me ITCH like crazy.


    maybe this is the holiday version of Hawaiian Punch?

  20. i adore marshmallow fluff, but i don't like straight marshmallows unless they've been set on fire... outside blackened to a crumbling skin and the inside so molten hot it's almost painful to eat. there's a small window of cool-enough-to-eat where they're perfect, but after that they turn rubbery and too-chewy.


    i had such high hopes for The Gorobble! burned, blackened marshmallow skin? oh yes, please!


    in the bottle, it smells sortof like a perfumey marshmallow, which i know isn't very specific and isn't at all helpful. but on my skin it instantly turns to burned, burning sugar. not blackened marshmallow skin, but like you were making a pan of caramel on the stove and it burned. thud.gif
