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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. When even Bobby Jindal says you're full of shit, you'd better check yourself: http://t.co/BNG0ORP0

  2. What in the hell is going on in Wisconsin lately? http://t.co/dr4G5MpA

  3. So, um, why exactly are people surprised by the fact that Romney is acting like a petulant toddler? You expected anything else?

  4. Colleague walked in and caught me eating Spekuloos out of the jar with my finger. May have to quit job now.

  5. God bless Jimmy Carter and his family, is all I really have to say.

  6. Oh good god, only a week after the election and I have to go on news blackout again already?

  7. Which means that @RonHogan will turn on all the lights and I'll say, "What is this, Diwali?" And he'll say, "Yes!" @rakeshsatyal

  8. Great piece by Frank Rich on GOP's "estrangement from reality": http://t.co/QlPaCGpI (h/t @fsquared)

  9. Of all the cats in the world, why on earth did I have to get one of the few who has object permanence? #fb

  10. It's pretty hilarious that after November 6, the Right continues to accuse the "libs" of "twisting the truth like a pretzel." #chuckwoolery

  11. Finally electoral vote tally: 332-206. See, Nate Silver really was wrong!

  12. So, does Karl Rove know that the entire country is busy laughing its ass off at him? #fb

  13. .@CardinalDolan I'll offer a prayer of thanks that America voted for a President whose policies will help care for them. #FEMA #the47percent

  14. .@vicjackshow Poor dear, aren't you over being all butthurt yet?

  15. Wow, Romney acting like a spoiled child with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. Who would have guessed? #fb

  16. Everyone in lobby of Cleveland Doubletree SO EXCITED. Incredible, and so grateful I could be part of it.

  17. Nate Silver's predictions only mean anything if people actually vote. So please, vote! No complacency! #GOTV #getoutandvote #fb

  18. If . . . united we stand & divided we fall, America will come crashing down should Mitt Romney be elected president. http://t.co/KYaYM5bD

  19. Thank you, Holland! MT “@CoryBooker: 40 Marathon runners from Amsterdam just called to volunteer. They're not running so they want to help."

  20. Music playing over PA system at LGA: "Ohio" by The Pretenders. Must be a sign, although of what I'm not sure.

  21. Props to Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and his excellent staff. They're always caring and responsive to their constituents.

  22. New York folks: please, any guesses on how easy or difficult it will be to get a cab to LaGuardia tomorrow morning from Woodside Queens?

  23. I think the entire nation owes @RalphGilles a sincere "thank you" for his tweet to the vile @realdonaldtrump. So I'll start: Thank you!

  24. There some guy on Twitter, won't name him, who keeps calling Bloomberg "you Communist." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ::keeling over::
