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Posts posted by elspeth

  1. When I first pulled this imp of of its baggy I was struck by how dark it seemed. The oil seemed thicker than any one I've seen so far. After putting it on I was hit with what could only be some knid of pine scent. I'm not really good with tree scents and identifying them but I think this could be it. It was smokey yet at the same time very clean and crisp. I think this is one that could be for men and women. It would be one that my boy and I could wear together. It is very strong and seems to last for quite a bit but isn't obnoxiously strong. It feels almost powerful. Definitely a great oil.

  2. I can smell the rich warmness of booze and vanilla when I first apply this to my skin. It is very foody and rich to my nose. It reminds me a bit of Misk U because it seems to also have coffee and cocoa hints in it. It is a very sweet and musky scent that seems to cling to my skin and adapt itself to it. I can imagine that it would smell lovely on anyone because it seems to bring out the best in even my skin. I just can't get over the comfort that I get from this scent. Where Misk U turned out to be not so lovely to me Storyville seems to be very loving. I can see how this fits the idea and legend of Storyville perfectly!

  3. When I first put this on I was suprised that I didn't smell much pumpkin at all. The first scent that hit me was spice and warmth. It reminded me of spiced cider and mulling spices. I can smell cinnamon and clove. As the oil begins to dry I can detect the pumpkin more and it reminds me of a warm pumpkin pie straight out of the oven. It has the warmth and comfort of any mother's kitchen. This truly is a unique oil and am very glad I got the chance to sniff it.

  4. Ode is very warm but also soapy when I get my first whiff after putting it on. I can smell what I believe to be the sandalwood and a light hint of floral. The sandalwood totally dominates the scent of this however. The lavender is starting to pop up and seems to be a bit powdery on me and could be what is causing this to seem soapy. The smell isn't very strong though and I think I would end up going through quite a bit in a day. It is a lovely and sad scent that I wouldn't mind having a bottle of, I'm just not sure how much I would wear it. Definitely a wonderful thing!


    After wearing it for a bit longer the soapyness lessens and I like it even more.

  5. I didn't think I would like this one as citrus scents never work on my skin. But boy was I wrong. Right away after putting it on I smell the mint. Which is a good thing because I love mint. Then the lime hit me and while it wasn't overwhelming it was definitely a strong scent. After it dried I could begin to pick out the hint of an ozone or aquatic feel to it. I think that it rounded out the scent very well and I know I'll be putting this on my list of bottle wants.

  6. On me this scent started off very much citrus. I could really smell the grapefruit. It had a tart edge to it that was suprisingly pleasing to me considering that citrus does poorly on me. After it started to dry down the citrus backed off and I could smell flowers. Looking back at the description I can only guess that it is the apple blossom. It was amazingly sweet but the citrus had almost faded almost 100 percent. Still it is very nice and since I love florals might merit a bottle.

  7. I got this as a frimp with a swap. I could smell the amber right away and it felt overall really warm to me. It is very strong and seems masculine without being too spicy. In fact I really don't get much spice from it. i do get some sweetness and the staying power is good. It lasted for quite a bit of time. I've noticed that a lot of Beth's scents seem to do that and I usually have a hard time finding one that does. This scent makes me want a bottle. in fact I bought an empty in case I swap for more imps!

  8. I could really get into this flower! The only drawback for me is that the earthy tones in it seem to be very prominent on my skin. The flower is very lovely but I have never really cared for fresh earth. That is exactly what this smells like. If you like gardening you will like this scent!

  9. When I got this imp I was really excited although lily has never really worked for me. When I put it on though I was bowled over. It is such a creamy delicious scent. It just curled around me and stayed very fresh. It never went to powder like most lillies do. Hope this is released very soon. I need about 5 bottles because this would definitely be my scent!!

  10. Very floral. I could smell it as soon as I opened the bottle and took a whiff. It seems to have quite a bit of throw and the lasting power is amazing. At first all I could smell was the peony. Then when it began to dry down I did notice a hint of woodiness. Not enough to take away from the floral but it added something very special to it. I am so glad I got this one. I can't wait to fully wear it around!

  11. I was so excited when I heard about this scent. I love vanilla and I love mint so I thought it would be perfect. The first sniff in the vial had me swooning in delight. I could smell the mint and the vanilla although they seemed very distinct, almost like I was smelling two scents at once. I put it on really quickly and was just as delighted. After about 10 minutes though the vanilla turned to a buttery scent and then adding in the mint made it seem like one of those after dinner mints. Unfortunately butter and I do not get along and soon I wished that they had stayed separate. It is a lovely fragrance and it smelled delightful on my friend without ever turning bad. Lucky girl....

  12. Mmm melon! Right away I could smell the melon so well that I could just see it glistening. The first initial rush after putting it on was very intensely melon. After awhile though the melon slowly began to back off and I could smell another kind of sweetness. I couldn't really pinpoint what it was but it did smell sorta fruity too. This is definitely a keeper. Must Have More!!

  13. First sniff: Smelled EXACTLY like warm fudge brownies!

    After putting it on I realized that my skin doesn't like chocolate as much as I do. It would be a great scent to put in a locket and it seems to stay around for quite a bit. In fact it made me very hungry. My bf smelled me coming to greet him after work and thought I had been baking.

  14. First impression was very light. It smelled wonderful!! And then it happened. When I put it on I became enraptured with it. It really is wonderful however since the chance of me finding more is rare I have to be really careful and not become too attached. It's lovely. Subtle and strong at the same time.

  15. I know that there are blends like Somnus that are said to aid sleep. Is there one that can possibly help me out. I spend hours awake because I just can't seem to fall asleep. I was looking for something with lavender as a focal possibly but not something that will induce a headache. What would you suggest?

  16. I was really excited to get this and be able to try it. At first in the imp it was very creamy and sweet. After I put it on my skin it seemed to amplify. I didn't get any mint from it like I read in other reviews. It seemed to turn kind of buttery after a few minutes. However after about ten it started to turn. It smelled like rancid milk or butter. Definitely did not work for me to my disappointment.

  17. When I saw this perfume I thought I would love it because after all I love Queen Elizabeth. Unfortunately this did not work at all. The first thing I smelled was the rosemary. But after I put it on it turned kinda acidic. I don't know if it was just my skin. After awhile it calmed down and I could smell other hints like possibly citrus. I think Bess and I need to come to an understanding so I am going to give it another go.

  18. In the bottle this scent is warm and inviting. It smells like vanilla and just a hint of floral. Once on the skin it is stronger and I can almost smell the cloud around me. I love vanilla and even when the floral hints got stronger it stayed warm and yummy. The florals remind me of old doilies and Victorian days. I really like the comfort this seems to offer. Perfect for a rainy day or by the fire.

  19. I love mint and this certainly hit the spot. In the bottle it was so refreshing and smelled perfectly like a candy cane.

    Once on however I could also smell hints of what my poor confused nose said could be vanilla.--I have a hard time with smelling and identifying notes.

    It stayed strong for quite awhile and did not lose any of its minty goodness. I had to be careful because it smelled so edible I coulda licked it off hungering now for a candy cane.

  20. When I first looked at the Lunacy scents I wanted this one right away bc its my bday month. I was so right. In the bottle it was very much like a water scent. It lasted a bit after I put it on. After awhile it did turn woodsy. But not like pine some other kind of tree. It had a longer life on me than any of the scents I've tried so far. I need it badly. Give me more!

  21. Long live the queen! As soon as I put it on I swear I felt the chill. It was a wonderfully cold smell...like ice and trees. Then I was nervous because the pine came on stronger but after a bit the pine receded and what I thought must be the musk came forward. I have a hard time with musks but this one behaved beautifully. Definitely a keeper.

  22. What a great freakin’ word. BPAL LOVES TEH SMUT! Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes.

    I tried this awhile ago. When I put it on I could smell the chocolate and musk right away. I love chocolate but unfortunately it was too strong for me. I always think of myself as a stronger perfume wearer (make sense?) but it seems it was just too powerful and smutty. I could definitely smell all of the sweetness it had. It did get better as I had it on for longer but it wasn't my cup of tea.

  23. The mint was stronger at first then any of the other elements. After awhile the lavender came forward a lot more. I really never had too much citrus....I know other people said lime but that really wasn't noticable on me. The second time I tried it I could smell everything much better though. I really liked this. It was very green and lovely. I would definitely want a bottle. I envy those that already do!
