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Posts posted by starrykitten

  1. Lucky #20 smells a lot like The Caterpillar to me (which I'd also compare to Lush's Tramp shower gel...yum!). It's green with some jasmine and incense, not too grassy...


    I pulled this out when my computer died, hoping my computer would be revived. No such miracles (apparently perfume can't fix a motherboard!) but that day I did get an email accepting some of my poems for publication.

  2. Lavender and clove, lavender and clove!


    I do like the scent of this. I like my perfumes really really strong and this doesn't have as much throw as I'd like, but I love the scent. I've noticed that when the bottle has been warm (like in my car) the scent has much more oomph and deliciousness so I'm trying to let it sunbathe now before I put it on myself.


    I haven't had any sort of lightning-storm magic moments with Anthelion since I've been using it. For a couple weeks I've been doing a lot of things both magically and non-magically to clear out the crud, and it's working right now. I don't know if Anthelion is part of that or not.


    One thing I will say about Anthelion...the other day, I put some on and took a nap. I had one of the most comforting, wonderful, touching dreams I've ever had. I woke up and felt really peaceful, like I'd wanted to stay in the dream for a long time. But I also had a nice sense of the dream being kind of real, like the happiness I felt there was a projection of other good things in my life.

  3. I tried Charisma yesterday and today. In terms of scent, definitely herbs and spices kind of action. I get jasmine and clove, but I don't know what else.


    Yesterday I was in a really grumpy mood. I didn't see many people, but the people I did see acted mostly normal.


    Today I was in a much better mood. While people were friendly and smiled at me, I don't know that there was a marked difference from their normal response to me on my happy days. The scent had a lot of endurance. I think I'll keep trying it and see if I get any major breakthroughs with it.

  4. The last time I invoked Pan, I met a man who described himself as goat-like. This man stole some things with me and tried to sleep with me, but also got me startedw writing performance poetry. I wondered what would happen this time. when I first used Hymn to Pan yesterday.


    I dabbed it on my pulse points and then on my palms and rubbed them together as I sat down to write. I wrote a lot and very quickly, but not in a way that was hugely different from usual. I didn't feel more excited about writing than usual, though, so I went home and took a nap. After waking up, I burned a candle anointed with HtP.


    I had plans to meet a friend that night to get some advice about a novel I'm working on. We met up and he had lots of good ideas, so I felt better about the novel. I don't know how much of that was HtP and how much was just us. But while we were talking in the cafe, I ran into a new student in my program who invited me to join himself and some of the other new students in a bar across the street. I went to the bar and hung out with the new students, and here's where the rock star debauch began.


    I just happened to run into someone else I only vaguely knew at the bar, even though neither of us had been at that bar in months. He kept mentioning my perfume, so I know it was noticeable. It was a strange, very Pan-like night where we had great fun, lots of conversation, and some great make-out. It was also very Pan-like that he was being devious in trying to get me to go further than I wanted.


    So that's pretty much my review. If you want Pan, you get Pan with this oil. :P


    ETA: I wore this one night when I was trying to write. I had a sudden burst of inspiration and suddenly wrote a great poem which was entirely different than anything I'd ever written...nice work!

  5. Super fruity, with lots of throw. It did not, unfortunately, feel quite as good as drinking a nice, cool cosmo. But wearing it cheers me up because I feel like there's a fluffy, pink, vodka cloud around me. There's a smidgen of something "hippie" to it, but I like that. :P

  6. Nothing says "lick me" quite like O! O is one of my favorite things ever ever ever. It's right up there with cake!


    Bastet is nice, too. It's much more subtle than O and smells more like natural skin, imo. And I love Brisingamen too, though there's a more floral whiff to it. Brisingamen is very girly and nice, though. :P

  7. I get lots of mint, plus lime, heliotrope, and sandalwood from the High Priestess. It reminds me of Leo, but without the orange and with mint.


    It's a really nice scent to put in the bath, I think. I haven't used it much for divination, but it was very soothing, and good for getting off the ookyness of the day.

  8. Candy covered, green Easter basket grass and sugar egg roses!


    It goes on very strong at first and has lots of throw so it carries well, but then fades somewhat quickly. I feel very girly in this, and I like it. It's a perfect Alice in Wonderland scent!

  9. I held off on this because it just didn't sound all that interesting.


    Big mistake!


    My nose has been glued to my wrists all day. It has staying power and it's sweet and creamy and subtle while still being really complex and interesting. I bought a 5 mL of this unsniffed but I'm going to have to order a 10 mL next time because I think I'll be wearing it a lot. :P
