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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Confession: I like doing DIY projects because I get to say "Lefty loosey, righty tighty" without sounding too stupid.

  2. Could someone explain to me why anyone gives a flying fuck whether Beyoncé lip-synced or didn't? Serious question.

  3. Could someone give me one good reason that this prick Chris Brown isn't shunned by everyone in civilized society? http://t.co/mGHb3qpPKg

  4. Could someone please remind me not to shop at H&M again, ever?

  5. Curtis Luciani has the best take I've read yet on the Daniel Tosh "joke." Funny and dead on. http://t.co/CcK2z2iq

  6. Cutest dog ever on the 7 train: http://t.co/47iweuvk

  7. Darn liberal media! RT @thinkprogress TV reports omit S&P criticism of GOP for intransigence on tax increases http://thkpr.gs/nTxDkA

  8. Dear Henry Alford, I love you v v much. I would like to send you a bag of potato chips.

  9. Dear internet, Please stop with all the animated .gifs. Enough is enough. Thanks.

  10. Dear internet: "Bullying" is not synonymous with "speaking sharply" or "making a pointed comment that an opponent dislikes." Look it up.

  11. Dear me. RT @NY1headlines: Opossum Spotted On Manhattan-Bound D Train http://t.co/2MK3My6E

  12. Dear MTA: I know his may come as a shock, but people do have to sometimes get around the city on Sundays. On the N train, even.

  13. Dear Rick Santorum: Sucks to have no social capital, doesn't it?

  14. Dear World: "Sociopath" and "Narcissist" are not synonyms for "People I don't like." They're terms of art. Thanks.

  15. Dear World: while you're shutting up about Beyoncé, can you also STFU already about Manti Te'o? BASTA, ALREADY.

  16. Did anyone in the Flatiron just feel an earthquake? My colleagues and I did.

  17. Does anyone out there use 1password? Would you recommend it?

  18. Doesn't dropping the mic damage some fairly expensive electronic equipment?

  19. Doing color commentary for the Puppy Bowl must be the best job EVER. #PuppyBowl

  20. Dude next to me on the bus is all up himself, but uses his index finger to poke out emails on his iPhone.

  21. Dude on New Jersey Transit bus whistling "Colonel Bogey's March." Although he probably thinks of it as the "Comet It Makes you Vomit" song.

  22. Dude on the 7 train is drinking a bottle of Scope. Seriously, drinking a bottle of Scope. A travel-size bottle, but still.

  23. Eugenie Kaye is my new favorite person: http://t.co/JaHPrttHLQ

  24. Even good looking men look pretty goofy in tuxedos, really.
