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Posts posted by batsy

  1. In the vial: Gingery florals...


    On the skin: Sadly, this turned into something akin to bathroom cleaner on me. :D Oh lord... That's really sad. I can smell tea and ginger, but there's a tang that just doesn't agree with my senses. Bummer. The fox demons dislike me. :P

  2. In the vial: grainy sweet, like oats and honey.


    On the skin: Hrm... reminds me of a farm. It's light and sweet, much like I'd imagine a field of grain bathed in sunlight. It's strong for me, but not in a way I'd like. I like the honey note though.

  3. In the vial: Orange-y. I can smell kumquat.


    On the skin: It really is a ridiculous scent! Very orange-y, all citrus and bright smelling, deepened by the white tea. There's a tang, which I think is the pepper. It wouldn't be an everyday scent, but it'd be great for fun! I think I'll keep the imp.

  4. In the vial: Cranberry! With crisp apples, very juicy!


    On the skin: My first reaction was "Whoa, Lampades!", and Punkie Night is seriously similar. The cranberries are indeed the strongest, but the apples fill in and make it less sweet and more tart. Oddly, it reminds me also of every country-home decor store I've ever been in. But I *love* it! I need a bottle!

  5. In the vial: unable to place the notes, except orchid of course. Very strong, almost expensive perfume-ish.


    On the skin: Still cannot place this. Oddly, it reminds me of my late beloved grandfather. The combo of his aftershave, hair products, and throat spray. Like hardcore memories brought up by this blend. It's a very strong scent. Will probably only keep it for the memories it invokes.

  6. In the vial: Peaches! Yummy ripe peaches. With heliotrope.


    On the skin: Still very peachy... As it's dried down, the oakmoss and bergamont popped. Lightly musky. It's a pretty scent, indeed! It's sweet, but more that sticky sweet of over-ripe peaches with a bunch of florals on me.

  7. In the vial: sweet sweet rain, with a hint of orange and pine. Yum!


    On the skin: The orange and pine pop way out on me. It really reminds me of the Oregon coast during the fall/winter, with a heavy rainstorm. This is delicious! I wish I had a bottle. It really wakes you up! :P

  8. In the vial: Heavy smoke mixed with a hint of pine. Promising...


    On the skin: Yeah, serious pine here. Kinda like a forest of pine trees after a severe thunderstorm with buckets of rain. There's almost a tiny hint of sweetness as well. As it dried down, it turned to something similar to hand lotion on me. :P Oh well.

  9. In the bottle: opium-laced chrysanthemums. Really strong!


    On the skin: this is pretty exotic. Where as I love Red Lantern, and that's pretty Asian, this is... really strong. Much more spicy too. A bit dab of ginger and some spices. I honestly love the smell of chrysanthemums, but I'm not sure I'd wear this that often. Lovely, though.

  10. In the bottle: minty Earl Grey! It smells almost exactly like the aching muscle oil they used on my cruise to Alaska! Yay!


    On the skin: Mmm delicious Earl Grey! With just a hint of vanilla bean! I'm excited, because usually anything with jasmine disagrees with me, but I can barely detect it! God I want to just roll in a bath of this! Will probably have to break down and order a bottle!

  11. In the bottle: CITRUS! Holy cow!


    On the skin: Very lemony, floral. The heliotrope, tuberose and amazingly the apricot blossoms really pop on me. Sadly, so much floral gives me a headache. As it's dried down, it's gotten musky/smoky. Reminds me a bit of Nihil, oddly. CD isn't me, but it's a really vibrant scent!

  12. In the bottle: black cherry patchouli with cardamom. :P


    On the skin: Whoa! I don't know if it's the cherries or the cardamom or even the verbena but dang! My sinuses are awake now! Eep! Similar to Tokoyo for me; cherry scents and I just don't usually mix. Very very strong on me. Almost an aquatic for some reason.

  13. This was an enablement imp given to me by Reedsong...


    In the vial: very heavy floral, almost like an upscale perfume to me.


    On the skin: there's a pine note that popped through the florals... almost like... this is hard to put into words but for me this turned gender neutral instantly. It also reminds me of hand lotion; got me on why. I wish I knew the notes, because this is certainly nice.

  14. In the vial: that's pumpkin with incense... hmm... strong


    On the skin: smells like butter popcorn! And there's the pumpkin again! It seriously reminds me of the farms during the fall, with the kettle corn and the freshly picked pumpkins all carved on display. There isn't an intensity to #4, like say that there is with Jack (which I spilled and was tortured for days by) which is nice. There's a hint of sugar that pops on the drydown. Very much like this!

  15. In the vial: cinnamon and fruit. Pear?


    On the skin: And then it spilled all over. :D It's definietly cinnamon! And that is fruit, I'd hazard pear and maybe a hint of strawberry. There's a touch of florals, maybe even clove, as it dries down. I'm not sure I'd wear it, but maybe for ritual purposes it'd come in handy.


    And now that it's all over my hands and keyboard, hopefully some blockages are busted? :P

  16. I've been unfortunate with 2/3rds of the Lunacy set, so here's hoping.


    In the vial: Whoa, bamboo. And...pine. Ok.


    On the skin: Ok that's better! That's certainly lavender, chamomile and white sandalwood. It's almost sweet smelling on me, and the bamboo isn't so overpowering. (like Dragon Moon was) It does calm and sooth the senses. Yay, finally another lunacy I like! :P

  17. In the vial: sugar, particularly pink cotton candy!


    On the skin: That pear! Yummy! And still with the sugar. The strawberry comes out as it dries down, and I think I detect a tiny hint of sweet pea. This is a lot like Midway, but instead of straight sugar overdose (and I *love* Midway) this is a bit more sweeter. Probably because of the pear and strawberry. I can see why everybody went nuts for this! :P If I had a chance, certainly I'd snag a bottle.
