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Posts posted by ajcj213499

  1. I love this oil, and it lasts a really long time on me (which is quite rare). I think jasmine and vanilla are the main notes for me, and it dries down after several hours into a warm vanilla amber-ish scent that reminded me very much of The Lion (it's almost like getting two different oils in one).

    I think I'll be ordering a bottle of this one. It has some throw too, and as it dries down it keeps much of it's strength.

    Very nice!

  2. Yggdrasil is wonderful. I had tried Hamadryad and was so sad that it smelled only of sweet cinnamon on me- well this is the scent I was hoping for. It's just lovely. I only wish it didn't fade so fast (not that that's anything new). Something in it reminds me of the spicey herbiness I love in Verdandi (one of my favorites).

  3. I was so impressed with the reviews of Rose Red that I bought a bottle... Well, I was not dissapointed! When wet, Rose Red smells kind of sharply green on me (the first time I put it on I said, "oh no! why can't it smell nice on me!), but it dries to the most beautiful rose scent I have ever smelled. It's not at all powdery or old ladyish or fake smelling or potpurri smelling. It's just wonderful, like a real freshly picked rose.

    It also lasted a decent amount of time on me. After about two hours it faded a bit, and I was afraid it would be gone, but the light subtle rose scent lasted for hours longer.

  4. Nefertiti is a wonderful oil! The sandalwood is very light, just enough to deepen the flowers and herbs. Very unique and regal. This would be good for someone who wanted a light scent that isn't a traditional floral.

  5. I wish this had smelled as lovely on me as on some of the other reviewers (stupid body chemestry!) When wearing it I smelled some beautiful notes that I could distinguish, but the were overpowered by the scent of... beets...strange...

    Ah well, off to swap...

  6. I am new to musk. I always equated musk with how skunks smell or sweat, and, not liking either of those scents very much, I have always stayed away from anything with musk.




    I got an imp of Thanatopsis in a swap and I loved it! I could smell this sweet warm silky scent that I found to be "musk" (since the only other ingredients are pine and juniper). Then I tried Haunted which was amber (which I love) and musk (which I thought I loved...) and it was musk ick (on me anyway)- this was the musk I was afraid of! Then today, I tried Dragon's Heart which I am in love with. It has the same beautiful warm musk that I loved in Thanatopsis. So I am stumped.


    I ask thee, Musk Experts, for your wisdom....

  7. I tried this during a bit of imp testing madness (I had just gotten a bunch of imps) and I thought, "meh, fig".


    However, yesterday I was going through my imps, deciding what to let go, etc. I thought I'd give hetaire a fair trial.


    This is a nice blend. I'm not crazy about fig (like in forbidden fruit- ick) and I think that was what I had regaled it to before. This is a warm honey with a bit of fig but with a nice floral that balances it out so it's not too food-ey.


    The thing that impressed me the most was it's staying power- way more than average (especially for me, scents leave my skin so quickly). I'll have to try it a few more times to see if it's bottle worthy.


    I think it might be nice layered with aureus. Maybe I'll try that later today...

  8. This was in a group of imps I got from ebay, and something I would have never chosen- pine and musk...


    The first time I tried it I was trying a flowery scent on the other arm and in contrast to that this smelled very piney and masculine. I kept my imp, but put it aside for another day.


    Well, I tried it again today and am so glad I did! At first it smelled very pine (like a pine forest on a crisp fall day).


    After time passed the pine became much more mellow and it rounded itslef out with the musk. Usually I stay away from musk, but this is a very nice and different blend. I may get a bottle of it just because it is so different from anything else.


    It's about 2 1/2 hours after I put it on and it has faded, but it still smells faintly wonderful on my wrist.

  9. Ah, how I love this scent... only it vanishes so quickly on my skin- why!


    I was afraid of the "apple" description, thinking of a cheap apple scented body spray I had long ago... but this apple is rich and wonderful blended with a delicious incense sort of smoky smell- that makes it sound kind of yuck and heavy, but it's not. It's a fantastic scent- I only wish I could get it to last on me...

  10. This scent is like lying next to a forest pond in the spring, light, fresh, green, floral, and cool at the same time.


    I put it on at 9:00 before I went to church (I just barely resisted the urge to keep smelling my wrist again and again while I was there, not an easy feat...). I could smell it lightly beautiful as I moved around, but unfortunately, it was gone by the time I got home around 1:00.


    A very beautiful, haunting scent.

  11. ooh... I love this...


    Pannychis went on and stayed pretty much the same, a very unique, lovely floral blend, like a beautiful warm night. I could smell the jasmine, but on me it wasn't overpowering at all.


    It lasted about 5 hours on me, but I put a little on the inside of the shirt I was wearing and I could still smell it when I got ready for bed 10 hours later. Now if scents would only last that long on my skin- I'd be in heaven...

  12. My first post! Hooray!




    I was very excited to try Lolita and had high hopes for it after I smelled it in the imp.


    Right after I put it on it gave off a sharp green smell and I thought, "hmm.... this is not what I expected..."


    After a little bit it mellowed out and became a warm clean sunnyish floral scent, I liked it, but didn't really think it would be worth a bottle. I think I've changed my mind however because- it lasts for freaking ever!


    I put Lolita on at 9:00 this morning and now, a little after 9:00pm I can still faintly smell it on my wrist. Amazing- especially since scents as a rule have never lasted long on me.


    I've read the other reviews and it always stayed nice on me. No powdery weirdness or bubblegum scents from Lolita with me, just consistent lovliness.


    Thus endeth the post.


