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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. .@MittRomney You're a sad little man without a soul, Governor. Having a fake "storm relief" is about as low as you can get. Shame on you.

  2. The numbers look pretty good for Obama, kaynahorah, but folks, DON'T let it stop you from voting on Tuesday. #GOTV #vote

  3. Clotilde and Toast rest after their major storm cleanup efforts: http://t.co/Ny1unSnI

  4. Verdict is in: Bush's FEMA Director Michael "Heckuva Job" Brown is officially a fucking idiot: http://t.co/FEa3ERM4

  5. .@FactBoook Um, no. That's a *part* of Queens -- Breezy Point . Most of Queens is fine. Please stop spreading misinformation.

  6. .@JohnVaillant The other night, @RonHogan and I thought of you while we watched the PBS Nature show on Siberian Tigers.

  7. Trying to work at home. Having no luck whatsoever, as its rather hard to concentrate. Should be an interesting week. #fb

  8. .@Gateau Obviously, they haven't been reading Twitter. If they had been, they'd know they should be running in circles going, "AAAAAAHHH!!!"

  9. Would someone please deliver a cake to my office? I need cake. Thank yew. #fb

  10. Everyone who's going out of state for Election Day -- PLEASE remember to vote by absentee ballot. #Obama2012 #fb

  11. .@PaulRyanVP Which is exactly why most of them are voting for #Obama.

  12. Beautifully written endorsement of Obama from The New Yorker (h/t @WBrain70): http://t.co/RHQRRWqN

  13. Women: this election will turn on our votes. Please make sure you vote, and encourage all women you know to do so, too. #obama2012

  14. I just realized we're GenX compatriots! Yay -- honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm the oldest one here (I'm actually a little older than you.)

  15. MT @JohnMc_Lpool: As I've often said, our AD1 motto on some weeks: "Don't get it right, just get it written" -- James Thurber quotes”

  16. I've always had a fair amount of trust in my countrymen that when it came right down to it, they'd do the right thing. I don't anymore. #fb

  17. Right on. Right fucking on. This one is definitely a must-read. http://t.co/YD4hmkO0

  18. .@jenniferweiner @sarahdessen: @andrewrgoldman blocked me ages ago when I called him on his odious Terri Gross intrvw. I'm in good company!

  19. Hm. @andrewrgoldman seems to get "misrepresented" and misunderstood by women an awful lot. I wonder why?

  20. That goddamned Vonage ad with the weird Stepford people makes me dive for my remote, and they show it every six seconds. BASTA, BABY, BASTA!

  21. Just ordered fuchsia shoes with a four-inch heel. #midlifecrisis

  22. That sort of thing is right up there with "women are nurturing"-- nothing but another side of the sexism coin.

  23. Felt pretty bad about having annoying cats, until co-worker told me about her sociopathic guinea pig. That is some scary shit right there.
