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Posts posted by jazlyn

  1. The Hamptons is pretty similar to the smell of a cosmopolitan: it was tart, cranberryish, and boozey. Initially I was in love with the way it smelled on me... sourish and fruity, but with a hint of alcohol... a cosmopolitan that was mixed with less alcohol and more fruity stuff (I don't like my drinks strong). However, after about two minutes, the alcohol note really came out and it was almost like feeling I had too much to drink! :P Not a good feeling.

  2. My first impression of Litha on me was spicy/herbal sweet room fragrance. A little later on I got the honey, but it's sadly faded away. Later still it smells a bit citrusy. For me this isn't too much of a floral scent as it is spicy/herbal/sweet and I actually get fall from this rather than summer... maybe that's because of the oak wood and ivy leaf.

  3. Queen was pretty potent at first and exuded power at first (rawr!), but the pepper made me sneeze (twice). It was a sweet floral with a kick, but within a few minutes it dried down to a amber/resinous/powdery scent, like O... but a little spicey.

  4. Whoa there! In the imp Lurid is reallly potent, kind of like rubbing alcohol. On... this seems sort of masculine and clean; I get the ozone and lavender, but also some pine with a bit of sweetness. Oh geez this reminds me of Snow Bunny and/or Snow Moon. Not for me.

  5. In the imp The Great Sword of War was almost overwhelmingly chocolatey and musky with the barest hint of mandarin (mmm, mandarin). At first when it's on I get the same thing, but as it dries the chocolate smell fades and it gets muskier and more orangey! Sweet! Okay, I was thinking "this is for the swaps" initially, but now... this may be a keeper :P

  6. Oh no... Strawberry Moon smells like plasticky/artificial strawberries with a bit of cream (like Scratch 'n' Sniff stickers). There's also a green herbal/mintyish methol-type note that's clearing up my nose a bit as I smell this. Like a few other people have said, this scent is similar to Pink Phoenix, except that this isn't as sickly sweet and doesn't have as many notes, therefore making it less complicated.

  7. Absinthe is a light green scent on me... buds on trees and yellow green leaves unfurling, the scent of lemon drops and mints in the same container.--->The lemon and mint are most noticeable at first, but a little later I can smell more of the anise and the woody/mossy/herbal somethings. After a bit, all of the notes are kind of jumbled together into one very faint scent. This is kind of nice but, I don't think I'll be wearing it as a perfume.

  8. At first, Kyoto is a pretty nice blend of creamy cherry and bright sandalwood... not so much the star anise. However, after being settled in on my skin it begins to smell a bit more like star anise; also, the creamy cherry has changed to cherry blossoms... which is fine since I'm not a fan of creamy sweet scents. The cherry blossoms and sandalwood together smell beautiful, but I'm not liking the star anise (which is growing stronger).

  9. At first Thaleia is a mostly sweet apricot and honey scent on me with a bit of orange and tonka. I'm not sure what ciste smells like and I'm sure the ylang ylang and gardenia are in there somewhere, but it's mostly sweet and fruity. This scent makes me happy, giddy even... it's definitely vivacious, dazzling, and merry like the description says. A bit later it has calmed down a bit and it's like the apricot melted and covered everything else; I don't get much of the other notes as much now. I think this smells too apricot-y for me.

  10. Rosalind is a light green and aquatic scent, with a hint of berry. On me, the grass note stands out the most with the aquatic note second, but then the berry comes out more and the wateryness of this recedes. Oh aww... I've only had this on for a few minutes now and it's already faded quite a bit :P

  11. Eve is a lighter, prettier and more feminine version of Delirium. Lovely apple blossom, a hint of sweet honey and ylang ylang and... (uh-oh) hello, rose. Eve, like all (or the vast majority) of scents containing rose has turned to soap on me!

  12. Mmm, Honey Moon is really sweet and soothing; it reminds me a bit of these honey lemon tea and honey-filled cough drops I suck on when I'm sick (makes me think of them in a good way!). It's quite comforting... there's honey, jasmine, and another type(s) of floral.. gardenia? This is a very pretty scent, but I think the jasmine may be a bit too much for me.

  13. Wow Athens is pretty strong and heady... and spicy! On me the myrrh is strongest, followed by the honey. I don't really get the wine, oddly, nor is there much of a floral side to this. Is there dragon's blood resin in here? This reminds me of other scents like that (a bit like Blood for example). Later on there's a slightly plasticky feel to this and it's faded a lot actually. I don't think I'll be wearing this.

  14. At first Rome smelled very green and herbal... a minute later I could get wafts of the chamomile and a teensy bit of rose mixed in. Now, another few minutes later, this is nearly all rose! It's pushed everything else into the background again and made this soapy. Oh and I kind of agree it smells like perm solution, at least when it's wet.

  15. Ouija contains rosewood, tea rose, and dried white rose... amongst other things. This is a very lovely scent, but the rose turns this soapy on me (aaaah not again). Aside from the rose notes, there are some wood notes that balance this out a bit and keep it from being a super floral. For some reason I'm thinking there's a hint of water/aquatic/clean/ozone notes too; it's very light, reminiscent of a delicate breeze/mist/dew/tiny droplets of water slowly condensing on the bathroom mirror after taking a hot shower.

  16. At first Madrid smells like a spicier version of Dubble Bubble pink bubble gum. After a little bit, I can smell the clove and something like berries (which must be the wine, but it doesn't smell that much like alcohol)... not sure what mimosa smells like. And another minute or two later this is mostly clove on me, not so much of the fruityness of the wine anymore.

  17. Whoa! Fire of Love is a really strong and bitter wood at first and I think what I'm smelling is patchouli and... the something that I must not like is probably civet (what everyone is mentioning). After a few minutes it's not quite as potent, but I think I can safely say I won't be wearing this again.

  18. Ulalume smelled medicinal and faintly reminded me of menthol and these patches my dad puts on his back for back pain. It's dark and kind of... I want to say ominous. Several minutes later, it's still a little bit dark, but it's a lot lighter and the notes are apparent now: an aquatic note, dark woods, lilies. Woods that are dark and foreboding, but then in the center of the wood there lies a lovely pool with flowers growing around it. This is much better now that it's dried completely, but I'm not sure if I'll be wearing it...

  19. Chaste Moon is a milky floral blend; I can smell milky/buttery/creamy notes, some florals (I'm thinking small and white, similar to the floral notes in Snow White), and a sparkling something (must be the lunar oils). This is a pretty blend, but I don't know if I'd wear it regularly as a perfume.

  20. I'm not sure what ambergris smells like, but Cathode is definitely mossy and minty (mmm!). How unique and lovely! Pale green... sea green. A little bit later the mint has backed off a bit and there's some kind of floral note coming through. Oh, too bad I have to give this up in a swap... well I suppose I could put this on my wishlist again haha although I'm not sure when I'd wear this if I did get it again, maybe to relax and/or clear my thoughts when I'm about to do some schoolwork.

  21. I get red, brown and green from Anne Bonny. This is pretty spicy and bitter; it reminds me of some of the other blends I've tried like Lust, but this isn't quite as strong and it doesn't really stand out for me. I don't think I like this enough to keep the imp.

  22. Snow Moon really reminds me of Snow Bunny; they were both odd scents to me. There are small, cold flowers and there’s pine/fir… sounds like they’d work together, but that wasn’t the case for me. Snow Bunny was more girlie and powdery I think, but other than that these two are pretty much the same!
