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Posts posted by GoddesShel

  1. Loving this one - this is one of the first Lunacies I've gotten to try that has ever really worked on me. But I love citrus and apricot, so I couldn't resist. Glad I didn't.


    Light, bright, and definitely a cheerful scent. Big wet hit of citrus that makes me smile. Thanks, Beth!

  2. Just the sort of fruity/floral vibe I loooove. This is just lovely on me, and just went on the big bottle list.


    I get the grapefruit and bergamot on opening, then it settles down and the amber and orris smooth things over. I never get much recognizable plum, but I think it's in there adding some juiciness to the blend as it warms up.

  3. Oooooohhhh!! Cold sniff I get a very pretty light floral. I like florals, and this smells like spring in a bottle.


    Wet, on me, it seems to be mainly tuberose, at first. I know I won't ever get plum - for some reason, my skin eats Beth's plum notes :(

    As it warms, though, I am getting the vanilla musk and the apple petals. This is more floral than fruity on me...and again, very pretty and light. As the above poster said, ethereal. A perfect spring scent!

  4. In bottle - honey

    Wet: sharp flowers (?) and honey

    As it dries: flowers sweetening up, still no pear or coconut.

    It's turning into a lighter, sweet summery floral….and about three or four minutes in, here's the pear! This is completely different from what I thought it would be. So odd, since there's no flowers IN this!

    The flowers are turning into a very tart pear. Still no coconut at all….or wait, is this it? It is!! NOW I get what Beth was going for - summer in a bottle! It takes a while to get there, but get there it does. Now I can't keep my nose off my wrist, it's all pear and coconut and Yummm! This is delicious!

  5. OMG. I finally got my hands on this. In the bottle, it reminds me VERY strongly of my precious bottle of Mme. Moriarty. But on - once it warms on my skin, this just blooms into a sweet dark berries/musk/amber combo that is delicious!


    If I was making a custom blend, I think this would be it. Blackberries, Black Currant, amber, and dark musk. I'm not sure what Kewda Attar is, but it certainly isn't hurting anything in this blend! So glad to have this in my life!

  6. I don't know why I didn't review this, but apparently I didn't. Received a frimp of this, and Chris went nuts when I tried it, insisting it was "the perfect scent for a librarian - it smells like old books!" At the time I laughed at him, because I got what the description says, "rose, lilac, and wisteria".


    But then I swapped for an aged bottle of it, and when it dried down today, - yep, old books! It's still a floral, but it's like stepping into an antique library that's been closed up for a few decades, and the main smell is books, with a tinge of an antique perfume lingering in the air.... maybe a haunted library?

  7. (This may be mislabeled or a batch variation. I bought it from a forumite who got an imp of this, and then went for a bottle, but the bottle doesn't smell like the imp. Being the fortunate person that she is, she went to Dark Delicacies and checked - their bottle smelled like her imp. She says this is much lighter and fruitier than the imp version she got first. She renamed it Confounding Fizzy Fruit Punch, LOL, at which point I offered to take it off her hands, because I like fizzy fruit punch!)


    Wet, though, I do get honey and wine. I can't say I'm crazy about the wet stage, but as it dries, it sweetens up and I get some carnation and tonka. Then the whole thing blends into a juicy purple/burgundy/merlot wine-y slightly smoky incense sort of thing that is surprisingly pleasant. I don't see this being an every-day-wear-to-work, blend though, it is drop dead sexy. It's very ....seductive. More like a "go-out-to-a-smoky-club-at-2-a.m." thing. Or a "throw on something hot, lacy, and black, and drape yourself across the bed while waiting for your lover to come home" thing. It is not a bright, punchy smell to my nose, - I can see this being the labeled blend, but maybe a "light" version?

  8. In the bottle: ORANGE.


    On me, wet - more orange, a hint of pepper grounding it....this isn't a sweet orange, it's a tart orange with some peel.


    As it dries, it keeps getting sharper and more tart - not the direction I'd prefer it to go, mind you.... But I think it's going to level off and be mainly tart orange and peel. It's ... interesting.


    I'm glad I have it, due to the rarity, but I'm not sure how often I'll reach for it.

  9. Aged imp I bought off the forum. I think Banded Sea Snake just broke my winning Snake Pit Streak, though - meaning that it's the first one I've tried that I'm not absolutely crazy about.


    I got it because I learned from the pass-around sniff box that oakmoss is nice....but it doesn't appear to work for me in this. As the previous reviewer said, I also get "musty" from this, as well as a hint of salt. Not doing it for me, I'm sorry to say. It's a very sharp Snake Oil, and I like my Snake Oil with the edges a bit smoother.

  10. I must say here, that every Snake Pit blend I've tried has worked amazingly well on me, which made me take a chance on this, even though almond usually goes straight up fake cherry on me.


    This almond, though - this smells more like the actual nut, and the myrrh lends it almost a dusty aspect. No mandarin yet...


    Yep, it's a softer, gentler Snake Oil with a slightly dusty vibe. Very nice, and not as "in your face" as Snake Oil can be. Will be adding a bottle to my Snake Pit shelf when CD comes back.

  11. In the imp: Whoa!! Something very sharp and sour....


    So I close the imp, and come read reviews and can't figure out where the sharp and sour came from, so time for a skin test....


    On me - YUM! Whew, what a relief. Fruity with a hint of bite from the pepper, but only a hint (which is good, pepper notes scare me...) which keeps it from going over the top sweet.


    As it dries, I get almost a fizzy feeling from it - maybe the guava? I do like this and probably will be getting a bottle when CD comes back.

  12. OMG this is luscious! First whiff, I get a tart, juicy berry smell (the acai, I'm sure) with just a whiff of orange/neroli. Behind is the smoked vanilla and amber. I was sort of worried, because *smoked* vanilla - smoke and I do not get along, but this is wonderful. Loving it at this stage.


    Dry, this is amber and vanilla with hints of tart berry/neroli every so often. A huge winner for me. I will need to hoard this when CD comes back. Actually, every single snake pit blend I've tried, I've fallen in love with.

  13. The thread icons say I haven't posted in this thread - I could have *sworn* I'd written a review of Scherezade because well.....it's LOVE.


    Scherezade zoomed straight to the top of my favorites, and taught me that red musk is my skin chemistry's best friend. She loves me, and I love her.


    In the bottle. Fruity, juicy red musk, with spices.


    Wet on me - doesn't change much - Scherezade remains the perfect red musk (still fruity and juicy and red) swirled with exotic spices and just glorious. Lasts forever on me, too, though not obnoxiously.


    Dry is a little drier (LOL) but still very much fruity red musk and spices and incense. Just lovely.

  14. Oh, wow. So wet, I get the medicinal cough syrup several people mentioned. But as soon as it starts to warm up on my skin....MAGIC. Berries, red berries, musk, and amber - and then here comes the carnation/spice. Beautiful! This is even better than I thought it would be. SO glad I was able to track down a bottle.


    It's a bit of a morpher, on me - one sniff I'll get musky, amber berries, and the next, the spices and carnations. It keeps me guessing, and I love it!

  15. There's Snake Oil in this? Really?? Are you positive?


    I get a very clean, white, incensey, sweet floral that is absolutely DIVINE - but nothing in the whole thing reminds me of Snake Oil, :lol: This is beautiful, and if it comes back (Brian, I'm holding you to that statement you made about reformulations!) a bottle will be MINE. It does indeed, remind me of the sniffie of Antique Lace that I have.

  16. When I saw the description, I was like, "Why on earth didn't I have this already? My freakin' COMPUTER is named Persephone, you'd think I'd have jumped on this!". And pomegranate and rose are two of my favorite notes. So I managed to get my hands on a bottle, finally.


    In the bottle - I get lots of rose and a little red fruity pomegranate. Sniffing the cap gets me more pomegranate. Mmmmm.


    Wet, on me - straight up red rose. Wow, that's strong. I'm wafting roses everywhere!


    I don't usually amp rose, but I seem to be with this. It's all rose, all the time, no pomegranate to be found, on my skin. My skin seems to have eaten the pom. Darn it.


    I'm not sorry I have it, and I'll wear it, because I do really like rose, but I was really hoping for more pomegranate. Darn chemistry! This one may have to go in my scent locket.

  17. Even with my recent obsession with red musk, I *still* love my florals.


    Wet, I'm getting a divine combination of violet and gardenia. I'd forgotten how much I really do like gardenia....no vanilla, but I'm expecting it any time now...

    This is a very ladylike scent. It reminds me of something I'd wear to tea with the Queen. (that's a good thing, by the way).


    As it dries, the vanilla comes out and sweetens the florals a bit, but it's still a very classic scent. Dry - sweet violet and gardenia with just a whiff of vanilla. Yep, glad I got it!

  18. This is the only event exclusive I've ever been sorry to miss. (And stupid me, I didn't have to miss it in the first place - I had a built-in fairy for D*con and didn't realize it!) Fortunately, the BPAL community is made of awesome, and when I mentioned I wanted it, they helped me get it!!


    In the imp, it's almost exactly what it says - Peachy tangerine champagne! Even on, it has a fizzy, tangy quality to it that's almost like carbonation....lovely! The peachy tangerine doesn't change on my skin. And I get champagne fizziness, but not grapes, not even white grapes. This is a light, fruity, fizzy summer scent. I'm SO glad I have an imp of it, and a bottle on the way, because after testing the imp - it wouldn't have been enough!! This is destined to be a favorite.

  19. Coconut pulp and vanilla cream with lemon balm and Mexican lime.

    All my brain keeps coming up with is, "You put the lime in the coconut....." It's actually more coconut than lime, on me, but I do get some fizzy lime in there, and the vanilla blends with the coconut and lime when it's dry to just make it heavenly.
    I LOVE this - it is PERFECT for hot, humid summer days. It has a really tropical feeling to it, makes me feel as if I'm on a beach somewhere with a fancy drink in my hand!