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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Mrs.Black

  1. I recently won Rose Red in the Lab's E-Bay auction (unsniffed) and I love it. For the people who know it, could you recommend the most similar BPAL oil? I have tried many rose oils from BPAL (my favourite is Old London) but nothing that I know of compares to Rose Red. I was even thinking of getting the Rose single note. Does anybody know this one? There are no reviews!
  2. I would also love more variations of the Earl Grey theme, but I'm afraid Severin is all there is at the moment. Have you actually tried Severin? I don't find the leather very prominent or forbidding, it's really a lovely blend that captures the essence of Earl Grey. Somebody said it reminded them of Captain Picard with a riding crop in the episode Starship Mine, and I agree!
  3. Mrs.Black


    I don't swap many imps because I like most of them enough to finish them (oh, yeah, and because I live in Australia). There has been something that I have appreciated in every one of Beth's creations -- with almost 100 tested-- UP UNTIL THE MOMENT I OPENED THE IMP OF HECATE. This is the only BPAL oil that has made me nauseous, literally. It's almond alright, just of the most distorted and degenerate kind, with nothing of the bitter-sweet milkiness of other BPAL almond scents. Out of respect for Beth, and knowing how much the oils can change from the bottle to the skin, I fought back the nausea and tested it on my skin. Exactly the same. Strong and tenacious, too. This one WILL be up for swap.
  4. Mrs.Black

    Where is this scent?

    In the "I got my order" section people mention getting imps of Wolfsbane, but I cannot find this scent either in the reviews section or through the search engine of the Lab. Where is it?
  5. Mrs.Black

    Estimated ship time.

    I agree with the previous reply: international customers would have much more peace of mind if they got shipping date info. I live in Australia and I'm still waiting for my first-ever order, which I placed on May 12... Brian told me that there was a delay with Persephone and Bruja, but I haven't been able to clarify whether the order has been shipped or not...
  6. Mrs.Black

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    And what about those gorgeous gothic-looking bottles (the first posted on the Chateau Bizarre website?) Does anyone have those? How do you order them? And the 1/8 round clear bottle? Is it still avilable? Many thanks!