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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Luhtarian

  1. When I applied it it was very acrid and bitter, like an orange peel ... I hadn't tried any BPAL with an orange note before, so I was afraid that this was just what orange does on my skin.


    But! Within ten minutes the acrid smell had gone, and I was left with a heavenly smell of juicy, bursting fruit, an orange-raspberry hybrid. Lovely!


    I think this would work especially well in a hair product. I love it when my hair smells fruity.

  2. I do have one question though. When adding new oils to the sheet, how do I make it so that the long and short descriptions stay in their column and don't bleed into the next one when they are really long?


    Put a space in the next column - i.e. put a space in the box that they bleed INTO.

  3. ...woooow. This is GORGEOUS! Surprisingly, it's not as foody on me as I expected. I'm getting a lot of grain. The mild and the honey just make it very sweet, I can't smell them individually. It's so hard to describe... but seriously, I LOVE this. It's on the 5ml list immediately!

  4. Very white, a lot of lilies and lilacs, but the same green note everyone is mentioning. Very evocative - the association with grief and mourning is apt, but it is in no way a comfort scent. It's pretty, but I think I really can't get away with strong florals like this one, so I'll be swapping it.

  5. Wet, there's a LOT of vetiver which is freaking me out - I've recently discovered I can't stand vetiver. Drying, there's less of the vetiver and a LOT of dragon's blood and cinnamon, with something warm and softer in the background. Still, not something I really like.

  6. This is very very rich and red... also commanding, sharp, and sort of masculine in it's wet stage. Drying, the whole thing collapses except for the red musk. Musk musk musk!


    So... not for me, but perfect for musk-loving guys!

  7. Hmm. This goes on nicely. For about an hour it's dragon's blood, but nicely balanced by the fig and currants. But it all kind of mushes together after that and ends up the same smell I get with most red musk scents - a red, soapy blob without complexity. Oh, well. But I'll still wear it, becasue its initial stage is marvelous - it really is very powerful and commanding, good for a confidance booster!

  8. *sigh* I wanted to like this one so much, but it is not to be. It went on smelling like a brownie, albeit a slightly dry, musty brownie... after ten minutes it was a hot, acrid and truly horrible metallic smell with almost no chocolate at all! Aww. After about five hours the slightly musty & dry brownie came back, but it's just not worth it. :P


    Edited for spelling.

  9. So... anyone have yesterday's update all spreadsheeted? *hopeful look*


    I try to add the new scents myself, but I always run into this one problem. When the description contains poetry, or anything else with line breaks, each new line goes into the cell BELOW, rather than it all going into one cell, can anyone tell me how to fix this?


    I'm going to post an updated version of my spreadsheet later today. :-)


    Oh, what you need to do to fix that is right click, go to "paste special" and paste it as "text." (I think it's text, anyway, can't recall off the top of my head. If "text" doesn't work just try one of the other options, one of them is it, lol!)


    My options are "HTML", "Unicode Text", and "Text". I tried them all and none of them did the trick. :D


    Thank you very much for the update!


    Well, another thing you can do is select the cell, but don't paste right away; click the box at the top where you would type text manually to input it. Once you have the flashing cursor in the box, try hitting paste?


    Tell me if that works...


    Yes! Yes it does! Thank you! :P

  10. So... anyone have yesterday's update all spreadsheeted? *hopeful look*


    I try to add the new scents myself, but I always run into this one problem. When the description contains poetry, or anything else with line breaks, each new line goes into the cell BELOW, rather than it all going into one cell, can anyone tell me how to fix this?


    I'm going to post an updated version of my spreadsheet later today. :-)


    Oh, what you need to do to fix that is right click, go to "paste special" and paste it as "text." (I think it's text, anyway, can't recall off the top of my head. If "text" doesn't work just try one of the other options, one of them is it, lol!)


    My options are "HTML", "Unicode Text", and "Text". I tried them all and none of them did the trick. :P


    Thank you very much for the update!

  11. So... anyone have yesterday's update all spreadsheeted? *hopeful look*


    I try to add the new scents myself, but I always run into this one problem. When the description contains poetry, or anything else with line breaks, each new line goes into the cell BELOW, rather than it all going into one cell, can anyone tell me how to fix this?

  12. Hmmm... I like this, but I'm not in love with it. At first it's a very sharp, dark green scent that's mostly grass but there's something else (the moss?) making it vaguely unsettling. As it dries, the tea and ginger come out to play and it's very cleansing, warm and nice.

  13. In the bottle, this was absolutely bursting with rich, dark, cherries. I could also smell resiny notes, but the cherries were most apparant. On me, the woods come out into the foreground, the cherry and currants are more muted. I wish there was more cherry on me, but it's still a really nice scent if you like wood notes - which I do!

  14. I really like this. It's very comforting, although I don't know if I would wear it out. The florals and the milk and honey balance nicely. I can't smell roses at all, but then on me roses smell like really strong soap, so that's a good thing. It's a very sweet, creamy and relaxing blend.

  15. All I can think is 'spices and cream'. The description is very apt, the spices do seem to wind and swirl through the other notes. Lovely! It has hardly any throw on me, but it lasts a long time.
