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Posts posted by Wren12

  1. Picked this up at C2E2, what a great time that was!! I knew that I loved all the notes, but wasn't blown away by this right out of the bottle. New it was primarily a light, airy, clean scent. Very slightly like Monastary in the Mountains, which I adore. I got no vanilla at all, which made me sad, but it was still nice enough for a bottle.


    I've had it aging since then, and happened to pull it out tonight on a whim.


    Well, hoo-freaking-ray, this one likes to age I guess!


    Now when I sniff from the bottle I get a strong hint of clean, fresh air, warmed by soft vanilla which I hadn't noted before, but I know vanilla tends to age well, and this is definitely the case. On wet it is clean, sweet, and soft vanilla.


    As it dries the vanilla warms and is buoyed by a soft muskiness, tempered by the initial clean air scent, so it's not overly VANILLA MUSK, but more subtle, sweet, and really quite amazing.


    So glad I kept hold of this lovely.


    ETA: Rereading some of the reviews after writing this one I note several "feminine" descriptions, but for me this is much more unisex, bordering on an almost masculine cologney vibe, but an extremely soft, non overwhelming cologne. This may also be because I'm a guy and scents with ozone tend to smell cologney to me.

  2. Considering I have 3 bottles of this I have no idea how I've not reviewed it.


    For me this is a very soft and creamy vanilla at the start, which is tempered by a soft waft of lavender. The lavender is soft and not sharp, but its herbal nature keeps the vanilla in check. As the scent dries the vanilla warms up and becomes more assertive mingling with the lavender. The musk becomes noticeable but is soft and sweet.


    Overall it is a sweet, loving, wonderful scent and one which I wear for bedtime quite often.

  3. ITB: Smoky, herbal and a touch of green.


    On Wet: Ooh, the musk blooms straight away, sharp and sweet, like the musk in Infernal Lover, which is my favorite iteration of red musk. The herbal note fades more into the background and a slightly sweet floral note bolsters the high sweet sharpness of the red musk. A smokey note brings up the base notes sweetened and made more rich by the carmel, heady scent of tobacco flower mixing with the vanilla.


    Dry down: The musk remains assertive with the tobacco flower taking the place of the sweeter floral note from the wet phase. The whole lot is underscored by smokey, slightly boozy vanilla bringing just the right edge of softness to the rest of the sharp notes. The herbal notes are no longer assertive and this has become much more of a musk/incense scent.


    Overall I am totally happy I got a bottle of this. Everyone works together perfectly and it is unique and wonderful. Viva la luna Sanguinem!

  4. On me, Kabuki is predominantly anise to the point that I've been letting it age for months in the hopes that I can smell the red musk, which is normally a note that my skin amplifies. I mean it screams anise on me. The reviews show that a lot of people mostly get red musk or cherries, so your mileage may vary.


    I came to this thread JUST to mention Kabuki, since I'm wearing it today! My bottle is fairly well aged, and I get probably an equal blend of cherry and super awesome anise, which tempers the cherry so it is not sweet but spicy and lovely.


    Interestingly enough I get 0 red musk from it, and I amp musks to high heaven usually.

  5. I love this Atmo so much. It may very well be my favorite of all time.


    I get the exact same leather that I get from Eldritch Dark, and interestingly to my nose it is a naughty black leather...sharp, biting and enhanced by a tang of shiny silver metals. As it dries the leather becomes less intense and backs off a bit, replaced by a sweet, sexy musk...it's a bit like the "infernal" musk that I adore so much in Crowley.


    Everything about this is perfect, although I do wish it was a touch more assertive and intense! I just bought two more bottles to go with my current one. Mmmm...delish.


    ETA: Leather and musks are two of my favorite notes of all time, and I adore the tang of the Labs metal so I probably am fairly biased on this one.

  6. Bloody hell, I wrote up a love note of a review for this oil and it got deleted!


    It's amazing, freaking amazing. Shiny new black leather softened by a cloud of smoky Vetiver with moist, almost aquatic cologney vibes from the Oakmoss and a touch of woodiness, perhaps from the labdanum. Finally as it dries down the tobacco absolute, less caramelly than the single note, but rich and heady rides in to top off the scent.


    Like MCS I do not note any significant play from the patchouli, cacao drenched or no. I received this bottle from the lovely Rakshasha, because I knew I'd regret it if I didn't at least try it and it has sat for over 48 hours since receipt and transport etc.


    This is bliss in a bottle for me. On me it is very masculine (I'm also a guy, so interperet that as you will) and reads as an extremely appropriate, complex and magnetic cologne for an evening out.


    Leopold does seem to be quite the rapscallion indeed.

  7. How have I not reviewed this?!?!?


    This is my FAVORITE EVER 13!! And I think I've tried almost all of them if not all of them.


    This is sweet soft doughnuts, glazed with sticky sweet sugar, mixed with a lovely splash of pomegranate juice to give the glaze a pink color, and a tiny bit of sharp fruitiness to cut the sweet. It is cakey, wonderful and good from bottle to dry down.


    Honestly, if I didn't read the notes I'd swear it was a really sophisticated doughnut. I'm ok with smelling like amazing doughnuts.


    <3 Beth

  8. I need some help! I have always liked foody scents but latley I'm finding myself in love with and craving foody scents. I'm looking for foody recommendations, preferably LE scents from the past 3 years. Some scents I love include Sweet Lavinias Dread Puddings, Cake Smash, Sprinklecake, Egg Nog, Elegba, and Madagascan Vanilla Rum.


    Recs? :)


    Beaver 'Versery smells like amazing cupcakes.

  9. I just tested Blood Kiss Bonbon yesterday and it is basically sweet cocoa, smoke, and cherries. It is lovely and amazing and sweet and smoky and awesome. It is also strong like bull, and has throw like...something that throws things really well...I don't do sports. And since the Lupers are still up you can grab some and not worry about haunting the sales forum for it.

  10. This is weird, I am so not a floral person, but I picked this up (2007 version) on the cheap with an eBay bottle lot so I figured I'd give it a test.


    In the bottle it smelled of slightly sweet dust.


    On wet...yup, that's...sweet dust and...vanilla?


    Dry down: ok, now it's a little floral...but mainly this is overly sweet dusty vanilla on me. Very very odd compared to others reviews...

  11. Really, really good suggestions here! I'm a male leather lover so I speak from experience, lol. Dee, Black Rider, Fighter and Rogue are totally leathery yumminess with no florally notes at all.


    I'd also recommend Crowley and Jareth, although both are more complicated leather scents than any of the previously mentioned.


    ETA: Oh, and Haute Macabre, possibly my favorite leather scent although it's more leather and almonds ( which always smell like cherries to me) but still, an amazing leather scent and not terribly hard to find on swaps and sales.

  12. I have the Lupers - but that's about it - and I can't be sure I have all or there aren't gaps. I'm not good at this.




    that's what I've got - but you'd have to strip out the color coding and tally codes in the first column. And that has nothing SINCE the Lupers - oy - was hoping someone else had been going and could help fill in the gaps.




    OK, I gave myself a project - and I think it's *mostly* updated, basically went off the "new" page, so if it's there, it's on the google doc - I got a dead link for the last pickman stuff with Lilith's creations, so those aren't there (yet)


    Izile, this is simply amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us all!!


    <3 :wub2:

  13. ITB: Sweet, creamy, clean, but I not soapy clean, if that makes sense, fresh clean. It smells lush and juicy in the bottle.


    Wet: It's everything I wanted it to be. The sweet, clean white sandlewood, which works as the top note before giving way to the almost dusty vanilla of the marshmallow and the sweet/bitter bite of the Ranier Cherry. Again, lush, juicy and freshly clean are all adjectives that describe this when wet.


    Dry: The slight soap note of the sandlewood dissipates and a juicy sweetness from the currant takes it's stead. I get very little of the ginger or anise, but I'm ok with that at the moment, and anise has a tendency to become more assertive as it ages (Kabuki,I'm looking at you!). This is sweet, luscious, with a soft vanilla tempering what could be an overwhelming fruitiness from the current and Cherry.


    I fear I may have to grab another bottle oft his...and the label, so cool!!

  14. SInce you like Purple Snowballs, you might want to try a bunch of the berry & purple fruit scents.


    To name a few, I'm thinking Bewitched, Bordello, Glasgow, Lady MacBeth, Lampades, Morgause...


    And I second Roses, Pearls, Diamonds & would like to add London & Persephone.


    Do you think Baneberry might work? It's got a touch of green but seems mainly luscious, tasty looking, black, poisonous berries at the core.

  15. So gave Lust bonbon a full on test post shower! This had given it a good 8 hour rest outta the mailbox and it was actually in the 40s today so don't think that had much effects on the results. I applied at my normal points including at my wrists, crooks of the arm, neck and chest, a nice good slathering.


    I got a generically sweet flavor with a dark chocolate vibe. There was the tantalizing hint of Patchouli, and thought "ooh, this is going to be amazing" and then, 20 minutes later, nothing.


    Not a bloody thing whatsoever, it was just gone gone gone.Which is straight up bizarre, I am red musk (in a good way) so if nothing else that should have hung around!


    Very sad. I shall be giving this another try though, as it sounded magical. Good thing I will soon have more a bonbons to try!

  16. 2013


    I love it, warm, sweet cocoa tinged with milky coffee with a lovely spice from the cinnamon.


    Alas, within five minutes the skin on the crooks if my arms was bright red and burny, but my wrists are fine. Shame, because this is really beautiful.

  17. This scent is that of unending, unquenchable hunger and feral madness. This is the dead of winter: a frozen night, chill wind, and the sharp, warm perfume of blood, fur, fang, and claw. Winter air, Terebinth pine, juniper berry, dusty orris, deep amber, brown musk, white sandalwood, black cypress, blue cedar, Siamese benzoin, white tobacco, and tonka.

    ITB: A cool herbal scent, no notes immediately jump out, but it's very nicely blended.

    On Wet: Pretty much the same. A chilly herbal scent kissed with wintery pine and a slightly sharp tang from the juniper. As it warms a bit the juniper becomes more prominent. It's like the gin note in Velvet Punk Kitty, slightly sweet juniper...maybe from the benzoin and Tonka.

    Dry: Still has the chilly top note, and the juniper and pine bloom into a lovely, fresh scent, definitely evocative of a wood in winter. Not Christmas tree-y at all, it's very nice. Under this is the wonderful sweetness from the benzoin and tonka, which keeps it from being all Hells Acres Yule Tree Farm. I'm not getting the vanilla surge that I sometimes get from benzoin, but it's sweetness is very nice. I love musks, but brown is one that I've had issues with in the past amping into something über spicy ( Werepuppy I'm looking at you) but not at all in this blend. In fact I can barely detect any musk in this blend at all. Perhaps it is adding to the sweet undercurrent I'm detecting, but it's definitely not animalistic at this point.

    All in all, I'm very glad I sprang for a full bottle of this. It's amazingly well put together, and very much more than the sum of its parts. I adore the dry down, it's much more complex than the wet phase. I wonder how aging will change this baby.

    ETA: An hour or so after application the pine and juniper calm down and the musk peeks its head out. Its not that spicy brown musk, but a nice warm furry musk that balances the sweetness and cold from the earlier notes. So good.

    ETA2: so, wanted something comforting today, and the furry warmth mixed with the chill of this wonderful blend was just perfect. It's not a warm fuzzy hug type of comfort but a "I have the power and fierceness to get through whatever I've got to" kind of comforting, comfortable strength, as opposed to aggressive strength, does that make sense? I keep liking this blend more and more every time I wear it. I think I'm bummed I only bought the one bottle as it is just enchanting.

  18. Mmm...Paladin. Easily my favorite of the RPGs


    Wet it sweet, yet somehow warm. The tiniest touch of soft, soft leather, but I don't get any if the metallic note from it, such as the shiny metal in Witchblade.


    Dry this turns into sweet, bourbon vanilla with a light resinous kick swaddled in the soft leather from above. Still no metallic note which I'm fine with, though I do love the Labs metal note, it's not needed here. The white musk peeks through after a bit, but it remains sweet, deep vanilla throughout. Love it.

  19. Oh, this one is fun. I snagged a bottle from a lovely forumite if the 2013 version.


    The mints mix amazingly well in the bottle and the scent is cold and icy.


    On wet: the mints mingle and mix with the labs cold ozone note that I so adore. The mints smell much sweeter wet, out of the bottle.


    On dry: Now, this is interesting. While I don't notice a huge change in the scent profile the areas which I've applied the oil too, especially the crooks of my arm and my neck, have become distinctly cold, almost like when you use a rub like Icy Hot. It's kinda fun to have a tactile sensation mixed in with Beth's scent sensations...

  20. I love this so very much.


    ITB: teeny bit of mint, lots of vanilla and a bit of a sharp note from the Pom


    On: holy lord. I LOVE this. It is the ultimate buttery cookie with a sweet vanilla undertone and the pomegranate blossoms into a lovely tart top note to the warm sugary vanilla cookie. I'm not amping anything overly spicy, like Sugar Cookie does, which comes out as a wonderful snicker doodle, spicey, sugary cookies, this is more a pure vanilla butter cookie with a drizzle of pomegranate syrup over the top. I don't get any Mint at all when wearing it, in fact it comes off as a rather warm scent to me.


    For me this is a possible multiple bottle buy.
