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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Morsigne925

  1. Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.


    Without reminding myself of what the notes were, I immediately thought "toasted Dorian" when I smelled this - it's a lovely tea scent; goes on fairly sweet, and then a fresh, brighter bit comes out as time goes on. Starts out foodier, but as the minutes go by a scent very reminiscent of Dirty starts to come through more and more. Whether I would wear this on a regular basis I am unsure, but I definitely keep sniffing my wrists! I'm very reminded of waking up during the winter holidays at my grandparents'house, with fresh sheets and sweet smells happening. I wish this came in a candle or something, I wonder if there is a way to use the perfume oils as an atmospheric scent via a diffuser or something? So many that I wouldn't wear on my person necessarily but that I would absolutely love to smell around the house from time to time. 4 stars!

  2. What I get most out of this soon after putting it on is actually mostly the apple, and what must be the myrtle. Definitely amber, but really mostly as a base - it's more fruity and almost spicy smelling smelling on me than most other ambers I've tried. Please please please don't turn into powder...! I love this scent right now - 4 stars unless it morphs into powder later on.

  3. Been having issues with many old scents I loved turning to baby-powder on me after trying them again after a long time (some musks seem to do it on me) and was worried about this one with the red musk, but happy to find that it doesn't seem to! Stays a bright, beautiful rich floral to me even after a while - definitely get the golden amber smell as well as a fruitier note from what I think must be the orchid. I really enjoy this one! 4 stars!

  4. Hroom...I want to love this, and it smells quite nice right out of the imp and before it dries, but when it dries it becomes so powdery on me. Many BPAL scents seem to do this on me, which makes me sad :( it is a different kind of powdery, at least, than some others that do this; it has a fresh pine smelling powderiness to it, but on my skin it definitely smells like some combination of Old Spice and deodorant once it's dried. Phooey! Maybe I will try it again with a scent locket at some point and see if that helps, because I do love the smell when it's still in the imp. Almost an herbal-caramel scent. Probably give it 3 stars for now, until I try it with a locket.

  5. Did a search and no one seemed to have inquired about this one before so I'll go ahead and put it out there.


    I'll be doing a Sheik cosplay (from Legend of Zelda) for a few conventions next year and think it would be cool if I could find a scent to go with it as well. One obvious one I thought of was Rogue, but wanted to see if there were any other good ideas floating around out there, as I haven't had the chance to sample all that many BPAL scents in all. Not opposed to layering/combining either! Though for me I'd like to limit it to ones that are at least reasonably find-able and not super-rare.


    Thanks for any recs!

  6. Freshly applied: This smells to me like smelling and/or tasting amaretto - very strong and tart and sweet right after it's on. Can't say I'm complaining :D I love me some almond scents

    After a while: It really does remind me of amaretto and coca cola or dr. pepper or some other sweet drink - it smells the way they taste. It gets slightly less sweet and more musky the longer it sits on me. Really do like this scent! Will have to wear it a few times befre I decide if it's a bottle scent or not :)


    EDIT AUG 2014:


    In the imp and on skin wet: POWERFUL cherry-almond soap


    I haven't put on any more than I normally do from imps and can say with certainty this is a very strong scent. As it dries I like it a bit more, it tones down some; overall it seems to remain an almost boozy cherry almond soap to me. Not sure how I feel about it really...it's not a bad scent, but it's a harsher one that overwhelms my nose a little when I sniff my wrist directly the way I have for other scent reviews. This one will have to go in the undecided pile for now - not 100% I want to swap or keep it. 3-ish stars at the moment.

  7. Freshly applied: I thought this smelled like incense right out of the bottle on my arm, but even just a couple of minutes after it's dried it turns into a scent I can only describe as pleasant; it's still got an incense-y vibe, but not in a smack-you-in-the-face headshop-y type incense way, more like a sweet spicey candle type way. The smells that come out most for me that I recognize from the description are a combination of the clove and musk, with a little bit of a floral and that is slightly sweetened by the vanilla. The floral is somewhat tart so it's possible I'm getting a big mix of the cherry/wine/poppy all in one that just smells like a tart floral smell to me. Altogether with the clove it's reminding me of the winter themed candles from bath and body works (which happen to be my favorite) and this is probably from the clove. It's a smell I enjoy enough to keep sniffing my arm! I could see this being a favorite winter perfume simply because I associate clove smells with the holidays.

    After 10+ minutes: The tart cherry/wine/flower smell gets a bit stronger the longer it sits on my skin, and the clove goes more to the background (though it is still there). The vanilla remains more of a background player and stays about the same strength as when I first put it on, just acting to lightly sweeten the whole thing. I really like this scent! It is not super strong the way some of the other scents I've tried are - I can't smell myself walking around the house except very lightly - to get the full scent I have to put my arm to my nose. I appreciate a lighter but still complex scent int he BPAL perfumes as many of the ones I've tried are either smack-you-in-the-face strong or so light they fade away after a relatively short time. This one seems to be quite balanced.


    Revisit AUG 2014:


    Imp/wet: Definite incense thing going on; more like some of my favorite Japanese incenses than some of the ones people probably usually think of. Definitely more woodsy, like a cherry-cedar incense.


    After drying a bit this starts to smell a lot like like one of my favorite candles, Leaves from B&BW; possibly the Winter one as well. I definitely associate this type of smell with autumn/winter. Not sure if this would become a staple in my wearables collection, but I may yet keep it around. I still find it quite nice.

  8. Freshly applied: I could only describe this as very fresh and "clean" smelling; it reminded me of clean laundry, fairly cottony though not bath and body works-y the way Dirty smelled to me.

    After a bit: It smells flowery and baby-powder-like to me now, actually it is almost a dead-ringer for a "fresh scent" powder/cream deodorant I've had before. I suppose it could be considered enticing but to me it's not quite ringing "sexy." The smell is very pleasant though and is still very fresh and clean. I'll give it a 4 because it smells good but as I'm not so much into fresh scents for perfume (I like to leave that to body wash laundry soap and deodorant) I don't think I'd get a bottle.


    EDIT AUG 2014:


    Imp/wet: Hmm, smells like jagermeister tastes for a little while.


    Drying: starts to smell more floral, but I think it must be rose. It doesn't smell unpleasant at all, but the whole affair does remind me of sachet pillows that my grandmother has. This is a scent I might use in my closet, or in the bath, but probably wouldn't actively wear. 3 stars

  9. In the bottle: A very sweet, slightly tangy floral. I think I can pick out the honeysuckle but not much else yet.


    On skin wet: I get a whoosh of florals - I don't know what iris smells like on its own, or orris, or rosewood, but what I'm getting right now is mostly what I think is the mix of the honeysuckle, jasmine, and iris. Funny I don't get the musk yet at all on me. It smells very strongly floral at this point, and reminds me of little flower soaps.


    Drying: It still smells like flower soaps/bath oil to me but not in a bad way - I really like the cool, floral scent it has right now. It's still pretty strong and I will probably put a little less on in future, but it's still quite lovely.


    After a while: IT still seems to have a very "perfumey" smell to it, which I actually like - it doesn't work for me in some scents, but something about the way this one smells, where I might not normally like it, I do.


    Bottom line: A very lovely floral scent - I give it a solid 4 stars and would wear it particularly when I'm feeling feminine, and in springtime.

  10. Sniffed from the bottle: it smells like a very earthy, vanilla-y scent; it actually reminds me of this argan oil hair stuff I've had, but I forget the brand. There's also something that seems to give off a slight menthol/minty twang, but it's not very prominent and I can't be sure. IT's giving a very vanilla booze aged in a wooden cask type of smell to me.

    Wet on skin: There's a sweet, earthy, almost licorice-y smell that must be the tobacco. I also get the sweetness of the vanilla, and a rich dryness keeping it from being too sweet from the wood smells. This smells how I imagine an old wooden chest that held exotic oils and spices on a pirate ship would smell, if that makes sense.

    Drying: The licorice-type smell remains fairly prominent for a while, but as time goes on the wood smells come out more and I just LOVE these types of smells; it also reminds me of some nice wooden thing that's been oiled with something that smells wonderful.

    Later: Mostly faded, but I still get a sweet, woody tobacco whiff when I move around.

    Bottom line: A very lovely scent! There's something very nostalgic about this one for me, and I love the sweet tobacco-y wood smell.


    Revisit Aug 2014:


    Bottle/wet - licorice & tobacco; I really hate licorice so I'll be incredibly disappointed if this stays around :(


    Drying: Thank goodness the licorice seems to go away as it dries - it leaves behind a woodsy tobacco scent that is lightly sweet. I would break this one out for any steampunk cosplay. Probably not an everyday perfume for me but would break it out occasionally just to smell it. Definitely keeping may do some decants for swaps! 3.7/5

  11. Smell from the bottle: I get a smell like *very* burnt sugar, like when a marshmallow has been roasted too long and it starts to get that sharp sour/bitter scent, not an unpleasant smell though.

    On skin: The leather comes out, and the smoke - wet it smells like smoky leather with the vanilla taking the way backseat, leaving things just barely sweet underneath. I smell very similar to the way I do after I've been roasting marshmallows around a campfire.

    Drydown: The more time passes, the more the vanilla comes out, and some sweet flower, not sure what - I love the way this smells! It becomes a distinct burnt sugar smell with a hint of leather, so badass and sexy. I do keep smelling myself, I never tought I would love a scent that included smoke and leather this much, but something about the three play very well together.

    After a while: This one lasts somewhat less long than some of the other BPALs I've tried, but after some time has past it stays at a lovely burnt sugar smell, with the leather fading first for me but leaving behind just a hint of sharpness. The vanilla stays the longest, along with the sharpest part of the smoke and a little bit of floral.

    Bottom line: One of my favorites among the more "unique" smelling BPALs I've tried - a winner in my book!


    Revisit Aug 2014:


    Bottle/Wet: Fairly smoky, but not an acrid smoke - sort of the way the burnt part of a marshmallow tastes when you've lit it on fire.


    Drying: As it starts to calm down I can smell the leather more - I've also noticed that with this one a little goes a LONG way. I still quite like the smell - it's still sweet, but in a dangerous sort of way. I would wear this when I was feeling powerful, not when I was feeling overly girly. I like this scent for, say, Azula from Avatar TLAB, for example.

  12. Out of the imp: first impression - Wow. This smells really good. Right in the imp I get a floral/plum scent that's really beautiful. The carnation is big when I smell it right out of the imp.

    Wet on skin: Wahhhhh I love this scent so much! As soon as it hits my skin it becomes a sweet, musky, sexy scent - it's quite close to mainstream perfume scents I like, but more exotic. I would *definitely* wear this on a regular basis to feel pretty/sexy/confident, and very feminine/mysterious. I forsee a new addition to the big bottle list.

    Drying: The carnation and plum blend together into an almost gardenia/tuberose-like scent to me; when combined with the musk, this to me is a *gorgeous* very feminine-sexy scent. I am loving this!

    End of the day: Absolutely getting a big bottle once I finish the imp. Which won't be too long from now. :D 5 stars.


    ** EDIT AUG 2014: Again, it's been a while. I rediscovered my stash box of imps recently and have decided to try them on one at a time again, to see if I can't get a swap pile going and clear out some more room for new stuff :3


    Anyway, I do still like this scent, but it is very powerful. I only put a tiny bit on and it was too strong to sniff my wrist directly for most of the day without getting that perfume headache business. I think I may just be particularly sensitive to strong perfumes, and oils especially seem to blow up to my nose. Perhaps sometime I'll try a perfume locket and see if that helps at all. Nevertheless, on its own I do still enjoy this scent, but not quite as much as I seemed to enjoy it previously - I'll amend to 3.5-4ish starts; I like Hell's Belle better ATM, so undecided if this will go in the swaps pile or not.

  13. In the imp: It actually smells a bit like Yggdrasil to me, minus the sweetness. There is a cold, earthy smell to it, it's smelling quite like the description in the imp, like being outdoors after rain in an old ruin in the woods

    Wet: Wow, what a complex scent - on my skin it smells a lot like trees after rain - I live in the pacific northwest and this reminds me of rain + trees fairy uncannily - i also smell a couple more musky notes, that I think are probably the wood and leather; I also smell the ivy now, and just barely a hint of sweet tartness that I think must be the red wine. This is an incredibly intriguing scent - it smells very masculine to me yet at the same time not - I could *love* this as a room scent, and I think I may try it on the BF, even though I'm quite liking it on myself. It's not the kind of thing I'd probably wear on a hot date, but maybe on a rainy day, or when I feel like reading Tolkien or playing Magic the Gathering or something. I am loving this scent in a way that's somewhat different from the way I like most other perfumes I wear to feel sexy or confident, if that makes any sense.

    Drying (~1 hour): I am so intrigued by this scent! It's gotten slightly sweeter on me as it dried, but I still wouldn't classify it as a 'sweet' scent; I smell what must be the teak that reminds me slightly of Antikythera Mechanism, a slightly smoky-wood smell, still smell the ivy, and a freshness that I imagine must be the ozone. Every time I sniff my wrist I feel like I pick out a different note as mroe prominent.

    End of the day: I really love this scent, but for different reasons than I like other Bpals - it's not the kind of perfume I'd wear on a regular basis, but would perhaps use when I was feeling a particular mood or would use it as a room scent. 4 stars!


    Revisit AUG 2014:


    I must have reviewed Yggdrasil and this one as a pair before, too, because I am again getting a very similar feeling from this one as from Yggdrasil. It's a bit...sharper, is how I would describe it, almost like it's got a bit of a light musk in it; must be the white sandalwood. I may be changing my mind about woodsy scents being my thing for everyday, because with these two I really cannot stop sniffing my wrist. It gets even more interesting as it dries down. I won't lie, to me the concept of the name of a perfume also gives them a lot of interest to me, and "the black tower" really intrigues. Definitely a keeper, may experiment with wearing this and other woodsy scents on a more regular basis. 4 stars it remains!

  14. This one was a frimp in my last order!


    In the imp: This is one where I actually feel I can smell all the notes described pretty distinctly - I definitely smell the star anise, and I get the cherry blossom and the sandalwood as this fresh, light, clean scent with it.


    Wet: Sandalwood is very prominent as soon as it hits my skin, along with the licorice-smelling star anise. I can smell the cerry blossom a little bit at this point but the sandalwood and star anise are dominating atm. I'm surprisingly ok with how it smells right now given that I generally really dislike the smell of star anise, or anything that smells like licorice, and also really strong sandalwood smells; maybe the two are balancing each other for me? I do hope the cherry blossom comes out more though, because I'm still not the hugest fan of the licorice/sandalwood smell it has right now.


    Drying (~1 hour): As I was hoping, the cherry blossom comes out to play more as time goes on, but unless I put my wrist to my face still the most prominent scent wafting up to me is the star anise. I'm torn on this one - it intrigues me every time I sniff my wrist, yet when I pull it away and smell the anise wafting up, I'm not a big fan.


    End of the day: I think I'll have to give this one 2 stars - I don't dislike it, and it's a very interesting scent, and I'm sure one could quite like it if they weren't put off by strong star anise smells like I am. For me though, I just don't think I'd probably ever wear it.

  15. In the imp: To me this actually smells a lot like Snake Oil does also right out of the bottle/imp - I get a lightly sweet, musky, almost woody-spicy scent that reminds me of some incense; don't get any of the flowers yet, but I do think I smell some of the mandarin.

    Wet: The mandarin is immediately more prominent, as well as a spice that smells to me like cinnamon, so it kind of has a sweet cinnamon-orange vibe to it right after I put it on; a couple minutes later the flowers are starting to come out - I don't know what magnolia and oleander smell like on their own, but the flower smell I'm getting almost reminds me of gardenias, though not nearly as overpowering as gardenias can be. I'm quite liking this right now - on me it smells a bit like Scherezade or Snake Oil if one of those had floral notes.

    Drying (~1 hour): As time goes on, this is smelling more and more like, if spiced cider were made into bread pudding (which, in my opinion, would be an epic win). I am *quite* enjoying where this scent is going. I think there must be cloves in here, and cinnamon, both of which I endorse enthusiastically - they go quite well with the mandarin, and though the flowers are taking more of a backseat in this one for me, they also go quite well. This is a very sexy scent to me :D

    End of the day: The flowers are getting more prominent on me as time goes on, and the spicy-sweetness seems to be here to stay; loving this scent! It is a very naughty spicy-floral I could definitely wear going out on a hot date with the BF, or just in general whenever I want to feel devilishly sexy :3 5 stars! Oh dear, my big bottle list seems to get bigger with every other imp I test...


    **Edit Aug 2014: Finally logging back in after escaping the void of graduate school. Most of what I said before still holds true, but I think I like the way this smells on more right after it's been applied than when it has dried a bit. Some scents I find too strong to keep smelling my wrists, but this one remains pleasant and I find myself sniffing my wrists throughout the day. Definitely a sweet floral, with a bit a musk/spice. I do enjoy this - I will probably amend my previous review to 4 stars, just given that I have other scents I like even more. But this remains one I would definitely wear out and about.

  16. Got this as a frimp in my latest order!


    In the imp: it has a strong, what I think of as "perfumey" smell, very floral; can't decide if I like it yet, seems quite strong in the imp


    Wet: It's starting to settle into a more powdery flower smell - it's still striking me as a very typical/traditional "perfume" scent, it wouldn't be out of place in my mom's perfume collection; not quite grandma, but it's very feminine, Hollywood-smelling to me. Looking at the description, I'm detecting what I think is probably mostly the Lily and sandalwood, with maybe a hint of the mandarin. I'm not disliking it right now, but I can't say it's my favorite, either; but i'm just not a huge fan of some florals and lily of the valley might be one.


    Drying (~1 hour): I'm liking it a bit more as it dries - the sweeter mandarin and vanilla are coming out more, and the sandalwood seems spicier; it's still fairly strong, however, and it is still smelling a lot like baby powder/that strong, perfumey scent on me.


    End of the day: It smelled much better to me as the day went on, but I wasn't a huge fan of it for the first hour or two - it just had a really strong old-perfume smell to it during that time, so I'll have to give it 2 stars.

  17. In the imp: it reminds me a lot of Hellcat right in the imp - it's spicy, sweet, I get maybe some honey, almost a note of cherry-lip balm or something

    Wet: Oh wow, I love this scent - it's very warm, toasty, and sweet - it's almost like a Morocco/Vixen lovechild to me

    Drying (~1 hour): I *really* love this perfume - it has become more spicy, toasty - smell reminds me of cinnamony Hellcat after a few hours, mixed with a little of the sweetness of something like Vixen

    End of the day: Definitely a winner, especially for the wintertime.


    EDIT AUG 2014: After breaking this baby out again, it has a definitely similarity to Hellcat in that the almond really comes through on me; but it's more bright and less spicy than Hellcat. I still see this as a great winter scent - I definitely get the amber, the spice, and the almond most - smells like amaretto. Love almond - may or may not get a big bottle of this since I already have Hellcat but will definitely keep the imp! 4 stars

  18. In the imp: Hmmm, hard to describe right now...it's pretty light, "clean" smelling, I think, with something stronger in the background. Actually no distinct notes I can identify atm

    Wet: The scent got even lighter, it seems - now it smells faintly sweet and tart, with, like, a cool breeze of something behind it - very pretty!

    Drying (~1 hour): There's a sweetness at the end of each sniff that reminds me of the taste of those valentine's heart candies (but not nearly as cloying); the musk comes out more as time goes on

    End of the day: I'm quite liking this scent, though I have others I like better; I could see myself wearing this out to dinner with friends, etc. After I finish the imp I' decide if I want a big bottle or not - for now, I have others I want more 0:)


    EDIT AUG 2014:


    Imp: soap

    Wet on skin: soap

    Drying: It sort of becomes a lemon iced poundcake baby powder. I can't decide if I like it or not, honestly - it's not one of those headache-inducing baby powder smells on me, and I do keep smelling my wrist...But just not sure if it's one I would deliberately pick out to wear. I'll probably keep the imp around and figure out some other use for it, perhaps in the bath or something.


    Hmm...the more it sits the more it grows on me, though. It's a very clean scent. Totally waffling on this one - will give it 3/5 stars for now.


    Update: after a bit more time the musk very much takes over. I don't HATE that, but don't love it either, and there are other musk-y scents I like better. At this point it starts to smell "old" to me for lack of a better descriptor. Will probably stick it in the undecided pile for now.

  19. Got this to test and see if I would like it on my BF - gonna test on myself first :3

    In the imp: This is exciting. I smell lavender and citrus - it reminds me of Dorian, which I love, but more fresh and not as sweet

    Wet: Getting more of the citrus, especially the lime with the lilac/lavender still strong, but in the background; I am *really* loving this scent, this is going on the BF as soon as I can get him to hold still. :D

    Drying (~1 hour): This is to me more distinctly masculine than say, Dorian - it has that light spicy background scent to it that I think of when I think of men's cologne - I *really* like this scent and I hope the BF does too because I gotta say, if he smelled like this I'd never be able to stop smelling him. It is a very sexy man smell :3

    End of the day: 5 stars straight up, loved it from the imp to the drydown :D


    Revisit AUG 2014:


    Imp/Wet: Smells to me like a combo of lavender, citrus, and a bit of eucalyptus, perhaps. Quite fresh, fairly green/herbal smelling. Somewhat reminiscent of irish spring soap.


    Drying: Smells more and more "green" whatever that means; I guess more eucalyptusy. Is that even in the notes? *looks at description* Guess not, but that's what it smells like to me. Definitely getting some lavender too - I wouldn't say it's MACHO MANLY smelling but I would not complain if a guy smelled like this. Lord knows it's x1000000000 better than the axe junk I usually smell from 4 blocks away.

  20. My first LE scent!

    In the bottle: Very citrus-y and bright, and sweet (though not too sweet); it smells a bit like the taste of those orange-wedge shaped hard candies you sometimes get at Italian restaurants

    Wet: A very lovely bright, lightly sweet citrus scent; at this point it smells predominantly of citrus (orange/lemon/grapefruit to me), with a hint of other notes behind it, possibly the florals

    Drying (1 hour): Still very much a citrusy scent, but the other notes balance it out much more now - I can pick up more of the floral smells, the apricot and possibly the vanilla. I love this perfume! It is light and clean and very pretty/feminine to me

    End of the day: This is proving to be shorter-lived than some other BPAL scents on me, but I still love it - after a few hours the tangy citrus scent has mostly died down, giving way to a lovely, lightly orange-flowery sweetness. 5 stars in my book :)


    Revisit AUG 2014:


    Bottle/Wet: Smarties. Exactly the way smarties taste, or most candies that have citric acid


    I feel like I got overly excited in most of my old reviews - I do still like this scent, but I don't think I'd give it quite a 5. I think it is a perfect summer scent - bright and VERY orange citrusy. Florals come out a bit as time goes on but it remains very sweet and bright. I'll say 4.5 because it's just a BIT sweet for my nose every few sniffs, but I still like it.

  21. BF bought me this one from Knows Perfume after after he fell all over himself loving the smell of it on me. So I shall do a review :D

    In the bottle: Quite boozy - smells like a sweet almond-cinnamon liquor, or like a nutty spiced cider.

    On skin wet: Not *quite* as boozy smelling, but it's still there as a sharp back note. The sweet almondy scent comes out a lot more, almost like amaretto mixed with cinnamon in some kind of buttery drink. There is definitely a more buttery smell to it on the skin.

    Drying: Cinnamon isn't listed in the notes but I swear it smells like cinnamon in a delicious holiday drink to me - maybe the hazelnut is morphing into cinnamon somehow. I am *loving* this as a winter scent, it's very warm and toasty smelling.

    End of the day: Definitely a fave. Wearing this led to ah, shall we say, a good night with the BF ;) he is apparently a big fan of this one. I give it 5 stars.


    Revisit Aug 2014:


    Bottle/wet: sweet, slightly boozy spices; spells like a gingerbread rum cake to me; it definitely smells like dark, molasses with spice


    Drying: Some kind of nectary-sweetness that must be the honey comes more forward as it dries; it generally smells like warmth and toastiness and the holidays to me. Will continue to be a staple of my winter perfumes!

  22. Last review of my first order of imps!

    In the imp: Sweet and spice - smell reminds a bit of Scherezade once it dries and mellows out; also reminds me of this powdery vanilla deoderant I once had.

    On skin wet: Smell the warm musk and spices, a hint of the sandalwood and just a little light freshness that might be the carnation. I was worried when I saw this had sandalwood in it because I've only ever had bad experiences with sandalwood, but in this it doesn't seem to be too prominent at all - it's there in the background, giving everything else a little toasty zest. Perhaps it's just my nose but the combination of stuff in here reminds me of a powdery vanilla. I'm kinda hoping the powdery part calms down a little bit, because I otherwise am loving the scent. Discovering that I seem to love combinations that include red musk (or any musk, but particularly the warmer ones.

    Drying: The overall smell is very warm and cozy, I second the "toasted" feel to to it that others have experienced with it. Sweet and spicy.

    End of the day: The spices did come out more as the day went on, but not as much as I had really hoped. I'll probably give this another try another day - for now it gets 4 starts because I think I like Scherezade and Snake Oil a little better - for some reason this seems sweeter than Snake Oil on me. I'll probaby get Snake Oil and/or Scherezade before I get this, but I still quite like it, especially on these cold winter days.


    Revisit Aug 2014:


    Bottle/wet: The smell is fairly subtle to me, dunno why - I get a light sweetness, not too much spice; a very subtle light incense vibe.


    Drying: Still stays pretty mellow to me. This one doesn't seem to change much as time goes for me, unusual compared to my other scents. Still love this one though! It's like...and exotic clean smell. Best way I can describe.

  23. Another of my first order of imps!

    In the imp: Smells like sweet, alcoholic juice, almost like a tangy cranberry blend of some sort

    Wet on skin: Smelling like a really sweet, tart rose, if that makes sense, like if there were a rose cocktail with just a hint of cranberry - the red wine is lending it a sharp, yet warm tangy note, and while I don't know what dragon's blood resin smells like on its own, I detect a sweet, warm note underneath the rose. I immediately love this even wet, and it's different from the other scents I've reviewed so far, which mostly have had vanilla/sweet/spicy notes - I love this fresh, yet warm, sweet-tart rose.

    Drying: The more it dries, the more the rose comes out on me, to the point where it's actually getting quite strong. I still smell some of the tart notes from before, but not quite as much. I think it gets a 4, just because florals aren't my first choice of scent category (if there exists a vanilla-rose-spice combo, someone let me know. Because I want to try it.) though I love this scent. I can see this being quite good in Spring/Summer, or even early Fall.

    End of the day: Oh, I'm in trouble already. My first imp order and I keep adding to the list of big bottles I want. This one's definitely on there, though, unless I try some other rose scent I like better before I get to order it :D


    Revisit AUG 2014:


    Imp/wet: definite fruit punch thing going on at first. We'll see how this shakes out - I do definitely detect the rose in there too.


    Rose, rose, and more rose as it goes. Not an unpleasant smell, but I just can't get behind rose. There's something a bit cloying about this particular one as well for me. I don't hate it, again, but I think this one may be for the swaps pile. 2.8/5

  24. Imp in my first order set, which I compiled after a survey of the "sexy" scent recommendations forum.


    In imp: To me this smells almost exactly like Snake Oil to me right out of the bottle; must be the spices, not too familiar with the scent of red musk so I'm not sure I could pick it out.


    On skin wet: It's definitely more distinguishable as a different scent from the two it smelled like right out of the bottle now; it's hard to describe - it's a very "warm" smell, with a hint of spice, and it's lightly sweet without smelling like vanilla or anything foody.


    Drying: This scent is really intriguing - to me this is starting to smell something like the spicy kind of chai, maybe if chai were an incense, with just a hint of sweet but not too much; if this smell is a good example of a red musk scent, I have to say I'm definitely a fan. This is shaping up to be my favorite scent so far. Or at least in my top three (of the few scents I have tried XD.) As this mellows even further, one note becomes more prominent - it's a spice (possible the saffron?) that has a warm, almost nutty smell to it. I quite enjoy this scent - I can see myself wearing it quite a lot during the fall and winter.


    End of the day: As I go through more of my first imp order it's becoming clear to me that at least one of my favorite groups of scents run along the warm, slightly musky, spicy scents, with vanilla or some other lightly sweet or nutty note; something sweet, but not in the Juicy Couture way - I like grown-up spicy sweet. And this is one of them - another for the list of big-bottles! :D
