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Posts posted by nancybridget

  1. Beautful, cool, green, and airy. I'm not usually one for lavender, but in this blend it's quite subtle. I'm smelling something herbaceous and just a touch floral. On my skin the bamboo pulp and white sandalwood are most prominent. Sleepy Moon is soft, calming, and pretty...

  2. Wow! I think I'm in love!!! :P Thaleia is a delectable blend of tropical citrusy suagrs! I'm craving something yummy to eat just smelling this blend. I am definately going to need a big bottle of this.....or maybe two!!! Bravo!!!

  3. I guess I expected it to be more smokey or incense-like or something. I don't know....


    Well, it smells to me lie clean laundry - like my boyfriend's fresh t-shirts out of the dryer, or off the clothesline in the summer. It's not a bad scent, actually quite cozy, it's just not something I'd wear.


    Maybe I'll pick one up for him!

  4. Very clean, ozone, aquatic scent. It's like finding a clear, cold fresh water river during a hike......or like walking on a Maine beach on a chilly spring day. Aquatics can be either hit or miss on my skin. This one is a stunner! I would guess there's some water lily, and maybe grapefruit or lemon blossom.

  5. Usually I'm not one for lavender blends, but Saint-Germain is all right. I love the mosses in this blend, and I believe I mistook them for anise at first. I was smelling black licorice all over the place! Saint-Germain does mellow down after a little while to delicious amber and fresh woodland mosses. I may have to invest in a bottle....

  6. This reminds me of Indian women. Spices from cooking, and burned incense, mixed with a soft rose soap.


    Funny you should mention Indian women, because this totally reminds me of my Indian MIL. To me it's myrrh, ginger, and incense. Yum! This is a great scent for cold, snowy days. Kinda makes me want a cup of Mom's Chai...

  7. At first it was delicious, pear and rose and musk.....


    Then it goes all citronella on me....no joke, like those candles that you lay outside to keep the critters away in the humid summertime. Oh, and also a bit of rose remains.


    <heavy sigh>....I really want a rose that work fabulously on me....

  8. When I first tried delirium, I smelled rootbeer or fennel or something of that nature when it was wet on my skin. :P


    That was earlier....now it's all lemony rose. Not something for me. Reminds me of households cleaners, or something of that nature.

  9. It's a beautiful, simple patchoulli blend. Vetiver and red patchoulli - smells like the description sounds. It's warm, and earthy. Probably not something I'd wear regularly, but maybe if I wanted to curl up with a good book on a snowy day.

  10. My guess as to the notes in Red Devil would be cherry, dragons bolld, carnation, jasmine, and maybe vanilla. When I first sniffed this in the Imp, all I got was cherry, and I was a bit disappointed, but on the skin, it's a beautiful blend - sexy, sweet, and spicy. Yum!!!

  11. On my skin, the vetiver and pepper is dominant. I could swear there's leather up in the blend as well. This one is too masculine for my tastes. It sends me on an aroma journey back to New Hampshire when I worked at a hole on the wall sports bar as a waitress. Kweku Anansi is the scent of the bikers I would wait on - dark woods, leather and man musk. :P

  12. Flower Moon is like it sounds......filled with florals. It actually smelled quite fruity to me in the Imp, but when it hit my skin, it was like a wildflower garden exploded in the room! After a bit it softens, and I'm smelling a soft citrus of some kind, maybe mandarin...overall, it's a beautiful floral dance.

  13. In the Imp, all I get is fruity punch....sugary, red, stains your mouth fruity punch.


    Then on my skin, it morphs into bubblegum and a bit of citrus. It's very young and fun, but alas, it had no staying power on me. This one would be good for a slumber pedi-party with the girls, or for a pre-teens first venture into BPAL.

  14. Not having read the notes before I tried Eve, I believe there was jasmine, lemon and ylang ylang. Now that I know there's ylang yalng, I'm guessing the rose and apple blossom were what I had mistaken jasmine for....as for the lemon, who knows. :P


    Overall, this is a gorgeous scent, and I couldn't have tried it at a better time of year. I'm craving the first blossoms of flowering trees and Eve takes me there, away from the gloomy, snow ridden days. She does end with a bt of a sweetness, whcih is the honey, but it's so subtle that if I didn't know it was there, I would think it was part of the blossoms.


    She's light, pretty and full bottle worthy.

  15. The Dark Side of Fire: cinnamon, bitter almond, and neroli. Heavily spiced, torrid, and possibly conflagrant.

    I must be too sensitive to wear this blend, because when it says Inferno, it means Inferno! The cinnamon burned my skin like no tomorrow. I had to immediately wash it away. It truly is the dark side of fire....

  16. This is a wickedly sexy scent! In the Imp all I get is musk, musk and more musk. However, on my wrist the beautiful sweet floral comes out, and justt a dash of spice. I have many other similar scents, so I'm not sure if I'd go bottle out with this, but it's just lovely....

  17. I begin by saying that I'm biased. I adore tuberose and own tons of different tuberose scents.


    Ok, so now that we've cleared the air...


    In the bottle all I could smell was a dominant sandalwood. And then I tried it on and the sexiness ensued. Tuberose and palm, honey and date, all types of sensual swirls of scents. I was holding out on trying this one until V-Day and even though my man is not the brightest bulb when it comes to fragrance, even he was a fan. Previous to his compliment, I couldn't stop the wrist sniffing. This one is a stunner!

  18. In my Imp all I could smell was cherry. It was overpowering and not good...but then....oh wait.....on my skin it is soft, delicious cocoa heaven! Yum!!! Subtle chocolate berry goodness with what appears to be a vanilla base. Not childlike at all and very wearable! It just goes to show you, you can't judge an imp on first sniff!

  19. I feel as though I'd love this, if the rose was more subtle. Vetiver and cactus flowers, dewey and delicious! The rose is pretty, but a bit oldish on my skin and it overpowers the beautiful otherness of the blend. Santa Muerte is something I might wear to a dreary funeral in the dank, wet springtime...

  20. I adore eating black licorice......but wearing.....I wasn't sure....


    At first it's lovely annis, syrupy and delicious. Then it mellows a bit, retaining it's licorice base, but with gentle woods and musk. Many hours later my wrist sniifs of powder and sweet civet. I could also swear there was moss or something green and herbaceous in there. Just a hint of annis remains at last sniff.
