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Blog Entries posted by circe_blue

  1. circe_blue
    Saw the apartment today. It looked okay. It was definitely in a convenient location but the place itself is kinda small. There are only two "official" bedrooms and one of them has no windows (wtf??!!) and the other one is the master bedroom and is already occupied. That left me with the windowless wonder (aka "The Cell") and the other "room" which was a very well partitioned off area of the living room. ::Sigh:: dissapointing, but I guess I'll take it, for the price, free cable, gym on premesis and location. Therefore, I need a new bed and a new desk, everything else (chair, bookcase, bedside table, lamps etc.) I already have.
    I want: This Desk
    This Lovely Bed Frame
    Maybe this chest/drawers and a(nother) bookcase. I'm getting tired of looking. Now I'm sad 'cause I don't really like the place all that much. I've been spoiled with the sweet apartment I've lived in during undergrad, I guess. This? is nothin' like that. aargh.
    Registered for classes and it was pretty funny watching my advisor try to find a class that I haven't already taken in undergrad. Basically, I settled on Molecular Biology and Immunology for this fall. Both of which I've taken before, just not this in depth. Scared and excited. It was hell trying to navigate the website. My sheet of directions tell me to click on links that are no longer there, so that was oh-so fun.
    Campus was beautiful and very different from where I went to school. It's a bit smaller to be sure (one of the reasons I was drawn to this school) but it has lots of greenery and wooded areas that would've been sectioned off for development in a nanosecond at other places.
    I'm super-tired. Woke up early today, drove hours and hours, then walked and walked and did it all over again. Can't wait for sleep tonight. And tomorrow I get to wake up to a Friday! Whooo, TGIF in advance, to everyone!
  2. circe_blue
    Ok, so I've recently gotten myself and the boy into Battlestar Galactica. I knew I was gone when I exclaimed "Frak you!" to the car that cut me off the other day in traffic. I knew the boy was gone when he made Cylon jokes. So far I've only seen the miniseries and a part of season 1 up to "Act of Contrition".
    The "Argh!" that is the title of this post is in response to my weird ability to attract spoilers from all over. And once I see/hear a bit of it, I can't stop! I'll be reading through some random LJs of people I only kind of know, or be listening to conversations in class, and now I know stuff and I can't un-know it.
    For example, Sharon "Boomer" is now "Athena", there's a weird/crazy pairing between Lee and Kara (imho, so wrong,ew, because it's a real possibility that they hate each others guts) and then there's also possibly Helo/Kara-which is so wrong becuase....well, it should be Helo/circe_blue Or at the very least Helo/Boomer...Aaa!
    I hope this show continues to be amazing. I used to be a really, really big X-Files fan but then season 8/9 came along and while I still wanted to watch, I would check out spoilers for the episodes to steel myself for whatever convoluted plot twist they threw at me on Sunday nights. Anyone else remember that "Fox/Dana" e-mail?? ::shudder::
    PS-I am totally NetFlixing these of course. There's no way I'm waiting a week for each new episode again. Of course, I would have to dodge the spoilers more...
    Alright, I should get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow and I'll most likely have to come back to this post to make it more comprehensible. G'nite!
    ETA: I am now finishing up season 2.5. So far Helo/"Boomer" or new model #8, and seemingly Lee/Kara. Stupid me-I forgot the number 1 rule of TV/movie romances. If they hate each other's guts, of course they will end up together Also, the boy and I have started calling Anders Dane Cook.
    Sharon Screaming "Let them try to take this baby!!!!" and Slamming Her Head Against the Wall = Creepy
    Last Parting Shot of Sharon's Pregnant Belly Set to Creepy Music = Double Creepy
    Gauis Having Invisible Naughty Dirty Cylon Sex and Getting Caught by Starbuck = Hilarious!
  3. circe_blue
    I'm going to split this up into two posts. Turns out I'm very wordy, haha.
    Huh. That is very interesting especially considering I myself haven’t felt very Aquarian at times. And in school I have the feeling people would describe me dependable, quiet or shy. Not very Aquarian.
    As for the mommy thing, I do seem to do pretty well with the kids of friends to my shock (I am an only child).
    Awww, bring it on! I *love* little bunny rabbits and stray dogs and cats! In fact, since you’ve written this, I’ve moved and five (!) stray cats have found me. I feed them and give them ear scritchins then they go on their way. I’m hoping to get an appointment to get them neutered/spayed soon :crosses fingers:
    Well, I am beyond glad the universe/stars/something has a plan for me as I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing!
    I love the woods and crisp autumn air. One of my favorite things to do is to read under the shade of a tree.
    Oh, wow. I totally agree with the bolded!
    I earned a master’s degree in biology and I really, really hope I can get a job (in research!) very soon.
    And I absolutely love to travel, seeing new things, exploring a new city. When my fiancé told me we couldn’t feasibly visit Europe in the next few years do to his job, I wanted to cry =(
    Very interesting! I feel more dorky and less mysterious or charismatic, though. But this is very good to know !
    The bolded part is what really caught my eye the first time I was reading this. I cannot watch, hear, or read about cruelty to animals or violence against women. I will change the channel or leave the room. Otherwise, I tend to dwell on it and get very depressed.
    I really don’t like confrontation, as you wrote. You’re right on about that, lol.
    And I will try to not focus about money right now, but admittedly it is *so* hard! I’m jobless right now and I always check what each employer is paying.
  4. circe_blue
    The bolded is again, so true. I enjoy learning new things, travel etc. And I always crave for things to be beautiful and pretty. I’ve been known to be insulted when things aren’t when they could be. This baffles my very practical Taurus boy, haha.
    It’s funny you should mention teaching, as I'm kind of afraid of it! I’m not very good with public speaking. I hope this will manifest itself in other ways, though!
    Oh, so that’s why I love browsing Tarot card art! I’ve always wanted to get back into art. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, I stopped when I went to college.
    Once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am totally a dork for this but one of my favorite things to do is to drift off into my own fantasy land before bed, while doing repetitive tasks, er…during class… which is why I always have to curb that, lol!
    Once while studying I looked out the window started drifting away and before I knew it, it was 20 minutes later haha.
    Since you wrote this for me (a little more than 2 years years ago!! ), I’ve gotten engaged! We’re getting married in November. At the time of this writing the challenge with friends came while trying to keep in touch properly while I was away at grad school and they all had jobs themselves. So it was a little tough.
    Again jarvenpa, thanks so much for doing this! You are awesome And if you do something similar for me in the future, I promise not to take years to respond (is there something in my chart about epically procrastinating?)
  5. circe_blue
    Argh, today was one of those days....
    Yesterday, all I did all day was read my textbook, take notes and studied. When I took a break, I (stupidly) went onto Facebook and proceeded to feel like Underachiever of the Year. All these people from my (admittedly way too competitive) high school went to Ivy Leagues, got a grad degree at an Ivy League then started their own companies, are assistant VP, in law school, in med school, or are just plain successful. I am really jealous of all of these people.
    Emotionally exhuasted, I went to bed. Silly me, I didn't realize the rest of the apartment complex if full of useless, inconsiderate douchebags who blare fucking Nickelback at full volume at 2am and hold loud, weepy drama queen cell phone conversations in the stairwell. I eventually fell asleep sometime in the early morning but kept waking up because the girl who lives above me apparently is not human and doesn't need sleep. Apparently, what she does need is a damn carpet so as to cushion the sound of her stomping around like a T. rex in Jurassic Park. I am not exaggerating. When she walks, my water glasses *vibrate* just like that scene in the movie (oh joy).
    When I woke up 7:30 to get ready for class, it was drizzling on and off. Class came and went, and when I was done I figured I would try to find the short cut my roomate told me about. I think you all know where I'm going with this. Well, it was drizzling before but now it's absolutely *pouring* and my umbrella craps out on me. It inverted and several little metal thingies are dangling off of it. So, umbrella-less, lost, and wet I trudge around campus and eventually get on the right path again, and now I'm here on the forum whining about it to anyone who will read this far.
    I must say, had I not gotten lost the shortcut would've been way convenient. I'll be using it next time for sure now that I know where to go.
    Now I'm off to take a nap before my night class so I won't be as grumpy, lol.
    What was your One of Those Days?
  6. circe_blue
    I'm posting this here even though I'll be posting in the thread too becuase I'm sure no one wants to read/hear what I'm sure sounds like a broken record by now: Why why why is Cally still on this show?! She really pissed me off with her "We don't get second chances-::looks at Sharon::-or third chances" comment. Congratulations, that was really subtle. What are you, six?
    I loved the bonus scene where Sharon creeps up on her. Awesome.
    Also-Someone saved the cats (or at least a cat) after the attacks! Yay!
    That's pretty much all for now. I'll post the rest of my thoughts in the BSG thread tomorrow when I'm less sleepy.
  7. circe_blue
    For my birthday, the boy came up to spend the weekend. He came bearing gifts Yay!
    I recieved-
    A live recording of the last Pixies show in DC from 2004. This was one of our first dates
    Audiobook of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read by the author. I've been looking for this for months and months.
    A box of yummy chocolate from Schakolad. The box itself? Chocolate
    The chocolates!


    The boy (+ chocolate)


  8. circe_blue
    My BPAL locket came! Yaaay! I had to wait a few days to wear it, 'cause I wanted to buy ribbon for it. I think I'll wear it out for my date this weekend with the bf. We're going to go see 300


    Admittedly, I didn't put anything in my locket today. At first I used a bit of cotton with Antique Lace, but......it's not pretty enough! The cotton bits poked through. I read in the Trading Post thread that someone used a bit of velvet, or cloth so I think I'm gonna do that. I just need to find a fabric store and cheap fabric.
    What do you use?
  9. circe_blue
    I'm scared of Death on a Pale Horse!
    Description from Lab: The End of All Things: empty white musk and mint seeped with solemn lavender, doleful patchouli and vetiver, scythe-sharp yuzu and lime, with geranium bourbon, white sandalwood and calla lily.
    Lavender makes me go "yeugh", and I'm kinda scared of sandalwood. I've read it as being "herbally and lavender" which reminds me of this Burt's Bees handcreme that goes bad on my skin (for some reason it smells like bleach and old vase-water when it dries. ew)
    However, if the white musk, lime and maybe lilies cooperate with the others it won't be too bad? I wanted to order something "out there" that I would have never thought of trying but now I want an imp of Euterpe. Mmmm, lemonade . Mostly though, I want my imps and Peony moon! cantwaitcantwait
    At work there was a big-ass bug in the hall. I didn't get close enough to figure out what it was but it looked kinda spider-y. *shudder* So, in typical girl fashion, my coworkers and I spent a while shrieking as it moved (skittered) around and proclaimed that we were not going near it, much less get close enough to kill it. Eventually some guy did (we don't know who, we never saw) and left the body lying there in the hall. Scary-ness, yo.
    Whiney Section (and yes, I would like some cheese with that!)
    I'm so jealous of friends or random people who I've never even met! Everyone with a nice job they love that pays well, everyone who's beautiful, everyone who's going to a good school, or is super-smart, or has a big loving family, or has time to travel/backpack throughout Europe, I am jealous! **turns into green-eyed monster** grrr, arrgh!
    After reading the description of one of the Monster Baits, I could really go for some yummy coconut cake. (I love bunnies!)
  10. circe_blue
    So tomorrow I go to visit the campus of my grad school. I have an apartment viewing at 11, advisor meeting at 1, and campus tour at 2. Logic would have dictated that the campus tour should've been scheduled first so I would know where to meet my advisor and see my apartment building but scheduling with this particular tour guide was kinda difficult, since he has stuff going on that day and wants to get home early to take care of his sick daughter. I am kinda excited and aprehensive at the same time.
    Apartment Viewing: The campus made a deal with a hotel chain so it is renting out several floors to graduate and international students. Which means that although the apartment is technically off-campus, it very close (across the street) and high speed internet and cable is through campus. Whoo! Also, the price is amazing. It would cost $900-1000 in the area I live now to get either a crappy one bedroom in a sketchy area or a studio. I will be paying much, much, less. I am viewing the "master" bedroom. Rock. And the girl who I talked to who will potentially be my roomate sounded really nice. She's getting her master's in physical therapy, very cool.
    Advisor meeting: I'm still kinda scared about this because I have images in my head of the worst case scenario which would be the advisor laughing at me and telling me I wasn't accepted after all. Argh. Though it probably will just involve reiterating the rules of the program (3.0GPA or above to graduate, no C's allowed), and picking out some classes for fall. Ah, it kinda feels good to be picking out classes and buying books again after (only) a year of working out in the "real world". I will miss my lovely steady paychecks and most of the people I work with. Also a friend once said to me, the best part about working vs. School is that after you come home from work, you're technically off the clock and there's no extra work like projects or studying to be done. Ahhhh, that *is* nice.
    Campus Tour: Looking forward to this, the campus looked really nice on the website/brochure. I went to a fairly large college for undergrad and that took a lot of getting used to. I'm glad I'm going to a smaller place for grad.
    I was going to make an order this month but I didn't really think Lotus Moon would work for me. I'm afraid of Soap!Lotus and Evil!Rose which happens to be one of the scents that my skin amps like crazy. Maybe next month? Is next month Hungry Ghost Moon? Either way, I want new smellies before I go away for fall!
    Also, I was heartbroken when O turned to a sweet soapy concoction on my skin. Dammit, I wanted to smell like sex too! I left it for about 2 months and either I'm starting to get used to it, or it has morphed a little, but I don't find it so icky anymore. Death on a Pale Horse, despite the coolest name ever, was too masculine for me. I do love The Hamptons and Swank though. Man, I must smell like a lush!
    Has anyone ever seen the Japanese trailer for The Omen? I did, and when the priest says "his coming has heralded the Apocalypse" or something similar the trailer goes through a montage of sorts of all these disasters. Fire, flood, etc. Anyways, I thought I saw a flash of, get this, two very tall buildings in a large city with smoke coming out of them. Yep, the Twin Towers. I thought I was seeing things, but then I rewound my downloaded trailer and yep, there they were. WTF?! Are we blaming 9/11 on Damien now?! Ugh. I was disgusted that they even brought it up in that way.
    I saw another trailer today on TV and for a similar part, they showed a clip of the Asian tsunami. You know, that footage that's taken from the balcony of a hotel in Thailand and then this huge wave comes crashing into the patio/pool area. Again, ugh.
    On a lighter note, I'm listening to the Firefly soundtrack. It makes me happy, especially theme song which I used to sing as "Take my love, take my land, something something cue the fiddle" Rawr, for Simon Tam.
  11. circe_blue
    Eeee! The Carnaval is here! What a pleasant surprise that it went up early too, even if a small part of me wanted to stay up with everyone on the Update thread and have a BPAL slumber party. (If someone teaches me how to French-braid my hair, I'll weave them a friendship bracelet! And shhh! be quiet or my mom will hear us and make us all go to bed!)
    I waited a couple days to make my order so that my endorphins would die down and I wouldn't say ....buy the entire CD set (which would be lovely except for that part about my bank account spontaneously combusting). Here's what I recently ordered:
    Mme. Moriarty: Misfortune Teller-5mL-$20
    Antique Lace-5mL-$15
    Imp Pack-$19.50
    Les Bijoux
    Eat Me
    Total +shipping = $63.00 USD
    Which isn't bad, no?
    I've found out thanks to BPAL, that I'm able to prune down all of my online orders so I only get "essentials", hooray!
    I also made an order today because today was my very last day at work and it was a pick me up/reward. Despite my occasional posts in the Jobs Rant thread, I really did love my job. I liked 99% of the people there, including my awesome supervisor. Another reason I'm feeling sad about leaving is that the job market is pretty icky right now. I have friends who are still working their "transition job" not a job in their chosen profession. I was lucky enough to find a good job, with a decent pay and great people and I'm leaving it
    Also, I'm kind of scared of going to school hours and hours away from my hometown and my friends. I don't make friends easily (I'm painfully shy) and I can't imagine spending 2+ years doing stressful course/research work without some friends around.
    At least my apartment situation seems to be sorting itself out. They've changed property owners/managers to the company that managed my suites in undergrad. Now, my quad suite in undergrad was pretty damn awesome. They were clean, well constructed, heat/AC problemless, and included washer/dryers in the unit. My apartment complex, the way it was before new management (and according to reviews on apartment.com was "sketchy", "gross", "loud" and included some visitors that went by names of "roaches", "mice", "spiders" and "silverfish". Hopefully, with new people they'll clean the f-ing place up. I've been stressing out about the supposedly sketchy environment since forever. The only reason I signed the lease was because it was literally right across the street from school. I'm going up tomorrow to get my keys and move some stuff in. I reeeally hate bugs and if I do see roaches, spiders or silverfish I will be very very angry.
    On a lighter note, my boy is coming over tonight to watch our new addiction: Numb3rs on DVD . Also, I will secretly swipe him with Bluebeard to see if it will smell yummy on a boy. Drive-by BPAL swiping! Whee!
    I already know he absolutely loves Antique Lace on me. He says it smells "happy and yummy". If I layer anything else with it, he will have none of it. The one time I tried layering it with Peony Moon he picked up on it right away "Mmmm, it's Antique Lace!....and something else that's not Antique Lace...::sad face::"
  12. circe_blue
    Went to see the cherry blossoms today. I don't exactly know why we go each year when we have a friggin cherry blossom tree in our front yard. I tried to convince my parents that going sometime other than opening weekend and taking the metro would be easier as we wouldn't have to deal with crappy District parking, but my dad insisted on driving. So he did. Ugggghhhh. 40 minutes to drive into DC and another 50 to find a parking space.
    That 50 minutes were spent driving at around 15 miles per hour and stopping to let the pedestrians cross where there weren't any crosswalks. Bastards. I hope some of them realize the only reason they didn't get yelled at was because they had a &*(^&ing stroller with them Other (DC) motorists weren't as nice. As you can tell, I haaaate large crowds. Also, when the sign by the WWII memorial fountain says Please Respect the Memorial by Not Wading In It and Not Throwing Coins, I think it means Please Respect the Memorial by Not Wading In It and Not Throwing Coins. Aside from the frustrations mentioned above, the trip was pretty good. The weather cooperated and was a beautiful, sunny 65 degrees, and we had a picnic lunch under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. Drove through Georgetown while I fantasized about doing damage to my credit card and the parents and I didn't fight. Not once. Victory!
    Awhile ago, I think Bath and BW had some sort of buy three things for $25 deal I, on a whim decided to buy the antibacterial soap in Ginger and White Tea (or something). I am very happy I did. It smells like Embalming Fluid when it's still in the bottle. Happyhappyjoyjoy.
    As much I despise Dave Matthews Band, I have to say that their collaberation with Ben & Jerry's ice cream yields some of the yummiest B & J's ever. One Sweet Whirled is one of my favorites but Magic Brownies (vanilla ice cream swirled with raspberry and brownie bits) is slowly but surely edging it out.
  13. circe_blue
    ...is someone I'd like to do all sorts of naughty things to. There's a couple scenes in 28 Days Later where he looks like my bf and *purrrr*
    And I'd share my last tube of MAC lipstick with Robert Smith. Sometimes, hearing "Just Like Heaven" randomly come on the radio makes me so happy I smile like a crazy person when I'm in my car. I also sing along--loudly and off-key.
  14. circe_blue
    I got my CnS today! Yaaaaayyy!!! As posted in the CnS thread, I ordered:
    Peony Moon 5ml
    Embalming Fluid 5ml
    Imp Pack: Dirty, Death on a Pale Horse, O, Danube, White Rabbit, The Hamptons.
    Can't wait to try Peony Moon and O (mmm, naughtyness!) And of course, I'd like to have more Embalming Fluid. My poor imp is dead. I think I 'd it to death. There's no oil left (none, I tried, trust me) and 90% of the label has torn off. All that's left is an oil stained remnant that reads "EMB FLU". Unfortunately, it is not the cure for the flu unless smelling like deliciousness is a cure (and on this forum, who knows??).
    Dragon Moon:The Dragon Moon celebrates the glory and vigor of Springtime: dragon’s blood resin, tea leaf, bamboo reed, sandalwood and cherry blossom. Huh, luckily for my credit card, I'll have to pass on this one. Dragon's blood resin turns weird and syrupy on me and gives me a headache. No thank you.
    A bombardment of edible carnival indulgences. Funnel cake, caramel apple, cotton candy, salt water taffy and sugar tart. I think I read on the reviews that this smelled like pink cotton candy and on another like too much buttery caramel. I'd go for the cotton candy. Maybe.
    Snake Charmer:
    Sensual, sibilant, sexual and hypnotic: Arabian musk and exotic spices slinking through Egyptian amber, enticing vanilla, and a serpentine blend of black plum, labdanum, ambrette, benzoin and black coconut. I've been wanting to expand my horizons with some spicey, amber scents. Plus, coconut and vanilla?! I'm in! Wantwantwant.
    Also, imps of Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Eat Me ("What are you wearing?" "Eat Me!!"), Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Euterpe, and Sin.
    Okay, so maybe my credit card didn't get off too easily after all.
  15. circe_blue
    I confess that I love a certain band but I don't like most of their fans.
    I confess that I lose respect for certain celebrities/artists/whatevers when they start dating supermodels. Who wants some chick whose only job in life is to look "pretty", stay thin and not talk when you could have a supercool artist, scientist, teacher, businesswoman, archeologist, etc. for a girlfriend?! Bonus: there's a pretty good chance she won't boink you on the head with a cell phone either ....I love that line from 13 Going on 30: "Oh, honey, those aren't people those are models!"
    I confess I was tempted to turn my "roomate wanted" ad into a "friend wanted" ad.
    I confess that now that I can confidently load podcasts onto my iPod, I've gone nuts. Now I have a weird collection of 'em in my iPod. Style.com fashion shows, Tim Gunn's ( ) Project Runway, Paris travel, NPR books, National Geographic, science-y ones, and a geeky podcast (yay, comicbooks!).
    I confess that I'm thinking about not going to my 5 year high school reunion this November if I don't get down to my ideal weight.
    teeny updates:
    -Found more furniture for the apartment (thanks to cheap stuff from Ikea and Wal-Mart). Got my desk, my "entertainment center", two floor lamps, a bunch of accent rugs, a dining set, extra plates, some pens and highlighters for about $180.
    -Two people have called about the apartment so far; a guy, and a freshman girl. I don't feel comfortable living with a guy and I have no idea why the girl called. The university guarantees housing for all incoming freshmen...so..maybe she was on the waiting list? I'll give her the room if no one else calls, but I don't think I wanna live with someone that young since our lifestyles will be pretty different. I'm meeting her this Saturday to show her the apartment.
    -I'm starting to stress out about my gajillion doctor's apointments this month. Argh. And moving all of my crap in. And driving (I haaate driving) far away.
    -I think I've lost a bit of weight since I'm not working anymore. Makes sense since I'm not running around the lab and overeating when I finally get to sit in the office. I just eat when I'm hungry which ends up being about once or twice a day. But I still want some spicy tuna rolls!
    ETA: another update: someone else just contacted me for the apartment and one of the first things she wrote was about how she thought the price was too high. Well, hell, the two bedroom is $1145 not including utilities and the wireless internet, so yeah, I'll be charging around $600 to cover all that. Sheesh. > I can think of better ways to make money than to cheat pennyless grad students!
  16. circe_blue
    A quote that has been making me smile lately.
    "It's never too late to have a happy childhood, and age only matters if you're a cheese." -Rick Steves
    FYI-Rick Steves hosts a travel show on public television
  17. circe_blue
    A quick blog entry before I begin my exam studying/project finishing/essay writing in earnest.
    I confess that I've been really judgemental towards one of my close friends lately. Of course I never said anything to her face but I certainly thought it and I've ranted to the bf about it. You see, my friend recently dropped $860 (!!!) on one of those "designer dogs" that seem to be a trend now (ugh.) She bought her from some breeder in Delaware. First of all, I'm totally not down with designer dogs, cats, etc. even though I know that some pure breeds are in a way, designer. I just think that there are so many animals that need a home already, and once certain types of people (I don't think my friend is this type though) realize that caring for an animal requires time, patience (and the willingness to scoop poop), love, and yes, money (for vets, and shots) that these poor animals will end up at the shelter.
    Of course, I know I shouldn't be judging her becuase it's her money after all, and she can afford it. She also has a bunch of other pets that she cares for very well. I dunno, I guess these thoughts reared their ugly heads Saturday afternoon when the bf and I stopped by PetSmart to buy cat food and toys. They had a bunch of animals there that needed homes, and were up for adoption. We met two Welsh Corgis one of which recently had back surgery so her two back paws were still not functioning as they should be. There was also a mini pinscher that had been rescued from a puppy mill and a bunch of cats and kittens. I was particularly smitten with "Erin" who was an adorable 6 month old calico. So cute I wish I could have taken in another pet but the cat I have now is most definitely more comfortable being an only. I made a donation but I still think of those cats and dogs. I hope they're going to good homes soon.
    I got my own cat 7 years ago from a woman who found him as a kitten, in a paper bag in the dumpster. She heard him mewling and actually thought he was a baby that had been left in there. Ugh, some people disgust me
    Oooh! There was also this Great Dane that was someone's pet. I looove Great Danes so it was so awesome to see and pet one. He was lovely. Times like this I wish I just had a huge house filled with animals.
  18. circe_blue
    I feel like doing this
    Just calculated my grade and I need to do very well on the final (at least 95%) to get an A in Virology. Arrrrrhgggh! I don't think I can.....I've got a project for this class too, and ...just.....there's too much stuff going on Now I just feel like not putting in so much effort into the project and studying if I'm just going to get a B anyways. I'm not this grade-grubby usually, I swear. I just liked this class a lot, put a lot of effort into it so I wish I did better.
    On top of that, I've been running around trying to find a moving truck for the apartment becuase while it was *implied* that we reserve the truck when we reserved the storage space, it is not so. I miss my friends, and I miss my bf. I'm tired of being cooped up in my room studying or writing papers/projects with no one to talk to. I am burnt out! And obviously I don't handle stress well.
    All I wanna do snuggle up in bed with hot cocoa, turn down all the lights watch my new Pan's Labyrinth DVD and take a nap.
  19. circe_blue
    Ah, Sundays. I always have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. On the one hand they always signal the end of the weekend but on the other I love Sundays because usually I just lie around in my pajama pants reading the newspaper, drinking tea and eating things that are bad for me.
    Today, I (kind of) did just that *and* I managed to get some much needed work done. The boy spent the weekend at my place so today we had most of the afternoon together before he drove down back to his place. We finally went to Rita's. All you East Coast-ers know what I'm talkin' about. For everyone else, they sell delicious icees, ice cream, cream-ice and "gelatis". They're only open during the warmer seasons and we were lucky enough to catch them for the very first time today. It also happened to be their last day open until March 1st. The boy got a banana gelati, while I got a cookies and cream gelati. Their gelatis were...interesting....but very good. A Rita's gelati consists of a layer of frozen custard on the bottom of the cup, a layer of flavored ice in the middle, and a topping of more frozen custard on top. Mmmm.
    Well, after we went to Rita's we got lunch which allowed the gelatis to melt and mix in the cups in the car. I went to a Halloween party store where we discussed our costumes. He still has no idea what he wants to be, but he's seeming very excited to go as Vincent from Pulp Fiction 'cause I hinted that it would be cool to go as Mia and Vincent. Also a plus, a Mia outfit would be super easy to put together. All I really have to buy is a wig. I already have a white dress shirt, black pants and if I do this costume, I will place some powdered sugar on my nose and have a little droplet of blood coming out of my nose My other costume option would be a devil/schoolgirl thing, or Asami from Takeshi Miike's Audition. May be a little obscure for some people at the party who've never seen it, but man will it be freaky for those who have! ("kiri kiri kiriiii....")
    We also watched Dead Like Me on DVD today. It was a great show, I'm sorry I never got a chance to catch it on cable before it was canceled. George's character need to stop with the whining for, like, *one* episode, please.
    After he left, I got quite a bit of my take-home midterm exam done. I only have a couple questions left and I should definitely be done by Thursday (due date) *knock on wood*.
    And can I just say how much I haaaaaaate take-homes? They're always a million times harder than in class exams (because you supposedly have more time to research/prepare it) and it always stresses me out more.
    I have two separate study groups I'm going to on Tuesday for two different classes...oh man I hope I can get some pre-studying in beforehand.
    Yule Update!
    Tentative To Buy List:
    Lick It Again - peppermint + sugar (supposedly more than last year! yay!)
    Brides of Dracula - almost based on name alone. I'm hoping this one at least smells pleasant on me even though I know florals generally aren't my thing.
    Sugar Skull '06- mmmm, sugar
    And imps of:
    Miskatonic University
    Night Gaunt
    Black Lily
    Shadow Witch Orchid
  20. circe_blue
    Ah, I have a blog again! The last one I had I was very bad about posting. So, hopefully, this will go better.
    I'll mainly use this blog for rants, raves, random thoughts etc. Maybe I'll post pictures eventually.
    So...on to the random thoughts!
    * So far I think I like tea, fruit (but not cherry), and foody scents. Boozy's ok too as long as it morphs into something else later. White musk sometimes. But jasmine, magnolias and all florals that were in Blood Countess go insane on my skin and amp like crazy. I want to try maybe an incense or patchouli scent (Cathedral??) but I'm kinda afraid.
    * I'm reeeally excited about the BPAL order I'm waiting on. I've bought my first 5 mL (Embalming Fluid) and my first LE (Peony Moon) I'm so proud. I've also ordered imps of O, Danube, The Hamptons, The Dormouse, Death on a Pale Horse and Dirty.
    * Ducked outta work early to go shopping for skirts. I love spring!
  21. circe_blue
    Okay, so the Jim/Pam thing has been dying down quite a bit this season. And, actually I think Karen is pretty damn cool, and I'm not mad that Jim is with her as long as eventually he gets with Pam. The bf even likes Karen more than Pam
    So, without Jim/Pam this season I find myself more and more fascinated by Ryan and Kelly. That last episode where she rambles on and on (and on and on) about Netflix and Ryan just sits there staring while people file in and place money on the table because it's obviously a bet to see how long he can get her to talk/say the word "awesome" (::breathes::...)--hilarious.
    I came across Mindy Kaling's (aka Kelly) Blog: http://mindyephron.blogspot.com/ Really great. Not much about "The Office" itself, more about stuff she likes and buys (is that so Kelly, or what? ). It is awesome and I am slowly but surely making my way through the archives.
    Also, just found out about the Tokyo Stomp shortage. This relieved me so much! I know I'm usually the last to get my CnS but I was really starting to worry. Now, I know that my package has not been lost, stolen, stomped by large lizards attempting to invade Tokyo. Phew!
    PS: Can you believe that in the 9th grade we were given an extra credit assignment to watch the "new" Godzilla with Matthew Broderick then write a paper on it? Something about asexual reproduction is all I can remember.
  22. circe_blue
    My favorite episode of The X-Files is on Sci-Fi right now! Of course, I have it on DVD but there's something to be said for coming across it randomly.
    Yay, "Bad Blood"!
    "I'm in this as deep as you are and I'm not even the one that overreacted! I didn't do the--::makes stabby motions::-- with the thing!"
    and of course:
    "Shaft-He's a bad mother-shut your mouth!"
  23. circe_blue
    I'm a klutz. It's one of those days/nights. Everything I touch goes kablooey! So I was trying to bake a cake for my fiance and I'm using this incredibly ghetto oven that's come with my apartment. First, it only goes up to 200 F. Then, once it reaches 200, you have to turn on the stove to "re-ignite" it or something. Then, 7 times out of 10, the temperature keeps going to 450. No matter what you set it to. 450. I don't know why. So, of course, I stupidly decide to bake this cake and at the slightest smell of cooking sets off my fire alarm. WTF. I freak out and attempt to turn it off (can you turn off fire alarms?) or take it down, and blissfully, and before I can get my hands on it it stops.
    (In case of actual fire, I'm pleased to discover that the alarm is REALLY FUCKING LOUD and REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING)
    But, I decide i need to take it down anyways in case it goes off again while I'm cooking. I balance precariously on a barstool. I think you can see where this is going. I fall, hard. I think I make an embarassing sound like, "whoommoop!!" while I am going down.
    If BPAL made a scent called Ghetto Oven it would smell of burnt cake, burnt chicken, and despair (lightly burnt).
    I've opened all the windows in the apartment to air it out (it *still* smells like burnt cake), and now I'm going to sleep.
  24. circe_blue
    Today has been a good day, so far. The annoying co-worker wasn't at work today, we got a half-day because of the upcoming holiday and I finally got my t-shirts I ordered off of Threadless.com. I got this one and this one
    The first one I like a lot because it reminds me of Battle Royale, one of my favorite books ever. Guns + schoolgirl uniforms = awesome, for some reason. I still have a love/hate thing for Mitsuko. She's so evil, but yet so badass! I guess I like femme fatales because I am so not like that. I am really shy and I'd rather go read something or mix chemicals in beakers rather than start up a conversation with someone I don't know. Ah anyways, I must re-read that book one day. As it is, I have 5 other books I need to read before I get to the point where I'm re-reading for fun. I tried the shirt on (Guy's Size Small) and it seems it's a bit too large for me. I wish they were still selling girly sizes.
    The second I got mostly 'cause the girl on the shirt is reading, and uh.....I do that a lot. Oh, and pretty colors. I'm a sucker for pretty colors (and packaging, but that's a whole other thing...)
    ::Sigh:: The boy has started rotations this week and so he's tired a lot of the time and I don't get to see him as much Most of the free time he gets (and its very little) he wants to spend napping, which is understandable. I feel bad for him, but the selfish part of me misses hugs, kisses, and him calling me "banana-rama", lol.
    We don't know whether he'll get the 4th off, but it's not likely. Most likely, some asshat will blow off his hand/leg/naughty bits with some illegal fireworks and the boy will have to stay at the hospital longer. Argh.
    I'm glad the weather isn't as bad anymore. This means I have no more excuses to not exercise. I started up running again last week and stopped because of the OMGRAINFLOOD!!111111 So I'm gonna go today. I love my run/walk routine. I crank up my cheesy rock (Queen, Pantera, White Zombie, Kiss), and Hooray for Eyeliner Emo (My Chemical Romance) with some ABBA (yes, ABBA, I admit it!) on my iPod. I always have to spray a bit of Off! Bugspray or else I get bitten. A lot.
    One very last thing:
    I found a rather large spider in the downstairs bathroom last week. I haven't stepped foot in there since. I hate crawly things. They're all....crawly and stuff.
    Have a nice (spider and bug-free) weekend, BPAL-ers!
  25. circe_blue
    So today was a nice friday because:
    1. A coworker and I went to Target during our lunch break. Yaaay Target!
    2. I kept getting compliments on my new t-shirt. It pays homage to my looove of horror movies.
    3. The boy came over. He's been doing rounds/working at the hospital for all of the week. I haven't seen him in a week ::gasp::... I missed him!
    4. Finding out that Nightmare Before Christmas will be re-released in theaters in 3D!
    Not so great moments:
    1. Watching Sleepaway Camp for the first time. It was cheesy-bad 80's stuff until the disturbing ending. Ew.
    2. Me telling my mom that I'll be going to dinner and a movie with the boy tomorrow and her angrily saying "why do always go to dinner with just the two of you? We [my parents] should be going with you! " Dude, it's a date. With two people. You are not included because 90% of the time we hang around at home watching movies in your house with you around 'cause you're crazy-strict even though I'm 23 and you won't let me go anywhere. Argh argh argh. Sometimes, you just wanna be alone with your significant other sans parents. Is that too much to ask? I love them, but the craziness must stop
    Only 39 days till grad school/moving the #### out! Wheee!
    My weekend so far looks like it will involve a journey to IKEA to buy/scope out furniture, dinner and Clerks II date, posting a roomate wanted ad, sleeping. Have a nice weekend, BPALers!