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Posts posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. i'm surprised by the notes listed here, it is a little sweeter than i would have thought. on me, once it settles in, it reminds me a bit of The Other Miss Spink, which makes no sense but it does. like a dusty, fuzzy brown, clove-y, swamp plant. with pepper. and how i hate pepper. on the right person, though, i can see how this would be amazing.


    something about it also reminds me a bit of some 80s power-perfumes, like Passion, Poison, or Palmoma Picasso... or other perfumes starting with P?

  2. i'm hesitant to post this, because i don't want to spoil this for anyone or cause anyone to dislike it based on my review...


    y'all know that a lot of my BPAL collection are things i want to keep because they're scent memories - not necessarily things i want to wear as perfume, but just little bottles of memories.


    this is what my furbaby Cleo smelled like after a bath with pet shampoo (probably Hartz? something we'd get at the grocery store, in the late 80s/early 90s). so a combination of warm (angry) kitty and the shampoo.


    i keep trying to move past that, to try and smell apple, lavender, patchouli or vanilla but all i can smell is an angry Cleo. this is one of the BPAL scents that makes me cry, because it is a precious memory in a tiny little bottle.

  3. i guess i've had this for, what, a dozen years or so and just never posted a review? my bottle is going to a better home, so it is probably time.



    i love the Money House air freshener scent. and incense. that purple smell. in high school i probably reeked of it, but i loved it, so whatevs. still love it, but my husband doesn't.

    i also love fake-strawberry smell. and flavour.


    so, back in the day, i'd often have strawberry incense one day and Money House another. one time a friend gave me a Strawberry Money House pack of incense... and it rocked my world. and on my skin, that's what this smells like. pink and purple, incense.


    and i love it.

    if it was a GC i'd probably wear it a lot of the time. but it isn't.


    and this is also one of those scent memories for me that, because it reminds me of one particular weekend, with someone who's no longer with us, half the time it makes me smile and half the time it makes me wanna cry. sometimes both, simultaneously. so that's probably not the best thing.


    i think i've got a sniffie of this somewhere, and if not maybe i'll be able to get hold of one sometime in the future, as a memory of a weekend in 1994, trapped in a wee little vial.


    not especially related, except as part of that memory, but i heard the other day that they're bringing back Zima in a limited release...

  4. [No additional description given.]


    i don't wanna be first! my reviews aren't that good :(


    this is slightly stale, but clean hay. no poop! just the hay. i think it is the same hay note as from a couple of scents we've had before. i loved Gunpowder, and i think the hay note in the background was one of the things that made me like it so much, and this is similar. fans of Hay Moon and Scarecrow, etc, might want to give this a try?

  5. in the bottle this is stronnnng!

    this is fancy holiday 'taters, made with skins on and a little roasted garlic, chicken stock, and buttermilk. not your everyday taters, but fancy 'taters!

    there's the faintest hint of buttery microwave popcorn in there, too.

    on my skin it settles and becomes less garlic-chicken stock-popcorn and becomes more buttery-tatery. it really reminds me of the potato cookies i used to make. they aren't really cookies, just look like them.

    take fingerling potatoes (tiny taters, strawberry sized or so) and scrub them, then boil until done. butter a cookie sheet. put cooked taters on cookie sheet and smash flat using a potato masher, bottom of a bowl, or your hands if they're cool enough. sprinkle with seasonings to your preference (garlic salt, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt, whatever) and cover with cheddar or whatever cheese is on hand, and bake until the cheese is browning.


    this is not as awful as last year's Day Old Ham. that was gross. this one i'd be willing to wear again.

    i also really love garlic, though.

    depending on what your skin does with the garlic-y-note, this would be a wild scent to wear for any vampire-hunter characters...

  6. [No additional description given.]

    oh, i don't wanna be first! my reviews aren't that good! but, well, here we go anyway...

    i worked for Hallmark for years and years, several different stores. went through their full Customer Service Specialist training, and Gift Wrap School. i must have wrapped thousands of Keepsake Ornaments over the years, plus who knows what all else along the way.
    i also worked at the gift-wrap-station in the mall, the one at the customer service desk for Christmas, i did that for many years, and several malls! i didn't do it this year, but a few years back they set us up in an empty storefront, and there were anywhere from 3-8 of us in there at any one time. we got paid by the hour by the mall, but people had to pay for the gift wrapping - there were set fees based on approximate box size. i made samples, which were conveniently hollow in the back and were useful for our storage, behind the scenes.

    and some people gave tips on top of the price!

    i had people who kept coming back to me, even waiting in line for me to wrap things, even when the other wrapping-people weren't doing anything. one guy tipped me $50 because i did all his gift wrapping - i told him we'd wrap anything, it didn't have to be purchased at the mall and his eyes lit up and he brought me everything he'd bought. one lady bought a weight bench for her son - i couldn't lift it, but i wrapped it! (rolled it over when it needed to be turned). she was amazed, she didn't think i'd be able to manage it. she brought me a cookie later that day :) (from the cookie stand around the corner)

    my point is ... i enjoy wrapping presents! i'm good at it! and i know me the smell of wrapping paper. which is a fairly specific cheap-processed-paper smell, mingled with inks, and just the faintest hint of cellophane.

    and yep. that's been bottled.

    as far as wearing this, i think it would make an interesting layering note. or character-building scent for RPGs :)

  7. Actual Lump of Coal bears no similarities to the Lump of Coal from a decade ago. this is dinosaurs. this is chimney sweeps with bad cockney accents dancing in the streets with penguins. it is an actual piece of coal. not to be confused with the "coal" i've included in some of the pakkitches i've sent out which have been rootbeer flavoured, chocolate-with-crisped-rice, or bouncey balls.

    i'm kinda surprised the oil isn't pitch black. which would make it hard to wear, sure, but boy howdy, this is potent stuff.

  8. i had hoped would be like Shill but it really isn't, it's air-popped popcorn but no butter or anything. like... just plain popcorn. which is interesting, don't get me wrong, but it reminds me of the horrible dry and stale popcorn they gave us sometimes as a snack back in kindergarten. which they always served with lemonade, which was also bad.


    i like my popcorn with both butter and sugar!

  9. i put a drop of this on my arm tonight before i started packaging up stuff from my decant circle.


    and i kept getting wafts of it, and being confused as to where the smell was coming from until i remembered what was on my arm.



    full disclosure: i don't like the smell of cherries, or almonds. i don't much like to eat almonds, but cherries can be ok by themselves in small doses, but only raw, not in baked goods.



    on me this had crazy strong throw, and staying power. and smelled like a fancy Jergens pastry. some sort of pastry thing crusted with almond slivers and filled with a cherry goo. feels like there's some kind of spice or seasoning in there, but i don't know what. just a hint of something.



    i was hoping for a sugar cookie with a maraschino cherry fluff frosting, which might have been interesting. this is really more of some kind of fancy pastry with a name i can't pronounce.

  10. i gave this a quick sniff-from-the-bottle at the DSLE when i picked it up and it seemed to be super chocolatey. like a melted Lindt truffle smooshed into chocolate cake batter.

    i'm not much a fan of chocolate, so i closed it and went on to sniff other things.


    The other night someone asked me to try it again and maybe post a proper review - so before i settled in for decanting, i opened my bottle of this and sniffed it again...


    now, at the DSLE, the room is full of scents! so sometimes things can lose nuances, or i might not be able to pick up on them. i don't have the best sense of smell as it is.


    but at home, with no other competing scents... the chocolates are still there, but they aren't the star of the show.


    when i opened this to sniff and test... i was transported back to Baskin Robbins - the ice cream shop in the mall when i was tiny. chocolate chip was my go-to flavour at the time, mostly because it was the only one i'd tried, and it was always in the same place in the shop. which was good, because i wasn't tall enough to see into the glass display case. so when the clerk asked me what i wanted, i pointed to where the chocolate chip should be. which was right between rum raisin and butter pecan, and my grandmother would get one of those two. i still have to get a small container of those every so often. that Baskin Robbins is long gone, so's the mall it was in.


    but instead of a trusty chocolate chip, what i got was mint chocolate chip ice cream. and i haven't had many truly disappointing food moments, but that was one of the first and most memorable. it was also the first time i was let down by a store i trusted.


    my other most memorable gross food moment? going to take a sip from my grandmother's cup, which normally had Coca~Cola in it, but for some reason that day she was drinking black coffee. there's still a stain on the carpet there from where i spit it out. i just couldn't help it, it was so terrible. that was over 35 years ago and i still can't drink coffee.



    but i digress. sorry. i had a little wander.



    this? is mint chocolate chip ice cream, in a bottle.

  11. sniffed from the bottle and wet on skin : i feel like i'm drinking a glass of The Great Bluedini (the original version, not the one they brought back), while slurping on one of the blue Otterpops, after having just washed my hands with Rock Star.


    after about half an hour to an hour, the blue raspberry-ness calms the f down, and a pastry note comes out. around that same time the fake blue raspberry changes to more of a real raspberry sort of note, so while wet is more candylike, on skin it turns into more real fruit and pastry.



    now, i suggest you go watch Blood & Donuts. a movie, wherein a jelly filled donut saves the day.




    full disclosure: i don't like raspberries, or raspberry flavoured things. i never liked The Great Bluedini, or the blue Otterpops. Rock Star can be ok, but there are batch variations which means sometimes i like it and sometimes i don't.

    last year's strawberry version, though? OMG, i wish i'd bought several more bottles because that stuff's amazing.

  12. ran across an imp of this on my desk, thought i'd give it a wear.



    eleventymillion years ago, at the first GothCon, the one in Atlanta, some friends and i participated in the themed-room party contest. our room's theme was The Chartreuse Disco Lounge. and as luck would have it, even the tiles in our bathroom were green! (the ones in the room next door weren't, so...)

    and we went a little nuts decorating the room with any green thing you can imagine. from lights, to bottles of actual chartreuse, bottles of nail polish scattered about, honeydew melon, some snow peas for snacking, i even put green towels, soap, shampoo, and conditioner in the bathroom.

    there was way more, but you get the idea.


    if we could have bottled the smell of all those things (even the ones that weren't scented - but the idea of them?) i feel like this is what it could have been.


    but mostly, in reality, i think it is probably the green soap, and green fern, and maybe a hint of the green flower stems (very Morticia - just stems, no flowers).

    a fun memory, but not really what i think of as perfume.

  13. i picked this up at the most recent DSLE.


    i don't know if this was reformulated at some point, or if there are just substantial batch differences? the bottle i bought, and did a test coat of, is silver holo glitter in a clear base. one coat was substantial glitter, but still very much shows the base colour i had on.

    (side note - the BPTP polishes play nice over Essie ones. some brands don't mix and will bubble/crinkle/do other bad things but these two work well!)


    there were two other bottles of Nuclear Winter on-hand that night, and they were different and were nearly full-coverage with one coat. a more pewter-y silver, and looked to have both regular silver/pewter coloured glitter as well as the holographic kind.


    now please don't judge - i've never tried to take one of those holding-a-bottle-of-nail-polish photos before, and it is the middle of the night (*not on the open road, though) in a room with lighting not good for pictures. and the base of this manicure is a week old now, and we've been doing yardwork so my hands are a bit mangled. i did a quickie touchup on the grown out part. i don't normally look this closely at my nails :(


    the glitter, Nuclear Winter, top coat was applied haphazardly while standing and talking last Friday night (*do it all again). the dink on my ring finger nail was me testing to see if it was dry too soon. and the very tip of my pinkie finger has one coat of the other version of Nuclear Winter, which looks more like puck_nc's swatch.




    the base is three thin coats of "Demure Vixen" from Essie. (not my blog, but her swatches show the actual colour really well!)


    i will say this is very, very similar to China Glaze's Fairy dust, which i love, so that's probably why i like this so much :)

    (i also have Shine on Crazy Diamond from Orly, which takes about three coats to look like one coat of this or Fairy Dust)

    (i love my holo glitter topcoats, can you tell?)

  14. this is so unlike what i expected / hoped for based on the notes.


    i wanted rose-tinted amber.


    i got a Go To Sleep, Darlings / Snow White / Lady Tall and White type slushy snow. boo. i mean, yeah, it is pretty, but it isn't what i was wanting :(

  15. i don't like mint or cucumber so i had very low expectations for this. i figured it'd be a Lick-It-y version of Squirting Cucumber.



    instead, Green Tea Therapy from The Healing Garden, izzatchoo? it's all, like, 1994 up in here.


    herbal, crisp, and very green - but no mint (which makes me queasy) or cucumber in sight. or, er, in nose.


    maybe a little like a high-end shampoo, or a day spa. nonoffensive and clean.





    also, i only know how to spell Rendezvous because of a Sheila E song, from back in 1984. :smilenod:

  16. coconut and me don't get on well. in food or fragrance. even palm oil in anything is enough to make me avoid it because it smells like coconut.


    there are a few tiny select exceptions - and of those few (that i can count on one hand) - one of them is Blood Pearl. apparently now i have another.



    i had a teensy accident when decanting this scent, and spilled about a decant's worth of oil. now, in all the years i've been decanting, this has almost always happened when it was a scent i hated.

    but for now, that room smells quite happily of what i'd swear was Blood Pearl. i haven't done a side-by-side skin testing but they're really similar. which is fine by me, i quite like them both!

  17. i never liked Skadi, way back when. and at the DSLE i sniffed Sleet and my first thought was that it reminded me of Skadi. i didn't spray it or try it, just sniffed it and knew it wasn't for me...

    i will say that i might not have even sniffed it if i'd read the notes first. it just smells cold and slush-y... i didn't get mint or eucalyptus, lemon, or fritos out of it.

  18. It would indeed be a difficult matter to find anything which is productive of more marvellous effects than the menstrual discharge. On the approach of a woman in this state, must will become sour, seeds which are touched by her become sterile, grafts wither away, garden plants are parched up, and the fruit will fall from the tree beneath which she sits. Her very look, even, will dim the brightness of mirrors, blunt the edge of steel, and take away the polish from ivory. A swarm of bees, if looked upon by her, will die immediately; brass and iron will instantly become rusty, and emit an offensive odour; while dogs which may have tasted of the matter so discharged are seized with madness, and their bite is venomous and incurable.
    -Pliny the Elder

    The copper tang of blood musk, swept by a cloud of dying bees and red poppies of madness.

    Jinkies, i don't wanna be first!

    i had no real interest in this scent, based on the notes, but i was going to an event anyway and so happily brought along a donation. (and was a fairy for a few other folks).

    One of the first things i did when i got there was sniff this on a friend, and it was amazing on her. i sniffed it on her off and on, and on a few other people, and finally got around to sniffing my bottle and holy cow!

    i've tested it a time or two since i got it on Friday night. And i don't get blood musk. not really red musk, either, but that's closer.

    sniffed from the bottle, and wet on skin, my initial thought was that it was the love child of Snake Charmer and Smut. but much softer than either of those

    after a while, it settles into something almost powdery - maybe dusty? - not like baby powder but possibly a dark amber, but maybe that's bees being fuzzy?

    i freely admit i'm not entirely sure what a red poppy smells like. this isn't the best review to start off a thread, and i apologize for that :( essentially i wanted to make sure that anyone who was, like me, not interested in something with the copper-meat blood scent didn't pass this up...
    after Day Old Ham i feared the worst from this!

    after about six hours, on me it smells oddly almost exactly like Gentle Lentil, my old favourite Lush shampoo, although maybe with a little dark musk or dark amber mixed in. which i've got no explanation for.

  19. this is moving on to a better home, so here's what i had in my notes from testing it:

    so confused! i love musk, tobacco, and patchouli. currant often goes sideways, the Lab's honey and i don't get on well. i dislike smoke smells, and i'm not sure i know the difference between red patchouli and others...


    this was a blind buy, and once we got it to try at the DSLE and i tested it, i knew i shouldn't have ordered it. it *sounded* amazing, but on me it was just a smoky almost-vetiver kinda thing with a wrong-y brown kinda sweetness. (like brown sugar or molasses, unlike a white kinda sweetness like a doughnut glaze or the cracklike icing Cinnabon uses)


    like a more masculine version of The Other Miss Spink. Maybe this is The Other Miss Spink's intended? i dunno. glad it is going to a better home, though!

  20. i like dirt. or, as we're fond of saying at the DSLE, i'm a dirt-y girl. there are a couple of us there (Hi Eoife!)

    so i tend to want to at least try all possibly dirt-heavy blends. for my Graveyard Dirt obsessionistas out there? i get none of that here.


    i love the Lab's roses, but i also don't get any rose bloom here. lotsa rose bush/stem/leaves smell (i used to hang out inside a gigantic rose bush, for hours at a time, so i know that scent well).


    i do get something nose-pinchy and dusty smelling that reminds me of vetiver (but without the wet paper bag full of cigarette ashes-y-ness) but isn't. maybe some sort of bitter patchouli? none of my gramma's cedar chest. maybe a bitter sandalwood?


    if Down The Rabbit Hole is to girly-rosy-sweet for you, this might be just your cuppa.


    i'm glad i got to try this, but it isn't something i'll ever want to wear.

  21. i love so many of the Lab's rose-heavy blends. and i have countless straight-up rose perfumes and perfume oils. it was one of the first scents i loved as a little girl, and i still love it.



    this is so similar to The Bear Prince from this year's Yules. so very, very similar.


    i don't care for Snow White at all, or most of the "snow" notes in other things. but i like Snow-Flakes. and this (and The Bear Prince) are like Snow-Flakes, with roses. that one has musk, this one has amber (not baby powder). i think this one might be slightly more wearable for me, but they're really similar.

  22. i have, over the course of the last four decades, been in many "new age" type stores, hippie shops, head shops, occult emporiums, etc etc, whatever you want to call the places that sell crystals, incense, and interesting decorative doodads.


    the ones with a large incense selection have a fairly similar base smell. the combined fragrance of all those different incense types... and i love that smell. there were things i picked up at Rhiannon's store (Blue Moon?) in Carrollton back when i was in college and they kept that smell for months and i adored it.


    mostly Nag Champa, with a little sandalwood, and a bit of some of the other more popular Airs scents (Egyptian Musk, China Moon, Kashmir, and Tropical Ocean).


    it is crazy how much this smells like Rhiannon's shop. the second location, the bigger one, with the big fountain and the claw-foot tub. and cow-print bathroom. and basement. i liked the smell of the old location (the smaller one, across the street) better, for whatever reason. but this is straight up 1996 new age shop.


    there's definitely some of the headache-inducing acquatic type notes going on in here, and it smells salty. but it doesn't smell like a perfume... it just smells like how everything you own might smell if you either owned or burned that much incense, constantly. with salt.


    i can't stop huffing my arm, but it is making my head hurt. i want to love it, but i don't think i can wear it.

  23. as my bottle of this, bought in 2006, is moving on to a better home i thought i'd add the notes from my spreadsheet:



    Snow White's identical twin cousin.

    White grew up in a fancier house, with wealthier parents who were more standoffish. that house is probably all white, with white carpet and rugs and glass everywhere. the kind of house you don't really *live* in, you just kinda stay in.... y'know?

    Flakes' folks don't come from money (White's mom married well, i guess?) so they're not as fancy, but they love their kid and will go outside and play so sometimes they come back into the house, all covered in leaf-bits and yard debris, a little muddy, but happy.


    nature versus nurture. nearly the same scent, but one is off-putting and the other is almost comforting. how's that work?
