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Posts posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. i generally don't like to post reviews before my decant circle folks have gotten their pakkitches.... but this one struck me so much while i was decanting it (and i sampled a drop!) that i had to post.


    for anyone who loves this? to me, it's a dead ringer for Sundog's (Doc Bronner Soap) Patchouli Lime body lotion and tattoo balm.


    this isn't the hamster cage patchouli, and it also isn't the bitter patchouli... it's also not the sweet one that i love so much. in other words, patchouli-haters, don't be afraid to give this one a try!

  2. since this bottle is moving on to a more appreciative home, i thought i'd post my notes to remind myself of why:

    woodsy patchouli, maybe like the kind in #occupy? not the sweet, earthy kind. the vanilla is whichever kind it is that reminds me of coconuts, and the hemp, well, smells like burlap.


    overall it's okay and i'm glad i got to try it, but it's not something i'll ever reach for.

  3. since this bottle is moving on to a better home, i thought i'd post my notes:

    now, i love rose scents. the more plasticky-fake, the better.

    this is powdery rose. not dusting-powder, not quite, but... powdery rose.

    may as well be called Powder Moon. nice, but not for me. kinda reminds me of the smell of old-school (unused! clean, fresh from the pakkitch) diapers.

    ... and i can't do anything even remotely baby powder scented.

  4. sniffed from the bottle: there's a very specific scent i associate with most natural grocery type places.... not an herb shop (although those have their own specific scent, too), but a small, natural grocery. i've been to dozens, in probably a dozen states, and they all have a similar smell. if i had to try and describe it, i'd say it's all the scents Doc Bronners makes, but all mixed together (lemon-rose-tea tree-lavender-eucalyptus). and while not particularly pleasant, it isn't unpleasant, either. it's one of those scents that just *is*.


    anyway, wet from the bottle, i feel like i'm standing in the back of the local natural grocery, in the bulk products section.


    once dry and settled? it's like... almost-clove, and baby powder. which makes no damn sense, but that's what i get. a shame, too, 'cuz i had hopes for this one!

  5. thinking about this one instantly brings to mind the 3rd Doctor's Venusian aikido!

    sniffed from the bottle, it smells oddly almost like spearmint tea. almost. i'm thinkin' that's the lemon verbena, which seems to be the overwhelming scent i get out of this.

  6. since this bottle is now going to a better home, i thought i should post a quickie review first...

    kinda mead-ish (in a good way), but more apple and less honey. don't really get any blackberry, which is a good thing 'cuz i don't like them. i think the chamomile and nuts are what gives a cereal-y, kinda creamy backdrop in there somewhere. overall, a very Harvest kind of scent, comforting and familiar and yet not. but since i've never done more than sniff it, it's time for a better home.

  7. this stuff is chock full of dealbreaker notes for me - white musk smells like Tide, violets go chalky and wrong, and the green tea just usually goes to wet paper towels.


    and yet, somehow, this is surprisingly nice. not really my speed, and i don't see myself needing a bottle, but it's gentle and soothing. exactly the way a governess ought to smell, i think?


    to be precise... i imagine this is how Nanny from Muppet Babies would smell.


  8. did i get Teatime in Roswell in this bottle by mistake? 'cuz that's what it smells like, almost exactly. or, like, a blend of Teatime in Roswell and Bread-and-Butter-Fly.

    weak tea, cucumber sandwiches, cookies and paper doilies.

  9. there used to be a place, between Aragon and Cedartown, where sometimes these crazy bonfire parties would happen. there was a searchlight, beaming up to the heavens as a signpost to find the place, if you didn't already know how to get there. and just like sargeismydog's review... there were shenanigans. and sometimes jell-o wrestling.


    sweet woods burning, lots of spilled beer, tires to sit on, and well, a lot of memories. but not really something i want to wear as a *perfume*.

  10. when i was doing the decants of this one, either it was still too fresh or my nose was on overload because i thought i didn't like it.

    when i tested it again yesterday, i do like it. although it reminds me more of Jovan Musk mixed with The Premature Burial than the description & listed notes. i think i really like it, though. and i think i may need more. oops.

    this part won't make sense to anyone but me: smells like Bill's dresser (which was my dresser before - the fake black marble one?), and my uncle Bubba.

  11. i love the fizzy and champagne BPALs. and i love pumpkin. and i so wanted to love this. and it's nice, when wet. but as soon as it settles in, it goes funky on me mecry.gif


    the most bizarre thing, for me, is that after about an hour it smells like Harlequin And Columbine... and just stays that way. blink.gif

  12. quick review before this bottle goes to live with someone else: at first it's a waxy, christmas-scented candle. a frankincense and myrrh sort of thing. then it settles into an incense - a dusty sort of incense, but pretty.


    i hate coconut, but there's none here. maybe this is a tropical island christmas incense?

  13. won this from one of the Lab's ebay auctions, back in Nov of '07. but now it is going to live with someone else. quick notes: it's like the bitter patchouli from #occupywallstreet, or like Smokestack, without the choking.

  14. quick review of this before it goes to live with someone else: i've had this bottle for years and while i like it, it isn't something i've ever reached for. it either smells like an expensive salon shampoo, or like a natural grocery. i don't know why so many natural grocers (not big ones like WF or TJs, but little tiny local places) have such similar smells - maybe it's all the boxed teas? - but they do!

    gentle, nonoffensive, vaguely pretty.

  15. dried, crumbling roses and ... what feels like a brown musk. inoffensive, but not really something that's all too very *me* something in the back of my head tells me i once had a (VeryExpensive) lipstick that smelled rather like this.

  16. a friend shared an imp-sized decant of her bath oil with me (that's all i wanted - just enough to sniff it!)


    and it really is coconut and rice milk. kinda reminds me a bit of a horchata i got at a restaurant a few times (rice milk, dairy milk and vanilla, at that particular place)


    after a while, it gets this almost candied-cherry sort of scent which is what i associate with the most perfume-y gingers (like the awapuhi conditioner one of my college roommates used).


    i don't like that awapuhi smell, and i don't like coconut, so this isn't at all for me. i had hoped for some actual tea in there somewhere.


    but for fans of creamy coconutty scents, this'll be just your kinda thing!

  17. i love this. but probably not for the reason anyone else will.


    i love it because it reminds me of the most perfect artificial rose scented air freshener (Wizard brand, i think?) i used to buy, and the rose-scented (pink) 7-day candles i used to buy in abundance from Kroger. back when i used candles more for heat than anything else. a dozen 7-day candles can really warm up a room!


    it's velvety and almost sweet and just this side of fake, and i love it, and frankly wish i'd gotten more than one bottle.

