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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by batsy

  1. In the vial: holy violets!


    On the skin: This is hardcore violets. There is practically nothing else to this. Okay I take that back, lilacs and iris are popping to mind. Yeah, violets. That sums this one up completely.

  2. In the vial: citrusy sweetness


    On the skin: Most definitely a floral. Boo. There's a cloying sweetness, salty smoke and orangeness to this. It's not all that bad, but the floral undertones (paperwhites?) would destroy me.

  3. Crushed herbs and sweet amber resin with a streak of patchouli, neroli and golden musk.

    In the vial: tangerines and freshly cut-into pumpkin. Wow, my mind is weird.

    On the skin: Still getting that pumpkin. It's citrus, as well. Very green, very clean, very girly. The patchouli is popping now and ruined it for me. Still can't believe the pumpkin smell... wild.

  4. In the vial: bitterness... cloves and spice.


    On the skin: Now, I love cloves but this is... um... bitter. On my skin it starts to warm up and so-so about it. I have a "clove" scent I adore and while this is similar, there's a sweetness to the other that this doesn't have. This is sour, lemony. Wild. I dunno, I might keep it around just for backup. And to see if there's any magical effects from it.

  5. I'm reviewing this out of an empty 5ml, so...


    In the bottle: Strong, sweet and spicy, very musky.


    What little there is left on my skin: It smells like a hippie store, all the incense. Sandalwood for sure. It's not something I'd honestly wear a day in my life. I can see, though, where this got its name. Very Middle Eastern in smell.

  6. In the vial: lemon-lime soda. Hrm?


    On the skin: Ok there's the ozone! It's very lime-y and the pine is coming out in the drydown. Like a forest in a rainstorm. It's more of a manly scent, to my nose. Similar to like aftershave, in a way. I like it, but I wouldn't wear it.

  7. CMLXIV (964)


    In the bottle: juicy black berries (yum!) and, I kid you not, Grape Bonkers candy. (I'm one of those scents = memories people.)


    On the skin: Chocolate! Yum! As it dried down it was a lot of berries and a hint of chocolate still, I'd say almost juniper berries. It's very nice, not a lot of throw, but just enough that it gives me a thrill. Seriously wish I had more of this!

  8. In the vial: sugar and cinnamon toast. Yum!


    On the skin: This is pretty heavy on the cinnamon and clove for me. I get an undertone of sugar... not really anything fruity. It smells delicious, like fresh cinnamon and sugar toast from the oven! A bit spicy warm, too. Great for the cold weather we're having.


    I'd have never tried this if eml298 hadn't been so kind! She's got me hooked now! :P

  9. In the vial: HA! Oh my god that's utterly ridiculous! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!


    On the skin: Oh yeah, every kind of rum imaginable. Like Willy Wonka made a BPAL. Having tried this after I tried Creepy, I get it now. It smells quite delicious. I bet the combo of the two would blow your mind though. I've just barely picked up the peppermint and it reminds me of the Girl Scouts' Thin Mint cookies. Yum!


    Pity I'll never get a bottle of this. :P

  10. In the vial: ooo sweeeeeeeet and juicy, like candy!


    On the skin: Watermelon? :P There's florals, but it's so juicy they're not bothering me. A bit of tartness to this, it's very delicious. Still getting watermelon as it dried down. Got a bit of warm, spicy-ness too. Would definetly wear during the winter months!

  11. In the vial: Really dark, patchouli and sandalwood


    On the skin: I wanted to like this. I really did. I got a whif of lemon but it's so strong with the sandalwood and patchouli I couldn't take it very long. Heavy on the earthy notes. Reminded me very muchly of the old hippie-owned record store in my hometown.

  12. In the vial: smells like that "Vanilla Fields" stuff my mom loved.


    On the skin: Insanely over-powering florals! Holy... this stuff made me sick. I must have spilled some on my hands, besides the test spot, because it literally assualted me with a vanilla musk-like scent for hours. :P This is headache-inducing to me.

  13. I've tried 2005's version, so here's the review for 2006's edition.


    In the vial: Hmmm... sugary-sweet sticky mens cologne? Ut oh.


    On the skin: Unlike 05's, this year's is NOT booze-heavy and smoky for me. This is light, almost like cheap cologne on me. I don't get any fires or smoke. Just this sticky-sweet rot that's giving me a headache.


    I'm so sad. :P 2006's version is not for me.

  14. Fitting I get to review this in October. :P


    In the vial: Smoky, a wet smoky. Damp and dreary, with age and wisdom.


    On the skin: ok here's the florals. Kinda strong... the smoky left me. Getting the lilac here... and I think jasmine? Eep. Hrm. It does remind me of a spooky scene involving an ancient gypsy woman using an oujia board. Just, sadly, my nose can't take whatever's in it. :D

  15. In the vial: Blinding white florals. :P Wow.


    On the skin: I dunno where that orangey note is coming from... orange zest? Anyway, conjures instant images of a unicorn, all blinding white. That's for sure. Gives me a bit of a headache though. Almost too floraly for my tastes. This one will probably take a few more sniffs before I decide on it. Very pretty, though.

  16. Seeing as I missed Spooky... not gonna miss Creepy!


    In the vial: butterscotchcarmelrum! WOO!


    On the skin: I get really heavy carmel/butterscotch. Which is good, because that's one of the particular things I loved about Red Lantern. I've never been one for coconut, but the coconut in this doesn't bother me. The rum makes it alll boozy-swoozy for that extra "bad girl" note.


    I need like three bottles of this. :P Beth's certainly done it again!

  17. In the vial: yummy exotic spicy roses!


    On the skin: Rose scents are always hit or miss for me. Harlot sorta disappeared into my skin on contact and left nothing behind. I didn't get any cinnamon (which is fine by me) and the roses were nice. But then it went sour and gave me a headache. I think I'll send it to my friend.
