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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Even Peter Travers hated "New Year's Eve"? Boy, it must *really* suck.

  2. Every channel on my TV is fine, except for the one I want to watch. And that channel is fine in the other room. What the hell, @TWC_Help?

  3. Every time @RonHogan and I go to a restaurant, we order something on the menu weird enough that the server tries to talk us out of it.

  4. Every time I hear Lizst, I think of Roger Daltrey. Fuck you, Ken Russell.

  5. Every time I see Napoleon Dynamite again, I am reminded that it's the greatest movie ever made. #fb

  6. Everyone can skip this except for@RonHogan, who'd better look: Chew on this, if you want to live (via @Upworthy) http://t.co/EHWr1t2Zr3

  7. Everyone in lobby of Cleveland Doubletree SO EXCITED. Incredible, and so grateful I could be part of it.

  8. Everyone who's going out of state for Election Day -- PLEASE remember to vote by absentee ballot. #Obama2012 #fb

  9. Excellent piece by Amanda Marcotte: It’s Really Time for the Harassment to End http://t.co/sP4sNjQE via @Onswipe

  10. Excellent post by Josh Getzler on social media and the Horace Mann story: http://t.co/315ygdD0 #fb

  11. Feeling pretty demoralized at the state of the world's tangerine supply.

  12. Felt pretty bad about having annoying cats, until co-worker told me about her sociopathic guinea pig. That is some scary shit right there.

  13. File under stopped clock twice a day, but: “@NYPostOpinion: Solitary confinement's ugly toll (Op-Ed/George F. Will) http://t.co/JGWz67YJ9V”

  14. Finally electoral vote tally: 332-206. See, Nate Silver really was wrong!

  15. First IFC, now Ovation. What will be the next decent, watchable cable channel to turn into complete crap?

  16. Flap copy rules from Daniel Menaker: http://t.co/Y9hxw4Ru

  17. For 12 years Battle Royale had no US distributor. Then people decided that if white teens could kill each other, Japanese ones could too.

  18. For the record, I still think, apparently contrary to everyone else in the world save Stephen King, that The Shining is a pretty crap film.

  19. Former poet laureate Robert Hass is beaten by police at UC Davis: http://t.co/66FWNVcq

  20. Frankly, I think @WQXR should just go ahead and become The All Bach Station. I'll be sad when the Bachfest is over.

  21. Frankly, I think some of the works left off this list are pretty weird. "Tree Grows in Brooklyn" too mature? Wha? http://t.co/1CUNj0h0

  22. Fred Thompson endorsed Newt? Is this some sort of prank or something? #fb

  23. Goats, dudes! Goats at the airport! Meet O’Hare Airport’s New Tenants: A Herd of Goats (VIDEO) http://t.co/EZY3IpXANH

  24. God bless Jimmy Carter and his family, is all I really have to say.

  25. Good article by Andrew Leonard; remind me to cross the street if I ever see "Qworty." "Wikipedia’s Shame" http://t.co/15CoGj4XSd via @Salon
