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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Erinofhere

  1. This smells sweet, wet and salty. My skin tends to amp things like cream so that is the main note on me, beeswax is pretty strong in this blend and to me it is more of smoky sweet honey beeswax. Rice flower is also pretty strong in this blend. I'm not sure where the salt is coming from; it must be abalone accord, which is good because I was scared this would smell like funky fish or something. Thankfully Plovers doesn't come out fishy or weird at all. It's very pretty.


    The beeswax and moss make it a bit heavier than what I had anticipated. The abalone accord give it a salty bite, but the cream, rice flower and tea rose and heavier tuberose keep it sweet and pretty. I am not getting any berries at all.


    It also has some decent throw and it lasted very well on my skin last night. I put it on around 4ish and could still smell it at 10.


    Am I keeping it? I don't know. This smells like a few GC blends that I already own. It has its differences but maybe not so much that it warrants me keeping it.

  2. 2014 version - very nice. I have to agree that this is straight up Snake Oil and O together at last. For my part I usually don't care that much for Snake Oil variations, but Womb Furie has changed my mind on that. I LOVE Snake Oil... just please leave it alone. It's perfect as it is. Unless you add O which makes it double perfect. This is just...hmmmm...sexy. Just plain sexy. So glad I ordered the full bottle. I must never run out of this. WIN!

  3. I have been looking for a scent that resembles Coty Dark Vanilla for years (they always discontinue what I like most). Notes on this blend are sketchy. One website will list a set of notes and then another website will list a whole different set. Here is what I think would be the correct notes : top notes of bergamot, coconut and peach. At the heart of the fragrance are jasmine, geranium and lily-of-the-valley, placed on a woody base of sandalwood, cedar, musk, tonka bean and vanilla.


    The search so far as lead to no winners, I did get an old bottle off eBay...and this stuff does not age out well. Stinky cloying alcohol mess.


    Another one I have been looking for is Gerlain's Mahora. It's a hard one to wear, and it's more interesting than pretty but I miss it. It was my first sort of grown up lady bottle. Notes are orange blossom, almond blossom, and green accords (I’m going to say oak moss is in there for sure) in the top, ylang-ylang, neroli, tuberose and jasmine in the heart, and sandalwood, vanilla and vetiver in the base.


    Anyone want to take a stab at it?

  4. Wet I get mainly fresh new black leather. On my skin the lilac comes out and dominates. Lilac and I don't get on so well but thankfully the strong gorgeous leather and timid yet beautiful plum keeps this blend from turing into all lilac. It's very pretty...only that lilac just keeps coming up and smacking my nose. Sad to say this imp must go.

  5. I thought I had reviewed this already. Hummm


    2013 version


    For the past 2 something years that I have been ghosting around BPAL, I have heard much positive talk about Snow White. I just knew this would be perfect for me. And for the 10 minutes that it did last on my skin it was. This faded so fast, my skin just ate it all up :huh?: . Poof it was gone. While it was on my skin it was barley there and faint. I don't think I will be purchasing a bottle.


    What I did pick up on was the most enchanting smell of new fallen snow. It was light but very realistic. This smelled clean and fresh and just beautiful. A bit later I did pick up on fruit (pear?) and white flowers with a tiny bit of jasmine.


    It's just too light and short lived for me to ever purchase. :cry2:

  6. So, I was wondering if there are any possibly fragances from BPAL that might be similar to either one of my two all-time favorite BBW scents: Amber Blush and Forever Sunshine.


    Forever Sunshine:






    Oh I had forgotten about this scent. A few years ago I used this stuff like every single day in the summer. I loved it soooo much. Sorry to say I have not ran into any BPAL that called Forever Sunshine to mind.


    I think I have a little left in a bottle somewhere...I need to go hunt that up.

  7. This is a very complicated and strong scent. In the bottle it's just a tad too much...something. My nose was hit with a bunch of different smells all at once. It was a bit hard to take.


    On my skin the scents all seem to make their appearance and step back in line to form the scent itself.


    I smell "spices" and the only two I can really pick out are clove and ginger. The rest just seem a bit like kitchen spices. The cream shows up and goes really sweet. Almost like condensed milk. I am getting a bit of baked cakes, also picking up on a very faint honey note. The honey note turns into a sort of beer-ish mead smell and then much harder booze shows up. I usually like liquor smells but I'm not digging this.


    I faintly get metal-ish something and no leather unfortunately. And unfortunately the metal note seems out of place with this gourmand scent.


    This isn’t a love sadly. :(

  8. Pride is a rose I can live with. This is so pretty smelling, long lasting and strong. This smells like a summer scent to me.


    Someone also said that it does smell stuck up...and yeah it sort of does. It smells refined, but not the subtle way refined usually smells. This is classy and showy. Nouveau riche comes to mind. You like yourself when you wear this and you want everyone else to smell you too.


    My only problem is about an hour into it, this blend takes on a stringent aquatics feel to me. On bad headache days I would not be able to wear this due to that, but it didn't induce a head ache, it would only make one worse.


    Verdict…3 out 5. Maybe a big bottle.

  9. Sea of Glass is really beautiful and coming from a non aquatic/ozone person that is saying something.


    I pick up on citrus, white musk along with white floral. Also occasionally before we get into dry down I get a hint of some sort of red fruit. Not Cherry, not strawberry...maybe Pomegranate?


    This does a vanishing act on my skin after about an hour.


    Usually aquatics and ozone smells give me a migraine. Not Sea of Glass; It has a tranquil calming way about it. Very pretty, ultra feminine and well blended.


    Not sure if I am getting the big bottle. I know I am keeping the imp. I just don't know if this is "ME" or not.

  10. This started out as very soapy smelling. Then the floral hit.


    I did like it, it seems a bit too masculine for me...but I did like it.


    Then it gave me a headache. A pretty bad one at that. It took about 15 minutes for the headache to pop up. One of the floral must be the culprit.


    I like the boozy smoky quality that black lace has but the fear of migraine is too strong.


    I will be swapping out my decant sadly.

  11. I got this from the forums (Decant) and it arrived today. I tried it out on my wrist and then ran out to have lunch with a friend. All through lunch she kept sniffing the air and saying things like "something smells really good". Finally I shoved my wrist under her nose and asked if this was what she smelled. She grabbed my wrist and just kept it there. She looked up with this half panicky half happy bewildered look on her face. I explained it was a BPAL oil and it can be very hard to get.


    She sort of pouted and said so I guess I won’t be getting it for my birthday.


    While I love her with all my heart and would do anything to make her happy...I am not coming off my decant of Banshee Beat. No way. This is the S@*$!. Ahhh the vanilla is just wonderful. It's deep, it’s dark it's sexy as hell. The Patch in this is the good stuff, not the cheap stuff we used to wear in 7th grade. Together they form a very wearable, very unique and very swoon worthy blend of hippy sexy that I just have to have more of.


    I MUST HAVE A BIG BOTTLE. It’s crazy hard to find big bottles isn't it? I was really hoping I would hate this. But Alas...it's true love and now I will be pining away for it until I can secure a big bottle for myself.


    A co-worker just said I smelled like CC Euphoria. HUH? No I don't. Her nose must be off. Okay well maybe if I really think about it Euphoria and Banshee Beat may be a bit similar. I'm sure there is vanilla and patch in Euphoria...but for the record that really is stretching it. They don't smell alike silly coworker.

  12. Juvenile sticky sweet pink and very strong.


    It reminds me of a plastic doll head (that has been scented) very playful and innocent.


    After a bit the carnation shows up and helps this oil to grow up a bit...but only slightly. For me....it's not my cup of tea but my daughter loves it and I will be getting her the big bottle.


    Plus the name is adorable.

  13. I really want to like this. Something about it is very cloying. After dry down it gets much better and more wearable but it takes awhile to get there.


    It starts off with Rose. Lots and lots of Rose. To me it's just too much at this stage. I also think I am picking up on maybe some orange blossom too with a wee bit of cinnamon.


    After dry down (several minutes after dry down) it's still rose but it calms down so much. The cinnamon is still there along with an herbal type of scent behind all of it. It's nicer at the stage.


    Rose and I don't get on well. Sure...there are exceptions (like Whip) but for the most part, I'm not a fan of the roses. Having just so much rose at the start was overwhelming and I felt that this scent was just too strong, too in your face and too cloying.


    Swap pile for me. BUT if you LOVE roses, can't get enough roses and are looking for a long wearing rose...this is it.

  14. It is said this is like a masculine version of embalming fluid. I have no idea what embalming fluid smells like sooo...


    To me this smells very strong of green tea (My least favorite smelling tea) some rose for sure. I am picking up on some citrus and maybe a bit of rosemary maybe sage. I am also getting something that reminds me a bit of bag balm?? It’s very clean smelling and not at all bad. It's okay. It's not me and it isn't the Mr. either. I guess this one goes to the swap pile.

  15. Honestly? I would say absolutely nothing unless a room scent is requested. I can't think of anything worse than trying to give birth while having an allergy attack. Even without allergies sickness is not uncommon during labour and I think scent is very likely to make that worse.




    Also I was so sick to my stomach that pretty much every smell made me want to hurl while I was in labor. Unless it's rubbing alcohol I would not use it in the room. I remember a nurse was chewing some sort of mint gum….and it was just awful.


    However that was just me.


    I have always thought that jasmine was very calming. I prefer it as my bedroom scent over lavender. Again that's just me.

  16. To me this smells like snake oil with pumpkin and cinnamon. While that sounds very simple...it's more than just that. I never realized that the only thing Snake Oil is missing is cinnamon. When you add cinnamon you can wear Snake Oil fresh from the lab and not worry about aging it a year.


    This is yummy smelling. Cinnamon Snake Oil...perfection!

  17. Goblin Market has made me come to the realization that I need more quinces in my life. This smells so freakin good.


    It is fruity but not in the traditional sense. No melon and very little lemon (thank goodness). This smells like the last of the summer fruits along with the first fall fruits all mixed together. The end result isn't a juvenile berry or a generic apple scent. This is unique all on its own. Very grown up smelling and very pretty.
