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Posts posted by Aveya

  1. I'll finish up this review once I do a full test, but had to stop in and give the first bottle-impressions. Cause first sniff? This is 100% stanky weed. I actually LOL'd way harder than I should have about it. Like, Guys- air-freshen the house this was a bad idea.


    Alright real review:


    Source: Lab Blind-buy.

    Preconception: Literally "LOL Pot. *clicks buy* " I did secretly hope it would be warm and incense meets banshee beat with a dash of pot, for no rational reason.


    Imp Sniff: Stanky weed.

    Initial skin: LOL POT. I'll clarify - It's sharp, astringent, herbal, and sweet. "Sweat" isn't far off. If you're unfamiliar with weed this is also similar to say ... dirtier wet Sencha green tea? Algae? Somewhere in that astringent herbal realm.

    Drydown: It gets less astringent and softer - but it sure takes it's happy time getting there. Someone unfamiliar with marijuana might find this stage enjoyable - but literally I couldn't wear this outside because my current State it's 100% illegal. Like, irrationally so (gotta love South Dakota). I'd manage to get my shit in trouble somehow.


    Late drydown: Keeps sweetening up and gets closer to my "hopeful" preconception. I actually think this one might age pretty well? If the stank calms down with a little time (like other top-notes tend to) then this could be really legit beautiful and just a fun hint instead of full-on pot.


    Going to keep this and take a gamble on time. If nothing else for amusing summer vacation days.

  2. Got this in TPP's decant circle. Yay! I was doing sniffies of everything, but this one got plopped on skin RIGHT away.


    Imp: I made audible sounds at how beautiful I thought this smelled. It reminded me a LOT of Gobo (fraggle rock) in the imp. Lemon Gobo.

    Skin initial: GOBO BUT MORE. Completely entirely a sweet citrus, with an immediate creamyness (push-ups for adults).

    Drydown: So, the patch took a while to peak out for me. But once it does, this scent is an entirely different game. The lemon-cream sugar of Gobo is still there, but a warmth starts to swell up from under it. I'm going to say it's a red patchouli (with my limited patch knowledge, this is like Sumatran Red. Nothing like East African Black). It's smooth and warm, not sharp and dirty.


    The moment where it switches from Gobo 2.0 to Sugared patch i got a little nervous - but once it passed the new scent was soooo amazing and delicious. Smooth, warm, gently woody/almost amber-esq in vibe, but then also these bright pops of sugary lemon cream. This is probably going to be a bottle buy/trade for me. Love. Love love love.



  3. Initial : Oh yum. Dirty plump apple being chomped on right in the garden at midnight. Smack dab in the middle of a Halloween party with sexy hippy hipsters.


    It just makes me feel happy and fresh, in a raw earthy sort of way. Love it.


    Drydown: The apple fades a while in, and then flips the entire scent over to teakwood vanilla mashup. Which, unfortunately, smells like a #2 pencil to me. Sad face!

  4. Yep this is incense head-shop style proper. Really love it.


    I love patchouli. DIRTY wet patchouli. This isn't that. Or rather, that isn't the star. This is a solid blend to me of all the listed notes. Making a nice smooth, warm, cozy AF scent. The longer it stays the sweeter it gets as the vanilla is a late-show.


    If you hate hippy scents you should walk away. If you're like me and could literally bathe in it then have at.

  5. This is surprisingly lovely. It smells like a forest - in the darkest dampest coldest way possible. It's dirty but light. Initially it was lavender men's cologne. But then darkens up quickly. Longer drydown goes much darker, and much more masculine on me. Warm musky fur and cold slick feathers.


    For me, too masculine (at least this style of masculine isn't for me). But if I smelled this on someone else I would certainly be intrigued. Solid earthy-masculine scent to me.

  6. In Bottle: Fir ginger powder

    Wet on Skin: Very green. Fir dominant, with interesting backing support.

    Drydown: Surprisingly "perfumey" to me. Like there's a floral tone in here. I'm thinking it's the white amber - it's acting like amber does on me (that is, blooming at the same times and in the same ways) but instead of that warm yellow embrace, it's light and ... floral-perfume. Kind of nice in a weird way. As it sits it gets these lovely fruity notes popping through. Ginger is NOT the star in this for me; it just adds a nice brightness to the blend.


    Time must be nice to this bottle - I'm not getting anything screechy or acidic or too in my face like the earlier reviews. This is actually really beautiful and lovely. For me personally I don't like that white amber thing happening - but I know some out there will love this.


    Verdict; Ends up overall smelling very clean and soapy, in a really good way. Fruity herbal, hinting at floral. Interesting scent.

  7. Bottle Sniff: How my brain thinks matcha should smell always. Tart, green, but piney.

    Initial Skin: Sweetens up, citrus blooms. There's a level I want to call buttery - I think it's hay + Honey.

    Drydown: Starts to fade fairly quick on me. the citrus kind of gets eaten up - super bummer. The honey however takes forefront for me. It remains a buttery awkward honey that I'm not so sure about. As it sits I get random wafts of something citrus/fruity.


    Verdict; neutral honey-citrus-skin scent with initial notes of citrus and tea. It stays close to the skin.

  8. Ok guys. This scent is real straight forward. : Fruit Loops knockoff brand's leftover milk.


    You know, once you ate it all and then it's just this overly sugared carby milk staring at you with all it's rainbow color? And if you're like me and you drink it anyways - you don't really regret it you think "Omg this is incredible why doesn't everyone do this?" It's not as sweet as you'd think, it's actually like buttery (because let's be honest wtf is in knockoffs that makes them taste like... butter. Lmfao) And then you feel ever so slightly bad about it. But next time you get a bowl be honest, you're going to do it again like you're still 10.


    It's that. In a scent. I can't unsmell it.


    The funny part is I absolutely love it.

  9. 2013 Version: HONEY! I don't care it's honey. Best honey ever. Spiced, herbal, non-cloying. The rose is beautiful - not faint per say but not the blooming all-over-my-house rose I've come across before. Any woodsy in this just blends into the honey, like it belongs there.


    Verdict; Sweet Agave Nectar = Best spicey rose honey ever.

  10. Oh my jeeze. I've tested tons of scents lately and it's miss, miss, miss. But this one is just 100% hit. this is a little gem. I'm definitely getting the hang of what scents together work great for me.


    It's got that blurry earthy base from the sandalwood/patchouli thing. Warm and soft. Then it's got a lightness to it with the other notes. The "licorice" is tempered from going foody, and turns the blend into an awesome warm deep room full of incense with a fruit edge.


    The fruit isn't deep and gloopy, but it's certainly dried. A faint whisp of sweet. Yum.

  11. Super excited about Plum musk, so I tried this one out. But I was afraid of the florals. I just don't really like florals =(


    Unfortunately it went exactly that path. Musky, floral, a touch of fruity sweet. It's a bit dark but yet tempered? Nice scent for someone who enjoys those encompassing deep musky florals.

  12. I just loved this scent when I first put it on. all light, bright, crisp, but full. It wasn't until I read the notes that I realized it was pine and "snow" that made it feel so chill, in a good way.


    This is a happy, easy, scent. The best part of snow. With the usual Luper musky sexy feel on drydown. I've avoided pine scents because I'm fearful of pinesol. But this is really lovely to me. Subtle to me. Full disclosure I THINK this is my first "snow" scent. Which I find hugely surprisingly.


    Verdict; Frostbitten floral-pine musk.

  13. Other reviews are spot on. This is a strangely clean floral. The "clean" note for more bounces back and forth between a lovely herbal or a fresh clean soap.


    This is really interesting, bright, happy, calming. This might become a diffuser scent for me. My house can smell clean instead :D



    I mean, the others can/do sometimes. But I can barely get my hands on ones that do. They can also get too herbal or too floral. Personally, i like juicy bright fruits.


    This scent is super sweet, goopy strawberries. With dusting of summer - grass and sun, somehow. Ah, so beautiful. now that spring is finally here in SD it feels super apt. Lovely spring/summer scent.

  15. Blind tested this one (no notes read first) - Musky cinnamony at first. Morphs to wonky leather, then starts to get incensy with a floral edge.

    Starts off more unisex then slowly works its way into masculine territory, then backs back off into unisex once the floral perks up. Overall has a buttery waxy cinnamon leather vibe going on. Odd.

  16. Imp was from a lab imp pack back in... 2012? So, aged imp.


    Imp: Light, herbal sweet.

    Skin Initial: Herbal green with these amazing wafts of watermelon. Faint.

    Skin Drydown: Smells like early summer on the edge of a forest. Green, wet mossy, light. A faint sweetness throughout the scent - but sadly the unique watermelon note doesn't come back.


    Not a scent that feels right on me, I would try this in the diffuser but since this is DC now, I'll swap it off to someone who'll love it more.

  17. Imp: SUPER Tart. You know the Sweet-tart chewy candy brand? Yeah, one of those just chomped into.

    Wet: YUP. Chewy Sweetarts

    Dry on Skin: Ok I'm getting redundant.


    If i really huff at my arm I can pull the notes apart from the scent. But, yeah this is the Chewy Sweetart scent to end all sweetart scents. Don't get me wrong, it smells awesome. Fizzy, fruity, edible. But Man this is so perfectly sweetart.

  18. So this is an oddball. I haven't had much luck with pomegranate, I can't pinpoint what it is, but it just goes awry every time. No exception here!


    Fresh on skin this turned SUPER sweet, almost like a grape syrup.

    Then quickly switched it up and was just 100% Smarties (US version). Dry powdery tart candy. But with unexpected wafts of wet wine.


    Kind of quirky. But not really melding on me into something I jive with.

  19. Imp: So i just smelled a scent last night for another brand that was supposed to blend herbs that smell like cheesecake? It smelled all medicinal and overpowering and omg in my face I maybe almost puked a little. Anyways - In the imp I smelled that note. UGH. But, it's not blended like a crazy person so I'ma try this anyways.... herbal and tart in the imp. Scaring me.

    Initial Skin: mmm good. Back to bpal yum. This is herbal floral, with a ... well duh but a peach musk. This is the first time a musk is as self evident as the name suggests. It's peach, but no juicy ness just the scent, musked up to make it feel dusted over skin.

    Drydown: Oh wow. These all start to really meld together for me. It's floral-dominant but not powdery or overpowering, with a gentle dusting of fruit. Medium sillage (I would call it appropriate distance), very sexy feminine as the lupers tend to go. Peach becomes more prominent as time moves. Really love this peach musk thing happening. LOVE it.


    Verdict; Winter florals rolled in sexy mushed peaches.

  20. Imp: Bright. Something tart/sweet kind of smacks my face

    Initial Skin: Something wonky. Buttery tart I dunno.

    Drydown: red Patch and amber become the main focus on later dry. But whatever Golden Musk, I think, comes across a little wonky to my nose. I feel like there's sandalwood in this but.. I dunno.


    This one wasn't a winner for me, and that's purely just my personal tastes. It turns into a golden red patch amber blend, with extra woods. The LATE drydown is the most beautiful, getting warm and skin-musky for me. Not enough to warrant a regular wear for me with all the other scents out there I love. But solid.


    I'll swap mine for someone who might love this.

  21. Definitely prefer Haute Macabre scent over this one. They're very similar to me, but entirely different.


    This is leather for sure. Brown, firm, new. Nothing soft about it. It's a bit too much for me / not a scent I enjoy. That aside, the rest of the scent is a musky earthy vanilla blend much like Haute Macabre, but with an added lightness to it. Putting this into a different kind of profile. I don't get much jasmine, but I think it's responsible for the lighter feel of the scent, plus white patchouli a different level of leather.


    Anyways, strong throw. Almond-brown leather, lighter earthy/vanilla blend behind it. Another unisex scent to me.


    Verdict; Hipster leather store.

  22. Got samples of these


    Imp : Almond & hints of fake leather.

    Skin initial: Seriously black leather. Slick and almost wet.

    Drydown: Dirty dark earthy leafy ~ all blooms up giving a glorious backbone to the leather and almond. Becomes seriously black leather. I can see it, I can touch it. It's definitely in the Dominatrix leather realm. The longer it sits the more the patchouli settles in. Longhaul this becomes patchouli, leather, and skin-close vanilla scent.


    I really really irrationally love this.I just don't have a decent place to wear it. WAY too dominatrix on me to wear to work without cocked eyebrows. Going to be a Girls Weekend Out scent for me. Unisex truly. Powerful on anyone.


    Verdict: Dee & Banshee Beat BDSM session
