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Posts posted by theredkilt

  1. 1 hour ago, ComicCreep said:

    I loved Pere Noel, any suggestions for a Similar GC?

    On Christmas Eve, French children leave shoes filled with carrots by their fireplaces as a treat for Gui, Père Noëls donkey. If the child has been good, Père Noël takes Guis offering and fills the childs shoes with sweet fruits, candies, and small toys.

    Bright Sicilian oranges and sweet tangerines with a clink of lavender candy and a drop of anise


    I love Pere Noel, but haven't been able to identify anything remotely similar in the GC catalogue. Carnal, maybe, but it's not even close. 

  2. I've had this scent in my collection over 2 years and i still rarely reach for it. There's a clash of notes that ideally would go well together, but here they just try to outdo each other. I blame the tart green apple peel hijacking the entire show and stomping everything else. The jessamine peeks out initially but loses out to the apple. Bummer :(

  3. This blend reminds me A LOT of Hilf, Ach, Hilf Mir, Kriegsgeselle.  It's a brown thick honey scent with hints of orange peel. I don't get the orange blossom. If you have Hilf, you don't need this. If you missed out on it, then this is a good alternative. Hilf is a night time, sinister and captivating blend, while HSOOB is the daytime counterpart.

  4. This is a quite complex, but not what I expected. I smell the tart peach camouflaged under layers of something herbal and bitter. It's more of a pastel blend and fades away fast. My only blind bottle from the Yule 2020 collection and sadly it's a miss for me.

  5. I've learned that applying this scent with moderation on my skin does the trick.


    I get a piercing thin sweet vanilla tea leaf scent on the drydown. The tea leaf is a white tea leaf variety to my nose  No jasmine ever showed up on my skin.


    This reminds me of Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable from the Carnivale line, which is more complex.

  6. This is a cherry blossom coated in a heavy layer of gardenia creaminess. The gardenia smells really nice, no waxiness or heady smell. Basically, the gardenia creaminess come first with the cherry blossom making its way soon afterwards in a modest way.

  7. It's been 2 days since i received a bottle of this and i still can't pin point what i'm smelling.


    I am greeted by orange peel, honey and some faint orange blossom, but way in the background i smell vetiver lurking around. It has a mild burnt-charred quality to it, but nothing off putting. As time goes by, the orange peel and the honey sweetness assert themselves and weave in together with the vetiver, transforming the blend into something almost edible, but not quite. I am tempted to describe this as an orange peel creme brulee, with emphasis on the vetiver burnt aspect/ quality.

  8. I have a sad face. I expected the blackberry to burst with succulent juices. Unfortunately, it's so muted and so far in the background. Even the dead leaves don't smell like the usual note the Lab uses up to the point of me wondering if they are any dead leaves in here. The blend warms up in time and the red patch slowly blooms envelopped by the blackberry shy tartness, but doesn't really tick my fancy, regardless how hard i try. ☹️
