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Everything posted by Northernminx

  1. Northernminx


    I actually would have liked some more lavender in this, but mostly I got tons of lotus, fruity, velvety and a little sweet. Lotus is pretty but can be really overwhelming on me in some blends and this one sorta socked me over the head. The lavender made an appearance at the drydown but it ended up just smelling a little powdery after all the lotus. Pretty, but not totally my speed so off to swaps.
  2. Northernminx


    Sparkling, juicy peach, but less fruity and a bit more effervescent. This reminds me of the smell of peach mead, sweet, light, sunny and a bit addictive. This was a nice lift to my mood today when it's a bit gloomy out as this was a really summery, joyous kind of scent. I didn't get much musk off this which is a bit sad as I wanted it a little more golden on me but still lovely.
  3. Northernminx


    I usually love rose scents, and this was lovely but not quite as stunning as some of Beth's other roses in my mind. Dry dusty tea roses and not much else, any oomph this had was beaten up by my silly chemistry. While pretty, it didn't call out to me to purchase more or attach my nose to my wrist so I'll swap it off to someone who may more appreciate it.
  4. Northernminx


    Eucalyptus and citrus and...damn I'm allergic to this. For some reason I cannot STOP sneezing wearing it. This had the benefit of clearing my sinuses today but now all I can smell is Eucalyptus and lemon pledge (stupid chemistry) Uhm...needless to say the small quarter of an imp I have remaining will be swapped. Ugh.
  5. Northernminx


    This had the fortuitous arrival time of getting into my hands while my boyfriend was visiting. Sweet tea with a touch of milk, this was sweet but not cloying or overbearing. A little vanilla under all that and a bit of lemon and something a little muskier. Jake said it smelled too sweet for it to be masculine until he tried it on and wahooo... I should note Andra's review is dead on. Sweet but sexy and just a touch proper dangling on the edge of dangerous. Let's just say we fought over who got to keep the imp on this one and the end result is I'll be ordering him a 5ml in my next order. (He won the fight though I can't really say I mind)
  6. Northernminx

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    This fell into the fruity cherry category on me, sticky sweet and with something a bit medicinal. I don't tend to have much luck with the voodoo blends as a whole and while bright and cheery and fruity, this ended up smelling like cough syrup on me after a few hours. Off to swaps.
  7. Northernminx

    Wolf Moon 2004

    This has that fresh almost silvery freshness I associate with the lunar blends, cool and soothing. This wasn't very animalistic at all, however, but there is a faint breath of something musky underneath that's absolutely beautiful. A feral wolf on a cold night for certain. I was surprised this was so light to be honest as the animal notes had me a bit worried when I bought it. Gorgeous and fresh and a little wild.
  8. In sort of a reverse wowser... Andra's review of Dorian was more than slightly dead on. So much so that the boyfriend stole the imp after testing. It was however a very fun evening
  9. Northernminx


    Lots and lots and lots of Jasmine. I didn't get much else though the geranium crept in toward the end of dry down. This was almost an overwhelmingly strong floral for me, pretty but nothing totally special and mostly it just made me a little headachey. Sad, but not too sad since this was a discontinued anyway.
  10. Northernminx


    Very true to the real thing, a dead ringer for huge wilting, hot house gardenia blossoms. As previously noted a creamy buttery floral, almost cloying. This is gorgeous but really I got it for my mother who adores gardenias. This one ended up with her but I had to test it first
  11. Northernminx

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    They are actually EEEEVER so slightly wider. A millimeter or so at most. They're also taller. The only reason I know this is that my one 10ml doesn't line up with the 5ml's properly in the box
  12. Northernminx


    Dark, herbal patchouli at first, I wasn't expecting this to go fruity as I had totally forgotten what was in it. As such I thought I was going a bit mad when this dried down into sweet, over-ripe apricot. The apricot itself is a gorgeous scent but I'm finding the darkness in this one just a little too unnerving. Innocence defiled perhaps? Nice but not me.
  13. Northernminx


    Lemon grass and patchouli. This was a very incense/head shop sort of smell on me, strong and very very earthy. The lemongrass takes over on me but there's still some patchouli under there and as it dries down some sandalwood. Nice but not me at all so off to swaps.
  14. Northernminx

    Cheshire Cat

    I wish I could give you a lovely description of this scent and all its complexity. Sadly all I can say is: grapefruit. Yes citrus, once again, has pulled it's marvelous "drive every other scent out of town" routine. Sharp, citrusy grapefruit and maybe a touch of lavender in the four seconds I have before it totally dissapears. Sigh. Off to someone who can actually enjoy it.
  15. Northernminx


    Pine and eucalyptus, this was definitly a scent that screamed WAKE UP into my nose. I found this a lilttle too intense to really love, although it was sort of pleasantly cooling and dark and green. I imagine I'd actually love this if I were not feeling well or if it was oppressively hot out but in the middle of winter this just didn't do much for me. Off to swaps.
  16. Northernminx


    Simply cool, the essence of Lounge: the scent of a crisp pomegranate martini. For some reason I kept thinking champagne in this, even though it's more martini according to the description. Fruity in the vial, this went on very very sweet but quickly dried down into this gorgeous, crisp tart scent. Pomegranite and a touch of something alcoholic. This is an adult fruitiness, nothing sweet and innocent about it, just straight to the point clear and clean and sparkling. I wasn't certain I would like this at all but I'm rather in love with it and keep smelling myself.
  17. Northernminx


    Dignified, a little creepy, a little sensual. This starts off sweet earth and spilled red wine, dark and earthy and rich. As it dries down there's a faint herbal smell that comes in that I can't place. It's still fairly sweet, just a little bit floral and adds a sort of wistful melancholy to that original richness. Gorgeous and lovely, but it sadly doesn't last long on my skin. Off to swaps despite loving it.
  18. Northernminx

    #20 Love Oil

    Cinnamon and cherry-like almonds in the vial this was almost sickly sweet. That didn't last, changing into a gorgeous spicey concoction for a bit before drying down to a sort of herbal-floral blend. I can't really place any of the notes on this but it's intriguing, complex, and feminine. I can see why it would've been a courtesan blend.
  19. Northernminx


    Fresh and fruity and a touch floral, this morphed a lot, suitable for the goddess of discord though I wasn't certain what to expect. Spiced fruit at the beginning, though I can't for the life of me discern what sort of fruit. This dried down into a vaguely spiced floral. Almost tropical, definitly not a winter scent this added some brightness to this freezing and snowy winter day.
  20. Northernminx


    I'm not really certain how something can be aquatic and earthy at the same time, but this one managed to me. Lots of violet and lavender made this almost an aquatic floral but the vertiver and musk add a definite earthiness. This is fairly masculine but not one of my favorites and for some reason made my mother very sneezy. off to swaps.
  21. Northernminx


    A slight undercurrent of clove with nutmeg and a touch of neroli. I get surprisingly little rose in this exotic and spicey blend. It’s nice but a little too spicey and not enough floral for what I was imagining. The orange peel is a great touch, a little bitter citrus in with everything else. Complex, intense, slinky, but not quite me once it mixes with my chemistry.
  22. Northernminx


    This was a bit more floral than I anticipated, sort of like a field of flowers in a clear wind. Bright, light and clear. The lemon for once didn't take this one over, but the sandalwood seems to have taken its place in bapping me over the head. Pretty light and feminine, I'm still not a huge sandalwood fan and my chemistry amps it up. Off to swaps.
  23. Northernminx


    :blinks: I was a little frightened of this as De Sade was a little bit too hard black leather and Wanda never really worked on me. But how could I resist leather and roses? In the vial, vaguely rosey but not much there. On me, tons of lush, drooping red roses, in full bloom and just starting to droop. The leather isn't really a full leather scent at first, just a deep undertone that softens and grounds this and make it utterly gorgeous. The leather comes out a little more as this dries down, but its still gorgeous, soft and supple black leather under rose petals. Black leather bustiers and beds of roses. I put this on in the evening to test and I could barely sleep because I kept catching this gorgeous heady sexy scent. Definite keeper.
  24. Northernminx

    Mad Hatter

    Lavendar and a sort of buttery mint scent, this was subtle, a little herbal, light with a touch of musk. It was not overtly masculine but I could see a man wearing it though I personally considered it a more unisex scent. gorgeous, sophisticated and just a touch on the surprising side with all that buttery mintyness
  25. Northernminx


    Herbal and strong in the bottle, the vertiver is...uhm overwhelming... at first. That's the nicest way I can put it as it practically punched me in the nose. I'm not getting any floral from this, no cinnamon, no spice. just ka-pow! vertiver. The leather comes in a bit after that but I was really hoping for the floral and cinnamon to mellow this on me and it never did. Sadly, it's kinda turning my stomach with my chemistry so off to swaps.