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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. Ohhhh man. I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said about this one. It's such a perfect blend of all the notes. I can really detect the patchouli, leather and musk, but they are still well mixed so that one doesn't particularly stand out. The leather isn't the kind that gives me a headache, which makes me verry happy. This blend is so sexy, right along the lines of Smut and Mme Moriarty, but obviously more masculine. However I will definitely wear this myself, as it doesn't smell specifically "male" on my skin. Sexy. Sinful and very sexy. That's really all I have left to say. :D



  2. I really wanted to love this one, but unfortunately the leather is too strong and gives me a bit of a headache. It's really a pity, since the rose in this is really juicy and a tad on the sweet side. If you get headaches from blends with a strong leather note in them, then I would be a bit wary of this one.

  3. Thsi si a really sweet herbal scent on my skin. I somehow even smell a hint of apple, although I know it isn't listed in the notes (silly nose!). There is a slight smokiness that comes to the forground after it has dried, which really adds depth to the herbal and floral notes. I really love this one- it definitely fits the description to a T. The only thing I can possibly complain about is that it doesn't last very long on my skin, but that just means I'm going to have to slather and hunt down extra bottles :P yet another fabulous lunacy blend...

  4. Wow! This is blend is very very strong on me. The sweet orange is strong and bold, tempered slightly by chamomile and hints of spice. It's a very relaxing late summer blend, but I find that if I put too much on I get a bit of a headache :P Anyhow, it's still gorgeous, and I plan on wearing it (little drops of it at least!) as I sit outside on summer evenings. Absolutely lovely.

  5. This is so smooth and golden, it just shines on my skin! This scent is so well blended that I am having a hard time picking out the notes- the only one I can smell for certain is the amber. Actually, without looking at the notes at all I would have thought that there was some sort of light musk in this b/c it has a very smooth and sensual feel to it.


    It's hard for me to say much else about this scent since it's so blended, except for the fact that I really, really like it! Unlike other LE sunny scents, Sol Invictus or Et Lux Fuit, this one doesn't go soapy or sharp on me. Now I can finally have a sunny scent that can make me happy! It lasts a long time and stays close to the skin, which is perfect for this type of blend.



  6. When this one's wet on my skin and in the imp, it is lovely; it's a mixture of jasmine, some other night blooming flowers, dirt and mosses. I can't really detect the incense very much in this one, it must be grounding the scent. Anyway...this one reminds me a lot in feel to the Caterpillar, but is going a little bit more soapy, unfortunately. Apparently whatever flowers are in this blend do not go well with the moss on my skin, because when this is fully dry it turns very dusty, sharp and soapy. Alas, Crossroads and I were not meant for each other!

  7. This is a lovely blend of woods that has a slight hint of dustiness. I don't get a lot of musk on my skin, only a little bit which lends to the clean and smooth feeling of this blend. I find this one really similar to Dee on my skin (it feels a shade lighter than Dee, to me)- very sophisticated and perfect for curling up with a book. However, this blend is really strong on me and I applied too much at first, which gave me a bit of a headache, so be careful!


    All in all I am really enjoying this blend, it's very relaxing yet sophisticated at the same time. Lovers of woody and unisex scents should definitely give this one a go.

  8. Now this is one sexy scent! I really get the smell of honey from this somehow and I have no idea why...tobacco and honey, it seems. Anyway, it is very smoky in both the notion of pipe tobacco and regular old smokiness. They really mix well with the sweetness and tiniest hint of leather that I can smell. For how rich this scent is, it doesn't give off a lot of throw- it's very much cozy and "come-hither" like. I will most surely be ordering a bottle of this for the fall and winter- it seems absolutely perfect curling up with someone on a cold night :P

  9. I agree with the "strawberry candy". This smells like those lifesavers strawberry and cream candies- I think the champagne mixed with the strawberry is making it turn a bit plastic on my skin :P Too bad, because it lasts quite a long and time and has good throw, lol. Ah well, I'm sure someone else will enjoy my imp of this!

  10. Loup Garou is a really envigorating scent- besides Jabberwocky, I can see this blend as being one that is really useful in the oil burner or the skin for waking me up or keeping me alert- I bet it's the presence of the eucalyptus in both. Anyway, this is a strong, strong foresty blend with that lovely extra bite of eucalyptus that makes it exrtra fresh and green. A lot fo BPAL's forest blends tend to smell similar on me, but this one sets itself apart (however, since I've tried most of the foresty blends, the one I find most similar to this is Stranger in Camp...) I really like this one, and will definitely add it to my wishlist since it seems good for so many uses. Wonderful! :P

  11. At first wet, this smells strongly of orange blossom and lavendar. A very odd, soapy combo on my skin. I am not getting any cypress at all, strangely :P This one pretty much stays "nice expensive soap" on me, and lasts for quite a while with little throw. This, for me, is a good scent for body lotion or the like, but not as a perfume.

  12. This scent is a beauty! There's lots of juicy plum, very fresh smelling and almost glistening, piled on top of lily, tuberose and ylang ylang. The ylang is behaving itself, for once, and not going musty on me (woohooo!). WQ has an incredibly velvety feel to it once it's dry. It gives me the image of lying on rich, thick purple velvet and eating fresh fruit. The incense is not overly strong in this one, it just lends a hand in grounding the sweetness of the scent. WQ lasts for a very long time adn stays true; although, as it wears on it tends to stick closer to the skin.


    I really think this is one of the most beautiful scents that I have ever smelled- it's so incredibly feminine and voluptuous; oddly enough, it's not at all sinister to me. Anyhow, it's simply stunning and I am a very proud owner of a bottle of it.



  13. Allison Gross starts out as an herbal musk that is quite pungent (sniffing it in the bottle scared me!!) with a lot of throw. As it dries, the flowers come out and it begins to soften. I can't detect any of the flowers specifically, although for a while in the drydown it takes on a powdery edge to it. When it is finally dry it settles into a lovely musk with a soft undercurrent of florals and a slight tinge of the bitter herbals left over.


    All in all, Allison Gross is a lovely, morphing scent. I was a little worried at first b/c of the bitterness, but it only lasted for a short while. A very beautiful scent and one that goes oh so well with the poem which inspired it :P


    ETA- I found in the past month that something in this one keeps giving me headaches when I wear it (couldn't really tell when I only had dabbed it in a tiny spot on my arm) Sadly this one is off to a better home as I type....

  14. Yummmm! This one is very creamy and decadent! Besides the obvious chocolate notes, there is definitely a nutty note in this one that hasn't been in the others- it almost smells like almond on me, but I'm sure it's the massoia bark. Aside from those two dominant smells, there is a hint of peach and spice- very much like March Hare as others were saying :P The cocoa and white chocolate do not go plasticky on me at all during the drydown. Wooohoo!


    This is very very lovely, but as carwoman said, it doesn't stick around for long and I found that when I wore it yesterday I went through a ton of it in one day. I guess that means that I need to hunt down some more, because this one is definitely too good to let go of!

  15. My my this is wonderful!! I detect herbs, rosewood and the lemon peel most, with the other notes lying in the background. It is definitely a complex scent that can be worn by either sex. I really love the herbal touch that the coriander gives this one- it makes it feel very antique to me, like an old book or ornate, old piece of furniture. Tristran has great lasting power, too; It stays true for over 6 hours on my skin.


    I'm glad I chose well in ordering this one first, it is definitely a winner!

  16. This is very fruity/floral sweet on me. It reminds me strongly of a blend like Hades or Morgause, but with a bit more sweetness to it. Despite its sweetness, this is a very mysterious and complex scent. There is also a hint of fresh air/ozone in this lingering in the background as well. It reminds me strongly of sitting outside in late spring with the wind blowing and the smell of flowers all around. Very lovely and evocative. Like others, I'm glad I snagged a bottle before it disappeared.

  17. Yep, yep, definitely some dandelions in here :D I also detect what I think is a bit of dragon's blood resin? But honestly I am not so sure- maybe I am influenced by the bright color of the oil. There is surely a bit of something resinous beneath the greenery, giving it a very golden and warm quality. This blend lasts for a very very long time on my skin, and the dandelion seems to come out more over time. I am so pleased this worked b/c Roadhouse really didn't at all (I smelled cough drops!), and One to Tie goes a touch soapy on me...this is perfect as far as a true smelling dandelion goes on my skin.

    I'm really loving this one; it's perfect for summer! I'm glad I managed to snag a bottle before these disappeared. :P

  18. Oi, I'm glad I found this thread. I'm moving to Germany for 3 months this spring. It's an awkward amount of time, and I'm thinking I might need more than imps. I'll probably take a couple of bottles with me, very protected, in my checked luggage. The rest of my collection will probably be kept here in a safe spot.


    I'm curious to hear what euterpe414 ended up doing.


    Sorry I never saw this sooner! Anyway, for anyone else who is curious, I sealed the bottles with plumbers tape, put them in one (umm, it turned out to be two, eek!) of those essential oil travelling cases with some bubble wrap inside to cushion and packed them in between lots of sweaters in my suitcase- the one that went in the luggage area. Nothing was damaged when I arrived in France, so I'd say the method worked very very well. I'm definitely going to do it that way again when I move back to the US. :P

  19. I was very surprised how green this one is. The strongest note I detect in this blend is a green stem note- like that of freshly cut flowers. Behind the greenery there lies a bit of creamy sweetness which is a bit reminiscent of Pele on my skin. There is also a tiny hint of the citrus that keeps the blend feeling very fresh. Privilege is not at all strong or overpowering, in fact it is quite light and breezy; it lasts quite a few hours on my skin before I need to reapply it, which is nice b/c most lighter florals don't tend to stick around for long.


    I was hesitant at first about ordering this one, but I am glad that I caved and got it, b/c I am really enjoying it, lack of substance and all! :P

  20. Definitely an incense lover's dream :P This one is quite a heavy incense blend, with the woodsmoke and fruit being in the forefront. It doesn't become so sweet that it is cloying, though. While it is in the same family as some other BPAL incense "classics" such as Midnight Mass, it is definitely it's own unique blend that is defnitely worth a try. It doesn't have a lot of throw once it dries, keeping it a contemplative scent for personal use. Like so many other salons, I am really loving this blend and will definitely cherish my bottle of it.

  21. This is drop dead GORGEOUS. When wet it is mainly pear, cherry blossom and lilac. A touch powdery but not tipping over the edge. As it dries, the other notes, particularly the lavendar come out and really add a lot of depth to the blend. I don't really know how else to explain this one since it is so unique and complex- it's soft and feminine but with an underlying herbal tone due to the lavendar. Very silky...It reminds mea bit in feel of Blue Moon 07. I really like this one b/c it is an unusual feminine blend, and one that I will wear a lot this summer :P

  22. Man, there are a lot of flowers shoved into this tiny bottle! The only one I can pick out specifically is lilac, and perhaps a little sweet pea. This is very delicate and sweet, and a touch on the clean side (but not at all soapy). I imagine if I put too much of this on I might get a headache, but a little dab goes a long way, and it lasts and lasts.


    This is a very very girly perfume, not for those who are afraid of lace and frilly dresses :D Very beautiful and a great addition to the GC :P

  23. This is very very much lime on my skin sweetened by the tonka and benzoin. There are hints of the flowers and greenery which give this blend a cologne-y edge to it. Lysander seems similar in feel to Whitechapel, although it doesn't turn musty on my skin. So, if you want a blend like Whitechapel but it didn't work on you, I highly recommend this. This is more of a men's scent to me (i.e. cologne like), and not one that I would choose to wear, but I very much enjoy it nonetheless.

  24. This is a wonderfully strong clove scent :P It's almost single note clove on me, but there is a slight smokiness around the edges that really makes it unique. It lasts a long time and has quite a good amount of throw as well. I know people are comapring this to Count Dracula, but on me this is much more clove centric, whereas in CD clove was only a small part of its makeup. But perhaps that is my skin chemistry... Anyhow, I like this a lot although I will wait a while for it to age to see if that brings out the wood notes a little bit more.
