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Posts posted by ReallyZeb

  1. In the bottle it's all currant, very juicy and bright. When its wet I get currant and cigar smoke and expensive wine - it smells like my idea of an early 20th century gentleman's club, all restrained but very luxurious masculine luxury. It dries to winter woods and sap. All in all very masculine to me.

  2. Oh, I'm half gone!

    Gingerbread with vetiver, pine pitch, troll musk, black basil, clove smoke, and scorched cumin.

    Not the best first review because on me this disappeared into nothingness almost immediately. I was expecting something acrid and herbal and couldn't see how the gingerbread would come through - but strangely although it was all Troll when wet, once it dried I get a faint herbal gingerbread and that is all. I'm puzzled. huh.gif

  3. Aquatics do not usually work on me but I think I may have found one that does. The overwhelming impression I get is of one of those seaside/swamp areas that I see in films but have never been to in real life! There's salty green vegetation, coconut, driftwood, those swamp trees and a hint of a pirate lurking in the background. I may have to get a bottle.

  4. When wet and on the initial drydown this is incredibly nutty - really lovely! There's a stronger backnote of the slight bitterness from treacle. After about half an hour it turns very pumpkiny which for me isn't a good thing, but you do get that hint of pastry crumbs from scents like Halfling too.


    Not a keeper for me, it's a shame the wet version doesnt stick around.

  5. This is very heady and very purple. Both wet and dry it is seamlessly blended and I can't tell when one note ends and another begins. It gives an overall impression of opulence, like a room heaped with purple velvet and silk cushions and full of expensive incense, and is completely overpowering, definitely a night time going out blend.

  6. Alas, I am going to have to accept that the snow note in the Snowballs just hates my skin, no matter how lovely the other notes should be. Plum, currant, cardamom, I am so there! And yet, the snowball morphs into a eucalyptic monster and beats all the yummy fruit and spice into near-nonexistance. :rantrave:

    This :(


    I WANT to wear a scent called Purple Snowballs because, hello, PURPLE but while it's lovely in the bottle, the ozoney snow just turns it into a chemical mess on my skin :cry2:

  7. This acted really strangely for me - I poured it in the bath and was enveloped in a glorious dirty hippy patch steam cloud - but as soon as I was in the bath I couldn't smell it at all! Maybe I should use more next time?


    Once I was out of the bath and dry the patchouli reappeared very faintly on my skin along with the cacao and honey, all with very little throw. This might be good for when I know I'll want to wear a scent later that won't be overwhelmed by patchouli but still want my patchouli hit in the bath.

  8. I'm in love :wub2:


    In the bottle I get the cedar and neroil and its quite sharp.


    Once dried this is soft, warm and golden, with an almost nutty note in the background. I don't get much cedar, or much honey but I get rich gold spices and the white musk peeping through, and a touch of powder from the amber.

  9. Very, very nice: honey-coated honeysuckle and sugar cane.

    Very very sweet and very very honeysuckly. It's obviously quite rich and takes a minute to sink into the skin properly, but once it does it feels very soft. I think it's kind of a lush, full on, late summer tropical garden vibe.

    (It's not the glop I would have chosen as most florals aren't my thing but all the Naughty scents were full of death notes)

  10. Wet, this is all plum of the foody type but once dried it becomes much more complex - still plum but with a supporting cast of soft spicy incense. After a couple of hours I get powdery beeswax along with my plum. It seems to last quite well and has a moderate amount of throw.

  11. No 93 Engine, Gnome and Cairo all have a citrussy vibe but with staying power. Whitechapel might be worth a try too, I get no lilac at all.


    I'd also recommend The Antikythera Mechanism and Hafling.


    For LEs if you can find them, Black Temple Burlesque Troupe and Mother Shub's Gingerbread Temples are both awesome :)

  12. VILF is the one that comes to mind for me, but of course you'd have to hunt for it - Vampire smut: patchouli-infused honey, red musk, red sandalwood, red ginger, pink pepper, Peru balsam, dark Eastern florals, Himalayan cedar, smoky vanilla, bitter clove, and leather.

  13. On me I get orris more than anything else, none of the bergamot I was hoping for and not even a smidge of patchouli. The thing it reminds me of I can't actually check as I no longer have the imp, and that is GOP - so it may be more of a mental reminder than an olofactory one ... expensive cologne that doesn't particularly impress me.

  14. The warmest, snuggiest way to tame a savage beast: hazelnut coffee with dark chocolate, sweet fig milk, warm brown amber, and terebinth pine.

    I am happy to report that this smells nothing like wet dog! :lol:

    It stays pretty true from bottle to bath - a lovely warm rich scent that reminds me of dark chocolate-covered lebkuchen. It's chocolatey and gently spicy and nutty and yum! This is a bath oil that picks you up and wraps you in a warm fluffy blanket before handing you hot chocolate and cookies.

    Afterwards I get the faintest breath of the pine finally peeking through.

    This needs to come in bigger bottles and they all need to live with me ;)

  15. An invigorating shock of eucalyptus petals, white mint, pink lime, and rosemary!

    This is certainly unlike any other BPTP bath oil I've tried! In the bath I get quite a well balanced blend of eucalyptus, rosemary and mint. It's very fresh and zesty, but also not overpowering, it felt quite subtle while I was in there. Now I'm out of the bath, the whole house smells of it, and my skin smells of herbal lime - again very subtle. it makes my bathroom smell clean even though its not!

    I found it strange to have something so energy-inducing in the bath as I tend to have showers for that and baths to relax so I'm not sure about it yet - it might do better as something to slather after a shower, but it layers beautifully with Lavinia.

  16. When wet mine reminded me strongly of spice cookies and I would have loved it to stay that way, but once it dried I get a metallic edge that has me thinking of blood, so I suspect Sylvia nipped out for a quick snack. There is carnation spice and a walking through a pine forest in winter sort of vibe which is rather lovely. I'm betting this will age really well.

  17. Strongly minty when wet - and I could have sworn that there was lime in it.


    It dries down to a milder mint with a citrussy edge but now I can pick up the currant and cassis too ... the best thing I can think of is one of those long cool summer fruit punch drinks crammed full of fresh mint leaves. I like it a lot but will hoard it for summer :)
