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Emu Nymph

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Posts posted by Emu Nymph

  1. I was blessed with Chaos Theory XXXIII.


    In the bottle it smells all buttery/butter scotch like. Kind of like Hellcat, but yet there's something under it, flowers? Like Hellcat decided to roll around than take a nap on a bed of light flowers.


    Wet on my skin the buttery goodness seems to run away, and all that it left is a honeysuckle, carnation, jasmine sent. Very sweet, spicy and light.

    But as it settles on me the butter scotch comes back with what seems like maybe a dusting of jasmine. And that’s the way it stays. It’s very yummy making my want a nice glass of mead, a carameded coffee or hot coco or maybe some butterscotch candy and lay out in the sun. This would make a great lotion. So I’m going to get some unscented Shea Butter and add some Chaos. This is just such a nice sent; it’s got the coziness of the homey/butter/butterscotch and the lightness of the flowers. I can only hope my other bottle lives up to this one.

  2. In the bottle it is very almond and cherry very sticky sweet. I can see th Cherry Coke think in he bottle.


    On me this one likes changing from sitcky sweet candy to light floral. It lasts a long time almost 10 hours (I woke up early this morning). It settles down to a sweet floral/candy. Loke some flowers fell into a glass of cherry coke. I really like this one and will so use up the ipm I got. I ended up falling a sleep and too a nap earier and wearing it while sleeping gave me "odd" dreams. And to think this was a extra from Beth.


    So I'll I have to say is Beth :P Thank you so muck I love this one.

  3. I REALLY wanted to love this one because I love pomegranite. In the bottle it smells like pomegranite huice with a few rose petels floating through it. On me though it turns to roses sprinkled with pomegranite. I may have to try swank. I just ordered pure pomegranite and will be happy with that. Sadle this doesn't have that much staying power in me either. It fades. It fades nicely mind you. But just not what I was looking for. But I will so use up the whole imp.

  4. Moonmouse lent me this sent to try and I'm not sure if I want to give it back. (But I wll)


    In the bottel: it's floral sweet. It smells familiar but I can't places it. But very lovely.


    Wet: On it smells just like in the bottel but a lot stronger.


    As is drys the vanille takes the front seat and the flowers take a back seat. It's so lovely. :P I will have to get a 5ml because it's sp strong on me I'll only need a little bit. But it's so good.

  5. This wasn't on my wish list and I didn't think i'd like it when I got it as an extra in my order. But after re applying it. I do like it A LOT.

    It's clean and light green, chrisp and warm. It smells like the local park here that my Clan gathers. Just the park nothing else. Takes me back to Mabon sitting on a rock watching everyone, after the Ritual, just have fun and my just sitting and taking in the smells and sounds of everything. I want more...

  6. I wanted to love this one oh so much because it has three of my all time favorite flowers in it. Lavender, jasmine, and honeysuckle


    In the bottle: Lavender very lavender. With small wahfs of something underneath it. Just trying to come to the front but just can't.


    On me the jasmine is starting to come out, butt he lavender is still the strongest thing. Until is starts to dry. As it drys the lavender takes a backseat to the jasmine and honeysuckle till even after my shower it's just a nice honeyed jasmine. Like the glowing sun setting on the ocean. I will so have to get a huge blottle of this.

  7. I absolutely cannot believe it's the end of June...I've been off school for TWO WHOLE MONTHS and haven't really accomplished anything!  Oh well, tons o' time till September, right?  :D

    Yeah today's my mothers birthday and it's the end of June. Wow I haven't does anything either. `except look for a job and hot nopthing so far. :P But good news the Lab has downloaded my order with Blue Moon in it so I should be getting it here within 3-4 weeks. YAY.

  8. In the bottle~ Dark and flowery. Sweet yet not. tempting you to put it on.

    Wet~ Dark green and earthen. Yet there is that soapy smell that so many of you said.

    Dry~ Ivory soap with a hint of some flower like rose or honeysuckle.


    I wanted to like this and it seemed like it wanted to like me. But it just couldn't make up it's mind if it wanted to smell like flowers or soap and kept changing her mind. In the end she chose to be flowery which I like but in the end the soap was just not want I wanted. I may keep an imp around just because but not one I'm likely to wear soon.

  9. Thank you both of you and yeah I'll keep checking it, but I REALLY want to get my 10ml of Blue Moon. And the 12 imps I ordered for Moonmouse. So that's just why I was asking. So if the shipping statement doesn't change by the 9th I'll email them just to give it a little extra time. Thanks again everyone.

  10. In the bottle: Smells like jasmine with little hints of something under it.


    Wet: It tingles on my skin (I think that's the spice), but it's honeysuckle mixed with jasmine and the faintest scent of spice.


    Dry: more jasmine and honeysuckle than anything else which I don't mind being that thoughs are two of my favorite smells that work really well on me. After a while it settles down to a spicey jasmine and the honeysuckle is now a back note.


    Final Thought: It smells really good on me but it does not last long. If I can't find another jasmine honeysuckle blend that stays longer on me I'll get a bigger bottle. But I'll keep looking. But I'll at least keep an imp or two on hand becausethis one is really nice on me.

  11. In the Bottle: very smoky, dry and dark. The floral notes are hard trying to peek through. But they just can't. Like a smoke filled roon with a lot of flowers places around it.


    Wet: This very woody smoke like. but the roses are stating the swirl thier way up very stofly.


    5 mins: The wood is just a nice back drop for the flowers now. The lilac is the strongest flower on my skin and I've always like lilac.


    7 Hours: the wood is almost all the way gone and it just smells like a took a nap under a liliac tree and rolled in rose. Very light and flowery nit not too light. If I was going to go out I would need to re apply to get the full effect


    I'm glad I go this, I got this as an extra YAY me. I think I may need more than an imp of this. it goes very well on my skin, it's need fiance and Moonmouse approved :P

  12. Ok, I placed my order on the 17 in the early moning. Now with the silly CCNow how will be be sure that the beautiful Lab has gotten this order? The only reason I ask is because I've ordered a full 10ml of blue moon and half of that order isn't mine. So if anyone could help me understand I'd be greatful. Thanks.

  13. Did you hurt your knee doing the Emu dance?



    Thanks, I can't wait, this is MoonMouse and my second order ever. oir first was in late May, so it should be getting here soon (YAY) *more emu happy dance* And to answer your question no I think I hurt it working out on monday then I went to belly dancing class on Wednesday and tweeked it again. So I've got to be a bit more careful. But I can not wait till this order comes in, naither can Moonmouse. Who's out of town at the moment that's why I placed the order for both of us.

  14. I just ordered too.


    Wish I had PayPal.  :D  I hate the thought of CCnow taking so much of the profits.


    But the only other alternative was to fly to LA tomorrow and give Beth the cash.


    It would have been fun though, especially after seeing the pictures...


    I'd better go to bed before I get myself in trouble here.  :P



    I agree with you Boots I hate that too. Maybe if I get a job I'll set up a Pay pal, but this is what Moonmouse and I got


    Blue Moon 10ml

    Titania - 5ml



    Chimera, Circe, Dragon's Milk, Eve, Fae, Naiad, Nyx, Persephone, Scherezade, Veil, Les Fleurs du Mal, Black Dahlia, Bordello, Jezebel, Queen Of Sheba, Seraglio, Wanda, Baobhan Sith, Fenris Wolf, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Szepasszony, Lady MacBeth, Old Morocco, Love Me


    Well that's all I can get until the New Lunacy Oil comes back out at the end of July. Now i'm going to ice my knee and get some sleep.

  15. Ok, thanks, do to the fact that was my dirst order ever I'm still trying to get the hang of how this all works. Ok so if it's not in by the time I'm ready to place my next order mid to late June then I'll start wondering if the vortex ate it. Again thanks you guys have been a great help. I hope my next order can be bigger than this one.

  16. Hallows_Eve

    How did you get te number for your shipment? Just so I know if I ever have problems.

    I'm starting to wonder if my order got eatten too. The CCNow says


    Order Status: Shipped

    Order History: 18 May 2004 - Received

    25 May 2004 - Order Shipped


    Ok I live in Oregon, it doesn't take this long to get something from my aunt that lives in NJ and that's a cross the country. *sniff* What's up?
