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Status Updates posted by killersandliars

  1. *happy dance* I ordered a few bottles from the lab today... Phoenix at Dawn, Peacock Queen, Snake Oil & Dragons Reverie. Still need more Yules, but I'm watiing until my decants come.

  2. Do I need a bottle of Sprinklecake? It won't be up for much longer... My awesome decanter sent me a sniffie and now I think I need it. :X

  3. Gosh... I wish I actually had some time to come to the board! Witch, if you read this, I'm still hoping for that reveal package soon!

  4. Hey wait, don't I have homework to do? -me, every day when I am here.

  5. I have zero motivation today. :X I'm really hoping the Weenies update happens Thursday!

  6. I just signed up for decants of all of the Frankenstein scents and one of the Little Match Girl scents. That's all I can afford right now. My Yule list is way longer than my Weenie list was. I am doomed! I need several full bottles from this update.

  7. I know I'm way behind on the questions in the SW thread, but I promise to catch up before I leave on Sunday. Its going to be an insane week for me, so please understand if I go ninja for a bit.

  8. I need to come around here more! I've really fallen off the horse due to extreme insane life stuff and now just being lazy after surviving said life stuff.

  9. I really can't decide if I like The White Rider or not. It has me intrigued, and I can't tell if that's good or bad.

  10. I skipped my 2 MWF classes today because I don't feel well. I should be doing homework...

  11. I think I'm getting a sinus infection. :( I hope I can nip it in the bud, otherwise I won't be able to smell anything.

  12. Just added some yummy ketchup to my blog! :D

  13. Just saw that my favorite band is releasing a box set of LPs and also playing a show in SF in December. I couldn't be more excited. Oh, and my Weenies might come tomorrow.

  14. More ketchup for you dear Witch!

  15. My new iPhone came today, and I love it dearly. I keep thinking how many of the Yules I could've gotten with that dough, but whatever, I actually *needed* the phone. (And it is totally awesome.)

  16. My number one goal today is regaining the ability to breathe through my nose.

  17. My Weenies are here! Short first impressions... PP is divine, smells clean and pretty and the label is awesome. H:LV smells really wine-y at first but dries very sexy. Golden Apple is really warm, its amazing. Glittering Apple is kinda clean and uplifting.

  18. New summer goal: be more active and write reviews. :D

  19. No update tonight, but I will spend some time tomorrow stalking the update thread. :D

  20. Oh gosh. I can't believe the Weenies are already here! I bought four so far.

  21. Oh my gosh! Thousands of Lights = amazing forever

  22. So many SW questions, but I am so on top of it.

  23. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, I miss you on Twitter as well. I hope everything is good. *hugs*

  24. Thanks (mostly) to the forum's recent issues, I'm really behind on SW stuff. Witch, I am working on it tonight! <3

  25. The Weenies are coming, the Weenies are coming!
