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Everything posted by theredkilt

  1. theredkilt

    Wild Nights – Wild Nights!

    This blend is from the family of dense chewy musky patch scents, like Crowley or Satyr. It takes some time for it to develop and it's a strong morpher. Once it dries, i get echoes of dusty red musk mingled with dry balck musk and some patch and it works very well. As time goes by, the scent gets drier - a musky spicy patch. Very elegant and will work best in the cooler months of autumn. I'm tempted to get a bottle, but i fear i won't use it up entirely, so the decant will suffice.
  2. Been wearing this for 2 days in a row and it clicked for me that it smells a lot like Lambs Wool. If you're low on these dumplings, seek Lambs Wool as an alternative.
  3. theredkilt

    Insatiable Woman

    The opening is not for the faint hearted. It takes around 30 min for the funkiness to calm down. In the end i get muted magnolias over a woody musky base with some distant funk echoes in the background. Proceed with caution!
  4. theredkilt

    Honey, Green Tea, and Khus

    The start was so promising and the 3 notes worked so well, untill the drydown decided to stand me up. Not sure what I'm smelling here, but it doesn't resemble any of the 3 notes. Bummer 😕
  5. theredkilt

    Honey and Ylang Ylang

    The opening is giving me full on white floral ambush, a bit indolic and dense. The floral part smells more like honeysuckle. As it wears off, the ylang comes out, but surprisingly ends smelling like white soft chrysanthemum petals. I will keep my decant and test it in the fall.
  6. theredkilt

    Penis Penetrating a Vagina in a Pickle Barrel

    This is very short lived on my skin. It's a blast of everything lemon in a refreshing way. The opening reminds me a lot of Kumiho. If you have Kumiho, you won't need this blend.
  7. theredkilt

    Sparrows in Flight

    Two year later, it's a smoky dense tart peach oud. I get an element of fuel viscosity that envelops the entire concoction with a tart peach bow on top of it.
  8. theredkilt


    The vanilla mint stomps over every other note here. Once the mint goes away, it turns into a soft fluffy cloud of sweetness, pulling in together the remaining notes, minus the red currant.
  9. theredkilt

    Masculine orris

    Old Moon 2022 ?
  10. theredkilt


    Bast on my skin reads as a brown colored version of Morocco. By brown colored i mean that it takes a more gourmand facet, but ultimately dries down to more a meatier version of Morocco.
  11. theredkilt

    Sugar Plum Snow White

    More Snow Plum forward. The Snow White is almost muted. After some time, i get a plummy sweet floral, with the Snow White note echoing distantly in the background.
  12. theredkilt

    Sugar Plum Goblin

    This iteration of Goblin smoothes out the gnarly patchouli note and amps up the sweet notes, yet it doesn't smell plummy at all. If you wanted a sweeter Goblin, this one is for you.
  13. theredkilt

    Crystal Gazers

    I get lemongrass on my skin, but it's not listed as a note and I don't like the lemongrass note mingled with resins or musks. I'm no longer excited for what's to come. Little by little the lemongrass note goes away and I'm a left with a clean frankincense dry down.
  14. theredkilt

    Hildegard’s Cakes of Joy

    Freshly applied, i get a whiff of ammonia. Usually wine notes do that trick on my skin. Later on, it develops a honey cake note, not as intense as Cockaigne, a bit spicy, but still maintaining the ammonia twang.
  15. theredkilt

    Gingerbread, Vetiver, and Black Tea

    Dry smoky tea leaves. Smells pleasant. No sign of the gingerbread or vetiver.
  16. theredkilt

    Dead Leaves, Blood Orange, and Dried Apricot

    The dead leaves and dried apricot combo creates this potpuri buttery vibe, which goes very slowly away, but still lingers around. This is no bueno on my skin.
  17. theredkilt

    Dead Leaves, Leather, and Pink Pepper

    This, for me, is the star of the Dead Leaves series of Halloween 2021 release. Beautiful pink pepper and leather. The leather is the same as in Black Rider. The leaves are almost muted, but they quietly assert themselves.
  18. theredkilt


    On my skin it's the Black Rider base sprinkled with the powdery (a bit funky) cocoa (akin to the Gelt cocoa note) of Bliss.
  19. theredkilt

    PSL: Pumpkin Snake Latte

    I had a very peculiar experience with PSL. In the begging i get the roasted coffee bean and then it all melds in together with the other notes. I can discern the resinous base of Snake Oil, BUT after 1 hour what i can smell on my skin is Crowley, a slightly toned down version of it, but still it is good old Crowley. I've tested PSL several times and i always end up getting the Crowley dry down. Bummer.
  20. theredkilt

    Dead Leaves, Spruce Boughs, and Ti Leaf

    I've tested this oil twice on my skin and had 2 different dry down experiences. It starts off with a strong spruce evergreen note and then slowly goes into the usual dead leaves cologne phase. The 2nd time around the spruce and ti leaf hang around longer and produce a beautiful combo conveying the image of wind blowing through spruce boughs in winter time.
  21. theredkilt

    8th Grade

    I get all time jasmine on my skin, leaning a bit indolic. There are other notes swirling around, but I can't clearly distinguish them.
  22. theredkilt

    Thirteen: LVB

    I get fruity steamed rice on my skin. This blend is a like a lottery...you can't quite predict what you gonna end up with in the end 😁
  23. A semi cold white floral with green touches. The white florals and the delicate incense notes rule here. They have a green facet and are wrapped in a veil of cold (eucalyptus leaf). The blend is suited best for summer rainy weather.
  24. theredkilt

    Baby’s First Political Campaign

    Strong burst of herbal lavender with some lipstick-like waxy touches. Little by little it turns musky. There's some really really faint sweetness in the background. Overall while the lavender becomes breezy and the ambrette seed asserts itself. I still get no sweetness out if it.
  25. theredkilt

    Dead Leaves, Peppercorn, and Pumpkins

    This is a very autumnal atmospheric scent. I smell the pumpkin rind and distant echoes of the peppercorn and muted dead leaves. The blend is a wonderful depiction of what it says on the label. Comforting, warm and enveloping.