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Everything posted by Aveya

  1. Aveya

    Hemlock Honey

    Imp: Sweet, green, waxy (?), lingering tone of honeycomb Wet on skin: Where'd you go? All the sharpness instant vanishes and I think there's honey there somewhere. *SOAK* my skin just gulped it up. I got nothing. Invisible scent Drydown: Honey creeps back first. Almost musky deep sensuous honey. Waxy touch. God if all honey stayed like this on me I'd be the biggest fan in the entire world. This brief little moment of melted honeycomb is to die for. Something green keeps trying to poke out but can't cut through. it keeps it smelling fresh, I think keeping the honey from overpowering. It stays serious beautiful sensual on me. I have no idea what hemlock is supposed to smell like. And honey seems to be hit or miss on me. I've started avoiding it because I think I amp it like Rose and carnation, and it just takes over the entire world. And while it can smell nice, I don't really want to smell like a bottle of honey usually. This one doesn't get there. This is tempered down and god I'm going to sit sniffing myself all day now. This reminds me of the waxy note in candles moon (tried recently so fresh on my mind) splashed with honey. It's working out really beautifully and I'm fascinated. It MIGHT border on powdery, if my chemistry goes wonky at some point. But then on other moments it vaquely reminds me of Bengal (that sort of encompassing skin musk-esq something). I love this one so far. Overall; Sensual musky melting honeycomb.
  2. Aveya

    Jiggery Pokery

    it's interesting how hit and miss this scent seems on everyone. For me it was a hit. It was creamsicle through and through, but adulted up a little bit. The pepper others seem to have a problem with I don't really get much of. If I stick my nose into my skin and search for it I can find it... but nothing noticable for me. It's not in the throw. And this has a nice medium throw. It wafts sweet orange-cream around randomly and is really pleasant. Right in my ballpark. That said, lately I've been searching out scents like this one - and I realize now there are a plethora of these to pick from. So I likely won't buy, hunt, or hoard bottles of this. I think Gobo scratches the same itch this does for me, but I sure won't pass down trade options for this in the future . Overall; fun creamsicle scent with a medium throw.
  3. Aveya


    Disclaimer - No idea what Rose Jam smells like from Lush Wet on Skin : CANDY! Crystal clear cherry hard candy. "100% natural fruit juice" Drydown: Rose peaks out after the candy. Gives it a nice solid base. It's nice and robust, full wet rose. This candy note is amazing. it's similar to me to the sweetness in Absurd Suggestive Card Game in the lightness, crispness, sugar-candy vibe that she's caught so well in some of these scents. The rose is present but background. I've been proving I amp rose like a crazy person, so it's such a relief to see this candy-coating has properly subdued rose to get along with other scents. I love rose, but rarely can I wear it because it gets to be too much. I'll do a full-day trial at work with this one to make sure it behaves over long term in heavier wear, but if it stays like this it'll be a bottle buy for me. Yay!
  4. Aveya


    I did NOT expect this . This was a random whim imp-buy because I thought heck, shortbread! Wet on skin this was SWEET. Unexpectedly so. Tea roses = sweet roses? Yummy. Rose Syrup. This is actually sweeter to me than Fuzzy handcuffs were, despite you know, not saying anything about being sweet. Drydown the sweet rose turns green rosy. Really pretty, proper cute perfect rose. I'm not really getting anything buttery, shortcake-y, or foody. It's just all really pretty slightly sweet well-rounded rose. Lovely scent. But I'm proving I amp rose, so it's drowning out everything else.
  5. Aveya


    Second this hit my skin I knew it was doom for me. It's weirdly dry. Not the rose I expected. Not lab's lush red note like in Hope or the new fuzzy handcuffs. This is like dried roses? There are spices in this but they're not warming on me like I usually do with spice (not Bengal, for example). There's a note in here that's keeping things from being the beautiful spiced rose I expected. Something basement-esq (which is my super unhelpful description like when people say kitty litter or old lady. Apologies). When I let it sit a bit and sniff again it hits me - this is either vetiver or myrrh. Unfortunately I haven't learned these scents from each other yet enough to tell you which. But one of em. So, off to swappies with this one.
  6. Aveya

    Edible G-String

    So first application it's all gummy fruity cherry strawberry. EXACTLY like edible underwear let's be honest. But then on me it QUICKLY fades and is all smutty rose-esq (Briefly smells like rose to me, I dunno what that was). Then morphs into a smutty sweet mess. ... Kind of like if you wore edible underwear At first I didn't think I'd like it. I don't like smut, for example. But this is sweeter (NOT more cloying) and crisper. It's like a beginners musk. JUST enough for me. This is really growing on me the more I sniff.
  7. Aveya

    Absurd Suggestive Card Game

    This is Gobo + Sticky Bat + Fizzy lab scent I've smelled in some of the gin/booze drinks of the past. Starts out strong lemon but gets cut as I wear it by the strawberry-orange. This is really awesome, fun, light scent. It's not overwhelming lemon, it balances out into a twisty fruity blend. It's also not feminine like fruity sweet can go, I could see this working really well on some masculine & non-binary folk I know. Yum.
  8. Aveya

    Pink Fuzzy Handcuffs

    I was really hoping for a sweet candy rose. In the imp it seems like MAYBE. But like the comment just before me - this is entirely 100% Hope for me. I think I amp rose? Or maybe this is just what rose does. But it's Rose-forward, slightly sweet, but still very beautiful. It's a tad sweeter than Hope, but barely noticable. If you love Hope but hate Faith, this is your chance to just stock up on the one worth noting - Long term drydown has THE MOST beautiful vanilla remnant on skin. If someone out there always has rose fade, it might be worth it for the vanilla after-glow.
  9. Aveya

    Bitches Love Unicorns

    In Bottle: Shallow sweet. Almost boring. Wet On Skin: BOOM. SKITTLES UP IN HERE. Drydown: Lots of throw early on, gets a sugary waft about it. I'm totally going to annoy some coworkers with this one, as they try to figure out where the skittles are. Super sweet but without being sickly. Gets a little spicey pep for me (not spices proper, think the citrus has a nice kick). This is EXACTLY what I hoped it would be. Sweet and almost fizzy. This bitch loves this unicorn. I think I might end up layering this with some vanilla or carnation for my own personal amusement. But looove it. Glad to grab a bottle.
  10. Aveya

    Peach II

    In the bottle and my brief skin test I loooooved it. Bubbly, bright, zesty champagne peach. But on skin during a work-day test it just zapped away to nothing. Sadly a trader for me
  11. Aveya

    Spiced Rum Buttercream Coffee

    Got my bottle in a happy swap. Wet in bottle: Creamy rum *drool* Wet on skin: ... Sharp tartness? I'll give it a few. Dry on skin: Weird scent. My nose doesn't understand it perfectly well. I think the alcholic part of Rum is coming across weirdly tart. the coffee is not prominent, but it's there. The longer it sits on skin the more it creeps up. It starts to ramp up with the spices in the drydown and goes a little bit Pumpkin Latte on me. Mm. Yep. it's the same coffee (to me/on my skin) as what's in Pumpkin latte if you know. But minus the heavy frump pumpkin adds, and instead add in a lighter sorta tart rum note. Spices are similar (but any PSL without spices needs to die) as well. I think cardamon gets a little off-kelter on me personally. I'll give this one a full-day wear at work to see how I feel after before I decide if I'll swap or keep. It's a nice solid scent, but nothing remarkably drool-worthy like some other lab scents. Might be fun to layer with this one though .
  12. Aveya

    Raven Moon

    2012 Version Wet in bottle: Wet musty. Wet on Skin: ... Wet musty Dry Initial on skin: This is a strangely calming scent. I don't like it - but every time I sniff it to try to understand the notes I feel so very very calm. So, that's something. This is an almost nice scent for me, but I'm thinking this ebony musk is just too dank for me. It's just musty to my nose. Now, that said I do appreciate it. So I'm going to set aside my generic "It's wet basement" which I always say about both vetiver and myrrh it seems, and just accept that it's how those two scents smell. Or I grew up with a really bizarre basement. So - Got past that. Underneath it, there's a soft sweetness. Almost a leathery smokey sweet. Spicy without being abrupt and in your face like say, Bengal can be. This is mellow and as others have said, seamless. It's a waste of time to pull apart the scents because that's not what it is. This is feathered darkness. Incense-riddled insomnia. Warm sadness. What's the opposite of bittersweet? This feels like the answer. Calmingmadness, warm depression. Ok done now. TLDR; Sweet and Spicy Black musk. low-moderate throw. I think this will cling to my skin for days too. But man that mustyness is bordering baby-powder-amp on me. Edit: And there it goes, about an hour in POOF babypowder. : (
  13. Aveya

    Blue Unicorn Moon

    Oh my gosh. I didn't read reviews before I purchased - but such a cute surprise that the label is hand drawn moon-unicorn (yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a moon with a horn omg) with stars. Adorable In bottle : Dat's bubble gum in there. Wet on skin: Vanilla bubble gum! Drydown: Blueberry vanilla gum Also, by bubble gum I mean the pink bazooka kind that's hard to chew. So this scent throws something a little pink into and makes me think cherry. But calling that cherry is misleading cause lol it's bazooka gum. At first I was a little sad I don't get as much blueberry as others do. It's there, but I was actually hoping for a juicy smack-me-in-the-face blueberry. BUT - The longer it's on the warmer it gets, the more the sugary fades, and a vanilla blueberry afterglow is left. Sweet creamy blend of my childhood at the stop-n-go. Bazooka gum, blueberry icecream. Not wanting to spit out my gum and eating the ice cream anyways. Then the wafting remnant smell of all that all over my shirt on the car ride home... This is a keeper for me, for sure. Overall: Subtle and soft creamy sweet blueberry. Very low throw on me, a close-skin scent. But a guilty pleasure. Side note : My fav lab scent of all time is Irrelevant and Distrubing Surreal Crawdad Dream. And the blueberry in this on the drydown reminds me strongly of that scent. So, yum.
  14. Aveya

    Sugar Plum Fairy v3

    Snagged off the lab's Etsy page. Wet in bottle: sweet cloying pruney plumy. Wet on Skin: SUGAR. PLUM. Drydown: Tones down a bit and is really beautiful. it's a bit like gummied candy, in that it's not raw sugar, but definitely sweet. it's got a little bit of a spice on me, and I think it's the plum note. Makes me think of a plum gummy candy. Late drydown: Blooms into something new. Something spicy but softly sweet. My poor husband is scent challenged and when I asked him what he smelled, he lit up and said "Cinnamon!". NOT lab cinnamon we've seen before for sure, but the remnant of Christmas spices. My skin tends to amp spicey-esq things (Carnation as example). So this is following a beautiful trend. I dub thee my Purple Spice Musk.
  15. Aveya

    My Happy Day

    This is one of those imps I got because I just... purposely ignored the scent I hate in hopes it would just get drowned out by everything else. But alas. Jasmine, my nemesis. I thought you being PINK might make you act differently. Wet in the imp; Jasmine. Wet on skin; JASMINE. Drydown; JASMINE. I mean, it's a very pretty Jasmine. I was hoping since I amp carnation they'd duke it out and I'd be able to survive without smelling like babypowder flowers. There's still hope. I'm going to wear it for a while and see how it plays out. But for now - it's probably the PRETTIEST Jasmine I've ran across from the lab. Sweet, rounded, beautiful for a Jasmine. It's got pretty tame throw (considering it amps to china for me), but compared to normal scents it's got mid-far throw. But it's still jasmine. I'm just waiting for the end-game to see if Carnation can come play. As you can tell, all the other elements are just background for me. I'm not familiar with Elemni, but I hear it's lemon/peppery? So that could be the tipping choice. Plum sugar is not here, as far as I see. It might be adding that gentle dab of sweetness, but it could be the "nectar" too. It's pretty, light, floral, slightly sweet, non-cloying, non-powdery. It's very well defined for being so floral. I think if I decided I wanted to try being a girly carefree floral person, this would be a great gateway scent. The longer it wears the more green it feels - what I mean, is it actually smells like a living flower I could pluck. I don't usually get that with Jasmine, I usually just get pounded with FLORAL. So it's refreshing. Defined, sugary floral. Jasmine predominant.
  16. Aveya

    The Hell of Great Heat

    Wet; unimpressive cologne Wet on Skin; Musky-ish "dry" mess of scents Drydown on skin: SIN a MON. Yeah it's spicy spice. It's like dry Bengal. There's other stuff in there so it's not quite big-red gum on me. But there's no doubt. I made my eye water when I wafted it too close to my face, whew. That said, I think this is a very unisex scent. It's masculine without being overwhelmingly so. It's feminine if you like leather and stilletos, that Tonka I think is creeping in and softening all the edges deliciously. It's pretty powerful but my head really can't get licking flames imagery to go away. Feels really apt. I want to layer it on something for a little more depth, but if I do that I just venture into a different scent BPAL offers instead. Like it, but will trade it for someone more appropriate to adore to.
  17. Aveya

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    I was really excited about this scent, but it took me AGES to get it, then AGES to try it once I got it. So here we go. In the bottle it's alarmingly tart to me. Full disclaimer I despise grapefruit; but usually the taste not the scent necessarily. But I wonder if that will mess with me. I think that's what the "tart" is. Wet on skin, same as bottle plus some depth sneaking out. Dry on skin, right away, tart goes away (shew) and I can tell it's just turning into carnation. Which, I adore. But I know I amp it. Mid way it's a sort of sweet carnation for me. The cake scents don't seem to do much on me, but I'm hopeful every time. I think in this case it's keep the carnation in line. For now. Few hours of wear; Becomes a very low throw, close to skin, warm creamy/fizzy scent. It reminds me of something I've smelled before but I can't place it. It's kind of like vanilla coke, if it were a baked good. Pleasant, but the super low throw means I'll be trading it. Too bad!
  18. Aveya

    Thirteen (13), November 2009

    BAM Fudge right out of the gate. Then ... Smokers eating fudge (like, classy smokers with nice smellin' stuff). Then I'm eating fudge in my great grandma's barn in Kentucky with tobacco drying in the rafters in the middle of summer right after picking grapes and berries in full juicy goodness off the vines right near the shed. This is fun. I like this.I like this so much. So much more than I thought I would. I'll see how it ages. The tobbacco note is pretty strong, and people at my work act pretty uppity about smoking. But this would be a fun personal weekend scent. I've smelled this chocolate-tobacco sent before, randomly. There's something people smoke that smells EXACTLY like this. But no one's been able to tell me what it is. You can tell I'm totally not a smoker, can't you? Love it. Smells like chocolate cigarettes if those are a thing
  19. Aveya

    Candles Moon

    Wet in the bottle this is tart blackberry. Wet on skin this is literally the phrase "heat and wax of scared candles". it's instantly Bengal (GC) - esq, but doesn't stay that way. Quickly there's something sharp and stinging to me that pops out. Green, Herbal, (Ozone? That one wafts randomly). I don't get the blackberries I was hoping for, I feel like this is more blackberry leaves. Ignoring individual scents I just decide to embrace the overall image. It's perfectly as described. This is a slightly dark rite with a pure undertone. Crisp dark winter depression being thwarted by warm candles and a beckoning begging to bring Imbolc. Just the faintest whisps of the green of spring combating the ever-pressing winter. All underlined by the safety of the candles. Random, but it's an entire scene. Dissecting each scent almost feels wrong for this one. There's an interesting feeling this one envokes. The feeling of being in the darkness and danger, but someone you love and trust holding your hand. That someone just smells like cinnamon wax. It's a very interesting scent. Which is why I love BPAL! The cinnamon wax part is really lovely actually, almost honey-esq on me. But then while sniffing and enjoying I'm whapped in the face by a slash of ozone-y wind and gag a little. lol. Very worth the sniff though! Grateful I was able to get a sample of this one to try.
  20. Aveya

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Oh. My God. So I've been dying to try this, with no luck finding. And it was on the lab's Etsy shop randomly so had to grab. So, I'm reading the other reviews and everyone is saying Cedar. I don't... get cedar at all? Is there Cedar in this? I'm wondering if this is an aged bottle from the lab and maybe something changed since release? This scent closest reminds me of their GC Goblin. In that sort of mixed muddy delicious patch. Their most beautiful patchouli I looooove. LOVE. I think it's tempered black patchouli. Then it does have a soft "woody" undertone, but on me it's more like Miskatonic University (amusingly they added as a frimp in my batch, what good pairing they do ). Not too strong or too cedar, just hinted at. Present but not imposing. I think the hazelnut keeps things at bay. I don't get strong sugar or apricot notes, which I was really excited about - I was hoping for like a glorified Depraved. But it does all whirl together into a dirtier version of Dee for me. They almost mimic a sweet soft leather. It's like the dirty partner to Dee -s lightly more feminine because it's got this barely-there hint of sweetness. I agree - I could see this smelling fan-freakin-tastic on more masculine people. To fit not just the smell but the whole atmosphere. I can sport it pretty well, but I have to be in the right mood. I'd slather it on my boy, but his skin literally eats scents. Just a waste :| I'm probably going to try to layer this with a sweeter single note to see if I can girly it up just slightly. But I love it . Add to the list of fantastic patchouli's from the lab. THANK YOU.
  21. Bottle : Woody apricot? Wet on Skin : Wood. Drying on Skin: Wood. Then perfumey blend of wood sake? Then it sweetens up into a lovely fruity floral. The overall vibe is floral-esq, with spikes of fruit and an underlaying light-handed musky wood. I love smelling the scent and looking at the image, then rolling around laughing because it's so accurate. Musky lingering-sex but yet light and weirdly pure considering. Outdoorsesq and beautifully soft and summery. Personally I was looking for a more prominent fruit note, with hopefully boozy undertones. The Shunga scents all seem to have this sex-musk to them that sort of clouds up the scents for me. It's pretty in a perfume-esq way, but I prefer either crisper or darker scents. Probably gonna be a swap for me, so sad! But I'm really glad I got to smell this one. It would be beautiful on the right person for sure.
  22. Aveya


    Wet : ... Fruity? I dunno what that's about. wet on skin: Thirteen, Feb '09. Super excited now that's one of my top ten fav blends. There's an overlap here I'm loving. dry on skin: So far so good, sticking around. It is exactly what I thought it would be - Gingerbread is the wrong term for it. Dark, miskatonic gingerbread maybe. Smoky, spicey, but not in a "well blended" generic way. The spices are like amazing pops being held together with a gingerbread glue. I'll have to watch how the musk ages with wear time; but so far this is amazing. Glad I was able to get a decant.
  23. Aveya

    Goblin Market

    Wet in the Imp; buttered apples. Wet on Skin; goopy fruits (fruity but sticky?) Dry on skin; Spicey Fruit. First half hour, it's autumnal fruits, ripe, sun kissed, spices in the air. I can't pinpoint each fruit, it just has a general atmospheric vibe. I like it. Want it. About an hour in; Perfume? Like, that's generic of course it's perfume. But something went sideways and turned into cloy-y old lady perfume. It doesn't have crazy throw, but no longer fun to sniff for me. So sad. I'm assuming it's a musk I'm not familiar with. As I tend to avoid many, as this happens. :|
  24. Aveya

    skekNa the Slave-Master

    Bottle: Neglected bachelor pad's fridge's old cream. Wet on Skin: RUST. Like, lol. Whatever she used for "rust" is suuuper potent wet for me. Dry on Skin: Oh hi there Vetiver. I hate you Vetiver. Did you know that? You're in my scent hates, sir. You're not supposed to be here. The drydown after initial is a little crazy for me. I'm going to have to come back after wearing for a few more hours... but it went from VETIVER FEARS, to LEATHER OMG. To a tempered blend of spices and leather. I'm thinking if my skin wasn't odd this blend really could be awesome. I'm not sure what the "spices" and "liqueurs" are, but they add these interesting moments of really layered, beautiful, RICH scent. Sometimes it smells almost fizzy. Like I've smelled that before... the BPAL Gin? But mixed with Leather and cake and this is just a weird morpher for me. It doesn't seem to settle into one place and establish it's identity. Overall it's incense-esq with a steady leather and/or vetiver background. With these effervescent pops of scent, either rust or mystery fizz. It's one to try for fun. I could see the more masculine-spectrum members really liking it. Maybe an atmospheric as well.
  25. Aveya

    Delight and Consternation

    Bourbon vanilla, custard accord, white rose, cocoa absolute, oudh, lemon blossom, and skin musk. Tricky tricky scent. My bottle has literally been sitting for years (lol). So when I rolled it, yeah I have like epic sludge at the bottom of my jar. =o I really had to roll it a WHILE before I got the dark sludge down the side instead of solid chunks on the bottom. Then rolled it longer still until it was flawless smooth. Important, I think. You know the scent though. You gotta look at the image this was based on, and then I think it all makes sense. This scent is ... wonky but serious. So my skin amps rose, turns chocolate into chalk, and half the musks amp and the other half are weird. So, this was a little risky for me. But I was too intrigued by custard not to try. Overall, the scent is dominantly perfumed wood for me. I can FIND the notes listed if I search, but it doesn't come across obviously. The mixture of everything is well mixed, so it creates a unique scent. Which is... sweet fruity-esq musk wood. I was thinking of when I'd wear this - and this feels WEIRDLY appropriate to wear in blank pantsuits and heels. I wish I had more vanilla and custard, but hey. That wouldn't match the image at all