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Posts posted by Summerpixy

  1. My skin loves roses of all types. Libertine is no exception to this, the largest note to 'pop' is the rose-wood, after that the bergamot and other notes fade into a subtle background. I adore this, I just wish that it had lasted longer on me.


    It's lifetime was short, but I really did enjoy it. I think I may end up getting a bottle of this anyway, even if it doesn't have the longest lifespan, it is still a perfectly lovely fragrance all the same. Besides, it gives me time in the evening to switch to another perfume for sleep.


    :D It's a winner :P

  2. Sugar Skull


    It's very, very sweet and sugary, with a touch of cinnamon in there. It's almost overwhelming.


    It reminds me of when I was a kid and my favorite candies were the Smarties, those little chunks of sugar and the smell of cinnamon was in the air from all the Red-Hots being passed around the little group with their stash of candy. It really takes me back.


    Luckily as it warms on my skin the cinnamon note is taking over, leaving the ultra-swet sugar behind.


    The initial sweetness may force me to sell it, sometimes these things can make me naueous (I'm a super-taster and it's making me feel like I've been eating a stomach full of sugar cubes), but we'll see. I really really wanted to love this one too!

  3. All Saints is wonderful.


    Soft florals and dry resins. I couldn't distinctly place any of the individual flowers, it was very closely blended. I almost wish there was a bit of white musk in here... but it's not present. Still, gorgeous.


    It's not a scent I'd wear every-day, but I may grow to like it to that point over time. I think I prefer Samhain right now, but it could just be the season we're in. I may love this over winter. :P

  4. Bliss is a moist brownie mix, right off the spoon. Utterly addictive. This could get dangerous... Next time I see my bf I'll have to wear it, it's a bit too strong at first... but, very yummy, even when the nutty note comes out. I'll have to wear Bliss and Velvet side by side... see what the differences are in these chocolate scents.


    I wouldn't use it as a normal perfume (pure food, not my usual type).. but if I can get my hands on some unscented creamy lotion... it'll soon be smelling like Bliss :P


    Makes me crave brownies right now.... I see a trip to the grocery store in my very near future.

  5. Samhain 2004


    This was the first one I tried out of the order I just recieved.


    In the bottle: waxy smell, reminds me of that waxy edge of Harvest Moon. A bit of the fir on top of that.


    On my skin, wet: still waxy, no wait it's changing


    drydown: sweet spiced apple cider, aw.. it faded. Notes keep popping in and out of this, very very sweet, and a lot of throw behind it. I'm not sure if I like it. I may give it to my sister as a random sibling-present, if it ends up not liking my skin, perhaps it'll enjoy hers.


    edit: be careful, a little goes a looong way.

  6. I picked up a bottle of #20 Love Oil as I passed through the LA area. (believe me, once the Yule LE's are down there I'll be making another trip)


    It smelled in the bottle of sweet almonds and spice. The lid wasn't sealed on there correctly and some of it leaked into my purse through the paper bag.. but I don't mind at all, now my purse smells nice and I left the paper-bag in my car as a temporary air freshener.


    Kind of soapy on the drydown, still sweet, and eventually it evend out to a light crisp sugared rose. I'm sure it wasn't the reason why the bf was cuddling with me all night, but it did make me feel feminine.

  7. I recieved this from another forumite and Red Devil is.. interesting.


    It's the first voodoo blend that hasn't really worked on me. The cinnamon notes come across way too strongly in the first couple hours. I feel like a stick of Big Red. (Which isn't the worst thing in the world, just not my preference.)


    I may end up swapping this one away, it's really not my type of scent, unfortunately.

  8. If I was a high-class french courtesan, I'd have a gallon of this.


    It is lovely, delicate, and dirty all at the same time.


    I got a decanted imp of this from someone to whom I am very greatful :P This is lovely. I'm going to treasure it until it's all gone. It is very, very sexy. I didn't expect it to be like this honestly, but I'm glad that it was, it's an oil that 'plays nice' with my skin.


    I may breakdown and buy a bottle for myself as a christmas present... and guess what? I did! I love this scent!

  9. Loviatar


    Exceedingly dark and musky, sexual - yes, but in a brutal manner. This may indeed be the scent of a dominatrix. A thick leather note comes in and this feels distinctly male on my skin, the same way that Jolly Roger did, it must be the leather.


    I had to wash it off, it just didn't work for me. This was a freebie from the lab. Oh well, I gave it a shot and it didn't work. Off to the swap-pile it goes.

  10. Lampades is all fruit on me, as some others have said, none of the other elements really showed their faces through the duration.


    I recieved this as a freebie from the lab. Thank you lab! I'll try mixing this with some of my other blends, see how they layer. I do like the scent, but it's nothing that I've fallen in love with right away.

  11. Sudha Segara embodies my favorite things about Thai food, ginger, coconut milk... yum!


    I got it as a freebie in my last order and I'm not disappointed. It's wonderful. I'll definetly be sad to see the end of this imp. I may even be able to seduce the boyfriend with it, as he loves Thai as much as I do.

  12. Harvest Moon.


    In the bottle: artificial buttered popcorn is the high note


    On my skin: Soft, creamy, and yet floral at the same time... this is interesting. It's not a scent that wafts off the skin, yet if I sniff my wrist there's no doubt it's there.


    I like it. A few more tries and we'll see how much I like it, but on this first try its quite nice.


    2nd try.. I still like it, although I can't stand the smell of it when I sniff it from the bottle, once it's on my skin it's lovely. I'll just learn not to smell the bottle and just apply it.

  13. Heady, sexual, gorgeous...


    I'd been reluctant to try this scent because the spice reminded me of snake oil and I'd already worn that... but once I put it on the dark fruit came through and for several hours later I was enraptured and aroused. I became a sensual creature aware of every caress of the wind.


    It was fun, I want more :P

  14. I can't believe I didn't review this one...


    Mata Hari... starts out as stale coffee and warms up into the most beautiful, wearable floral blend I've ever tried. I can't pick out the individual notes, but it has a subtle, lady-like warmth that pervades.


    I'll definetly be ordering a 5 ml of this soon, it's that lovely. :P

  15. I love the name Lilith... The scent is not for me though.


    Bottle: Grape soda and bubble gum


    Skin: intially, still grape.

    on the drydown: the spicyness of the ingredients is coming out.. but it's slightly powedery and it never really blooms on my skin the way I'd hoped it would. :P


    Oh well, into the swap pile it goes along with the others that really didn't work for me.

  16. Hymn was a freebie from the lab in my last order.


    Wet at first it seems all resin, then as it dries the rose and lily rise to the top. A very heavenly blend. I can see myself wearing this on days when I need something classically lovely. This quiets my busy soul, with the school year beginning it'll be really nice to have a scent to escape to when I need some calm.


    I can see myself using up this imp completely.


    edited to add title of oil.
