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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nightgaunt

  1. The name of this oil has raised some eyebrows ("Wow, I love your perfume, what's it called?Oh...uh..interesting.") but I find it appropriate because Snake Oil reminds me of nagas. I imagine a jeweled palace under a lake. Inside, a princess of astounding beauty reclines on silken cushions. She stirs, and yards of glittering tail uncoil from beneath her sari. She smiles, and a forked tongue flickers between her lips.

  2. Here's a bit of BPAL magic: I entered a cab while wearing Neo-Tokyo, and, in the course of the ride, the driver suddenly asked me what my favorite cartoon was. His, he claimed, was "Ghost in the Shell," with "Akira" a close second. Since I had not given any indication that I liked Japanese animation, I can only surmise that Beth has somehow distilled the essence of Anime into this crisp, green. refreshing scent.

  3. Haunted Palace deserves its popularity. It's a red-gold scent, warm, regal, and joyous. I especially like it during drydown, when the amber and vanilla move to the foreground.

    Hell, I'd be tempted to buy these oils just for the labels! Each one is different, and all are beautiful.

  4. This is my second favorite SIA scent (Yog-Sothoth being first.) It's bright, fresh, and joyful, with just a touch of the exotic. It's as if you were hiking in the hills beyond Arkham and wandered into the Dreamlands by accident.

  5. The perfume of eternity in vast, unknowable space. A glittering oil, ephemeral, iridescent, and horrifying in its immeasurable emptiness. This is the scent of air and darkness.

    Yog-Sothoth is my very favorite SIA scent. To my nose it is a subtle, delicate floral with a breath of musk in the background. It gives a sense of distance and serenity; this is definately Yog-Sothoth's most benign avatar, Umr At-Tawil. It reminds me that I should spen more time with ol' Umr. He's a real cool guy.

  6. This strikes me as a night-out-on-the-town sort of scent. I can imagine Coyote himself wearing it when he assumes human form and goes clubbing. (Next day, a

    young woman is going to wake up wondering what happened to the cute guy she brought home from the club, and why her bed is full of dog hair.)

  7. Evening Star is a very feminine floral, smooth, elegant, and slightly musky. It brings to mind an aloof but supernally beautiful woman in silvery robes. Tolkien fans might call this Varda, or Elbereth. Its staying power makes it a good wear-to-work scent.
