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Posts posted by tarotgirl99

  1. Queen's Salon reminds me of The Ecstasy of Infatuation: fruity-florally sparkly sweetness. It's a bit more perfume-y, which I could live without, but it's also more sophisticated and has a bit more throw. Queen's Salon plays the role of grown up, more confident sister to Infatuation's princessly enthusiasm.

  2. This has become my main scent for the summer. Normally, opium and I don't get along but when mixed with plummy rose, I guess we do. This is just slightly spicy on me--more sweet and delicious. It's definitely not cool, but not super-warm, either.


    I have gotten more compliments on Blood Countess than any other BPAL.

  3. Normally, Beth's lavender scents do not work on me. But the magnolia note sweetens what is normally astringent...and I guess blue lavender is more mellow than the norm. All I know is I love this for summer--it's refreshing and cooling, a calm lake of repose. The perfect scent to wear if you're going to be in a pressurized situation.

  4. I need a bottle of this! This is a sugared--but complex--fruity floral. I'm not sure just what fruit it is, but it's sweet and juicy and a bit dark and mysterious. And I've sniffed my wrist so much in the last hour that I have a scent headache.


    I often deliberate over a scent, especially if I'm considering a bottle. This is an immediate must-have.

  5. Whoa baby! This is a power floral. In the imp, it seemed unprepossessing, but the minute it met skin, it heated up something fierce. Mostly I smell lily, but it makes even Cobra Lily seem like a shrinking violet...so to speak. The fig and apple ground and warm it a bit.


    With major throw and longevity for days, this may be too potent, even for me, a girl who likes her tea weak and her scents strong. But it's beautiful and even sexual (not always a floral attribute). I think it would be a great perfume to wear to a club if you wanted to radiate an aura of confidence and sexual availability.

  6. I bought Pruno and Privilege thinking I'd prolly like Pruno and prolly wouldn't like Privilege.


    The reverse seems to be true.


    Privilege is very green in the bottle and upon first application. Normally I don't like green. But the florals make this sweet and lovely and the green fades. The drydown completely rocks--it is a harmonious blend of soft florals that isn't completely empty after all.


    This has great throw and lasts a nice long time.


    Unlike Paris Hilton's chances of remaining famous forever, thank goodness.

  7. When I got White Moon, I tried it amongst some other things and it got lost in the sniffle.


    Then I promptly forgot about it until now, even though I wear and love the t-shirt, which I think is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.


    Today I had the shirt on and decided to pull out White Moon...oh dear.


    There is lily (which I normally love)...but there's also something green, which I don't. In addition, Violet, which I dislike, amps up on me something fierce, and does so in this blend to a large extent. Everything combines into a green and violet baby powder on me. Ewwww.


    The shirt stays, the bottle goes.

  8. Woody and incensy are not usually what I'm drawn to, but this is very warm and just spicy enough, like the rich, deep, dark wooden box that holds my Fine Art Tarot, but could hold the finest cigars or very old religious tomes that do NOT smell of mildew, because of the quality of the container.


    The Hierophant also lasts a really long time. I was hoping not to have to buy a bottle, but I'm thinking I might have no choice. To me, it really smells like wise lore that is passed down through the generations.

  9. I put this on and liked it, but I thought it smelled so much like another BPAL scent that there was no point in purchasing another.


    But I couldn't put my nose on which scent it was.


    I think Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree is 60% Les Bijoux (pear and honey) and 40% Cupid Complaining to Venus (Sandalwood, Honey, general fruitiness).


    If you like either of those two scents, you should love Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree...unless they are too similar for you.


    It's a pretty, sweet, fruity floral. I like it a lot.

  10. I was sure this would be my favorite of the Convergence scents, because I am a rose girl.


    Fee, fi, fo, fum, I smell lotus in the underbelly of the Unheavenly City. And I hate lotus. I barely smell rose, though this is floral. I like a full-bodied floral, and this seems kinda thin to me. It does have throw and longevity going for it, but it's not for me.


    I am so glad I am not in love with this scent.

  11. I had Rose Moon circled on my Must-Buy calendar, but when it became available, I did the unthinkable and decided not to get it. Opium and violet are usually death-knell notes for me and patchouli isn't usually a fave, either.


    I bought a decant and felt very virtuous. Then I started reading the reviews and just felt stupid; opium and violet weren't in the forefront it seemed.


    Today my imp came in the mail...Rose Moon is just gorgeous. I can't smell the opium and violet, just tea rose, along with other florals and notes that darken and deepen this complex, compelling blend.


    Strong throw, too. I am so glad I was able to find a bottle of this, after all. I can't stop sniffing my wrist.

  12. I have gone back and forth on this scent a few times--I have been told I have scent ADD and with this scent, it was sadly true.


    In the bottle, it is so astringent I am sure I hate it.


    Like edenssixthday, it starts out kinda rank on me but then the patchouli fades. It sweetens up and becomes totally warm and fruity. When that happens, it reminds me of Mama-ji, but maybe better.


    Now I want more of it.


    Throw and sillage are average.

  13. Like some others, I have to wonder why it's taken me so long to review this sweet, but potent floral. It's very feminine, but it's so decorous and flowery that it almost pushes old-ladyhood. I get orchid in a big way, but I can definitely smell the sandalwood underpinning it...I don't think it will ever be an everyday scent on me, but whenever I remember it, I like it.


    It's just that when you have a lot of scents you love, like gets pushed to the back burner. Especially when it has minimal throw.

  14. I smelled the original version of this and couldn't wait to buy it when it became available. In fact, I bought two bottles.


    I agree with Nikkoblue--the two smell very different. The second has a definite buttercreamy scent that the first did not. I don't love it nearly as much as I did the first one. :P


    But I do like it enough to keep both bottles, I guess. On me, this has great throw and lasts forever and the buttercream wears off after an hour or so until all I smell is jasmine vanilla scrumptiousness.

  15. In bottle: Mostly chocolate


    On skin, wet: At first, chocolate, but then almost immediately, other things. Less pleasant things. Catnippy.


    On skin, dry: Such a morpher this 13 is. Sometimes it's chocolate mint, other times it's a hash brownie. More hash than brownie.


    As the drydown dries down more, I am afraid this is not a keeper for me. Too herbaceous.

  16. I love this. My first whiff in the imp was Rose Alba essential oil and that's mostly what I get with drydown as well...but occasionally I get a whiff of the usually dreaded violet--in combination with this, it's wistful and not too sweet. Even more rarely I get the pear scent and that's when I just keep inhaling...


    I can see (smell) the Ace of Hearts comparison, but I like this much better. It seems more vital to me--and a little less sweet.

  17. On application, the orange turned rancid really quickly, and overpowered everything else.


    I left it on out of laziness and it turned into a very nice, fruity blend, though a bit on the subtle side for my tastes. Not compelling enough for a bottle, but the good news is that it outgrows its obnoxious phase.
