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Posts posted by batsy

  1. In the vial: Solid vetiver.


    On the skin: Eep, aquatic. I'm assuming that's supposed to be the winter wind. Either way, hurts my nose and is causing a reaction similar to what happens when I get around jasmine. Swap.

  2. In the vial: Patchoili, with spices.


    On the skin: Yeah lots of red amber and patchouli. It's really spicy and burns my nose when I sniff it. Very interesting, since the heat is tempered by the vanilla. Most intrieguing! I really like this one, that's a surprise! Unfortunately, on the dry down it started to burn the heck out of my skin, so it's going to the swap pile.

  3. In the vial: smokey incense and berries! Like Lampades!


    On the skin: It evokes the woods in deep fall, after a frost. The berries are kinda like juniper to my nose. The mahogany is lovely and the pipe smoke deepens it. Kinda like a grandfather scent. Very manly. I'm getting a hint of wood polish/cleaner on the drydown, which scares me but hopefully that'll go away. Delightful!

  4. In the vial: Dirt. Particularly barkdust in the summer after a shower when it's all damp.


    On the skin: If one could smell colours, this would be 'brown'. It's all smoke and BBQ to me, which is interesting but I'm not sure I'm into smelling like a woodsmoke BBQ. Fairly interesting scent-wise, but going to the swap pile.

  5. In the vial: soft, musky leather. Very very light.


    On the skin: The cigars come out! It reminds me of a gentlemen's club in a bottle, really. I have to shove my hand to my nose to get anything off this one, which is disappointing but it's a lovely scent. Manly, but delightful! The musk isn't overpowering and the leather is better then the leather scent in like De Sade. Perfect!

  6. Sugar cookies with bay rum, tobacco, and lime.


    In the vial: Rum with a ton of lime juice in it. Sickly sweet.

    On the skin: Here comes the sugar cookies! It's all sugar and lime with a backdrop of rum. It's very lovely, delicious even! Yum! *eats hand*

    (edit to add Lab description)

  7. In the vial: warm, spicy oranges with amber. YAY!


    On the skin: Well, cinnamon. Hrm. But the oranges push it down, the tangerine pops, the tea and cadamom aren't killing me, and for once I can stand cinnamon! Wow.


    I might actually need a bottle of this one. It reminds me of this tea we used to make in 6th grade with a lot of the same spices. Excellent!

  8. In the vial: boozy herbs.


    On the skin: Oh there's the woods! And lots of herbs. Oh and dust, I don't know how Beth makes dust a scent but she's brilliant at it. This is very manly scent-wise, rather lovely. The incense starts to pop on the drydown, and the meloncholy scent of the woods and subsequently earth, is brilliant. Yay!

  9. In the vial: Wet eucalyptus.


    On the skin: Still eucalyptus and lavender now. Something sweet, sugar-y popped there. Honestly, this is like Sleepy Moon for me; I'm sure I'll use this when I have insomnia and anxiety. It's very calming and soothing. Yay for a good find!

  10. My first Enraged annimal!


    In the vial: Cocoa, vanilla, and carmel. Promising!


    On the skin: There's the cherries... the cocoa stays for me, the cardamom starts popping on the dry down, and that's about it for this groundhog. It's okay but it just soaks right into my skin and vanishes. No seeing his shadow.

  11. In the vial: almond, clove, orange peel. Kinda yummy.


    On the skin: I dunno what it is with neroli but it hates me. :P The sandalwood is warm and the orange peel is very strong on me. Unfortunately, this is the type of blend that would give me a headache. Bummer. (I wonder if the Sultan got a headache too?)

  12. In the vial: All musky sex. YAY!


    On the skin: Yum. I have the musk, all sinister and sexy, leather, dust (which is surprising, since I'm allergic to it) and a woodsy smell. Honestly, this was my favorite of the Yule '06, completely by surprise! It's manly, but when I wear it, it's all musky and hot. Which is funny, since usually musk and I don't mix.


    Love Krampus!

  13. The radiance and desolation of winter.

    In the vial: expensive men's cologne. :P

    On the skin: Pretty much the same, but with a heavy dolp of mint now. A drop of pine. I can't make out anything else.

  14. In the vial: Apple trees in flower/fruit. Wow, Beth totally captured that in a bottle!


    On the skin: Still apple, but the almond is there as well. It's a yummy scent; if there ever was a foody-aquatic this would be it. Honestly, it surprised me. This was my second favorite of the Yule '06 scents that I tried. Very much a keeper!

  15. In the vial: a woodsy aquatic? There's cypress and balsam. Probably the artemesia, too.


    On the skin: Well, smoke, musk and that cypress. It smells like burning wet trees. :P It's manly, to my nose, but a nice sent. The rosewood popped after drydown; not sure why I suddenly thought 'wormwood', but I did.

  16. In the vial: Yowza! Plum! Delicious!


    On the skin: lilac and wine, all heady and warmed by the sun. It's a definitive version of 'purple in a bottle', that's for sure. The myrrh is yummy and the wisteria is certainly prominent. Lovely overall!

  17. In the vial: deep dark resin. With a chemical component. Uh?


    On the skin: Well that's DEFINTELY patchouli and myrrh! Yowza. It's the pine that's throwing the resin scent. It's a dark scent but yet bright, if that makes any sense. The almond and clove came out during the drydown.


    Not for me, but a lovely scent!

  18. In the vial: light, soft, powdery florals.


    On the skin: Plastic. Honestly, smells like one of my old My Little Pony toys. Still floral, very feminine. Bits of baby powder and lemon to me. Oh well. I can see why it's a meditation blend.
