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Posts posted by ReallyZeb

  1. Can anyone think of a perfume oil that is similar to the gorgeous Butterfly Nectar bath oil? I'm having far too many baths in this lovely concoction when really I should have showers and use less water.


    I too have been searching for a matching perfume to Butterfly Nectar bath oil. I rarely wear floral perfumes, but I adore Butterfly Nectar, and since I have amassed a huge collection of frimps, I decided to try out the imps that have honey and a floral note listed.



    Bizarrely, just after posting that, I found that Wembley dries down to something very similar on me (after it has gone through its very loud and scary fruit stage)

  2. As someone who had a lot of surgery recently, from a patient perspective I could cope with something fresh and with not much throw - I'd suggest Embalming Fluid (and cross your fingers no one asks what its called!) and then also suggest Kumiho for the gentle ginger freshness. One I've only just tried but also might work well is Gorg's Garden, it's light, slightly sweet herbal.

  3. Very sweet, purple and pretty, and mainly powdery violet on me. While for once this is a floral that doesn't make me headachy or turn to soap, it's a little too sweet and girly - I want some grit or dirt somewhere in the mix

  4. When wet I got a nauseating strong pineappley banana hit ... like being smacked round the head with a bowl of fruit salad - I'd almost decided that I hated it before it settled.


    However once it settled it transforms bizarrely into almost the smell of Butterfly Nectar bath oil ... bizarrely as I'd been looking for a perfume oil similar to this. Honey and sugar-dusted petals, with a side order of some delicate slices of fruit. What a transformation :wub2:


    The only downside is that it fades quite quickly, 2 hours in and its very faint :(

  5. Wet, this is very fresh, almost cologney with a lovely herbal afterscent.


    On drydown it gets far more fruity and the herbal side fades. I get a little whiff of the freshly turned dirt but it's mostly fruit or maybe some sort of sweet herb.


    There's no real throw on this one and I wish it stayed more similar to the wet phase.

  6. An enigmatic, otherworldly scent, brimming with power and mystery. Lavender and jasmine, with a touch of glowing honeysuckle.

    I hate most florals, especially jasmine, and wet I just knew I was gonna hate this as I got a massive blast of sickly jasmine. I almost washed it off but I got distracted and didn't.

    Then after an hour or so, something strange happened ... I sniffed my wrist again and I liked it :thud:
    It's a beautifully melded floral, like sniffing a flower garden just after a summer rain shower, it's gorgeous.

    I can't see many times when I'd wear it, not sure I have that sort of sophistication, I prefer my scents more down & dirty, but I will certainly use up my imp

  7. Fizzy, foresty, furry and fantastic. :joy:


    This is the forest scent I was hoping for from things like The Black Forest - it smells of trees in general, with herbal greenery underneath, and no one thing dominates. Then on top of it all I get fizz like there is in Bon Vivant and Twinkle Twinkle.


    I love it and hope somehow I can find more than the tiny bit I have, this is the nicest Yule I've ever found.

  8. I finally found myself a bottle to see what all the fuss is about - and it was so worth it. This is a snugglier, foodier version of Snake Oil, warmer and darker and I absolutely adore it.


    Wet, it seemed very coconutty, along with a blast of vanilla and I worried that would overtake everything.


    Once it dried it all blends beautifully together, a back note of fruity coconut with this wonderful triad of musk, amber and vanilla and I can't stop sniffing my wrist. I swear if I layer this over my Butterfly Nectar bath oil then the entire world will fall adoringly at my feet. ;)

  9. In the imp: Strong mixed fruit but mostly neroli


    Wet on my skin: Woah! Like being hit around the back of the head with a neroli soaked baseball bat! I do like neroli but this is waaaay too strong.


    Dry: Once it dries I still get too much neroli for the first half hour, but after that it finally morphs into rich real fresh raspberries doused in orange juice, which is lovely. I'm just not entirely sure I want to go through all that neroli to get here :huh?:

  10. I picked up a decant of this and I loved the smell in the bottle, I got the creamy vanilla. Once in the tub the vanilla backed off a lot and I could only smell the rice flower, which is pleasant enough but rather too innocent and virginal for me. Once out and dry I could barely smell it all on my skin, just a very faint creaminess.


    The main hope for the thread was to find something that was just woods only, like De Sade is pretty much leather only, without any flowers, fruits or herbs. I can't believe that's so hard to find.


    That's why I mentioned the Rocking Horse Fly - it may not be all wood, but it is at least all tree!

  12. I forgot to mention this little factoid: The ladies of BPAL guaranteed I would love SMUT when they were helping me at Dark Delicacies, but I gather that is no longer available. Is it even possible to get a bottle of this anymore, or should I just aim for an imp?

    Smut comes back with the Lupercalia scents in February (at least I hope it does so again, I need more!) Until then you might find a decant or bottle on the Sales or Swaps pages. It is one of my two 'can't do without' scents. I also thoroughly recommend Crowley :D

  13. In the decant: Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    On my skin wet: Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat

    On my skin dry: Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat


    Conclusion: This is Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat disguised as a butterfly. I disliked the lemon scent in LSSB because it didn't smell like actual lemon but of lemon-detergent, Sphaeromachia Gaumeri is so similar it's freaky. Anyways if you missed out on LSSB this is your chance. ;)

    Sphaeromachia Gaumeri is a bit disappointing though as the notes suggest something more unique.

    I've tried them both next to each other and for me this is way nicer than Sticky Bat - the lemon I find lighter and less sweet with a lovely kick of coriander in the background just freshening it up. Happily for me I don;t get much iris, which was the note I was worrying about as florals don't often get on with me. I may have to get the bottle of this.

  14. Orange, Red Musk, Pom and Patchouli.

    Oops, I read this as orange, red musk, porn and patchouli ... and it seemed a fair description too ^_^



    I tried this in the bath - the main fragrance I get is a rich, slightly bitter orange, like a high quality marmalade, which is rather lovely but probably better when its cold outside rather than in summer. On my skin afterwards I get far more of the red musk and patchouli so this will layer really well under many of my autumn and winter favourites.

  15. :thud:


    Warning: using this will attach your nose permanently to your skin


    I just got a decant of this and had my first bath in it ... this is so beautiful, in the bottle, in the bath and on my skin afterwards. It doesn't morph much on me - I get pastel summer petals (cottage garden or wildflowers) dripping with a really rich thick honey. It reminds me of those edible sugared petals, and also a little of Pink Snowballs. It has quite a decent throw but I still keep sniffing my arm because I just smell so damn good!


    This is glorious and I will be treating myself to a bottle or six as soon as I get paid. :wub2:


    Edit: 16 hours later and I can still just smell it :joy:

  16. With perfect timing this came through my door on the first sunny day for over a month :joy:


    In the bottle I was worried, it smelled very plasticky like the strawberry in Hollywood Babylon, but once wet on the skin that fakery receded - it was like squashed overripe strawberries and bruised strawberry leaves.


    Dry it started out mostly strawberry, real strawberry, but over time the sharp green background took over, so now after 3 hours I have a fresh green scent with a hint of strawberry.

  17. Oh wow - just got to try Ice Princess bath oil, thanks to a very generous swapper who swapped me whole bottle :joy:


    This is truly glorious. I would pass on it from sniffing the bottle as it smells a little strange, but once in the bath I can smell every wonderful individual note - truly beautiful.


    Edit: I still smell gorgeous quite a bit later - this lasts really well :)

  18. In the bottle the almond is so strong I almost didn't try it, and this continues when wet. On drydown though it's surprisingly lovely, the musk kicks in making it a warm nutty, slightly spicy scent - yet not actually sweet - more like the remnant of a savoury spiced nut mix. Very gentle and I have to agree, comforting.

  19. I love Evil Gnome - a smoky yet fizzy scent - but today I'm trying Evil Gnome Paladin, which I think is a mistake! It started off turning into a weird floral soap once it dried. After a couple of hours it now only gives me beeswax with a tiny hint of Gnome's original fizzy ginger.

  20. Wet I get that overpowering blast of fresh lavender, just like everyone else!


    Once it dries it calms down to a really fresh creamy almost citrus smell - I guess its the raspberry but I wouldn't recognise it as such. It really reminds me of Monsterbait Bigger Critters once its fully dry. I don't know if I want more but I might.
