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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Fefferbella

  1. Fefferbella


    Another frimp from the lab: This is boozy sandalwood and a hint or florals! Really pretty. I love Sandalwood, and boozy sandalwood is *fabulous*. Sadly the floral note causes this gorgeous blend to turn soapy after just a few minutes on me.
  2. Fefferbella

    Leanan Sidhe

    I had no idea "Irish herbs and flowers, Gaelic mists, and nighttime dew" smelled like Dove soap and Palmolive. Who knew... I love the concept for this scent and I was so excited to try my little frimp when it arrived from the lab... sadly, this scent isn't nearly as gorgeous as it sounds...
  3. Fefferbella


    Lemon zest and Vanilla! Yummy! This is so crisp and refreshing! A perfect spring party scent! As it fades it turns into a clean dryer sheet *but in a good way* scent.
  4. Fefferbella

    Empyreal Mist

    Empyreal was a frimp in my last order, and deffinately not something I would have tried on my own accord. This is florals, slight citrus and a hint of medicinal herbs. The herbs and citrus are really nice, but the floral goes all soapy on my skin. Empyreal Mist is very pretty, but deffinately not for me.
  5. Fefferbella


    Wow, I'm so glad the lab tossed this in as a frimp with my last order! Brimstone is amazing. The SPICEY ginger and cinnamon, coupled with a thick musty earth notes is gorgeous! Deffinately not something I can see wearing as a perfume, but certainly something I'll be glad to keep around when my allergies are acting up! This stuff cleared my sinuses like nothing I've ever tried before! I love Brimstone!
  6. Fefferbella


    ... Their scent is the crisp, inviting bittersweet tang of cranberry with smoky dark lilies, heady, sensual musk, a tingle of ginger and a brush of Mediterranean spices. This smells like Cranberries and applesauce on my skin! There is a hint of incense in the background that makes this slightly more complex and sophisticated... but still, mostly fruit. I really like this, but apples don't like my skin chemistry. Within mintues, Lampades turns into a apple-candy smell that is sickeningly sweet. Off to the swap pile.
  7. Fefferbella

    The Raven

    Sleek, dark, and ominous. Violet and neroli mingled with iris, white sandalwood and dark musk. I really want a BPAL scent with Violet that will love me as much as I love it... Sadly The Raven is not it. Yet another floral that turns to sticky sweet, chemical-smelling soap. Off to the swaps
  8. Fefferbella


    Sweet dark spiced sugarcane RUM... I *LOVE* this, sadly I can't wear it often, as I own a liquor store and don't want my customers to think I'm sampling the products on the job.
  9. Fefferbella


    Sweet and spicey lime! Very unique and oddly comforting combination. It reminds me of walking through a farmer's market, in the citrus section while someone was buring incense! Fades quickly on my skin to a sweet, citrus note.
  10. Fefferbella


    Marzipan and vanilla! Almond notes turn extremely sweet on my skin, and Eclipse is almost sickly sweet. This would be a delicious room scent!
  11. Fefferbella

    Graveyard Dirt

    Wow, this smells exactly like walking through the old Metairie Cemetery by my home in New Orleans. Growing up, I would often walk through the rows of gorgeous family crypts and tombs surrounded by rusty ironwork, sun bleached tombs and ancient oak tree-lined paths.. The paths are twisted; crumbled corners of tombs jut out; and dead ends added to the eerieness of the area. This is *that* smell.
  12. Fefferbella

    All Saints'

    Dark musky wild roses and Frankinsense. This is the same "pretty" wild rose note I get in Seraglio. Not the stuffy English Rose or the chokingly sweet "fake" rose note found in some BPAL scents. The spicey Frankinsense is slightly overpowering at first, but it quickly settles down to a mellow note that creates an overall rich blend. I really like this scent, and personally I think it's beautiful. Having never been to a Catholic mass, I have no grounds for comparisson there.
  13. Fefferbella


    Hades has a unique dark, sharp herbal sweetness to it that really makes it stand out among the other BPAL scents. It warms to a rich earthy scent with a sexy spiceyness. There is also a thick firey burnt herb note in the background. I love this blend. Deffinately not for everyday wear, but certainly a keeper!
  14. Fefferbella


    Wow, this really is warm and thick like blood. Spicey cloves and sweet cherries! Very pretty. My fiance *loves* this blend on me and compliments it everytime I wear it out. Excellent throw too, I can smell a tiny dab on my wirst for hours!
  15. Fefferbella

    #20 Love Oil

    This was SO pretty wet... gardenia and sweet herbs. However once it dried, it was almond SOAP. I really wanted to love this blend...
  16. Fefferbella

    Mata Hari

    I *really* wanted to love this blend, but sadly the jasmine note overpowers everything else. I get a bit of coffee and vanilla in the background, but nothing else. My imp is slightly aged, so maybe that's the reason for the strong florals?!?
  17. Fefferbella

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    This scent really caught my attention at the Yule update... leather and tobacco H.Drosselmeyer is SO damn sexy wet out of the bottle. Sadly, the tobacco note isn't nearly as rich as I wish it was, and it is slightly overpowered by a cherry/woodshavings note. The leather note is rich and warm like curling up on old leather sofa before a roaring fire. This blend faded quickly to a sweet leather/cherry scent, but still very pretty.
  18. Fefferbella

    Snow Bunny

    Snow Bunny! *squee* The name almost scared me away, but I'm SO glad I snagged a bottle. This is sweet and fresh. I've never seen snow before (grew up in Florida and Louisiana) but this is what I imagine a pine forest smells like after a light snowfall. There is a playful candy-like sweetness that accents the piney-fresh note to perfection! So far, my favorite Yule blend! *and the label is too cute*
  19. Fefferbella

    The Rat King

    Wow. This was a shocker for me. I was expecting something sharp and feral, but instead this is GORGEOUS, clean and rich. On me, it turns to a soapy-masculine musk, but on my fiance, it's heavenly Warm, rich manly musk!
  20. Fefferbella


    This blend is wild roses, pine resin and a woody incense notes blended to perfection. I love this scent! It's rich, comforting and very pretty. The frankinsense is gorgeous! This is one of my favorite blends.
  21. Fefferbella


    This is pure lemon zest, like Emballming Fluid at first. Gradually it settles down, and a sweet lavender undertone takes over. There is a richness to this blend that *must* be leather, but I'm so used to smelling it in rich/spicey blends like Perversion and Whip that it doesn't strike me as a leather note in Cassanova. This is a really unique blend, but it fades quickly.
  22. Fefferbella

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    Green herbs and fresh pine notes. This is a very refreshing, almost christmas-y scent. Very faint, and fades quickly. This would smell heavenly on my man (pine notes LOVE his skin).
  23. Fefferbella

    Miskatonic University

    Rich creamy cafe au lait... and pipe tobacco. Reminds me of late night study sessions, cramming for exams during college. Very unique BPAL. Glad I have snagged a bottle, but this is rarely a blend I wear. Very rich and creamy. ADDED 1/7/07: I really wanted to like this scent. It starts out like warm buttery hazelnut coffee, but quickly turns sour smelling on my skin. As a room scent, it makes my house smell like I'm brewing expresso... it's nice, but I'd rather make real coffee. I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about.
  24. Fefferbella

    Tiger Lily

    No suprises here! Lillies, sweetened with a drop of honey and a fresh green garden note. Very pretty, extremely feminine and light. This a perfect scent for a spring time wedding!
  25. Fefferbella

    Lucy's Kiss

    Lucy's Kiss smells like cheap fake roses on my skin. No victorian spices... just straight up stinky roses. With BPAL bends, rose is really hit-or-miss for me... this is a HUGE miss. After 5 minutes this smells like urine and rose petals. *ewww*