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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Missy_killer

  1. In the bottle: Nice and sweet strawberries, but unusually light and fresh. I find that most perfumes containing strawberries are very honey-sweet where as this has more of a vanilla and cream-touch to tone it down a notch. Smells very lovely in the bottle.


    On me: Strawberry, but something feels "off" about it. As it first lands on my skin it smells a little artificial and almost soapy. Then the cognac is very quick to jump in and give Pink Lace a booze-kick. That would have been perfectly fine by me, smelling like strawberry booze would be my sort of thing all the way, just with some added fizz.. BUT in the middle of me thinking of how much I want strawberry fizzy-BPAL I notice that it has started to smell fermented when I smell it from a distance. Bleh.

    Up close it then slowly goes to mush. A strawberry and vanilla mush, fermented together with a touch of scented candles. Yikes. And now I'm starting to get a headache too, Pink Lace was clearly not meant for me.


    I tried washing it off when my headache got stronger, and to my help I used a candy cane-scented soap. It didn't work at all, because instead of making the scent go away it's like I scrubbed off the first mushy, fermented strawberry layer and quickly found out that underneath another layer was hiding... Extremely high pitched, soapy roses. DUN DUN DUUUUUN! I gave up then and there. figured I might as well smell like this and get the migraine over with. Buuut, after about five minutes the vanilla cream came back and Pink Lace smelled like Love (a tremulous song). Odd.


    I'm not gonna keep this, it took way too long for Pink Lace to turn into something I adore. Three hours later and it smells very nice nw, but i'm not willing to scrub it off every time to get the desired effect.

  2. Warm red wine spiced with cinnamon sticks, cardamom, vanilla beans, honey, clove, lemon and orange rind, bay leaf, and honey.


    In the imp: Very strong, thick and gloopy honey with a slight touch of cinnamon. I'm hoping this won't be too strong for me, but it smells really good!


    On me: The same thick honey with some spices trying to say hello, but they pale in comparison to their golden friend. Instantly I know that this is very yummy and LOVELY! It smells like Christmas :bunnyluv:

    All I have of this is an imp, but I will cherish it. It has some nice and good throw, which not a lot of perfumes have on me, and it's staying far away from the migraine-area. I've been wanting to try Glühwein since I first heard of it, and it smells just as good as I hoped it would. This is happiness, finally the perfect winter day-perfume for me!


    After an hour it still smells just as lovely. It has got a nice honey-base with spices and a dash of red wine, just to keep it from going too sweet.


    Three hours later and it's still going strong! The honey has calmed down a bit, so the wine is making a bigger appearance. I love this. This is a keeper!

  3. In the imp: Dusty dry woods and cinnamon


    On me: Cinnamon! Is this a cinnamon single note? It smells lovely! I think I got this as a freebie in a swap some time ago, but when I read "flowers" in the description it scared me off.


    Usually BPALs with "flower/floral" in their description gets pulled back from my other BPAL. Since I just moved into a new house I found that I have way more BPAL than I thought and I haven't even tested a third of my stash!


    After Silk Road has been sitting on me for a few minutes it developed a peppery bite. It's not unpleasant at all, it is always fun to see how many variations of cinnamon there can be. It's not a creamy vanilla-cinnamon like Pickled Imp, or a grounded cinnamon like Sin. This is peppery cinnamon! So far I like it :D


    But then, I don't know what happened but after an hour the cinnamon gave up, and out came some sour floral. Instantly disappointed. Nothing changed after that, the sour floral stayed until the scent faded, which took about 3 hours. I'm not a fan and will probably not keep this one.

  4. To my nose: Absolute first sniff is honey and lemons. Second sniff is all about the lavender. Smells very calming.

    On: The lavender is strong without the typical men's cologne-vide that it can often have and that I dislike. The honey is carefully sneaking around, giving away hints of where it is. There's still something I wanna say is lemon. Can it be the Dorian? Though D has never smelled like lemons on me before. I do want to say that there's some tonka here too. It's vanilla, but not quite.

    Four hours later: Capax smells like a softer and more quiet sister to A Wonderful Light and Lush's Butterball bathbomb*.The lavender left me after the first hour, pretty sad about that but the fact that this smells incredibly soothing and calming anyway makes up for it. I haven't gotten any more vanilla, tea or Dorian during the wear of this, might be because I have no patience and tested it right from the box :blush:

    Needless to say, I adore this! I keep sniffing my arm and it makes me feel snuggly. This will be a "lazy days at home"-scent or when I'm feeling down/sick. It will encourage me to go back to bed and take another nap and not to worry about the issues in life any more that day.

    *AWL is much sweeter and heavy on the honey with thin slices of oranges and Butterball can sometimes have a powdery feel to it, something that Capax doesn't have and doesn't need.

  5. I finally got to try this and I'm sooooo excited!!



    To my nose: Oh, this smells very nice. I smell leather, a pretty new and unworn one, but not sharp at all and some lavender, the awesome sweet and fuzzy one that I really like! And then my nose tells me there's a sparkling-quality to the scent. Like a champagne or something similar. It doesn't smell cologne-y or typically manly either. Just a very gorgeous mix!


    On me: This is just as good as I wanted it to be, wow! Usually when I feel incredibly hyped by scents it will turn out that they don't smell as good on me as they do in my head. This is just spot on! I can definitely see the link that people draw to Dorian, but this is, IMO so much better. Dorian doesn't really work on me, it's a little too sweet and sometimes I think it smells like dill, and I do not want to smell like dill. But Jareth..mmmmhhh.. The same almost sparkling scent of leather and lavender as in the decant with just a touch of a wonderful vanilla sweetening it up, I just want to snuggle up next to it and nuzzle my face in it's chest.


    It's going strong for a few hours, then while it's dying I see a little bit of lilacs finally showing their faces and some tonka too.

    I really like Jareth and I'm so happy I got to try it! Might want to get a bottle of this one!

  6. To my nose: A very strange combo of tobacco and clean linens.

    On: That's not what I expected from this. So much laundry detergent it makes the back of my throat feel soapy. With a quiet undertone of tobacco and cognac. Never before have I seen a tobacco fall into submission this quickly. I was prepared for this to be an epic fail, that it would smell like a sour asahtray and crushed leaves with bitterly sour cognac and incense, because that is what I imagined this would be on my skin, who generally don't want something "heavy". But the thing is, this isn't heavy at all. This is extremely clean, light and soapy. Mindblown.

    After an hour it's still very clean and soapy. This is basically the last I had expected from Autumn Lace!

    I went to sleep and the next morning there's no trace of AL on me.

  7. To my nose: Wat? Popcorn and salad. Warm, newly popped popcorn sprinkled in someone's fresh green salad. It's such an odd combination.

    On: Popcorn is the first thing that jumps towards me, and then there's something sweet and green underneath. This is quite far away from my normal scent choices. After a few minutes some spices come out to play. Popcorn, greenish sweetness and spices.

    I completely forgot that I was testing, and it has changed since I last sniffed it two hours ago. The popcorn went away, and so did thankfully the salad. Only thing I know I can smell is amber and some distant spices. I don't know if I'll keep the decant or not. I won't need a bottle of it though.

  8. To my nose: Woah, the tobacco is strong in this one. I immediately get tobacco, chamomile and vanilla. Might be a smidge of coconut in here too. If only the tobacco would calm down a few notches this would be gorgeous!

    On me: Loud tobacco, it doesn't scream ashtray on me for once, but it's THERE. I'd say that this scent is cold. Coconutty vanilla and chamomile is there, fighting with the tobacco.

    I initially thought I was gonna have to wash this off, but I stood my ground and after an hour it is actually very pretty. soft and sweet vanilla and..something almost floral? Even though I don't really care for floral scents, this is actually very pretty! I'm gonna keep my decant, no need for a bottle.

  9. To my nose: First sniff is all chocolate, second one all fruity jelly candy. Something reminds me of Drink Me, the cracker/gingerbread/bisquit mixed with pineapple-y jelly candy. Drink Me was an epic fail on me, so just smellingthis makes my tummy want to turn and me wanting to wash it off. I shall wait and see how this progresses.


    On: Mmh.. Crackers, chocolate and that fruity smell again. I actually don't smell any gingerbread at all, no spices whatsoever. It makes me a little sad since I was hoping gingerbread would be the main star of this. and then I suddenly start smelling coconut.


    It doesn't really change much on my skin. It goes a little creamy but that plus the specific coconut here makes it smell just like one of the body lotions we sell in the store I work in. Nice, but not really what I had expected from this.


    After several hours I smell marhsmallow. Loooovely marshmallow!

  10. To my nose: Green apples and myrrh!


    On: My God, this is sour. fear.gif I do smell apples, but this is something...weird. sooo sour. And as soon as I put it on I got red and itchy. and it's just..yuck.


    The sour smell continued to bug me, and the itchyness didn't stop. So I washed it off. Ew.


    I've never gotten a reaction for the other notes before, I'm suspecting it might be either the Peru balsam or Tan Xiang. I've tried one other blend with Peru balsam and that was VILF, and even though it didn't work on me - I didn't get red and itchy.icon_sad.gif

  11. Sooo...uhm..I have no idea what the notes mean, since I'm not knowledgable in Finnish at all. So, this will be a completely blind review!


    To my nose: This is spicy, like cinnamon. And something dark fruity. Pom? Might be more like plum, like Prunella. It's a dark reddish-purple fruit at least.


    On: A quick burst of purple fruits and then I get cinnamon. I loooooooove cinnamon, so this is a great start of a scent! It's also kind of sweet, like cinnamon powder sweetend with sugar. I think the dark fruits are lying underneath, they are starting to come forward a little more. Dark cherries maybe?


    I'm sad to report that after a couple of minutes the cinnamon disappears. icon_sad.gif I'm getting a rather "tame" syrup after the cinnamon left. I'm saying tame because it isn't in-your-face-sweet or sharp that I sometimes find fruity syrups to be.


    A little like fruity syrup and that's about it, nothing more fancy happens after that stage. I'm now reading others reviews of this and some people seem to have gotten a lovely foodie scent.

    If only the cinnamon had stayed, it would've been such a good spicy fruit-scent.

  12. To my nose: Incense and a very sugared flower. Uh..Now I'm scared. Florals almost never work on me, I tend to stay away from most blends containing it, just because it is often the death of a blend for me. And it would certainly not help me meditate.

    On: A little powdery and soapy scent, still very much floral. I must say this is not what I expected at all. Whenver I think meditation I think either calming and cool or warming and snuggly. This is too sweet, and now it's starting to smell like chapstick on me.

    I'm sorry, I can't wear this for any longer, this is making me sick :(

  13. To my nose: This is a dark, moist, sponge cake. Must be made of chocolate. And then I smell the most accurate, realistic, mouth-watering smell of some cake-filling-cream-thing and berry jam that's ever been made. Holy hell this smells so edible!


    On: Since I'm slightly terrified of cake-scents after my horrible Eat Me-experience I only put a little drop of this on me, ready to wash it off if needed. But when the drop landed on my skin..mmmh... It's that gorgeous cake filling-cream & jam just as before, with just a thin frame of chocolate-y cake to round it all up. Actually the cake itself popped out for a few seconds just to make itself more known but later went back to serve as a lovely frame again.


    Closet has a few moments where it threatens to start smelling like vanilla-scented lipbalm, which makes me scared every time. It must like to play jokes on me, because as soon as I get scared it returns to that lovely first stage again.


    And then it smells like icecream and berries for the rest of the night. Awesome, just, awesome.


    Warning: this scent really makes you crave sweets. At least me. Omnomnom.


    Oh, and btw, I have no idea what this cake filling-cream really is. It's something my mind made up.

  14. To my nose: It smells like raspberry soda! Sparkling and fruity - absolutely yummy. Second sniff I smell a soft caramel (like in Agrat).


    On: Oh God this is just lovely. Sparkly raspberry soda and bright candies. After it warms up on my skin a little bit of caramel comes out to greet me.


    It doesn't morph much on my skin, I get the same raspberry (but it looses the fizz) and after a few hours I think I smell something husky, like a raw hazelnut or an almond, but that stage only lasts for an hour or so before I'm left with something sweet and gooey. It doesn't have a lot of throw, I need to keep my nose close to my skin to even smell it, which I think is nice because some people can't handle other people that smell like sweet candy.


    After about three-four hours Sticky Pillowcase is a soft vanilla marshmallow. Geez, I love this!


    Edited because I can't spell today ._.

  15. Amber, cream accord, white honey, apple blossom, skin musk, caramel, and teak.


    To my nose: The honey is the first thing that pops out of the bottle, and a kind of glowing amber. The other most prominent note is caramel. A golden, soft and chewy one. I'm a little scared of caramel, I must admit, since whenever I try blends/other perfumes/candles/whatever with a caramel-note it always smells burnt and I hate burnt caramel.

    On: At first I couldn't smell anything at all and I was very surprised. Then the honey carefully peeked out and right behind that was the soft caramel again. And you know how when you eat some caramel candies it can almost have a salty quality to it, which makes it feel richer and make you thirstier than other candies? No, just in my head? Okay, well, this caramel has that salty feel to it. I like it!

    And what's this? I think I'm picking up on the apple blossom now. This is kinda weird because I would never (after other experiences) have thought that a delicate apple blossom would come forward this much and survive the waves of gloopy dripping honey and soft caramel. Usually the apple-anything are the first notes to appear on me before they get drowned in the molten, golden sea. This is the other way around, and the blossoms stays where they are for hours. Dangerously good.

    Agrat is a little fruity, with a hint of florals and a salty-ish caramel floating around. And another note which I have no idea what it is. Maybe the cream? I don't know, it doesn't smell like cream. Or any other of the notes listed. It's just there.

    The morning after I tested this I could still smell a faint honey-caramel.

  16. To my nose: I don't really smell much at all in the bottle. A little medicinial lavender and some bergamot, but it's very faint.


    On: Yeeeeeeees, peppermint! Lovely mintyness - how I adore you! Then a lightbrush of lavender so beautiful and easy. This would be a great scent to wear to bed, I think it would make me sleep pretty well. Then out comes the bergamot and citrus. And more citrus! Aaaaaand even more citrus.. At this point I'm hoping that the first stage comes back soon, minty lavender - where are you? I'm gonna wait patiently and hope it returns soon.


    So I went to bed, with no sign of the first stage to come back. I woke up once or twice during the night and sniffed my wrist, it was still citrusy - but not as powerful anymore. I liked this, but would have loved it if there were no bergamot.

  17. To my nose: Sharp and cologne-y with traces of mint and watery cucumber. There's also something.. I wonder if it's the orchid that is making this smell somewhat sweet? Because I don't think juniper berries are sweet-smelling?


    On: Green! Sweet cucumber and mint with a tiny bit of ozone (I would assume the ozone is what my nose thought was cologne, since men's perfume usually have "ozone" put in the notes). It's so hard to explain exactly what it smells like, but I like it. It's cool and fresh - might be just a tad too sweet for me to use during blazing hot summer days.


    I'm playing online with a friend and keep sniffing my wrist every chance I get - to the point that my friend says "Missy, could you please play more and sniff less?" I really like the smell of this and I'm quite happy that I got a bottle of it.

    The next morning I can still smell the sweetness on my skin.

  18. To my nose: Plum, pomegranate and woods. A ripe red sweetness with the woods there to darken and to take away any type of candy-ness. I'm quite curious to know if I will love this Carnaval-blend too, like the other three that I've tried.

    On: Lovely fruityness and the dark tones from the mahogany. This is so very simple and nice!

    There's not really much to say here. I kinda think that Dionysia is quite similair to Regina Erebi, but without the mint and the awful metallic myrrh. I might prefer Dionysia actually!

  19. To my nose: Cakey and sugary dough with a sprinkle of nutmeg. I see a lot of people getting lemon/citrus from this and yeah, for the first sniff I could see that too. And then the sugar & nutmeg arrived.



    On: Wow, this is cakey (duh, gingerbread). I got a bit lemon as the drop landed on my skin, but now it's just straight up cookiedough with nutmeg and ginger. I'm not getting any cinnamon so far which is sad because I looove cinnamon. As MG warms up the spicyness comes out a lot more. And theeeeen...lemon again. Whyyyy is the lemon here? Is the mother wearing a dress with lemon-buttons? I think so.


    After an hour it's spicy ands weet mixed around. The lemon is finally gone.


    Eventually the spices also leave, and all I can smell is a sweet marshmallow.

  20. To my nose: I've never smelled any of the laces before, so I don't know if they have any similarities. But when I smell this one all I can think of is that it's bright and I want to say citrusy? But it has a bite too, and that bite could be made with pepper. Citrus and pepper. I really think that I recognize this smell from something else, some other perfume maybe. But I don't recall which one.


    On: I have no idea. Absolutely no idea what this smells like. I think I might get some apples, they are green and sprinkled with tobacco. As Summer Lace dries down the apples gets switched to mandarins, but still with the tobacco-twist and a touch of vanilla. The vanilla isn't dominent at all to me, I can't even tell what kind of vanilla it is. One whiff, it's there and the next it's gone. I'd wear this scent during spring or the first cool days of fall, it would be too loud and sweet for me during summer.


    After an hour and a half this is smokey mandarin and faint vanilla. i quite like it, and even the next morning I can still smell it.

  21. To my nose: Mmmmmh! Delicious cocoa/chocolate and a slightly powdery vanilla-note. I'm gonna go ahead and say that the vanilla-note is a tiny marshmallow.


    On: More of the superawesomedelicious chocolate, that - by the way - differs from Bliss and Velvet. I'd say Sue is more of a milk chocolate powder. I always love BPAL's chocolate-notes, they give me cravings! Luckily for me my dear German friend just sent me a package with around 2 kilos (4lb I think) of german chocolate. It feels like the cocoa gets darker and more fragrant the longer it sits on my skin. It started as milk chocolate, but now I'd say it's semi-sweet. There's also a second note hiding here, and I can't put my finger on exactly what it is. I'm only certain that 1) it's not the vanilla marshmallows and 2) it almost smells clean?


    Yep, Sue starts to smell clean on me. Like Boo's clean linen and something else..I don't really know what it is, but it's off-putting. I know that I've had and smelled another BPAL with this weird smell but I can't for the life of me remember which one it was.


    After a couple of hours the clean and offputting smell disappears and the amazing chocolate comes back. I'd say that this is nice, but I have better chocolate-scents.


    edited for spelling.. -_-

  22. To my nose: Sweet and smokey! The tobacco and cacao are what I KNOW I can smell. Black musk has a tendency to go terrible on my skin, but I'm hoping that this one will behave. Also my skin tends to hate tobacco/tobacco hates my skin, so...this scent really sounds like a winner for me, right? :D


    On: Very sweet chocolate and tobacco. I don't remember the first stafe being this sweet. The tobacco is surely getting stronger and more powerful by the second, please hang in there cacao! Don't let the evil T bully you!! But sadly, as almost always, the tobacco wins and I smell like and ashtray. I guess I should realize soon that Tobacco Absolute is a death note of mine, but I really want it to love me.


    And then..No..Don't tell me... I smell Dragon's Blood in here?! Whyyyy? BTBT smells on me like you're having a smoke and have to reapply your lipstick every three seconds because you keep seeing lipstick-marks on the cigarette, but you want your lips to look perfect because your love interest just walked by so you want to look as sultry as you can and pout dem lips a little extra. DB always make me think of lipsticks, that is why I drew this scenario in my head..


    I went out for a walk, thinking this might be one of those scents that work best on me when I wear them outside, hoping that the icky DB and tobacco would step aside for a bit. but no, no change. This will end up in my swap-pile.


    Edited to add: this is the 2009-version

  23. To my nose: Definetely white chocolate and dry strawberries. But it does have a perfumey undertone.


    On: Ultrasweet white chocolate with dried strawberries, but the strawberries drown pretty fast.


    After ten minutes: This smells just like a shampoo & conditioner I used to use - Wild Strawberry (smultron in Swedish)

  24. To my nose: Oh, this one is interesting. I get fizzy grapefruit and mint. And I adore fizzy scents, and mint. Putting the two together..AWESOME!

    On me: Very minty with just a little zing of grapefruit. Would probably work great to clear up headaches or help dealing with a cold. As it warms up the mint settles a little, brining out some sweet floral scent, but the grapefruit keeps it somewhat fruity.

    After an hour: Hmm.. Supersweet generic floral perfume is all I get now. I'm so sad, this one started off incredibly good :'(

  25. To my nose:This is a pretty sweet, manly cologne smell. I get some leather and something aquatic (duh)

    On: Very aquatic and manly. Soapy clean, not what I had expected at all. I don't get any sarsaparilla or patchouli - which is odd because they are usually prominent on me.
    Mary Read is very sweet on my skin, aquatic and a tiny dab of manly too. But mostly bright, soapy clean and sweet.

    After fifteen minutes: Mary Read is still very sweet. What the eff? What happened to the patch and the rum? The leather and gunpowder? They never even got here! I don't like sarsaparilla, and it's usually veeery prominent on me but nothing of that either. Either my skin is wierd or this imp is weird.
