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Posts posted by becca_s

  1. This is such a lovely blend. The vanilla is my favorite kind of vanilla from the lab. Its a very soft, comforting vanilla. It's not a foodie vanilla on me. The sandalwood is warm and not over powering. On me it is a 50/50 blend between the sandalwood and vanilla. One doesn't take over from the other, they just blend together beautifully. It has great throw and wear length. I think I may need another bottle! 

  2. On me this predominantly a cotton scent and I think that is the dominant note for me from application till it settles into my skin. It is backed up by the sweet marshmallow with a tiny hint of frankincense. This is definitely a cool, white cotton and marshmallow fluff. It's true to description on me. Love the contrast between the cool cotton and soft marshmallow. It smells so good.


    After the initial application the marshmallow really starts to shine and turns this into a fluffy, sweet, sugar cotton scent. It does smell clean but the marshmallow adds something sweet and also nostalgic. I get very little frankincense, but it still there adding something resin-y in the background and complementing the cotton nicely 


    The combination of the cotton, marshmallow and frankincense is so interesting though and layers together in a unique way. I can't wait to see how it ages. 


    This also has amazing throw and longevity on me. 

  3. This was an instant purchase for me because I like all the notes and it was love at first sniff.


    First applied I get pepper, toasted honey and sweet oud. The oud is as described and lends a sweetness and warmth to the honey. It doesn't morph too much over time except the pepper settles into the background.


    Overall it is warm and spicy and I can't stop smelling my wrist. The toasted honey, sweet oud and vanilla are so well blended and the pepper just adds that extra spiciness.


    I need more than one bottle! I think it will age beautifully too 🥰



  4. When I first put this on this is a blast of honey, oats and cream  blending together to make an almost caramel like scent. At this stage it definitely reminds me of oat cookies or baked goods. 


    As it settles on my skin it morphs into a soft, sweet honey and cream scent. There is a hint of cardamom in the background. The oats are much more settled now and this has morphed in a lovely, creamy scent. 

  5. This is such a stunning scent.


    Rose and Peonies are two of my favorite notes so I knew I would love this and it does not disappoint. 


    All the notes shine - the peony note is so lush and beautiful. The rose is also there and softened by the peony. The carnation lends a spiciness in the background. The carnation is quite subdued on me. The sandalwood is also there adding a depth to the blend but it is the smoke that really brings it all together and adds a spark. The smoke almost adds a warmth. It's like a freshly blown out candle or a touch of incense. It adds a sophistication to the scent and turns it into something quite beautiful. 

  6. Cognac Sheet Ghost, takes me on a real scent journey- it goes through phases and it changes over time.


    First applied it is a sweet cognac vanilla then it morphs into a boozy cognac vanilla and kind of coconut scent. At this stage it almost like smells like a cocktail. I could swear that this had coconut in it because my Tattered Lace has coconut and they go through a phase of smelling kind of similar. 


    After a while the booziness from the cognac fades and I'm left with the balsam infused vanilla. The cognac leaves a warmth to the vanilla making it quite cozy. There is also something reminiscent of cologne in the back ground which I'm guessing is the balsam. Overall, it ends up being a warm, dry, balsamy vanilla. The balsam smells more like cedar on me than pine.  It does remind me of Tombstone as other people have mentioned. It wears well over time and has a good throw on me.

  7. At first this is a heady magnolia/oleander mix on my skin. As time goes on the carnation takes over and the magnolia has moved to the background. It becomes a spicy, lush floral scent. There is a bit too much carnation here for me, but others who are fans of carnation will like this.

  8. This is a lovely honeyed rose on me :) I am loving wearing it, especially in the first half hour or so after applying, when it is a really lush rose scent. I am really happy that the gardenia didn't take over and make it smell soapy. My only complaint (and it's a small one) is that it becomes slightly powdery on the dry down. Overall a lovely scent though, and I am definitely thinking of tracking down a bottle.

  9. This smells weirdly like menthol on me. I think that it must come from the Absinthe, it has a minty aniseed scent -it's quite green and sharp. There are times when I get wiffs of an old fashioned floral perfume in the mix there too, but definitely dominated by the Absinthe - so if you are a fan of Absinthe from the GC then I think that you will also like this scent too.

  10. When I first put this on all I could detect was pure Snake Oil. After it settles the pumpkin starts to come out and it adds a nice sweetness and spiciness to the SO, it's like a sweeter, mellower version of SO on my skin. My skin turns the pumpkin note very sweet so I can definitely smell that here but it stays in the background and lets the SO take center stage most of the time.

  11. I have tried Morocco before and it was just ok on me. I didn't like it enough to get a bottle, I think it turns weirdly musky on me. Anyway, I really like Moroccan Pumpkin Patch - the Pumpkin takes away the muskiness and adds a really nice sweet, spiciness. This is definitely an autumnal or wintery scent. It's warm, spicy and a little foody and sweet ... nice for cooler months.

  12. This starts out so pretty - the Tuberose and lilac create a really realistic lush, floral scent ... like walking through a garden. Then after a little while the anise starts to take over and adds an odd element to the scent, it just doesn't seem to fit in with the florals on my skin, it's almost like I am wearing two separate perfumes and they are both competing for my attention.

  13. This is mostly sweet Frankincense on me, as it dries I can start to smell some of the vanilla but it still stays in the background. I was expecting more vanilla but this is still a nice warm, resiny scent. Frankincense can turn really sharp on me, but I think that the vanilla softens it in a subtle way.

  14. I love this!

    It does start out a bit sharp and I can kind of see how it might smell masculine in it's beginning stages, but after a few minutes the sharpness fades away and it smells lovely.

    I can't really pick out any notes in it though, but the scent definitely softens in to a pretty oriental kind of scent, which reminds me of cold, clear winter nights. It smells a little bit like Mourning Lace, so perhaps they share some of the same notes, and the same kind of mood too.

    I need to get a bottle of this :wub2:

  15. This is really pretty, the dominant note for me is the Calla Lily, which is ok with me because I like this note. It reminds me a little bit of the Queen of Hearts without the cherry note, I think that must be because they both have calla lily and my skin must amp it. I am really happy that the sandalwood doesn't take over and make this scent smell dry and dusty. The only other note I can really smell in this, is the wine in the background. The amber and snow rose don't really show up on my skin - I would have loved to smell more snow rose.

  16. Summer Lace starts out with creamy mandarin and vanilla on my skin. In it's initial stages it reminds me of a fruitier version of Tattered Lace, which is one of my favorites. As it settles down though, it becomes more floral with the honeysuckle and opium poppy coming through. I never really get any of the tobacco or apple blossom. I was worried about the honeysuckle because it is a note that turns to soap on my skin, in this blend it doesn't turn soapy but adds a perfumey element. Overall, this is a really nice summery scent and you can definitely tell that it is a member of the Lace family. Tattered Lace is still my favourite of the laces, but this one makes a really nice addition, although I wish that it stayed how it was in the initial stages of creamy vanilla and mandarin. I might even upgrade to a bottle now that I know that the florals aren't going to turn into a soapy mess on me:)


    Edited to add: I wore this again today, and I love it :wub2: It's kind of like a more floral and lighter version of Tattered Lace. I definitely need to get a bottle

  17. The Great Basin was instant love for me, it is the loveliest, softest violet scent. It has just the right amount of throw - not too strong and not too faint. I only have a decant of this scent, but at some stage I have to track down a bottle because this is really gorgeous! I have to save my decant but I want to wear it all the time because it smells so good :wub2:

  18. Cedar is an iffy note for me, but in The Cat, it doesn't take over it blends in so well with the dark musk and other notes. I can detect a hint of honey and benzoin, the honey is also a note that can take over for me, but here is just lends a lovely warmth which compliments the cedar and musk so well. This is really well blended and all the notes go together so well, on me it's not a blend where one of the notes take over, instead they all blend to create one lovely whole. It does evoke images of a black cat who has been climbing trees and playing in the grass. I really like this one and I am interested to see how it will age.

  19. This is a very foody scent on me, it starts out as sweet, buttery scent and initially it reminds me of sweeter and muskier version of Bread & Butter-fly. I don't get any tea from this at all or any of the anise that other people mention. As it dries and settles on my skin I can detect a lovely musk scent in the background, which must be the vintage musk. Overall, a lot foodier (I don't think that's even a word) than I was expecting.

  20. Self portrait is a very light, soft scent on me. It starts out with rice milk and orris with a hint of the gentle honey in the background. After it has settled into my skin the honey musk starts to take over, it's the same kind of honey that is in Lady Una, which is one of my favourite scents. As the rice milk and orris start to take a background role the gardenia seems to come to the fore front. Gardenia is an iffy note for me, in this blend though it is balanced by the other notes so it doesn't turn into a sharp, floral mess. Overall, this is a pretty, honey scent but I have other honey scents which fill up my need for any new honey scents in my life :smile:

  21. Love is my favourite from the Lilith exhibition scents. I can smell all the notes here the marshmallow, vanilla, rose and strawberry. It starts out with a lot of marshmallow and I think that it is the most dominant out of all the notes, the next main note for me is the strawberry, so it definitely smells like strawberry marshmallows, or pink jelly beans :wub2: I do get a hint of the rose and vanilla as it dries down. This is a really girly scent and it reminds me of being a kid so I am considering buying a bottle just for the nostalgia that Love evokes.

  22. My first thoughts before I tried the scent are that I wasn't sure about it because it has a few iffy notes for me, the honeysuckle and jasmine. My first impression is that this is a very fizzy, effervescent scent, it is initially dominated by the grape and blackcurrant so it smells like a fruity fizzy drink. But soon the jasmine and honeysuckle take over this scent for me, and they don't work with my skin chemistry. Honeysuckle and Jasmine can turn really sharp and high pitched on me, and this is what happened here sadly I don't know what elemi smells like but I have a suspicion that it might have contributed to this turning sour and sharp on me.The fruitiness is still there but the florals take over this scent for me. It starts out so well, but with my skin chemistry there are some florals which don't work on my skin. I'm happy that I got to try it though.
