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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by holborne

  1. Anything to do with William Shatner: BASTA, BABY, BASTA!! Really, I think the William Shatner pop culture thing was wrung dry in about 1986.

  2. Apologies to @WE; I meant @WEtv.

  3. Are pants optional at Whole Foods TriBeCa? Because I just saw a lady not wearing any.

  4. Around one out of every three people I see reading on the subway is reading "Fifty Shades of Grey." what else can I say but "Oy."

  5. As I said, this may be Rush Limbaugh's Army-McCarthy moment: http://t.co/ZO3tAAJp #HateRadio

  6. As though we needed another reason to love him, Alan Moore takes on Frank Miller: http://t.co/d8HwpwGi

  7. Ate a deformed apple. Now feel kind of demoralized.

  8. Aw, RIP Harry Morgan.

  9. Back from seeing Miike's "Hara-Kiri" @IFCCenter. Very fine film indeed, if pretty intense in spots. Go see it!

  10. Beautifully written endorsement of Obama from The New Yorker (h/t @WBrain70): http://t.co/RHQRRWqN

  11. Bought fruit candies from fruit candy selling kids on the 4. One of them asked me where I got my shoes. Not sure how to interpret all this.

  12. Btw, the comments to @andrewrgoldman's Terry Gross interview show I'm not the only one who thought his interview was sexist and shallow.

  13. Can someone help me figure out why I can't get multiple sign-in to stay on in Gmail? Works fine at the office, but not at home in Firefox.

  14. Can we just go ahead and give everyone in the world a reality show, please? May as well get it over with.

  15. Charles Blow asks, "Where's the Outrage?" It's a good question. http://t.co/yRFVDKiV

  16. Charles Blow gets it precisely correct in his column on the bus monitor bullying video. (h/t @rlux) http://t.co/E9UuLaN0

  17. Charlie Brown, Tear Down This Wall #RejectedPeanutsSpecials

  18. Charming. RT @dravazed: Ultra-orthodox men verbally attack woman on Israel public bus http://t.co/E1Bu7i83

  19. Chris Hedges calls out Kevin O'Leary for his snide condescension and name-calling re Occupy Wall Street protestors http://t.co/bTb9rrYp #OWS

  20. Clotilde and Ron watch the original House of Cards on Netflix. http://t.co/FLlgGnV1

  21. Clotilde and Toast rest after their major storm cleanup efforts: http://t.co/Ny1unSnI

  22. Colleague walked in and caught me eating Spekuloos out of the jar with my finger. May have to quit job now.
