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Posts posted by ReallyZeb

  1. Molten gold, well-oiled gears, coal dust, dragon’s blood incense, flame-retardant leather, and precious resins.

    It smells like all the good things that come to mind when I call up a workshop without the nastiness of smells like oily rags and paint thinner.

    There is a warm metal brought out by rich spices(black pepper, ginger and maybe cardamon), there is dragon's blood, but without skin to warm it, it stays a controllable level. I'm pretty sure there's frankincense too - and those well-oiled gears are oiled with something nicer than petrochemicals. To me there's the slightly citrus note from No. 93 Engine. I get a tiny hint of spicy suede, like a well worn jacket. The one thing I don't get is coal dust, for which I'm quite glad!

    The overall mix is well rounded, rich and welcoming and, rather unsurprisingly, warm. This will be lovely to warm up a cold dark room later in the year - something to spray when I get in from work.

  2. Although I have been waiting for SW for over a year or so, I cannot take part this time.. I am in a crazy job situation (again/still?), and money is rather tight.

    But: I was wondering if those who cannot or do not want to take part in SW would be interested in something like a "Fall Cleaning Swap"?

    I guess I am OK with shipping costs - for either one or even two packages - but I cannot aford buying gifts right now.

    So why not use and take what I already have to make someone happy? Same style as the Spring Cleaning Swap.. just, you know, in fall.

    Anyone else interested?


    Too bad I am an international, or I'd suggest doing a circular bottle and imp swap with a box that's sent around from person to person, and you take stuff and put new stuff in. I have.. way too many bottles that I would like to rehome one way or another.

    I'd be interested, even though I'm doing SwitchWitch too

  3. Finally I've found something to wear after coating myself in Butterfly Nectar bath oil. This has the same honey-dusted petals smell and the same almost luminous feel to it, but Pandy is delicately fruity where BN is slightly more floral. This is the runaway winner of the Pandoras for me - and the one I least expected to love.

  4. This is really pretty.


    When wet I got a blast of bright, sweet nectarine followed by damp greenery, like walking through tall shrubs just after a quick rain shower.


    Once it has dried it has a fresh green backnote which I'm guessing is oakmoss, although to me it's reading as ivy or laurel, and then an almost bitter floral, but in a good way. I don't get any sandalwood, nor honey, and I usually amp both of those. I might actually consider a bottle of this.

  5. I'm another one who conveniently ignored the mention of jasmine when ordering my decants :frustrated:


    In the imp all is overpowering jasmine, but I decide to be brave and give it a proper skin test.


    Wet, I get sour rancid sweat. I wouldn't want to smell me, let alone go near anyone else. I wonder if my eyes have started melting yet.


    Eventually this has dried enough that I can find sweet fig peeking out from the corner that she was bullied into by jasmine but the other notes quite obviously ran home crying to mother.

  6. A pinker, less complex version of Midway ... I like it rather than love it. Clouds of pink candy fluff and popcorn over a vanilla base. I get no smell of wood at all which is a shame, I think that would have grounded it a bit.

  7. Sadly all I really get is beetles :(


    I get a butterscotch hit when it's wet, but mostly beetley anise seed and it seems to be giving me a rather nasty headache after it's dried down. It reminds me of walking into one of the small Indian convenience stores that are around London, where some of the spices have been on the shelves rather longer than they should be - dusty old stale spices.


    I shall try it another day but I don't have high hopes.


    Edit: ok, after 7 hours I finally get butterscotch ... but it's not worth the pain of getting there

  8. This is lovely rich butterscotch, rum and coconut - but doesn't give off the 'doused in alcohol' air that I often get from the boozier scents. It's more like a coconut caramel rum truffle. I'm not sure where I would wear this but I'll hang onto my imp :)

  9. One of the most beautifully complex scents I've ever tried. :wub2:


    When wet I get dry cocoa powder, a really rich good quality type, but as it dries it morphs dramatically and is no longer foody. I get incense, sweet spices, honey, a touch of floral, but all meshing so wonderfully - a really sophisticated, poised and elegant scent.


    I'm very glad I bought a bottle unsniffed, and will be getting at least one backup before its lost forever.

  10. In the imp and wet on my wrist its all LEATHER - which tends to make me feel a little nauseous but I think the balsam is moderating it slightly and making it tolerable. As soon as it dries it becomes the most realistic leather I have ever smelled. Reminds me of snuggling up under a boyfriend's leather jacket outdoors in an evergreen forest on a wet day sometime back in my teens. I'm not sure I'll ever wear it but I do appreciate it.

  11. Overwhelming floral when wet, I presume that's the narcissus - if it stayed like this I'd hate it.


    When it dries it reminds me of old, cold stone, somewhere dark and cool - sort of what I was expecting from Kandari Kandam's description - not a moldering, slimy lichen-covered stone but something very old, very secure and solid. I'm surprised to like it but I do.

  12. When wet I get a fresh cypress that's ok but it does rather remind me of some aftershave, I think one my dad used to wear in the 70s. As soon as it dries my skin eats this and I get nothing but a vaguely fresh tinge to my skin.

  13. In the imp it was overpowering jasmine with just a touch of rose behind it, and that was pretty much how it was wet on my skin. As soon as it dried, both florals disappeared and I ended up with a dusty wooden scent which left me rather disappointed - no coffee and no tonka to be found anywhere :(

  14. I tried this first just as a moisturiser and found it overwhelmingly heavy and cloying - it gave me a headache and I wondered if I'd made a terrible mistake :cry2:


    Thankfully when I ventured to try it actually in a bath, it couldn't have been more different. This was like bathing in a tub of fresh red rose petals moistened with unicorn milk. Srsly.


    Afterwards it sticks pretty close to the skin and doesn't stick around as long as most - but while it did, I finally got the cream, along with light fresh roses.

  15. I an hoping the bpal experts can help me compile a lust of imps to hunt down in this category:)


    I think I am going to use the term 'a lust of imps' from now on, it seems so appropriate! :lol:


    I'd suggest trying Kumari Kandam - despite the description I (and a few reviewers) get a sweet incense from this once it dries.

  16. Having said I wasn't going to look at the Salon blends, I now somehow have a list of 4 I'm thinking of getting ... I have no idea how that happened :unsure:


    Garden Path with Chickens

    Cleopatra Testing Poisons On Those Condemned To Death

    Lot And His Daughters

    There Was A Great Cry In Egypt


    If I'm going to do this at all, I really need to trim one or two off the list :nervous:
