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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by niter

  1. Imp

    Musk is the first thought I have when sniffing this decant. Surrounding the musk is a thick, creamy perfume. There is also a spicy element.



    Now I know what I was smelling! Hah! English Leather. This smells like my father. It is a great smell--perhaps manly for me.


    Mmm...wow. Thankfully the Daddy smell (I love him but don't want me or my husband, particularly, to smell like him!) went down and was replaced by the most gorgeous creamy, spicey scent I have tried. WOW.



    This remains a soft spice. It is gorgeous. It has a sweet cream note to it as well and I keep thinking of a spiced milk drink. I love it.

  2. Imp

    I smell sweet, sticky fruits and jasmine.



    All I smell is jasmine, but it is behaving on me for a change! I can see how the jasmine note works on so many people. This IS pretty, but not for me.



    I am not getting the fruits :P but I have found a jasmine that is lovely on me. However, it is not for me and my husband is not a fan so it will be off to the swaps. I am happy that there is not total lack of hope for BPAL jasmines. The only part that I did not care for about this blend is that all I could smell was jamine. Despite it working, a one note blend is kinda boring....defeats the purpose of me trying BPAL. Pity my skin makes jasmine so strong because there is great sounding stuff in this blend.

  3. Imp

    Mmm. This is thick caramel wrapped up in creamy spices and sugars. This almost might be too sweet to wear but it is sooo foody yum.



    Awwww. The foody yum is way strong on my wrist and then something smells a bit off. Almost smokey...yet plastic. Overall, though, this is still fun!


    After a few minutes, a typical coconut smell comes out. The blend rapidly becomes sun tan lotion on me. It smells great, but not something I look for in a perfume.


    After more time passes, I start to get the edge of an insence type of smell. The way this blend changes on me is fancinating.





    This morphed into a spicy insence with subtle suntan lotion hints. It smells great, but not the type of scent I would wear regularly. It was quite fun to try out though!

  4. Imp

    Apple is the forerunning note and is quicly followed by a thicker (cream or resin) note and darker toned spices. It is quite pretty.



    The apple note is the first and last note I smell when trying this. In the middle of the "sniff" is that darker thick scent. A big fan of the Hesperides, I am trying to figure out if I like this or not. Something is so gorgeous about this scent yet it does not seem to fall together as beautifully as the Hesperides on my skin.



    Suprisingly, the apple settled in this blend to remain a very complementary base to the spicy notes. This is quite a lovely autumnal, harvest scent. While Hesperides smells of fresh picked fall apples and cider, this smells of spicy mulled cider. I found that Hesperides is more all season for me but I am not letting this one go because it is GORGEOUS. I MUST get a bottle for next fall.


    A few minutes more and the spices really start mulling the mix...it smells very warm, autumny apple.

  5. What a great freakin’ word. BPAL LOVES TEH SMUT! Three swarthy, smutty musks sweetened with sugar and woozy with dark booze notes.


    In the imp, smut has the color and intensity of Hell's Belle and Hollywood Babylon. Right out of the imp I smell something strong (it is the note I cannot place on either of the preceeding), something creamy, and something sparkling sweet.

    That one musk that I find in Hell's Belle and Hollywood Babylon is suprisingly not as strong on the skin as it is usually on me. Perhaps, the scent is tempered by the other musks (my skin does generally well with musks). This is lighter on me than in the imp and all sorts of creamy.

    My cat is circling me, sniffing deeply. Climbing all over me. She seems to like smut too.

    A bit more time and this smells like sister to Antique Lace. On me, they both have the same wonderful creamy base...but Antique Lace is the light scent and Smut is the darker scent. Almost like a vanilla ying yang. They are quite close and wonderful.

    I did smell a rich nuttyness at some point, but it was mild and quite wonderful.

    Mmmm smut. I love thee.

  6. Imp




    This is a mind twister. The lavender smells pretty but the jasmine is going very humid sweaty on me. It is gross and gorgeous at the same time. I had spilt some on my finger and had to wash it off because I was getting "sea sick" in the waves of delightful and nasty. My skin just loves both of these notes, and sadly I am not partial to one.


    The odd part is that when I did have it spilled on my finger I started falling asleep at my computer. That could also be because I am wiped out, but it was a powerful sleep draw. NO clue if it was the imp or mental fatique.

  7. I wanted to review this one very seriously, but it is impossible. On my skin this is a weaker Titania with orris. It is GORGEOUS (as is Titania). I really shouldn't keep it because Titania is the exact same but with a longer stay and stronger throw. But I love it so due to the orris.



  8. Imp

    Wow. This smells like some of the sweet, fruity wines my husband and I have purchased lately. It is glistening and lightly floral. Beautiful.



    Mmmm. Pear just works on me so very well. It is sweet, wet, and yet soft. I hope the rose does not rise to dominate because this is such a lovely blend thus far.


    A few minutes in, the magnolia gets a bit strong on me but it is still balanced by the pear.



    This softened to a very delicate floral version of Titania. It is gorgeous. The only reason I am letting this go is because I have Titania and several florals currently.

  9. Imp

    This is gorgeous and nocturnal. Very clean, very fresh, and very glowing white in the moonlight.



    Soft, wet rose glistening in the moonlight. It is very soft and just a touch soapy--but not icky soapy rose, but more just a clean scent. It is very soft and feminine.



    Dry, this is such a different rose one would almost not call it rose. It is delicate and the moonflower is very complementary. Together they are ethereal. This is a very nocturnal blend and utterly breathtaking. I am not sure if I want to let this go just yet.

  10. Imp

    Spicy, dark rose. There is a bitter quality to the rose scent.



    The frankincense is the most powerful note and it is well complimented by the rose. The other floral scents just blend gently to taper the note of the rose off gently. Wet, this smells very well rounded and feminine woodsy.



    Upon the dry down, the rose scent peaked and turned a bit soapy on me. Roses tend to do that. However, this is a fantastic rose based blend and very tempting to keep. I just have so many options going right now or I would....for any rose lover, this is a must try.

  11. Imp

    Sweet orange, creamy sandalwood, and sweet honey. This smells better than I remember it to be when I first tried it months ago.



    Sticky honey and something else that I am not too keen on. It is creamy, yet making my stomach sour. It has started out pretty, but is going rancid on me. :P


    A few more minutes in and the rose starts moving in.



    This is really weird and I wished my old review was still here (perhaps I did not post it correctly as it was in my early forum days). The honey note is making my tummy turn and I have to wash it off. I don't remember it being something bad when I first tried it, just not something I wanted to hold on to in light of other thigns---I think I might have even liked it. Odd. Well, I let it go then and I am letting it go now.

  12. Imp

    Sweetened ylang ylang mixed with soft floral notes.



    Ylang ylang is very strong on me and this is no exception. There are some rather heady florals as well and the mix is somewhat minty(?) medicinal--though not herbal medicinal. I am also getting a plasticky touch.


    The neroli is quite pretty and the blend seems bright on my wrist and not at all dark. The patchouli is hiding so far--hopefully beaten into submission :P


    Ack! The patchouli just snuck up and it is nasty. Ylang ylang does not like sharing the skin with anybody else that dominates and then the neroli is going from pretty to pretty funky on me. Pout. Go away patchouli.



    This got really soapy on me. The patchouli keep trying to come back in but on my skin ylang ylan and patchouli are each to dominate to mix and mingle in a friendly way. I can see why some find this really pretty (it started out so suprisingly) but my skin chemistry is not working with it. Pity because behind the soapy/powder and being the patchouli/ylang ylang battle there are some really amazing scents begging me to love them (and I do). I just don't vibe with the entire blend. :D

  13. Imp

    Dark, wet spices over a sexy masculine floral base.



    Wet, the notes are the same except I can smell the delicious myrrh. I already know this whole blend is not for me but I am rushing over to swab it on my husband. This is ridiculously sexy for a man. MMM.



    This dries down a bit softer, sexier. The myrrh was stronger on me than on my husband and overall it is a sexy man scent. Too bad for him for feeling it did not suit him. Too bad for me too, I guess.

  14. Imp

    Cough! Wow, that is very smoky and extremely woodsy spicy. This is patchouli on crack but smells love a wonderful forresty scent. I do really enjoy patchouli based scents for rooms but not for me. This one is might strong, manly.



    Cripes. This makes my eyes water. Part of me feels this is exquisite for capturing the essense of outdoors and crackling fires....but then there is a big part of me that is too girly. This smells like cracked leather hides being worn by a grizzled, sweaty blacksmith over his fire.


    At this stage, the throw is very powerful. Far from my nose, it smells like my hair has been around too many campfires and drawn up all the smoke.



    While drying down, I swashed it over the hubby and it is way toned down on him. It suits his body and makes the dirty, sweaty man into something sexy like Aragon. It is not for him either, but I will say it is a much sexier scent on a man. After a bit of time, his skin actual ATE the scent up. WOW.


    He agreed it smelt like campfires on me. And like campfires in my hair, I love the scent but I still wash it out of my hair.

  15. Bottle

    Dark cocoa powder with strong orange. It is *very* chocolate.



    The chocolate smell persists and is reminicent of bliss, but with an orange note. Just like the pumpkin patches remind me of variations on jack (for the one I have tried), this is like a sexier, darker bliss.


    This also reminds me heavily of LUSH heavenly bodies. It is hard to explain the scent when I keep thinking that heavenly bodies is very similar--but 13 is far better.



    The first few times I wore this, I got distracted by the end. The throw changes as I wear it. Dry it is very soft and sweet. I think this is due to the honey and the iris.


    The last time I wore this, the softer dry scent persisted longer. Mmmmm. What a gorgeous blend. It is decanden, sexy, and bold and dries down soft, sweet, and fantastically feminine.

  16. Imp

    Creamy, spicey, with a woodsy and darker musk twinge. I also get a small sweet, perfumey note. There is something familar.



    Ah. Patchouli. Behave. So far so good. Shaking fist. Tone down. Please.



    The patchouli has settled the stingiest smidge possible but my skin also has the propensity to amp sandalwood so it is a creamy patchouli. I *love* the scent, yet it might be too instense for me to wear.


    It is fantatically spicy and creamy but I am not getting the sweet I smelt in the imp. My husband did find it very sexy.

  17. Imp

    Holey moley! This is pretty all around. The carnation is fresh with a good throw and the other notes twinkle along side of it. This DOES remind me heavily of Ruby Red Slippers from LUSH (the potion scent) but better :P


    Yes, far, far better.



    Upon first application, the notes are pleasant with an intense throw. I am swimming in gorgeous carnation floral mix. Gorgeous!


    I catch a bit of spice too.




    Breathtaking. It is all mine. Hee heee hee.

  18. Imp

    This is very green and fresh. It shares the same coolness with a flower shop...cool, damp, fresh.



    Wet, fresh rose. This is well blended with the tea, toning it down. I do not detect the carnation yet I hope this keeps the rose note at bay. I love rose but not an overwhelmingly rose.



    This is all rose. It is very strong, but such a pretty rose. It has a cleaness to it and almost a spice to it. This is very reminscent of the vintage rose scents of Crabtree and Evelyn. Gorgeous.

  19. Imp

    From the imp, this is a soft, powdery floral. I can pick out the tuberose and carnation out fairly well. The blend smell quite pretty.



    Across the skin, this smells creamy and slightly warm. I know this is a floral note that I have smelt before. The blend either quickly overloads my senses or it is extremely light. Not that it matters because this wisped away on me. I can smell it, but it smells as if 5 hours have passed already.



    The throw on this is still quite weak. It is very pretty, but not a blend I prefer in light of other BPAL. If you want a very well blended and delicate floral, this one is for you.

  20. Imp

    The notes out of the imp have a strong, astringent "bite" to them. It is evervescent and clean, but nippy!



    Upon my skin, the sharpness is a bit mellowed and the blend smells alcoholic. I do not know enough of absinthe to say, "hey that's it," so this could be it. This is very fresh and tangy! It tickles my nose and makes me smile!


    As this dries, it begins to dance on my wrist mixing itself. It is herbal. It is zesty. It has a sugar sweet side. There is a light musk aspect to it. Way deep in the blend is a subtle, but rich, creamy note.



    As this dries, the herbal, woodsy note dominates and I finally smell some anise. The creamy note is still hiding in the bottom and I really wished it got strong. This is a sublime blend, even if not for me (but the only reason it is not for me is because I know of other BPALs I love more).


    Ooh rephrase that. The creamy note is getting stronger and it is very reminscent of Antique Lace. Wow.


    Now, a few hours in, it is becoming quite soft. I am torn...this end up even prettier than I expected just when I was about to hit "post." Do I keep, do I swap....??

  21. Imp

    This smells like a spill in my kitchen. First something strong mixed with pepper dashed over milk or cream. My impression is foody, yet a clash of two dominate food notes.



    The milk/cream scent is unnerving. It throws me for such a suprise. I do not really smell much more other than creamy and soft, hidden ginger.


    I have tried tea scents before from BPAL, but this one is far much stronger and far much darker.




    I did not make it this far. I had this on for about 10 minutes before I had to wash it off. When I first received the imp, something in it made me feel sick. I WAS sick so I shrugged it off. I have been feeling like I am going to vomit for the last 10 minutes and it is from the smell.


    This does not agree with me at all. Pity because it sounded so good.

  22. Imp

    The oil in this imp is among the most golden colored oils that I have seen from the lab to date. I am picking up something thicker scent that keeps changing each time I try to figure out what it is. Amber? Lotus? Myrrh? There is also a resiny/citrus note that is faintly there.



    The thick smells is quite unique to me, yet familar. Instead of a new note, I feel like this is something I know blending differently than I have tried before. On my wrist this is thick, a smokey inscense spice, and has the brightness of lemon. The lemon is borderline furniture polish, but the thick spice and a subtle sweetness are keeping it in line now.



    I am almost certain I smell some take on myrrh. This is a very pretty, exotic blend yet I have other myrrh that are more my personality. For anyone who tends to like a thicker, smoky blend I would highly suggest you try this. The lemon stays in the nature of true lemon on my skin, but it settles down and plays nice with the resin scents.

  23. Imp

    Jeepers, now that is a complex first impression--intense! It changed over the course of one breath in so I will do my best to describe it.


    At first, there is a tropical(?) exotic floral note that is not like the typical airy floral but some thick, heady, and strong. The thickness turns almost to cream or resin and then the after note is a twinge of sweet citrus.


    Things should not be allowed to smell this[/b] good! :P



    On my skin, the creamy note permeates my nose first. Trailing up with it is the mystery floral note and the sweet citrus. This makes me feel exotic, Amazonian, and sexy. There is something light in this, almost like an anoited sacrificial virgin. There is also some sort of spice, inscence, or ashy type smoke.


    The more I wait, the closer I am to licking my arm. This is fucking gorgeous.


    Must. Stop. Smelling. Myself.




    If this was a religion, I would be a convert. There are no words to describe how much I adore this scent. It has immediately jumped into my top circle of favorites and I am not sure if the next moon is soon enough (I am also sitting on my hands to avoid ordering Antique Lace). The scent stayed thick, powerful, and just as sexy when I put it on.


    I am trying to figure out what the scents are...I supose the floral is what plumeria really smells like since my only experience with it was the Bath and Body plumera....the citrus perhaps is from the copal as I saw that copal oil is "lemonny" but then what of the cream? Copal is a resin, younger than Amber, but it is consistently described as citrusy.

  24. Imp

    Amazing! Tart berries in forrest bed. The smell is very green, wet, and outdoorsy. Gorgeous! Something smells almost peppery, but very natural.



    Wet, this smells just as strong and glorious as in the imp. I guess this is the smell of heather. This is gorgeous stuff.



    Dry this smells the SAME but lighter (I have never had a scent that does not change!). I LOVE this. It smells the way a lovely summer night does.


