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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ouch!

  1. The Imp of this fortnight is Dragon's Eye!


    Sorry I'm not one of those people who do the "in the imp, on wet, dry" etc reviews which are fantastic, mine are a bit more basic but I still like to give my two pennies worth!


    I am a huge fan of dragon's blood already so am a bit biased.


    Dragon's eye to me is an even more floral, potent mixture of dragon's blood!. The lilac is what comes out after the initial whoosh of Dragon's Blood, with a faint whiff of Lily of the Valley.


    If anything the other 3 florals in this blend just make the dragon's blood more interesting, after a while the dragon's blood wears off a bit and the other florals take hold. This blend has alot of throw on me!


    In a word.... Gorgeous.

  2. With the greatest of respect........... This is disgusting, (Sorry to the creator). It smells like disinfectant at first, then very quickly dies down to smell like urine. Oh dear, I don't understand why anyone would want to wear this as a fragrance.


    I thought it sounded lovely when I read the description but I was wrong.


    Yuk! :P

  3. Snow Bunny


    When I first smelled this in the imp......... Sharp sharp toilet cleaner.

    Of course when I put it on it was a different story.


    At first, sharp sharp pine is all I can smell for about 5 or 10 minutes but after about 10 mins the pine fades into the background a bit, and this lovely fresh crisp smell appears. Exactly like a frosty snowy morning. It might sound funny but it makes me think of a glittering, icy snow covered feild with pine trees growing! (god how do they make these wonderful smells?)


    It's definatley a girlie fresh scent. After about another 30 mins, the pine is gone completley and there is this quite perfumey almost citrus smell to it.


    Gorgeous, I would buy it again for sure, for winter. even if I am a boy!!!! :P

  4. I'm so glad that I got my hands on a vial of Dragon's Blood. I am completley in love with Blood Amber and had never smelled either Amber or Dragon's Blood on their own. Wearing it on it's own it definatley wafts around you in a big circumfrence. It's pure floral, but people can never put their finger on it! I love it. I makes people ask questions :P .


    I think it's great..... and now can enjoy all the other Dragon's Blood scents which are all so interesting in their own way but still have that kick of Dragon's Blood!


    To describe the scent.... as some peoplehave said it's very red and reminds me of a whole bunch of incence together. Kind of like what an occult bookstore would smell like! Very unusal and very familiar, it feels like the smell I've been waiting to smell for a long time.

  5. Desire to me is one of the most feminine of all of the BPAL scents I've smelled so far. Once dry, it's extremely powdery and sweet, almot like baby powder.


    It does turn after a while into a more sharp smell, but still very powdery. That's all I can say really.


    It's feminine, sweet and quite a comforting smell. I gave it to a female friend to try, and 3 men in the office asked what she was wearing.


    Desire is aptly named because it attracts attention!!!! :P

  6. An effervescent blend of crystalline champagne notes and sweet strawberry.

    Ok, Bon Vivant....................

    I'm gonna keep it short and sweet, It does basically smell like strawberries and champagne, but.... the champagne smell is not like a real alchohol smell. It's more likened to a well known perfume by a well known designer who I won't mention. (not sure if we are allowed to express the fact that some scents are very similar to designer perfumes) :P . It's basically "that" with a background of strawberries.

    Ok that was possibly the lamest review in history but it's the only way I can think to describe it! Sorry hehe!


  7. First of all I'd like to say wow! This is potent, it lasted ages on me and wafted soooo much people kept saying what's that fruity smell?


    When first applied, its grape all the way, very very sharp grape, as it dries though it becomes alotmore complex, but for me not floral at all. It's like a very full fruit basket. I coudn't really pickout any in particular but it started strong and stayed strong...... fruity all the way.


    The fact that the description says iced pear is probably the best way I can dedribe the scent. Iced fruits, refrigorated fruits. Sharp tangy icy fruits. (whoops went on a bit there!!!) :P


    Beautiful for summer definatley!

  8. Ok...............


    When you smell it in the imp it's like whoa!!!! :P The sharp tang of cranberry and that's it. It almost made me want to sneeze!


    When it's first applied it's still very cranberry dominated but nicer and calmer.


    After a while when it dries the cranberry calms down and a woodsey smell starts to come through. I don't smell any ginger whatsoever


    After that it pretty much stays the same on me except... ahh there's the musk..... A nice balance of berries and wood.


    Quite pleasant but I definately wouldn't buy a big bottle!!!

  9. Well...... I'll try and give an honest review.


    At first sniff, wood wood and wood, with something else lying behind, it's almost menthol to me. Defiantley the smell of churches.


    When it dries after about 40 mins it changes, the wood fades and it turns sweeter almost like vanillary wood. The menthol has completley gone. And it's now a sweet woody smell.


    As it fades further about another hour, all thats left is a very faint sweet woodsey smell still.


    I think that vanilla just loves me!


    It's growing on me more and more eveytime I wear it. Quite a masculine scent, but I can imagine it might make some people smell like old cupboard!!!!

  10. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you peeps, I had the same question when I first joined the forum.... But I made the mistake of asking for advice on incensey church kinda smells............ I got recommended Cathedral and Rakshasa which to me smell like wood., I should have said hippie smells.... Like the smell you get when you walk through Camden Market in London (Sorry if that means nothing to ya), It's just a very hypnotic, chilled smell. You have helped alot, I'm now on the hunt for Ann eBonny And Urd. I kinda think that anythin with Dragon's blood really encaptures the kind of smell I'm looking for!!!!


    OOOOH What a rant!!!!




    Whoops, didn't mean to do that! nevermind ay? Thanks for the advice valentina! :D

  11. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you peeps, I had the same question when I first joined the forum.... But I made the mistake of asking for advice on incensey church kinda smells............ I got recommended Cathedral and Rakshasa which to me smell like wood., I should have said hippie smells.... Like the smell you get when you walk through Camden Market in London (Sorry if that means nothing to ya), It's just a very hypnotic, chilled smell. You have helped alot, I'm now on the hunt for Ann eBonny And Urd. I kinda think that anythin with Dragon's blood really encaptures the kind of smell I'm looking for!!!!


    OOOOH What a rant!!!!



  12. In the vial this smelled totally floral, even a bit sickly floral, but on application it turns into this lovely sweet vanillary jasmine scent, with the gardenia in the background..... after a while the vanilla is the strongest scent with a sweet floral background.


    I'm discovering that vanilla loves me. Most of the scents i've tried with vanilla in just turn so vanillary with the rest of the blend in the background. I'm not complaining, I love vanilla.



  13. :P I think that casanova (after wearing it for two weeks) is a scent that you need to try at least 5 times on 5 different days, just to get the real effect.


    When I first smelled this in the imp I thought oh no.... just another typical man smell (Mysef being a bloke, I tend to go for something a litttle bit unusal) but I wore it for a little while (at least 5 days) and learned that this scent has other secrets to offer.


    Cassanova on me, turns into this lovely crisp spicy smell that lingers for a long time, it kind of reminds me of Obsession at first but turns into something much much nicer after a while!


    Al the blokes out there, get some. :D

  14. :P My reviews are for the BPAL for dummy's people out there! I don't claim to have a supersonic sense of smell but I'll give an honest opinion from the land of United Kingdom.


    This is my first review of any BPAL scent, I've recently discovered BPAL and have gathered quite a collection, I'm reviewing them as the imp runs out so I've got full wearidge! hehe! Ok I've sniffed loads of my imps, but Blood Amber is the first one I've worn over two weeks, I can already tell nothing is going to beat this little beauty!!!!!!!!!


    I've never smelled Dragon's Blood before (god have I missed out?), Most people that have smelled Blood Amber on me have said, Oooh it smells a bit Hippyish! I agree that it kind of smells like when you walk into an incesnsey candle selling shop. It's ABSOLUTLEY GORGEOUS!, And as I said before I dont think many will compare.


    The Dragon's Blood is the main body of the scent on me but the amber is always there in the background!




