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Everything posted by becca_s

  1. becca_s

    Black Hellebore

    This was a frimp from the lab and it is definetly dark and rooty! It has a very earthy smell on me. As it dries the florals come out a bit more but they still take a back seat to the dark earthiness in this. It's probably the most earthy scent that I have tried, it actually smells like gardening and digging in the dirt.
  2. becca_s

    Voodoo Lily

    This is one of the most unusual scents I have tried. It really does smell like Coke when first applied. Later on it dries into a fizzy, ginger and lily blend. I get mostly spices from this, not much lily at all. It's interesting, and not at all what I expected it to be. I was hoping for more lily and less spice.
  3. becca_s


    This is really nice Starts out with the almond and cinnamon and dries into a lovely, spicy vanilla. I can smell the frankincense in the background but it does't take over. I am so happy that I have found a vanilla that actually shows up on my skin, because in most other vanilla scents that I have tried there is always another note which dominates the vanilla. This does fade on me quite quickly though, but I am still considering getting a bottle and I am also wondering how this is aged.
  4. becca_s

    Water of Notre Dame

    This one was a frimp I tried this on before going to work one day and my overall impressions were that it was very watery and green. It comes across as quite an oceany fragrance. If you like aquatic, clean smelling scents then you will probably like Water of Notre Dame.
  5. becca_s


    This starts out as patchouli and clove with a sharp hint of lime on my skin. After it settles down a bit the clove completely takes over, there is the slightest bit of vanilla and almond in the background. Clove is listed as the last note but my skin chemistry must amp it because this smells almost like pure clove on me - the kind that you use in cooking.
  6. becca_s

    Before the Snowy Window

    Like other reviewers have said the snow in this does smell like Pine. The pine begins to fade after a few minutes but it's stil there but now I can smell the peach musk and passion flower coming out and it begins to become a strange combination of sweet fruitiness mixed with pine. It takes about a good hour for this to really change into something similar to what I would have imagined it to be. The Pine has almost gone leaving a hint of snow, I can actually smell the cherry blossom and the peach and passionflower are in the background giving the slightest amount of sweetness. So, it takes a while for this to morph into something really good.
  7. becca_s


    This started out so well ... stephanotis and lush white rose. A soft and elegant fragrance. I thought that I had finally found the perfect floral blend! Until about half and hour later when the Gardenia completely took over and that's all I could smell. I got told I smelt like soap .... The Gardenia ruins this for me, apart from that it could have been the floral I always wanted.
  8. becca_s


    A frimp from the lab My skin amps musk so this is mostly musk on me. A sweet, warm musk though. I can see how this would be really good for layering. I will keep the imp and may even upgrade to a bottle if it grows on me a bit more and I find some good layering combinations.
  9. becca_s


    This was a frimp from the lab In the imp I can smell the florals and the lime. When I first put it on I could smell the wisteria and something sharp. After a few minutes it turned into sugary lime. I can smell a bit of musk and coconut in there, it's a green fresh coconut rather than a creamy one. Amber normally doesn't work on me and turns powdery but it seems to be behaving itself in Shoggoth, maybe because it's white amber or just overpowered by lime. It's refreshing and original it's not like any other bpal scent that I have tried before. Edited to Add: After about an hour the final drydown is a really pretty musky floral with a hint of lime. I can see myself using the imp alot.
  10. becca_s

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    To me this is a very old fashioned scent, something I can imagine someone from the 1920's wearing. It's mostly rose on me, with a hint of lilac and wisteria. It's feminine in an old fashioned way. It has really good staying power and a little goes a long way.
  11. becca_s

    All about plum!

    Have you tried Bordello? I just tried over the weekend and have fallen in love with it. Probably my favorite plum scent. Prunella is cream, plums & wildflowers - it turned mostly floral on me but it might turn out different on you. Another Plum blend I like is Kitsune Tsuki - very juicy plum in that one. If you are looking for a darker plum scent then you could try Morgause or Blood Countess. Hope that helps
  12. becca_s

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    I love this I've only had an imp of this for 2 days but it has quickly become a favorite. Warm, smoky beeswax ... very subtle and slightly mysterious. It does smell a bit like O - but O's honey & amber didn't work on me, I am so pleased that this did. If honey doesn't work on me at least beeswax does! The only thing is that it's on the faint side, but I tried layering with Snake Oil and they work really well together. 10/10, and a bottle purchase for me. I can see myself wearing this all the time.
  13. becca_s

    Wolf's Heart

    I'm not sure what's in this but it starts out with what I consider to be pine or something ever green. It starts out pretty strong and almost sharp. Mellows out when it dries down so I am left with all Dragon's Blood and not much else, something vague in the background. Dragon's Blood generally doesn't work on me and tends to smell medicinal, but I actually like Wolf's Heart - warm and comforting not as medicinal as other DB blends.
  14. becca_s

    Black Cat

    Starts out very minty, with some vaguely herbal in the background. Drys down to be a soft herbal rose, slightly powdery. I ordered this to lift my spirits and in hopes of taking my mind off stressful things going on in my life. It's refreshing and uplifting when first applied, I wish that I wasn't left with just dusty rose in the end.
  15. becca_s


    This is mostly tea, sage and berries on me. It's a little sweet and perfumey - it's nice but it doesn't stand out to me. I think I prefer Glasgow as my blackberry blend
  16. becca_s


    This was a frimp from the Lab Starts out smelling like a cocktail, or some kind of rum drink. Drys down to be sweet, buttery coconut - Yum! Liked this much better on the dry down and more than I expected. Definately a keeper.
  17. becca_s

    The Dormouse

    A dizzying eddy of four teas brushed with light herbs and a breath of peony. This starts off clean and citrusy. It was cleaner and less floral than I was expecting. It's very fresh and light. After a while the peony comes out to soften it up. I love peony but I think that this has too much tea for me. I will re-test this one.
  18. becca_s

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    This is all Violet and Gardenia on my skin. I was really hoping for the Vanilla to make an appearance but it I can't smell it all. The Gardenia is the main player here and turns a bit powdery on my skin. I would have loved this if there was more Vanilla but I find that my skin eats it.
  19. becca_s


    Bordello is so much better than I expected it to be. First of all, wine and foody scents don't normally work on me. But, this is so good. I don't get any wine, just creamy plums - that aren't too sweet. For some reason I get vanilla from this ... I guess that's from the amaretto. This has quickly made its way to the top of my bottle list!
  20. becca_s

    Snake Oil

    After a few months of getting into BPAL I have finally tried Snake Oil! It was spicier than I thought it would be. I'm sure this has Patchouli in it because that is the first thing that I could smell along with the spices. The dry down is warm and spicy but I really don't get much Vanilla from this, and it's not sweet on me like it is on other people. It's not what I would usually go for, but I like it and I think that it will grow on me more over time. It also fades pretty quick on me. I'm looking forward to seeing what this is like aged. ETA: The more I wear this, the more that I love it. Definetly one for the bottle list
  21. becca_s

    Pink Moon 2012

    I'm really happy that I got this! It starts out strawberries and white chocolate, at first I thought that this was going to be all chocolate. But, it actually settled down after about 15 mins and this allowed the flowers to come through, with the slightest hint of vanilla and strawberry.
  22. becca_s


    This started out very citrusy on my skin, I could detect a little bit of tea in the background too. It stayed that way for half an hour or so and then the cherry blossoms took over ... after that it faded away completely, my skin ate it. It's a very faint scent on me, I had to get up close to my wrist to be able to smell it. Overall, if you like citrus or tea scents then you will probably like Aizen Myoo. I don't find myself drawn to citrus scents and I was hoping for more cherry blossom - it did come out in the end but by that time it was so faint that I could hardly smell it.
  23. becca_s


    Like someone else said, this smells like sour coconut on me. Reminds me of a coconut liqour we have or some kind of coconut cocktail. ETA: This morphs! After about an hour it turns into creamy coconut - yum I wish it started out like that.
  24. becca_s


    I can detect the daffodils and jasmine in this and when I first put it on it smelt like fresh cut flowers ... later the plum came out. Suprisingly, I don't get any musk from this which normally takes over alot of scents on me. This is really nice and fresh and probably my favorite plum scent that I have tried.
  25. becca_s

    The Temptation

    I really like this one! The Temptation is mostly peach blossom on me and a soft floral - perhaps from the wisteria or rice flower. I don't get any rose or calla lily, but I can smell the black musk in the background. This is very light and refreshing, and very flirty. The first time I tired this it didn't stand out to me, but the second time I loved it! I reminds me of my other favorite -Fae, because of the peach but this is lighter, less musky and more floral. I think that I may have to get a bottle of this one.