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Everything posted by becca_s

  1. On first application I get fresh roses and florals with a dust of honey. After a little while I get the Orris and beeswax, and it dries down to a dusty, honey and rose scent. I find this has a vintage perfume vibe and matches the art work well.
  2. becca_s

    Why and What Art Thou Dreaming Here

    On initial application I get sweet, syrupy blackberry with a hint of the blackened lavender. After a couple of minutes I can smell the Magnolia and Datura. They make a smooth and creamy addition too the blackberry. On me, the blackberry is the dominant note and the florals are more in the background. I can still smell the floral notes but I do get more blackberry and on me this is more of a sweet, fruity scent with soft floral notes. The lavender isn't taking over or being high pitched here. I'm a big fan of the magnolia and Datura notes and here they are so pretty but they are definitely more subtle and soft and they mix really beautifully with the blackberry. This is a very pretty scent, I've been wearing it quite alot. I only wish that the magnolia and datura showed up more on my skin.
  3. becca_s

    From Whose Eyes As They Glance Flowed Love

    This is the perfect creamy, vanilla rose scent. It is gorgeous. The whipped vanilla and Orris butter give this scent a creamy feel even if there is no cream here. I can also smell the skin musk and sugar. I love this alot.
  4. becca_s

    Come Unto These Yellow Sands

    I love the Tempestt and Shakespeare so naturally I had to try this one! On first application I get the French Lavender and sea salt. After a few minutes the lavender settles in to the back ground and this becomes a combination of the lilac and violets with a dusting of sugar and sea salt. For me the sugar is more subtle here. It's kind of a unique blend of being sweet and salty combined with soft floral notes. The violets and lilac are the main floral notes on me, the lavender stays in the background and I can't pick out the rose. The salt balances the sugar and I would not describe this as a sugary scent on me, but the sugar is still there and becomes stronger over time. It has decent throw and wear time on me. I find it to be a summery floral.
  5. becca_s

    Prospering In Golden Hope

    On me this scent is true to its name, its quite a golden, sparkly scent and quite uplifting to wear. I find the white peach note in this different to other peach notes. It has an almost effervescent effect at first. It blends with bergamot to create a crisp, bright peach scent which is not overly sweet. The frankincense is also there adding to the warm golden tones of the scent. I don't get much of the florals here. I get mostly white peach, bergamot and Frankincense. When I wear it I imagine lying in the sun on a Greek island. I've been wearing this the last two days and have been finding it quite a mood pick me up. A very hopeful and golden scent, perfect for hot days.
  6. becca_s

    Cameo Chaperone

    On me Cameo Chaperone is a lush, cool floral. I can smell the silvery musk and tulips the most, with a hint of the orchid and amaretto seed in the background. The red benzoin doesn't seem to be showing up on my skin but I'm sure it is there as a base. I find that this is one of my bpals which smells more like a department store perfume on me but it's much nicer of course, because the florals do not turn high pitched and they smell realistic. Cameo chaperone is a delicate, silvery scent, very reminiscent of spring flowers.
  7. becca_s

    Triumphant Vulva

    On me Triumphant Vulva starts out with the sweet lotus and almond blossom. Someone above described the lotus as smelling like watery pink bubblegum and on me that is an accurate description. Its a sweet, watery floral on me. I can also pick out the almond blossom in the initial phase. After it has settled I still get the lotus but it is mixed mixed with the cream and vanilla. I don't get much amber or rose - they are in the background for me. It is a lovely, creamy scent . The lotus and Vanilla give me summery vibes but it would also be perfect for everyday wear, any time of the year. I really like creamy, sweet scents so this is a win for me.
  8. becca_s

    Sugar Cookie Peacock Queen

    I'm a fan of rose scents and the original Peacock Queen, so I was curious to try this one. On initial application I get alot of the sugar cookie ... which to me smells more like cookie dough rather than a sugar cookie. After this settles though the cookies take a back seat to the rose of the Peacock Queen. It's a realistic rose, that doesn't turn powdery. I get the cookies in the background. It gives the rose a kind of warmth and sweetness. They work well together ❤
  9. becca_s

    Every Day is Halloween

    I'm happy I got a bottle of this before it left the site because I really enjoy wearing it. I agree with previous reviews that this is a more complex scent than its described. When first applied I get the spices- I can definitely pick out black pepper and ginger and maybe a tiny bit of cinnamon. The spices are mixed with something sweet and musky though- perhaps this is the pumpkin or this contains a musk. After a bit of wear time I get the sandalwood which is a warm, toated sandalwood that doesn't veer into being high pitched or taking over. The pumpkin is really hard for me to pick out and I wonder if it is the musky element I can smell here. It is so well blended that all the notes are hard to distinguish individually. This is warm and inviting kind of scent, alot more complex than it's description.
  10. becca_s

    Vase de Lilas a la Fenetre

    This scent is a very spring like burst of fresh lilacs. I can also detect a hint of the muguet at times. It's a very fresh and lush floral that doesn't turn powdery or soapy on me and it has decent throw. I think I can smell amber in the background but not so much vanilla. Lilac is definitely the star here.
  11. becca_s

    Vanilla Bean, Marshmallow, and Benzoin

    This is a really gorgeous scent. A dreamy blend of vanilla and marshmallow backed up by the sweet, resinous benzoin. To my nose the vanilla is a realistic vanilla bean. It's very wearable and is more of a skin hugging scent. I think that this would also be great for layering with other scents.
  12. becca_s

    October 32

    I'm really happy I got a bottle of this before the Halloweenies finished. On initial application I get the dead leaves and the clean wool note. It's very atmospheric and evokes the image of being outdoors in the cool autumn air with the leaves swirling. The early stages of this are a little cologne-y but the cream kind of takes this scent in another direction. I get quite a bit of cream and it works so well with the other notes balancing them out and giving the scent a creamy edge. I find the cream becomes more dominant on the dry down and I do really enjoy this stage. The amber and tea are lightly in the background for me. This scent is really unique to me because I don't have many dead leaf or wool scents and I feel that I will wear this one quite often especially in the cooler weather.
  13. becca_s


    Pumpkinville really surprised me because on my skin I'm not getting a whole lot of pumpkin. I get mainly red musk and ... florals? Maybe, it's Jasmine as other people mentioned but I also wondered if it was Lily. I find the red musk the dominant note so the florals don't become high pitched, they are very well behaved. I don't get any pumpkin spices at all. If I put my nose to my wrist I can detect what I think is a hint of pumpkin. After a few hours wear time I'm left with a blend of red musk and floral notes. I'm wondering how this will age and if the pumpkin and spices will become more pronounced.
  14. becca_s

    Sugar Cookie Snake Oil

    On me I get alot of musky snake oil and ginger bread, the sugar on me is just a hint of brown sugar. I was initially surprised as was expecting something sweeter and with more vanilla. This is a completely different kind of cookie though made with Yule spices, it reminds of ginger bread, with a sprinkle of brown sugar. The snake oil is quite heavy on the musk during the initial application and then the other notes come out. I enjoy this scent, I find it perfect for the yule season. It's warm and cozy without being overly gourmand.
  15. becca_s

    Brown Sugar, Cream, and Earl Grey Tea

    This smells like a freshly brewed pot of expensive earl grey tea with a teaspoon of brown sugar and perhaps a little cream somewhere to the side. This really could be a duo on me between the earl grey and brown sugar. Cream is one of my favorite notes but I get very little here. This is quite a clean, fresh scent on me. I can smell the bergamot from the earl grey. The brown sugar does not take over and complements the tea really well. It adds a sweetness and grounds the scent. Overall, I really like it because I do like tea notes. It is light wearing and stays close to the skin. ETA: After sitting for a couple of weeks this has settled beautifully and I get more cream. The three notes are blended beautifully and I find myself reaching to wear this alot. It's perfect as an everyday scent 😍
  16. becca_s

    Marshmallow and Black Plum

    The labs marshmallow note has become a favorite of mine recently so I blind brought a bottle of this and it is quite lovely. I get quite a balanced mix of the black plum and the marshmallow. I think the marshmallow here is more toasty and gourmand. This is a little sugary to me, which must be coming from the marshmallow. Plum is normally a note which becomes very dominating for me in many blends but to my surprise it does not take over here. This really does smell like a plum flavored marshmallow! ETA: This is quickly becoming one of the scents I reach for alot, definitely becoming a favorite 🥰
  17. becca_s


    Honey and Amber are two of my favorite notes so I knew that Horses would work for me even before I tried it and it does! The initial application reminded me of O without the vanilla but this is scent is also unique. The honey is deep and rich and the amber is sweet and warm. I don't get any beeswax from this. On me the smoke smells like a hint of incense or a candle just lit. I don't find it smoky. It's a warm and deep scent, it really is perfect as a winter scent, it's quite cozy as someone else described.
  18. becca_s

    On Wednesday, I Will Promise You a Phantom

    When first applied I get the initial blast of lavender and wisteria but it is quickly softened by the most gorgeous vanilla. The lavender and wisteria fade quite early on and I'm left with a ylang-ylang and vanilla dominated scent. The myrrh stays quietly in the background for me. This is a soft, gentle scent. I enjoy it alot and can imagine wearing it as everyday scent. It has good wear length and throw without being over powering.
  19. becca_s

    Midnight Fog

    This is a purely night blooming floral scent. At first I get misty wisteria merging with the honey suckle. It smells very fresh and realistic. Jasmine is not a note I normally go for but I felt compelled to try this scent based on the other notes. I can say that this being night blooming jasmine is perhaps not as intense as other jasmine notes. Even though this is very floral it's not overly high pitched on me. It's a kind of soft, comtemplative floral that somehow fits its night time description. It's a scent that I will enjoy wearing in the evening.
  20. becca_s

    Mouth So Sweet, So Poisonous

    When I first applied Mouth so sweet, it started out very perfumey but after settling in for a few minutes it becomes a sweet, plummy scent. On me the plum is front and centre, backed up by the berries. In the background there is a musky honey and a light dusting of opium and bourbon vanilla. I can kind of see the Lady Una comparisons and I think perhaps they share a similar honey musk note. This is a far more sultry and sweet scent though and maintains a slightly perfumey vibe on me. On my skin, this is all about the plum and berries. Even though it's quite fruity the plum and berries are definitely of the darker kind and opium makes this a deeper scent that's perfect for autumn wear but would also suit being worn year round. This is a deep purple scent to me and its quite lovely. Edited to add: after about an hour I get more of the musky honey and vanilla mixed with dark plum. This is my favorite part. It has great throw and wear length
  21. becca_s

    Blood Kiss

    On me I mainly get clove and wine with a hint of cherry. There's also something smoky about this scent. It reminds me alot of being younger, and sneaking out to parties at night. Kind of like a youthful perfume mixed with wine with smoke wafting around. Very interesting scent. Wine is not one of my favorite notes because I find it tends to take over but if you like wine notes, you will enjoy this.
  22. becca_s

    A Place of Seeing

    I brought a bottle of this based on the reviews and it did not disappoint. My skin amps lavender so when first applied I get a burst of lavender followed by the subtle pink rosebuds then the marshmallow and amber. I really like the labs marshmallow note, it's not too sweet or overpowering. It's just a lovely soft, dreamy kind of marshmallow. After this settles into my skin I get the marshmallow, amber and sandalwood blending together so beautifully with hints of the floral- mostly lavender and the tiniest amount of pink rosebuds in the background. The marshmallow and amber stop this becoming perfumey on me. I can imagine wearing this alot because it would make a great every day scent. It is subtle but lasts a long time. I applied this to my neck and got some in my hair. It smelled so good all day. I'm beginning to wish I got more than one bottle.
  23. becca_s

    Lights, Camera, Something

    On first application this is all lavender on me, it's a very ethereal and realistic lavender. After a couple of minutes the vanilla blends with the lavender and reminds me a bit of TKO, then I can smell a hint of cardamom. After it settles the lavender, vanilla and cardamon blend together harmoniously to create a soft, dreamy blend. On me it is a subtle scent that hugs your skin. I like this one alot.
  24. becca_s

    Wildflower Honey, Pink Rose, and Sandalwood

    On first application this is a burst of wildflowers and pink roses. The wildflower honey is different from other honeys I've tried and is predominantly wildflowers with a hint of honey on me. There is some greenery in the wildflowers, I imagine walking through a meadow in summer. It's very fresh and soft. I feel the pink rose takes a bit of a back seat but is still there peaking through in between the wildflowers. After the initial phase I get the sandalwood. The sandalwood becomes an equal player to the wild flowers and the pink rose is softly in the background. I would describe this as a soft, clean wild flower scent with a hint of honey on me. It's not as sweet as I imagined it would be with the honey in there, I have found it to be predominantly more floral and Sandalwood once it has settled into my skin. For me it has low throw but lasts quite a long time. I find it to be a light, summery scent.
  25. becca_s


    Rose and peony are two of my favorite notes so this is one I had to try. On first application it is a burst of fresh floral but there is something else in this scent that I can't see listed in the notes it's almost like a hint of strawberry. There is also another floral I'm not familiar with, which I'm guessing is Broom. I'm assuming the Broom that they are referring to is the herb which has a sweet scent. I can definitely smell it as something I've not smelled in a bpal scent before and it adds something quite fun and bright into the scent which I wasn't really expecting. I only get subtle hints of the sandalwood and amber and I don't find this scent powdery at all. I definitely find it a lush, fresh floral. The effect is very summery. In the final dry down, the tea rose and rose absolute really shine.